Chapter 532 Fight!
That Dragon Lord brought a lot of money, and Zhang Yange was given a lot of money in the end.

He took his daughter and rented a small courtyard in the town.

Having been in the White Snake World for such a long time, Zhang Yange is not used to staying in an inn anymore.The woman rescued by Zhang Yange was named Feng Yuan, and it could be seen that she was very satisfied with this small courtyard.

The small courtyard has a garden, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and there are toilets and stables in the backyard.

Zhang Yange gave her the deed of renting the house.

Feng Yuan understood that Zhang Yange would not stay here for long.

This woman is quite knowledgeable. Whenever she had time these days, she went to wander around the town, and finally started to do some embroidery for others.

Zhang Yange didn't understand these things, but it seemed that the embroidery work was all about ingenuity.The next day he taught the woman a set of movements to move her fingers.

After Feng Yuan learned it, he looked at Zhang Yange and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes." Zhang Yange saw that she had completely adapted to life here, so there was no need for him to stay.

There are so many wonderful things in this immortal world, he still wants to see them.

"Thank you very much!" Feng Yuan knelt down and kowtowed to Zhang Yange three times.

Zhang Yange helped her up, "I bought this small courtyard, and I will give you the deed later. If you keep practicing the fingering method I taught you, not only will you be able to flex your fingers, but you will also be able to exercise your spirit."

The woman was grateful and wanted to bow again, Zhang Yange continued to ask, "That painting should be a Taoist artifact! But basically it was almost destroyed.

But even then it's worth..."

Feng Yuan smiled and shook his head, "No matter how precious that painting is, it's not as good as your affection for me."

Zhang Yange had a straightforward temperament, but this time he still told the woman the value of the preaching device.

The magic treasures in the world of immortality are divided into magic weapon, spiritual weapon, treasure weapon, Tao weapon, immortal weapon, and divine weapon.

The map of Huangquan that Fang Han started with is a Taoist weapon, but it is also damaged.

Feng Yuan finally understood the true value of this painting.

Zhang Yange put the painting in her hands, "I didn't rely on these things to get here. If you regret it, I will help you hide the aura of this thing..."

Feng Yuan directly interrupted Zhang Yange, and she handed him the painting with both hands.

"It would be great if there were more people like you in this world." She thought of the family who died because of this painting. "This painting is yours."

Seeing that she didn't hesitate, Zhang Yange gave her a picture he had written.

"Hanging this painting at home can suppress evil spirits."

The woman solemnly accepted Zhang Yange's words.

Zhang Yange left early the next morning. Later, Feng Yuan earned a lot of money because of her outstanding embroidery work, and Qianlong Kingdom even regarded her embroidery as a tribute.

Later, she established her own chamber of commerce, and finally died.

When she died, her family buried her with a painting.

After leaving Fengyuan, Zhang Yange first inquired about the location of Qingyu Sword Sect.

Zhang Yange looked at the painting on the way, and he felt that his luck would never lose to Fang Han.

When he first arrived, he got a damaged Taoist artifact, and Zhang Yange felt that he had made a good start.

Although this Qingyu Sword Sect is nothing in the eyes of Tai Yimen, it is still quite famous in Qianlong Country.So Zhang Yange inquired about its location from the mouths of several Jianghu people.

Qingyu Mountain, five hundred miles away from the town, is the dojo of Qingyu Sword Sect.

Along the way, Zhang Yange also kept an eye on the members of the Taiyi Sect.

But I seem to be regarded as a small fish and shrimp by others, and until now the Taiyi Sect has not found me.But on second thought, maybe it was because he killed small fish and shrimp.

Since going back last time, those disciples of the Qingyu Sword Sect have lost their breath.

They have seen the behavior of disciples of the ten sects of Immortal Dao.

I also understand that they have always thought that they are disciples of the immortal sect, and they are nothing in the eyes of others.

The head of the Qingyu Sword Sect is called Chu Qing!
Relying on his sapphire swordsmanship back then, he also gained a lot of fame in Qianlong Kingdom, but he was still unable to enter the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, and he could only stay in Qianlong Kingdom for the last life.

After Chu Qing listened to Qin Lan's report, his brows never loosened.

"What did that man do to the three disciples of the Supreme One Sect?" Chu Qing asked.

"Kill it!" Qin Lan was seasoned.

She turned around to look again later, and witnessed Zhang Yange punching the three physical secret realms into powder.

"Tai Yimen can't be offended." Chu Qing couldn't help but said. "Let you kill a Dragon Lord, how can you cause such a big trouble!"

"Master, blame me for this matter." Chu Hongling said hastily.

"Master, it's the first time junior sister goes down the mountain, the main responsibility is because of me." Qin Lan took the initiative.

"Enough! What's the use of me just killing you!" Chu Qing said impatiently. "What needs to be solved now is the troubles of the Taiyi Sect. Why has the person who killed the Taiyi Sect remained silent until now?"

"I heard that it was a fight between the disciples of Taiyi Sect and the disciples of Linglong Paradise. At that time, they even fought against the Mysterious Ability Secret Realm." Qin Lan said hastily.

Chu Hongling admired her senior from the bottom of her heart. They all wanted to go back to the mountain gate quickly, but she asked everyone to stay and inquire about the movements of the Taiyi Gate.

"Linglong Blessed Land! That is also one of the ten sects of the Immortal Dao. The head of the sect is Linglong Immortal Venerable, not me!" Chu Qing said helplessly.

"Go down! Hong Ling shuts herself up and thinks about her mistakes during this time."

"Yes! Sect Leader." Chu Hongling knew that she had caused such a big trouble, but it was already easy for her to think about her mistakes behind closed doors.

When the disciples left, Qin Lan was left behind.

Chu Qing took out an ancient book from her bosom, this is the unique skill of the Qingyu Sword Sect, the Qingyu Sword Art!

"I'll give you one night to write down the contents of the book, and then go down the mountain with Hongling." Chu Qing said with a wry smile.

"Master, why are you here?"

"Why is this?" Chu Qing smiled miserably, "You have never seen the dominance of the Taiyi Sect."

"They are decent..."

"Famous and decent?" Chu Qing shook his head, "This is a word of contention in the practice world!

Opportunities are up for grabs!Cheats are up for grabs!Magic weapon to fight!

How to become a fairy without arguing!Will a disciple trained in this way reason with you? "

Not far away, Zhang Yange was standing on a tree and could hear it clearly.

Originally, he wanted to show up, but he decided to wait and see.

Several disciples of the Qingyu Sword Sect came to Chu Qing to say goodbye that night. They were all disciples of handymen.

"Go." Chu Qing waved her hand in a moody way. "Tell those who want to go, go!"

Overnight, only Qin Lan and Chu Hongling stayed behind.

"You two are obedient, if you don't leave my Qingyu Sword Sect's inheritance, won't it be broken." Chu Qing said.

Outside Qingyu Mountain, when those disciples went down the mountain, they saw a thatched cottage.They clearly remembered that there was no such room here before.

But now everything about Qingyu Jianzong has nothing to do with them.

 The third more...

(End of this chapter)

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