Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 133 Enlightenment! (add more for leader Elvin2016)

Chapter 133 Enlightenment! (add more for leader Elvin2016)

Zhang Yange opened his eyes three days later, and he couldn't help laughing.

"Swordsmanship is swordsmanship! It turned out to be my problem!" He muttered to himself.

He picked up the sword from sword one to sword twenty-two, and then used it without any jerky feeling.After withdrawing the sword, the entire bamboo forest was cut into strands of bamboo strands by his sword energy.

He rented this bamboo forest from a nearby village, and every household in this village has the craft of weaving bamboo by hand.

Zhang Yange gave them the bamboo threads.

When he was about to leave with the sword, he suddenly stopped.

"Your Excellency must have watched it for a long time." Zhang Yange asked suddenly.

After a while a young man came out.

I saw that the man looked handsome, giving the impression that he was light but not strong, soft but not weak.He is Jian Chen, the unnamed leader of the martial arts mythology.

"Sorry." Jian Chen cupped his fists and said.

Zhang Yange looked him up and down, and said, "Come to compare?"

"it is good!"

The two of them drew their swords directly.

When Jian Chen first appeared on the stage, it should be regarded as one of his few highlight moments.

He cracked the Sword Master's Sword Twenty-two with an unknown trick, and later showed his strength to the world in the battle between Tianxiahuixiongba and Juggernaut, defeating all the heroes, and rescued Duguming and Shi Wuzun.

Three days ago, as in the original book, he broke the Juggernaut's Sword Twenty-two, and the Juggernaut finally saw Wuming.

Wuming hoped that Juggernaut would give up the fight with Xiongba.

He felt that if Xiong Ba died, there would be chaos again.

If Zhang Yange was present, he would definitely hate him.

But the Juggernaut has made up his mind, so how can Wuming change it?In the end, the two of them chatted for a few words and then parted ways.

Before leaving, the Juggernaut told Wuming about Zhang Yange.

"I have no hope of defeating you in this life, but I have found an opponent for you, and he will definitely be able to defeat you!"

After Wuming had someone find out Zhang Yange's location, he brought Jian Chen here.

When the two of them came, Zhang Yange had just realized.

Seeing Zhang Yange's swordplay, Jianchen couldn't hold back a trace of sword energy.

Only then did Zhang Yange discover it.

Sword One!

Zhang Yange made a simple and clear stroke, but the sword energy gushed out.

Jian Chen didn't dare to be careless, he used three moves in a row to break the sword.

His swordsmanship is different from that of Juggernaut!
The swordsmanship of the Juggernaut is ruthless with endless killing intent!

And Zhang Yange's swordsmanship is very strange, Jian Chen doesn't know how to describe it.

Wuming in the dark couldn't help muttering to himself, "Swordsmanship is natural! What a genius!"

From Sword [-] to Sword [-], both of them played very well.

Jian Chen's inexplicable swordsmanship has won the nameless true biography.

But Zhang Yange felt that his swordsmanship was too good!

"Xiongtai's swordsmanship is really good." Jian Chen said sincerely.

The two of them fought until now, but he didn't take advantage of anything.

Jian Chen had seen the sword master's Holy Spirit swordsmanship before, but Zhang Yange was fighting the inexplicable swordsmanship for the first time.

But when Zhang Yange made moves, he didn't stick to one move at all.

Sometimes Jianchen looked like he was about to break his sword move, but he changed it casually, making Jianchen feel tied.

"Look at my sword twenty-two!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yange's eyes became neither sad nor happy!
At this time, his eyes looked like the statues in Zhenwu Hall...

A sword pierced without the ruthlessness of a Juggernaut.

Jian Chen used it without hesitation to become famous!

Wuming shook his head, he knew that Jian Chen had lost.

Although it is the same sword move, but the people who use it are different, and the sword move has also changed.

But Jian Chen still wanted to use the old method to solve the problem, so of course he couldn't!

Zhang Yange's sword broke, but Jian Chen's heroic sword trembled slightly.

Although Zhang Yange's sword was broken, he pointed the hilt at Jian Chen's throat.

Jian Chen's heroic sword was blocked by Zhang Yange's sword energy.If they were fighting to the death, Zhang Yange could have just killed Jian Chen.

"I lost!"

"You lost because you thought my sword would be the same as a Juggernaut." Zhang Yange laughed.

"Little brother's swordsmanship is really pleasing to the eye." Wuming walked over from the dark. "Sorry, it's really wrong to secretly watch people compete."

"It's okay." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

The visitor is nameless!
Wu Ming was named Wei Yingxiong when he was a child, and was sold by his biological father to General Mu Long as a foster son when he was born, and he was named Mu Ying.

Played by the fate of the lone star of the evil spirit since he was a child, he killed two wet nurses and eight masters before the age of 11. Wuming's most respected adoptive mother, Mrs. Mu, told him not to bow to fate before his death, and since then the hero has raised his head.

Later, because Mulong betrayed his country and sought glory, he changed his name to Wuming.

When he was young, he single-handedly defeated the top ten schools of martial arts, and defeated the No. 1 Dugu Sword Master in Kendo at that time.

Of course, his most powerful thing is playing the erhu with full blood, and the whole picture of the wave of residual blood!
Wuming became more and more satisfied with Zhang Yange the more he watched it.

Especially Zhang Yange personally gave those bamboo threads to those villagers again and again.

But there is only one master in Xiao Zhang's heart, so he is only curious about Wuming at most.Is it impolite to ask someone to play the erhu as soon as they meet?

"Little brother, my Zhonghua Pavilion is not far away, can we come over and get together." Wuming asked.

Zhang Yange calculated the time, and it was almost the day when the Sword Master and Xiong Ba would fight.In Fengyun World, his lightness kung fu is already broken.

So he didn't dare to delay, he clasped his fists at Wuming and said, "I promise Senior Sword Master, I will go to the World Meeting with him."

Wuming still couldn't help but said, "Although the world will be bad, if the world will perish, the world will probably be in chaos again."

Zhang Yange said, "I broke a man's legs and gave him a pair of crutches. Do you think he should thank me?"

Nameless was stunned...

"The Tianxiahui is a malignant tumor, and Xiongba's ambition will only grow bigger and bigger. If we don't get rid of him today, what is waiting for tomorrow will not be peace, but a bigger threat!
Peace has never been won by compromising, but by earning it with one's own hands. "Zhang Yange said loudly.

Wuming looked at Zhang Yange, and he praised sincerely, "Little brother..."

"My name is Zhang Yange."

"Then after this battle, you can come to my Zhonghua Pavilion for a gathering." Wuming invited again.

"Definitely! As long as I don't die, I will definitely come when the time comes."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hands freely to Wuming, and then left with his slow lightness in Wuming's eyes.

"Zhang Yange...this guy is not bad!" Wuming wanted to play an erhu.

At this time, there is no wind and cloud in the world meeting.

As long as Xiongba and Qin Shuang are left, they are disciples in the gang.

Xiongba's three-point return to vitality has already been practiced, and he just waits for the sword master to come.

Of course, apart from Juggernaut and others, Bu Jingyun also came!Bu Jingyun got the ice soul from Xia Wang's mansion, guaranteed that Kong Ci's body would not be damaged, and put her in the imperial tomb.

He intends to kill Xiong Ba, and then die with Kong Ci.

 and also…

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(End of this chapter)

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