Ninja: I'm really a support ninja

Chapter 23 The Three Laws of the Ninja World.

Chapter 23 Three Laws of Ninja World.

Go to school leisurely, and return home from school leisurely.

Akira Hatake's small life generally highlights one word: stable!

If Akira Hatake wrote a diary, there should be a sentence repeated in the diary, "Nothing happened today, gold coins +1."

However, after this kind of stable and fulfilling life has been repeated for more than two months, the time has come.

The final exam of Ninja School has officially begun.

"The next two students to play are: Akira Hatake! Obito Uchiha!"

With the shout of the actual combat invigilator, Obito Uchiha with a winning expression came out, and then turned his head to look at Akira Hatake who was sideways with an indifferent look.

"Ming, although our relationship is very good, I won't release water at this time!"

Uchiha Obito reminded Hatake Akira in a low voice, so that he could put away his lazy temper.

"Me too."

Hatake Akira smiled slightly, then nodded to answer.

But in my heart...

Hatake Akira didn't care about the Uchiha Obito who hadn't been blackened during this period. His strength is really hard to describe, and he may be slightly stronger than Prince Naruto.

"Then... two students, let's start!"

"please wait!"

After the invigilator spoke, Hatake Akito had already put on a posture, but Uchiha Obito grabbed the ninja bag with one hand and waved his hand with the other to stop.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, just let me put two drops of eye drops first, the Uchiha family must protect their eyes..."

"Cut! What..." The ninja school students who were watching all around complained. They thought it was something important, but it turned out that they were just instilling eye drops for their closed eyes.

However, Akira Hatake did not follow the crowd, but stood quietly and waited, with no sign of impatience on his face.

Hatake Akira's temper is very gentle, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke him, he will have a cheerful attitude towards everyone, and he never speaks seriously.

But that's all, Hatake Akira, who wants to get closer to unrelated people and doesn't want to be a social butterfly, can't do it either.

"Ming, thank you for waiting for me for so long!" Obito Uchiha put himself in a pose after dripping the eye drops, "Let the horse come over...Ming..."

Uchiha Obito just posed his pose, before the last verse of the voice was finished, Hatake Akira had already acted, a teleportation technique circled behind him, and the cold Kunai was already on Uchiha Obito's neck superior.

And in order to prevent Uchiha Obito from using the substitute technique, Hatake Akira also grabbed his right hand with one hand.

It is impossible for Obito Uchiha to do one-handed seals at this stage.

After seeing Hatake Mingjian subdue Uchiha Obito with a simple single move, the ninja students onlookers burst into exclamation.

"It's so fast, it's over before I see it clearly..."

"Sure enough, with such a talented younger brother, how could Hatake Akira be so ordinary!"

"Just now Akira Hatake used... the instant body technique, right?"

"It's the instant body art, but shouldn't this be mastered by ninjas at the Chunin level?"

"Hey...don't talk about it, do you still remember the multiple shadow clone jutsu that Kakashi Hatake performed in class? It's an A-level ninjutsu! Then it's not worth making a fuss about his brother using the instant body jutsu Bar……"

Compared with the discussions of the people around, Obito Uchiha's face was flushed, and then he squeezed his fist and then let it go, and the whole person was instantly discouraged.

"Ming, I really didn't expect that today's competition would end like this..."

"Uh... Actually, I didn't expect that either." Akira Hatake put away Kunai, and released the restrictions on Obito Uchiha, "I'm sorry Obito, I have a reason to win this battle."

"Whoever said it seems to be different..." Obito Uchiha couldn't hide his disappointment, but he was not someone who couldn't afford to lose.

With an embarrassing smile crawling up his cheek amid bitterness, Obito Uchiha stretched out his hand and lightly hammered Hatake Akira's chest, "I didn't see how hard you usually work, why did you suddenly become so powerful today? None reacted."

"When you didn't see me, I should be working hard..." Hatake Akira smiled slightly, and then patted Uchiha Obito on the shoulder, "You're not bad, let's take care of the next game."

After Hatake Akira and Uchiha Obito formed a seal of reconciliation with each other, they vacated the venue and handed it over to the next pair, the ninja school students who were about to compete.

After the end, Uchiha Obito looked around, and finally met the eyes of Nohara Rin who was hiding in the crowd, and then showed the most sincere smile.

In Nohara Rin's eyes, Uchiha Obito always sees the purest encouragement and understanding, without the slightest bit of disgust or misunderstanding.

And Hatake on the side clearly had a panoramic view of this scene, feeling a little sore in his heart.

Because of his intervention, Kakashi only paid a little more attention to Nohara Rin, which deviated a lot from his original track.

And also because of Akira Hatake's pleasing personality, Obito Uchiha prefers to be with Akira Hatake, and automatically ignores Kakashi Hatake, who is cold and arrogant to outsiders.

The dog-blood relationship of the love triangle was completely strangled in the cradle by Akira Hatake.


Just when Hatake Ming was chasing lemons, Yuhihong, who had a pair of red eyes like a rabbit, suddenly approached.

"Red?" Akira Hatake regained consciousness, "I remember that your examination room is not here...and that kid Asma, shouldn't he be following you all the time?"

"Why, I can't leave the exam room after I finish the exam?" Kurenai Yuhi pouted, "Also, don't mention that idiot Asma to me!"


In fact, during the years when Akira Hatake was in the ninja school, not only Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, Kakashi Hagi, Maite Kai and others intervened, but more people he passively intervened in...

Yuhihong was the result of Akira Hatake's passive intervention.

Girls, especially proud girls, not only mature precociously but also have a very strange way of thinking.

Akira Hatake looks very cute, although he has lost some of the masculinity that boys should have, and the overall outline is more feminine, which is not very pleasing among boys.

But on the girl side, Hatake Akira's looks are amazing, which is very suitable for some people's appearance requirements for mate selection.

As for Yuhihong, it happens that she likes a boy like Hatake Akira who tends to be feminine and handsome, so she has a natural affection for him, and she is naturally willing to communicate with Hatake Akira more.

Hatake Akira also has ideas about Yu Hihong, the future big sister.

But he really doesn't want to get involved in the love triangle, you must know that the three laws of the ninja world are not a joke!
A love triangle must love and kill each other, a master-student must have a fight, the more powerful the offspring, the worse the parents will die...

As for killing each other between brothers, that is exclusive to the Uchiha clan and has nothing to do with other people.

This makes Akira Hatake, who wants to learn the art of flying thunder god and enter retirement completely, how dare to provoke him?

Namikaze Minato's character is guaranteed, he has no problem being a master, but Kurenai Yuhi and Asma Sarutobi have not completely fixed their personalities now, and no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

Then Akira Hatake naturally kept him at a respectful distance.

But because of this, it aroused Yuhihong's competitive spirit, and under the fermentation of these years, the competitive spirit gradually changed its taste...

The trouble, either from the enemy or from the woman, never changed.

"Akira Hatake, are you bullying Hong again?!"

Sure enough, there must be Asuma Sarutobi within three steps of Kurenai Yuhi, and Akira Hatake's trouble is coming.

 Happy Tanabata everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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