Ninja: I'm really a support ninja

The third chakra change envisioned in Chapter 32.

The third chakra change envisioned in Chapter 32.

As we all know, Chakra has two kinds of changes: Chakra's form change and Chakra's nature change.

The change of Chakra's shape is easy to understand, it is to change the shape of ninjutsu to achieve some special effects, such as the ultimate change of Chakra's shape - spiral pill.

And the change of Chakra's nature is a bit brain-burning, and it is more difficult to practice.

Take wind attribute chakra as an example. Its property advantage is sharpness, but its weakness is fire attribute chakra. Because the wind helps the fire, it can often make the enemy's fire escape ninjutsu stronger. This is undoubtedly digging a hole for yourself.

But if you add the characteristics of fire attribute chakra to wind attribute chakra, it can perfectly avoid the shortcomings of single wind attribute chakra, and can greatly increase the power of ninjutsu.

This is the change in the nature of Chakra, and the main theoretical basis it relies on is the intergenerational and mutual restraint relationship between the five Chakras.

But the above examples are not the limit of the change of Chakra’s nature, but can only be said to be the most basic application of the change of Chakra’s nature.

When the property changes of the fusion of the two chakras reach the limit, the blood succession boundary can be formed.

For example: Wind+Fire=Boundary of Burning Blood, Wind+Water=Boundary of Ice, Fire+Earth=Boundary of Melting Blood, etc...

However, if the properties of the three chakras are combined, the result will be blood-stained elimination, such as Tsuchikage Ohnoki's dust escape.

If it is a fusion of five kinds of chakra nature changes plus yin and yang escape, it will form a blood follower net, a pure six-level character, and the strength is still top-notch.

But because of this, the practice of changing the nature of Chakra is definitely the most difficult.

And the third chakra change envisioned by Akira Hatake is far behind the peak chakra change in power, but it is much less difficult to cultivate.

Moreover, the third chakra change has no bloodline restriction, and it is the best shortcut for ordinary bloodlines to achieve six-level combat power.

Of course, without the blood of the Sage of the Six Paths, one cannot fully become the Six Paths class, but in terms of combat power, it can be compared with the Six Paths class.

That is to say, as long as the third chakra change is successfully practiced, one will be absolutely invincible under the six realms, and the limit above the six realms will be exchanged for one.

"What is the third chakra change?!"

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing that Akira Hatake was still thinking and did not speak, Sakumo Hatake couldn't help but urge him.

After more than six years of getting along, Hatake Sakumo has a lot of trust in Hatake Akira, and is very willing to listen to some of his judgments and suggestions.

Moreover, Akira Hatake has been very intelligent since he was a child, and all kinds of weird theories emerge one after another. Naturally, Sakumo Hatake also has expectations for him.

Not only that, but many things that Akira Hatake said were off the charts when I first heard them, but after careful consideration, there are seven points of truth.

"Ahem, I was thinking about something just now, and my mind was distracted." Hatake Mingqing cleared his throat and explained, and then got to the point, "The third chakra change is compression, compressing "face" into "point" , concentrate all the characteristics of Chakra, exchange the same Chakra volume for the same Chakra's maximum power!"

"From surface to point?" Hatake Sakumo seemed to understand.


Hatake Akira snapped his fingers.

"That's what it means. For specific reference, it should be the water escape and water breaking wave between the second generation Hokage Senshou." Akira Hatake gave an example, "The water flow is compressed to a certain extent and its release space is limited, then the water flow It can be turned into a sharp blade, and it is no problem to open mountains and crush rocks."

"The same is true for Chakra. When Chakra is also compressed to a certain extent and controlled within a certain range of explosion through shape changes, then the explosive power of this technique will be jaw-dropping."

"And the sword skills of our Hatake family obviously fit this setting. After all, the blade is slender and sharp, and so is the sword energy generated when swinging the sword."

"If you compress Chakra and infuse it with sword energy or combine it with the "New Banner Sword Technique" created by your father, then the destructive power it can cause has reached the level of the top-level blood successor, and it can even surpass the blood-stained elimination!"

