Chapter 37 Lies!

If it is not after sealing the dart, no one will be allowed to open it.

Otherwise, Wang Sandao would definitely open it and let Zhang Yange take a good look.

"Zhang Shaoxia, I personally watched Feng Biao." Wang Sandao said with a wry smile. "Guanshi Liu can testify for me on this point."

Liu Guanshi, who was supposed to help Wang Sandao prove it, just smiled ambiguously.

Zhang Yange raised his eyebrows slightly. If he hadn't gotten to know Wang Sandao a little bit along the way, otherwise he would have doubted him just by smiling at Guanshi Liu.

"Guan Liu, what do you mean!" Wang Sandao said angrily.

"Wang Daxia, I don't mean anything else. Of course we both know what's in the escort car, and it's definitely silk!" Liu Guanshi explained more and more darkly.

Wang Long on the side had his head down, but when he heard this, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at Wang Sandao.

Wang Sandao frowned slightly, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

At the moment they are on the mountain road, there is no village in front of them, no shops behind, and a group of jackal-like horse thieves follow behind.

And Guanshi Liu's sudden appearance like this was naturally not unintentional.

"Chief Escort, those horse thieves are getting closer and closer." A few passers-by came back and said.

Wang Sandao didn't have time to argue with Liu Guanshi.

"Stop the people in front and surround the escort cart!" Wang Sandao said loudly.

This time he didn't have the composure he had last time.

On Guanshi Liu's side, he asked Wang Long to watch in person!

"Zhang Shaoxia, I'm afraid I need your help this time." Wang Sandao said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yange nodded.

Wang Sandao led Wang Hu, eight or nine bodyguards, and dozens of troopers began to form defensive formations.

Wang Long took Guanshi Liu to the other side.

The horse thieves from ten miles away rode forward, if someone said that the Four Seas Escort had escorted several 10 taels of silver this time, they would not have made a move.

After making this sum, they can no longer be horse thieves.

You can marry a good mother-in-law, and then become a rich man.

So they are bound to win this dart!

Wang Long looked at Liu Guanshi with red eyes and asked, "Didn't you fucking say that the escort car is full of silver!"

"I didn't lie to you! What's in the escort cart is not silk, it's the silver from my master who sold all his property, a total of several 10 taels!" Guanshi Liu exclaimed excitedly.

"Master, Wang Sandao won't lie about the darts!"

"Wake up, Wang Long, your master is your father-killing enemy!" Guanshi Liu said viciously.

At this moment, he no longer looks like a pig like before, he looks like a man-eating beast.

"We have already contacted the horse thieves. If there is no harvest this time, those horse thieves will skin us! Am I going to lie to you with my life?"

Hearing this, Wang Long somewhat believed it.

Maybe like that person said, Wang Sandao is just a hypocrite!

Listening to the bitter wind in the mountains, Wang Long couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

When he and Wang Hu were seven or eight years old, they had been begging for food.

But the whole Dayuan is full of hungry people.When everyone is hungry, no one cares about two hungry children.

In some people's eyes, they even become food!
On that day, the two of them heard someone say that the head of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, Wang Escort, was giving food to the people.

But when they arrived, they found that they had been cheated.

Wang Long and Wang Hu fainted in front of the Sihai Escort.

At that time they were not surnamed Wang, nor were they called by this name.

Wang Sandao took them in, gave them food and clothing, and took them as disciples!

Later, the Four Seas Escort became more and more famous in the world, and Wang Sandao was getting older, but he and Huzi could stand alone.

Originally, he thought that in a few years, he would be able to take over from the master, and then the master would be able to spend his life at home.

He understood that Master thought so...

Until that person appeared, he told Wang Long his life experience.

The birthmark on her body matched up with her childhood memories.

All this was driving him crazy, and he decided to take revenge!
He wants to kill Wang Sandao!He is going to destroy the Four Seas Escort!

At this time, Liu Guanshi found him, and this dart trip became Wang Long's opportunity for revenge.

Not only can he take revenge, he also wants to get this batch of money!
"Let's do it together tonight!" Wang Long said. "You go and deal with Zhang Chongba, and I'll deal with Wang Sandao!"

"That kid should be from the Wudang sect!" Guanshi Liu hesitated.

"No matter who he is, he will die tonight!" Wang Long said ferociously. "Those horse thieves will take the blame for his death!"

"Okay!" Liu Guanshi finally nodded.

After confirming all the details again, they split up.

The horse thieves stopped three miles away, motionless.

Wang Sandao said with a wry smile, "It seems that this time there is really some trouble."

"Master has eaten!" Wang Long walked in with a food box.

"Has everyone eaten?" Wang Sandao asked.

"I'll let everyone eat in two batches." Wang Long naturally understood what Wang Sandao meant.

"I'm most at ease with Aaron's work." Wang Sandao nodded with satisfaction, "Let's put the food here first."

"Okay, Master."

Wang Long put down the food box and walked behind Wang Sandao.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Master's shoulder.

Rubbing the tears streaming down Wang Long's face, he suddenly raised his hand and slammed down on Wang Sandao's spine!

On the other side, Guanshi Liu watched Zhang Yange pick up the barbecue he gave.

Suddenly Zhang Yange put down the barbecue again!

"This barbecue won't taste good when it's cold." Steward Liu said as he took a piece and took a bite.

He intentionally eats his mouth full of oil...

Zhang Yange pushed the barbecue in front of him to Guanshi Liu, "Since you like it, eat more!"

Liu Guanshi was stunned, did he see it?

Wang Hu looked at them, "Guan Liu, if you don't eat, I will..."

"Let him eat!" Zhang Yange said coldly. "Eat this piece of meat!"

Wang Hu was taken aback, and Liu Guanshi reached out to pick up the barbecue.

"Since Zhang Shaoxia doesn't like to eat, then I'm not polite!" Manager Liu picked up the meat and put it in his mouth.

half of the meat

Suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand!
The dagger was very delicate, but it was cold.

"Die!" The dagger was extremely sharp in Liu Guanshi's hand!

His goal was Zhang Yange's throat!
This time he felt that no one could hide from him!

But he still underestimated Zhang Yange a little bit.

"This kind of assassination requires surprise." Halfway through Zhang Yange's words, the dagger was in front of him.

He stretched out two slender fingers and directly pinched the dagger!

"I've already noticed that something is wrong with you. You still use this method to assassinate people. You are really disrespectful!" Zhang Yange said sarcastically.

Guanshi Liu is very fat, but he is agile.

The dagger was caught by Zhang Yange, so he discarded the dagger directly and punched Zhang Yange in the heart.

 Second more…

  After seeing everyone's guesses about the plot, I can only say that you all guessed wrong.I don't like to use the same move a second time!

  Please follow up!Ask for a monthly pass!Please recommend!Ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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