Ninja: I'm really a support ninja

Chapter 49 has temporarily come to an end.

Chapter 49 comes to an end for now.

Tsunade, she is the only member of the Senju clan who still has a surname, and she is a powerful ninja who is proficient in medical ninjutsu.

Born in a big family, coupled with Tsunade's own achievements, her eyesight is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary ninjas.

Even in terms of medical treatment, Tsunade can now be called No.1 in the ninja world.

And the indicators of the body are indistinguishable from medical ninjutsu, and the various subtle changes in Akira Hatake's body cannot be hidden from Tsunade.

One second before, the life energy in Hatake Akira's body lost about one-third, but three seconds later, the life energy in Hatake Akira's body was rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It took less than ten seconds, and the life energy that Akira Hatake lost just now was fully replenished.

In other words, Akira Hatake can transfer his life energy to others without any sequelae.

Thinking of this, the way Tsunade looked at Hatake Akira suddenly became different, with emotion, envy, and even greed.

"Ming, can you tell me about the specific function and limitations of your special ability?"

Tsunade quickly recovered his mood, and took the time to observe Hatake Sakumo.

After receiving the past life energy of Hatake Mingto, Hatake Sakumo's complexion became much ruddy, and the injury was obviously curbed and improved.

"If I deal with the enemy, my ability will give the enemy the most realistic attack. To put it simply, it ignores any defense, and the damage caused is the most direct way to reduce the enemy's vitality."

"If it is my own person, then my ability will become the life energy that enhances attack, defense, healing injuries, and transfers into one third of myself."

"If there is a limit... the release interval of my ability is 40 seconds, plus the time to restore my own lost vitality, if it is fully charged, it can be used once a minute."

"Fuck!" Tsunade swears directly.

The sudden swearing made Hatake Akira stunned, and then there was some drama. He had never seen Tsunade swearing so much in his previous life.

But the play belongs to the play, but this just shows that Tsunade's mood is not calm at all.

"Ming, who else knows your ability?!" After a swearing, Tsunade came back to his senses, and his expression became very serious.

"My father, Kakashi, Minato-sensei, and you." Hatake Akira counted with his fingers, and then seemed to remember something, "By the way, the third Hokage-sama also knows a little about this, I don't know if it counts... ..."

"How much does the old man know?!" Tsunade was a little anxious, and he didn't use the honorific title for the third generation.

"Ah...should only know about treatment."

"That's good, that's good." Tsunade's tense expression finally showed a lot, and then he stroked Hatake Akira's hair and told him, "Ming, no matter who asks about your ability in the future, you won't accept it." explain!"

"And don't use the healing ability unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise... no one can protect you!"

Tsunade's ability to say this is naturally not aimless, and her understanding of some dark sides of the ninja world is too deep.

Akira Hatake's ability, to put it bluntly, is an alternative Hashirama cell that is completely non-toxic and pollution-free. As long as he can survive the time, the person who controls Akira Hatake will become the next Hashirama with thousands of hands!
Life energy, at a young level, is physique, but at a high level, it is life span!
Let me ask, who wouldn't want to possess the power to destroy heaven and earth while staying young forever?
Tsunade thinks, Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks, Shimura Danzo thinks even more!
But Tsunade will absolutely abide by Akira Hatake's wishes and will not force him at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is at most coercion and temptation, but Shimura Danzo, apart from using various means to control Hatake Akira, will not use the second method.

"I see, Tsunade-sama."

Akira Hatake nodded solemnly, and then asked knowingly, "Then Tsunade-sama, did my ability work on my father's injury just now?"

"It works, and it works very well." Tsunade smiled, "In my estimation, if you can persist in injecting life energy into Shuomo all day and night, you should be able to stabilize his injury at a relatively good level." category."

"If that's the case, then I'll start!"

Akira Hatake has rested now. After all, he is only seven years old and his life energy is not very sufficient. Relying on the three skills, he can passively restore life energy very quickly.


The day after Hatake Sakumo's accident, the sun rose as usual.

A person's life and death situation cannot affect the normal operation of the world at all, and Muye Village naturally has to continue to operate normally.

"Have you heard that Mr. Sakumo completely ruined his ninja career because he developed an unknown forbidden technique?"

"I heard... Master Shuo Mao, it's a pity."

"Who says no, Sakumo-sama is the most suitable person to be the next Hokage in my mind!"

"I also support Sakumo-sama to become the next Hokage, but now Sakumo-sama has..."

"Hey! No matter what, it's good that Lord Sakumo is still alive."

"That's the truth, and we still have the third Hokage-sama, Sannin, and many up-and-comers, and the village is still brilliant and powerful!"

On Konoha Street, both pedestrians and ninjas were discussing what happened to Hatake Sakumo last night.

I don't know who is fueling the flames. This should be a top secret incident, but it spreads in the village at an incredible speed.

The "Hataki Sakumo#Can't Be a Ninja" incident has become the primary topic of discussion for everyone after dinner, and the heat remains high.

"Master Danzo, what you ordered has been done."

At the root base, a root ninja wearing an animal mask knelt on one knee and reported to Shimura Danzo very respectfully.

"Well, what's the reaction from the third generation?"

"Danzo-sama, the Third Hokage didn't take any measures, but this morning, he stayed in Konoha Hospital for about an hour."

"Oh, futile struggle!" The corner of Shimura Danzo's mouth curled into an arc, which tended to intensify.

"Hahaha...!" Soon, the smile turned into a maniacal laugh, "Hizhan, I want to see how you plan to move without the card Sakumo Hatake!"

From Shimura Danzo's point of view, without Hatake Sakumo, the only cards that Sarutobi Hiruzen can play are his three apprentices.

Tsunade is obviously not suitable. Although Jiraiya has all the conditions, his character and ambition directly declare that he is not destined for the position of Hokage.

But the only remaining Orochimaru is under the control of Shimura Danzo.

Although it is said that Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo are just a cooperative relationship and do not belong to superiors and subordinates, as long as the two cooperate, then Shimura Danzo will definitely have some criminal evidence against Orochimaru in his hands.

Just like Orochimaru holds a series of criminal evidence against Shimura Danzo in his hands, how can two vicious and vicious people not have something to do with each other?
"Pass down the order to closely monitor Sarutobi Hiruzen's every move, and Sannin must not let it go, I want to know when they did what, who they met in a certain place, and how long they stayed there time."

"Yes, Danzo-sama!"

After Nebe Ninja took the order to leave, Shimura Danzo sat back in his leader's chair, found a comfortable posture, and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Hi Zhan, even if you can delay the decision of the next candidate for Hokage, this is not something you can stop with wishful thinking, let's wait and see..."

"The position of Hokage, I can't wait!" Shimura Danzo squeezed the armrest of the chair hard, and the one eye that was exposed outside was shining with a palpitating light.

(End of this chapter)

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