"In my vision, this third chakra change is a comprehensive change. It is a combination of chakra's form change and simple nature change, and finally compresses it to form the ultimate form that breaks the surface!"

"As long as this vision can be realized, such a simple swing of the knife can carry the huge power of splitting the sea and cutting the mountains. No matter whether it is a single or a group, at this stage, almost no one is a one-on-one enemy!"

Speaking of excitement, Hatake Akira's tone became more and more high-spirited, and Hatake Sakumo, who was listening from the side, was also in high spirits.

Akira Hatake is like a forerunner of the theory. Although he cannot bring a substantive demonstration, the inspiration he provided has undoubtedly played the role of an enlightenment mentor for Sakumo Hatake, a long-established genius.

Inspiration, sometimes it really matters!

Although realizing inspiration requires a solid foundation and enough talent, this is really not a problem for Hatake Sakumo.

How can "Konoha Baiya" who can set new heights in Hatake Swordsmanship be mediocre?
As for Bai Fang's ninja sword, it really restricted the development of Hatake Sakumo, and forcibly changed the original Hatake sword technique into an assassination type "small family style" sword technique.

But there is one thing to say, when Hatake Sakumo provided practical inspiration to Hatake Sakumo, as long as Hatake Sakumo was given time, then he could redefine Hatake Sword Technique again!
"The shape change fixes the slender shape of Chakra, and the nature change integrates the sharpness of the wind attribute, the diffusion and physical activation of the thunder attribute, the plasticity and softness of the water attribute, and finally compresses it..."

Hatake Sakumo muttered to himself, the chopsticks in his hand had been danced there non-stop as a ninja knife, "If this is the case, pair it with a ninja knife with good chakra conductivity, then go down with one knife..."

Hatake Sakumo lightly waved the wooden chopsticks in his hand.

There is no sharp burst of saber energy, no earth-shattering phenomena, and no chakra fluctuations visible to the naked eye. There are only wooden chopsticks that are turned into powder, without the wind blowing them away, and just disappear in front of the father and son without a sound. .

This... is really scary!
"'s...did it?"

The stuttering Hatake Akira is enough to see his inner unrest, and Hatake Sakumo's talent is too terrifying. This is the change of Chakra form, the change of three types of Chakra properties, and the addition of Chakra compression!
"No, it's just that I just got some clues." Hatake Sakumo came back to his senses and withdrew from the state that was similar to an epiphany just now, "Moreover, the chakra conductivity of chopsticks is close to zero, and the experimental results are not satisfactory. "

"Thank you Ming!"

Hatake Sakumo rarely lowered his head slightly towards Hatake Akira. You must know that the two are father and son. By doing so, Hatake Sakumo put his identity in a relatively low position.

Seeing this, Akira Hatake dodged away, he couldn't stand it.

Just kidding, although Akira Hatake's soul comes from the 21st century, his body is actually given by Sakumo Hatake, and the relationship from blood cannot be avoided.

"Father, don't mess with me, I can't bear it!"

"Okay, don't care about these, you have to know what your suggestion means to me, and what it means to the future of the Hatake family!"

Hatake Sakumo waved his hand at Hatake Akira, "Clean up the bowls and chopsticks and go to rest. I have to go out and ask Sandaime for advice."

Although Akira Hatake doesn't want to work and doesn't want to have anything to do with Hiruzen Sarutobi, it is undeniable that Hiruzen Sarutobi is known as the Doctor of Ninja World, and he is very knowledgeable about the change of Chakra's shape and nature. have a certain authority.

Hatake Sakumo is only proficient in Thunder Dun, although he has dabbled in Wind Dun and Water Dun, but it is far from being proficient, so it is inevitable to ask for advice.

"Good father, but I have one more thing to tell you." Hatake Akira looked solemn.

Since the idea of ​​the third chakra change is expected to be successful, he also has to plan ahead for subsequent enhancements.

(End of this chapter)

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