Chapter 28 Heavy Rain!

The Six Bandits of the Yellow River!
They have been running rampant on both sides of the Yellow River, and their praises and criticisms in the rivers and lakes are mixed.They sometimes ransacked rich towns, and of course some also helped some poor people.

Some people hate them, some people respect them, and many people fear them.

"Lao Liu, why do you insist on that woman this time?" Huang Yi was a tall man, with muscles all over his body supporting the robe.

"That woman looks a lot like that bitch!" Wu Liu was a young man with gloomy eyes.

The six of them are brothers and sisters. When they ransacked the town this time, Wu Liu fell in love with the new daughter-in-law of Tailai Inn for some reason.

The boss was willing to spend all his family money just to let his daughter-in-law go, but Wu Liu couldn't.

The honest and honest young man was protecting his wife, but his limbs were broken by Wu Liu. He insulted his new wife in front of the boss and the young man.

In the end, they killed their family again!
Wu Liu is not like this usually, he likes to help others very much.

It's all because he fell in love with a brothel woman a few days ago, and the woman promised to leave with him after he saved enough money to redeem her body.

But how did he know that the woman was lying to him from the beginning.When he took the money to find the woman, the woman found a group of desperadoes to ambush him.

In the end Wu Liu killed all those people, including that woman.

From then on, Wu Liu no longer believed in women, and his eyes became gloomy.

"This is not allowed in the future." Huang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Brother, Xiao Liu is just playing with a woman." Yang Er smiled sinisterly from the side.Yang Er is short in stature, but he has the most vicious mind among the crowd.

"Shut up!" Huang Da shouted.

As soon as he opened his mouth, no one dared to speak again.

Wu Liu got up and said, "I won't be big brother anymore."

Hearing these words, Huang Yi's face became brighter, and everyone dared to smile.

"Let's take a rest nearby." Huang Yi said. "The things we robbed this time are enough for us to be chic for a while."

"Give a little bit to those mud legs, and we can gain a good reputation." Yang Er said.

"I'll take care of it." The simple and honest Zhu Si said with a smile.

Zhu Si was full of fat, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

But he was the most ruthless among them, he was the one who suggested that Wu Liu insult the woman in front of the boss and his son.

Black Three is a mute, formerly a hunter.

His arrows are very well aimed.

Sun Wuyi's Taoist robe is hypocritical.

After they killed the family of Tailai Inn, he even performed a ritual ceremony in a hypocritical manner.

"What the hell." Sun Wu scolded.

Everyone looked at him puzzled, and Sun Wu said, "It should be raining soon."

Everyone snorted, "Old Wu, don't watch the sky, ten times out of ten you won't be allowed!"

But this time, after a while, it began to rain heavily!
Everyone scolded Sun Wu as a crow's mouth, but fortunately there was a ruined temple not far away.

They rushed to the ruined temple to take shelter from the rain.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Huang Yi and Zhu Si entered the ruined temple together to count their harvest this time.

Yang Er leaned against the entrance of the ruined temple, watching the heavy rain outside.

Holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, he spit out the rinds of the melon seeds into the rain.

Wu Liu lay upright on the thatch, not sure if he fell asleep.

Sun Wu knelt in front of the statue and muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

Hei San inspected the ruined temple, finally found a place with the widest view, sat down with a bow and arrow in his arms, staring at the gate.

Butterfly Valley
As soon as Mo Shenggu saw Wudang, the distress signal immediately came over.

"Who are you, my junior brother?" Mo Shenggu put his hand on the sword and asked.

"Below is Hu Baichuan, the small banner of the Mingjiao Ruijin Banner."

"I know you, the junior brother said that you are his friend." Mo Shenggu was still a little wary.

Lao Hu hurriedly told what happened.Mo Shenggu said after listening, "Not good!
The six bandits of the Yellow River are not weak, and the younger brother may be in danger by himself. "

Mo Shenggu left immediately.

Lao Hu couldn't keep up at all, but he still followed hard with the knife in his hand.

After a while, those few Mingjiao people appeared.

"What are you guys doing?" Old Hu asked.

"Help!" they said out of breath.

"Go back and rest." Lao Hu felt that he was a burden, let alone the few of them.

Outside the ruined temple, the rain is getting heavier...

Hei San uttered two bird calls

Then he immediately sat up, drawing the arrow and opening the bow in one go!
Outside the ruined temple, only one person walked in slowly holding an umbrella.

Yang Er's melon seeds have already been knocked out, and now his hand is on the dagger beside him.

Huang Da and Zhu Si hurriedly covered the belongings, and Wu Liu quickly stood up.

Sun Wu hurriedly made a divination, and he said with a slight trembling voice, "It's a big, big bad omen!"

But no one took what he said seriously. Numerous practice proved that Sun Wu's divination was inaccurate at all!

The rain is too heavy, and the umbrella is not small.

All I could see was the man in a black robe.

Walking under the eaves of the ruined temple, Zhang Yange closed his umbrella.

He gently stood the umbrella by the door of the ruined temple, and only then did everyone see his appearance clearly.

"It's raining too much, come in and take shelter from the rain." Zhang Yange said.

His natural air, coupled with that face, made Huang Yi and the others afraid to act rashly.

They lit a fire in the ruined temple, and Zhang Yange sat beside the fire unceremoniously, roasting the hem of his robe.

"We still have some dry food, young man, do you want some?" Huang Yi asked with a smile.

Zhang Yange shook his head, focusing on the fire.

Looking at the rain that hasn't stopped outside...

"Boy, it's raining so hard, your adults don't worry about you coming out alone? If you grow up like this, you won't be afraid of being caught and taken as..." Yang Er said with a smirk
"Shut up." Huang Yi scolded. "My brother is outspoken, please don't take offense, young hero. But it's raining so much, what is young hero doing alone?"

It was the double reed sung by Huang Yi and Yang Er just now.

Their purpose was to find out the details of Zhang Yange.

"Of course I'll wait for the rain to stop, and then kill six beasts along the way!" Zhang Yange smiled really nicely.

Hei San in the dark let go of his hand!

Arrows are fast!

In an instant, he was in front of Zhang Yange, and he turned slightly to avoid it.

Yang Er's two daggers had been waiting for Zhang Yange for a long time.

Zhang Yange stretched and pulled his hands, and Yang Er lost his balance.

"The idea is tough!" Yang Er said loudly.

"Don't move!" Huang Yi said loudly.

Everyone stopped, Zhang Yange said with a smile, "Yes! Why are you so anxious, hasn't the rain stopped yet?"

"The young hero is Zhang Baxia of Wudang?" Huang Yi clasped his fists and asked with a bow.Just now Zhang Yange used the Wudang Changquan method.

"I want to say that I am, can I make you commit suicide and apologize?" Zhang Yange asked coldly.

Huang Yi and the others in the ruined temple were short of breath.

They really don't want to offend the Wudang faction.

Especially the Wudang Eight Heroes in front of him!

"Zhang Baxia, if our brothers have offended you, please explain. Wudang is always well-known and upright, so you can't bully others." Huang Yi said in a deep voice.

There was a thunder in the sky!
 First more…

  Please follow me!Ask for a monthly pass! (The kind that was prostituted by me)

  Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation!
  heavy rain!Broken temple!Spit out the anger in my chest!
  I think this is the arena!

(End of this chapter)

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