Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 310 Slaying the dragon and python together!

Chapter 310: Dragon and Mang Kill Together!

Zhang Yange held a pen, dancing around.

Pei Nanwei beside him was full of admiration in his beautiful eyes.

The last time she traveled to Jianghu, she heard Xu Fengnian often joked about Zhang Yange's mediocre writing.

She had also seen Zhang Yange's handwriting in Huang Baozhuang's carriage. At that time, the handwriting was indeed very ordinary, but his handwriting felt very sharp.

But looking at Zhang Yange's running script, official script, and small script now, Pei Nanwei feels that there are few people in the world who can write better than him.

He has only practiced calligraphy for only a few months.

The gate of the small courtyard was pushed open by Xu Fengnian. Like the original book, Xu Fengnian killed the fifth tapir in Tibing Mountain in Beimang.

"Yan Ge! Brother is back!"

Zhang Yange stopped writing, and Xu Fengnian rushed in unceremoniously.

"Yo, you are busy." Xu Fengnian smiled.

Seeing the white-haired Xu Fengnian, Pei Nanwei was taken aback for a moment.

Zhang Yange looked at it and said, "Meet that female flood dragon? How could it be so false?"

Xu Fengnian glared at him angrily, "Don't expose people's scars! I'm going to kill someone."

"I know." Zhang Yange nodded.

Outside the gate, Nangong was also in place, and Xu Fengnian went with him, as well as his Fengzi Camp.

"Yan Ge, I'm afraid of Chen Zhibao..." Xu Fengnian probably guessed who would stop Chen Zhibao.

"I will go too." Zhang Yange said.

"That's no problem." Xu Fengnian nodded reassuringly. "Yan Ge, my brother has nothing to repay. You have to make a promise with your body. I'm here now..."

Pei Nanwei watched in astonishment as the prince of Beiliang really pouted his ass.

Zhang Yange kicked him away from the door, and then chased him out.

Xu Fengnian rolled and scrambled, got up and ran away.

"You don't really like Xu Jiaohua, do you?" Nangong asked without knowing why. "Or do you really like men?"

"Why do you have to be female?" Zhang Yange asked back with a cold snort.

Nangong gritted her teeth immediately, she felt that she really couldn't beat this bastard, otherwise he would have to look good.

In the end, she glared at Zhang Yange and left with Xu Fengnian.

When Zhang Yange returned to the house, Pei Nanwei took the initiative to pack his pen and paper for him.

With the sword ready, Zhang Yange is about to set off.

Song Nianqing was Xu Fengnian's backup player. If Xu Fengnian and Nangong really lost to Yang Taisui, Song Nianqing would make a move.

This is what he asked Xu Xiao on his own initiative. After all, Dongyue Jianchi has completely fallen to Beiliang now, so there is no need to be half-hearted.

In the wind and sand, one person and one horse, the plum wine in hand.

The man who didn't like drinking took off the water bag from his waist, raised his head and took a sip.

In the army of the Liyang Dynasty, whose force ranks first?

Originally, most people said that General Gu Jiantang was the stronger one. Since Chen Zhibao had two consecutive battles with Beimang Hong Jingyan and Tongren Patriarch, he became a well-deserved new spear fairy, vaguely surpassing Gu Jiantang, who has extraordinary sword skills.

Chen Zhibao stopped his horse and turned to look around.

A small group of sparse cavalry followed, and the horses under their crotches pursued for a long distance, all of them were already exhausted.The woman with the sword in the lead was covered in dried blood.The bitter smile on the corner of Chen Zhibao's mouth disappeared in a flash.

He turned the horse's head and threw the water bag lightly, but unfortunately she didn't pick it up.

The distance between the two is fifty paces.

Chen Zhibao smiled and said, "With your kind of interception that doesn't consider physical strength, even two thousand riders may not be able to stop me."

The woman who hadn't closed her eyes for two days and nights said indifferently, "The six hundred iron pagodas drawn by Dian Xiong and the eight hundred crossbowmen dispatched by Wei Fucheng are all dead. They are really promising, and they all put on Beimang armor."

Chen Zhibao said calmly: "What they did to kill them, they didn't retaliate. It's just that they happened to appear in the Western Regions."

Xu Weixiong took a breath.

Chen Zhibao was not in a hurry to make a move, he reined in his horse and stopped, pointing the end of his spear at the yellow sand under the horse's hooves, "I didn't expect you to come, otherwise it wouldn't be unnecessary."

Xu Weixiong asked bluntly, "You really want to leave Beiliang?!"

Chen Zhibao tilted his head slightly, and asked, "Who said that?"

One man, one horse, one gun, but there is the momentum of thousands of troops.

Xu Weixiong was no longer ready to speak, and breathed lightly, the ancient sword trembling behind his back.

Chen Zhibao still didn't show any signs of raising the spear, "When I was young, I didn't want my father to die for my adoptive father, but he took 62 Chen family children to kill the queen without saying a word, but he went anyway.

The second time, I didn't want His Royal Highness to refuse to come to Beijing to be a son-in-law to enjoy wealth and wealth, so he didn't go.

Last time, I didn't want him to return to Beiliang from Beimang alive, and he survived.

This time, I don't want to see you, here you are.I, Chen Zhibao, can defeat the enemy, but I can't always defeat the Mandate of Heaven. "

Chen Zhibao finally lifted the stick of plum wine up, making the cavalry behind Xu Weixiong feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I haven't done anything these years, I think my adoptive father is slowly dying of old age in the position of King of Beiliang.

Now, I still don't want to be that unfaithful and unrighteous minister and rebellious son, so even if I knew that His Royal Highness had traveled three times, I still stood by and watched.The last time I didn't want to do anything, it seemed to happen again. "

Chen Zhibao bent down and took out a gun tip from the bag, and inserted it into the incomplete plum wine.

He finally said slowly, "The maid named Qingniao in the Wutong courtyard is the daughter of the Spear Immortal Wangxiu, I know.

The instant gun was left in the arsenal, and I knew it.

She was trained to be a slayer, and she was specially used to kill me in the future, I still know it clearly.Xu Weixiong, since you are the dead soldier who has been hiding for more than 20 years, I, Chen Zhibao, will let you die today.After all, the last man you saw before your death was me.

I will take your corpse to Xishu and be the princess of Shu for ten years. "

As soon as the words fell, the plum wine pointed at his beloved woman!

A figure looms in the distance.

Chen Zhibao seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he stabbed lightly with plum wine in his hand.

There was a distance of ten zhang between the two of them, and a majestic aura came straight towards Zhang Yange.

Zhang Yange didn't intend to stop, his whole body was shining with golden light.

It directly hit Xu Zhibao's gun light!

The trees along the way were shattered one after another, Zhang Yange arrived in front of Xu Zhibao after a while.

"Sorry for being late." Zhang Yange said to Xu Weixiong.

Seeing Zhang Yange coming, Xu Weixiong felt relieved from the bottom of his heart.

"Confucian saint?" Zhang Yange looked at Chen Zhibao.

The number of times the two of them have met can be counted on the fingers, and this is the first time they have spoken.

Chen Zhibao didn't expect that Zhang Yange could see his details at a glance.

This battle fairy in white clothes, who no one in the world knows that he has quietly become a saint, raised the plum wine filled with purple energy, and calmly looked at the iron gate, "I thought there, and cut off the python and the dragon together!" , and then went to Shu alone, so it is reasonable for everyone.

Why do you want to stop it! "

 Second more…

(End of this chapter)

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