Chapter 467

Wang Yuntian is a burly old man.

He had eight adopted sons, seven of whom were killed by him this time.The remaining one agreed to rebel with him and survived.

Wang Yuntian's half-step immortal strength, he ranked seventh among the top ten masters in the world, and people in the world gave him the nickname Yibo Yuntian!
He, Wang Yuntian, really has little righteousness and no sense of loyalty!
"Master, Holy Mother, who is that sacred song?" Wang Yuntian asked.

"His strength is very strong, he should be a human immortal." Wu Sheng's old mother said. "The most important thing is that he fought Su Taibai!"

"Oh? He won?"

"I don't know the outcome." Wu Sheng's old mother said. "But it's enough to take him seriously."

"Let's go quickly, don't let Zhang Yange take away the things in the formation." Wusheng old mother said.

"He didn't break the talisman, how could he activate the big formation?" Long Tian sneered.

"There are many ways to open the big formation, not just breaking the talisman." Wu Sheng's old mother explained to Long Tian. "Last time I activated Qiantang County's formation to use that broken talisman.

This time, the blood sword was sacrificed to break the formation. "

"Let's go!" Long Tian waved his hand, and everyone set off.

After arriving in Liaodong, what caught the eye was the vast expanse of white snow.The three of them had already been exposed to cold and heat, but Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were both wearing thick padded jackets.

After Liaodong today, Xiaoqing has to sleep for a while every day to regain energy.

Zhang Yange asked with a smile, "Is this hibernation?"

Xiaoqing made a face at him, but Bai Suzhen said seriously, "There's something wrong with this snow."

Zhang Yange took a serious look, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

Bai Suzhen thought for a while and said, "I can't say, but I always feel that the snow is too cold."

Er Snake felt that as long as he was closer to Zhang Yange, it would not be so cold.Zhang Yange took a look at the map, "We're probably going to spend the night in the mountains today."

"Ah..." Xiaoqing yawned.

she's sleepy...

Zhang Yange led them for ten miles and saw a wooden house.

There is no one in the wooden house, but there are rice, bacon, and water.

"This is?" Bai Suzhen asked puzzled.

"This should be the house where the visitors from the mountain entered the mountain." Zhang Yange checked the house and lit a bonfire.

After a while, it snowed heavily outside, Xiao Qing lazily leaned against Zhang Yange and fell asleep.Zhang Yange went out of his mind, and bought a lot of food from hundreds of miles away.

Bai Suzhen asked in confusion, "Why don't you use these?"

"This is for emergency use. We don't need to eat, so there is no need to eat their food." Zhang Yange took out a hot fat chicken.

"Besides, I don't want to eat these guys' food."

"Why?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"These tourists and gold diggers are by no means good people. If the world is peaceful, they will go to the mountains to collect gold and ginseng. If the world is in chaos, or they meet lonely pedestrians.

They will become the beards of murder and robbery. "Zhang Yange almost suffered from them once in Yitian World, so he still remembers it fresh.

Zhang Yange gave Bai Suzhen a chicken leg, and Xiaoqing opened her eyes when she smelled the chicken.Zhang Yange gave her one, and she could keep one eye open, close it and go to sleep after eating the chicken leg.

Zhang Yange had never seen this kind of ability.

The wind outside was getting louder, Zhang Yange said to Bai Suzhen, "Tomorrow we will arrive at the location recorded on the map, you two should be careful then."

"Well, do you know who followed us?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"I guess it's the guys from the White Lotus Sect. They were scared of being beaten by Su Taibai, but they seem to think that I'm easy to bully." Zhang Yange took a bite of the chicken wing.

Long Tian, ​​Wusheng Old Mother, and Wang Yuntian were not affected by the wind and snow at all, but the strength of others was not enough.

Even though they were wearing fox fur coats, they were still shivering from the cold.Wang Yuntian's only adopted son felt that he was about to freeze to death, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Before entering the mountain, someone recited a few words that the weather was too cold, and was directly killed by Wang Yuntian.

He didn't think that his adoptive father would be reluctant to kill him.Being so cold may not necessarily freeze to death, but if you dare to talk too much, you will definitely die.

Wu Sheng's old mother glanced at everyone, and said to Long Tian, ​​"Let them wait for us outside the forest."

Everyone looked at him gratefully.

Naturally, Long Tian had no intention of objecting to such a trivial matter, besides, those who can follow here now are already the elite of Bailian's remnants.It's best to keep these scumbags alive.

Wang Yuntian asked his adoptive son to lead the crowd out of the forest.

The three of them walked into the wind and snow, and Wang Yuntian asked, "Should we take the picture back directly? Or let that Zhang Yange let us explore the way first?"

"Let him go first!" Wu Sheng's old mother said without hesitation. "Don't you think this is wrong?"

Both Long Tian and Wang Yuntian looked at it carefully, then shook their heads.

"Be careful!" said Wusheng old mother.

The three of Zhang Yange were sitting in the warm wooden house, no one should come this day.

But there was still a knock on the door.

Neither Zhang Yange nor Bai Suzhen had any intention of getting up.

Xiaoqing felt noisy and planned to get up to open the door, but Zhang Yange signaled her to leave it alone.

The knock on the door became more and more urgent, and finally Xiaoqing couldn't help opening the door, but there was nothing outside.

As a result, she had just sat down when the knock on the door rang again.

Bai Suzhen looked at Zhang Yange, "It's not a ghost, it's not a demon!"

"Sister, what is this?" Xiaoqing opened the door again, but there was nothing outside.

"I don't know what it is, I heard from the old man before that there is a kind of prankster in the Liaodong forest.

They will knock on the door at night, don't worry.

If you open it once, they will knock on your door all night.

But these guys don't do harm. " Bai Suzhen said helplessly.

Zhang Yange went out of his mind, and he came back after a while.

As soon as he came in, there was a knock on the door, and Zhang Yange squeezed his hair, "Stop!"

A small mound fell from the sky.

It directly suppressed a child-sized thing.

Zhang Yange walked in carrying it, "This should be a ginseng doll."

"Will you become a fairy if you eat it?" Xiaoqing deliberately frightened it.

The ginseng doll can't speak, but it can feel that Xiaoqing has bad intentions.

It looked at Zhang Yange pitifully.

The two fat hands bowed in apology, and Zhang Yange let go of them.

"We won't eat you." Zhang Yange said.

Hearing this, the ginseng doll kowtowed gratefully to Zhang Yange, and after kowtowing, it burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

"This guy ran away again!" Xiaoqing said dissatisfied, "I haven't taught it yet."

After a while, the ginseng doll took two old ginseng and handed them to Zhang Yange with her fat hands.

"Just don't knock on the door, just take this thing yourself." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

The ginseng doll looked at Zhang Yange in puzzlement, it didn't understand why Zhang Yange didn't want it.

"Go ahead and stop playing like this."

 The third more...

(End of this chapter)

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