Ninja: I'm really a support ninja

Chapter 19 Golden Chakra Chain.

Chapter 19 Golden Chakra Chain.

Konoha No. [-] training ground.

Although it has the name of a training ground, but because it is located deep in the forest of Muye Village, few people come here.

As for the reason for choosing this place, it was naturally that Akira Hatake didn't want to expose his special ability in advance.

The ghost knows that after being exposed, Orochimaru, who is now wearing a pair of pants with Shimura Danzo, will have a whim, and grab Hatake Akira to study it.

Although this possibility is very small, as long as there is that possibility, Akira Hatake needs to be cautious.

"Kakashi, as long as I win Ming, you have to agree to fight me for the 35th duel." Mitekai muttered in a low voice, and added, "It's a bloody battle of youth with punches to the flesh, and It's not a passive duel like boxing or hide-and-seek."

"Don't worry, as long as you can win, I will definitely have a good fight with you."

"Okay!" Matkai showed his reflective big white teeth, then turned to look at Kakashi, "Come on Ming, let's have our first duel with me!"

Hatake Kakashi was very speechless, to what extent did Mattkai's nerves get so thick that he couldn't tell who was between the two after so long?
It's really all about the way they dress to tell the difference!

Hatake Kakashi turned his dead fish eyes, and was pushed by Hatake Akira who was standing behind him, and then reluctantly walked to the center of the training ground.

The two stood still in the center of the training ground, and after forming a seal of reconciliation with each other, they set up a duel posture with each other.

"Ming, be careful!"

Maitekai reminded, and then the whole person started at a high speed, and after a run-up with his legs, he kicked in the air, pointing directly at Kakashi's face.

With a muffled sound, Kakashi Hatake flew upside down four or five meters away under Akira Hatake's unbelievable eyes.

After landing, he turned over in some pain on the ground, and then lay down on the ground and chose to admit defeat.

Akira Hatake understood at this time, Kakashi ignored his hint just now, he was playing him!

"Ming, are you okay?!"

Maitekai thought that he withdrew his strength just now, but he didn't expect "Akira Hatake" to be so careless.

Trotting over in a panic, after checking that Kaka's suit was not seriously injured, Maitekai was relieved.

"Ming, the way you blocked just now was wrong. You should use the hardest ulnar bone in your arm to block, not your palm."

Mitekai pulled Hatake Kakashi up from the ground, and pointed out his mistake intimately, "It's okay to block with your palm, but your strength is not as strong as mine, and it's easy to form an ineffective defense."


Hatake Kakashi replied indifferently, and then patted the dust off his body, "I am indeed not as good as my younger brother Kakashi, there is no way..."

After saying this sentence, Hatake Kakashi secretly glanced at Hatake Akira, seeing that his face was completely darkened to the bottom of the pot, he felt a sense of joy in his heart.

He had been bullied by Akira Hatake a lot in the past, although it was a trivial matter, but this time he was able to fight back, which made Kakashi somewhat excited.

Walking up to Akira Hatake, Kakashi Hatake patted him on the shoulder seriously, "Brother, brother has done his best, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Kakashi, wait for me!" Akira Hatake gritted his teeth and muttered to him.

As for Kakashi Hatake, as if he didn't hear it, he made a cheering gesture to Akira Hatake on his own, then pretended to cover the side of his face, and found a big tree to lean against and sat down.

"Kakashi, let the horse come here!"

Maitekai became excited, put on a posture and hooked his hands at Akira Hatake from a distance, "Let me see if you have any new moves during this time!"

Akira Hatake didn't bother to respond, and turned his head to look at Kakashi Hatake, who had been sitting by the big tree to watch the battle, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

But it's useless to get angry again. After being swayed by Kakashi, Akira Hatake could only bite the bullet at this time.

"Teaching Maitekai this matter, how can it be as happy as doing it yourself!"

Akira Hatake comforted himself in this way, and then waved his hand to Maitkai.

"So fast!"

Maitekai only had time to take a defensive posture, but before the posture was fully formed, Akira Hatake's passive attack had already reached his chest.

Maitekai, who hastily resisted Akira Hatake's attack, was directly thrown away by the powerful force of Akira Hatake's passive attack. After turning twice on the ground and landing, his legs still plowed two four-meter-long plows on the ground. ravine.

Although Maitekai's physical fitness at this time can be overcome, it is definitely not comfortable.

"Worthy of being my opponent for life!" Maitekai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of unyielding fighting spirit, "It seems that this is a powerful move you newly developed, so I can no longer hide it!"

Hearing Maitkai's shout and seeing his fist approaching his cheek, Hatake had mixed feelings in his heart.

It's time to test his achievements!

With a soft sound, Maitekai's straight fist slammed into a wooden stake, which made Kakashi's eyes brighten as he watched the battle behind him. Akira Hatake finally mastered the substitute technique, one of the three body techniques.

Unlike Hatake Kakashi's relief, Hatake Akira, who was temporarily free at this time, broke out in a cold sweat.

If he had been slower just now, or if he had made a slight mistake during the operation, then he would have been disfigured!

"Substitution technique?" Mike Kay smiled confidently, "I already knew you would use this trick, then! You are definitely behind me!"

Suddenly turned around and kicked sideways, and then Maitekai's smile froze, and he kicked empty...

Afterwards, a purple-red chakra chain was tied around Maitekai's waist, and Hatake jumped to a big tree tomorrow morning.

"What is this!"

Maitekai, who was supposed to stop his moves and stand firm, suddenly softened, feeling that one-fifth of the strength in his body was directly taken away, and even his reaction speed and body control strength also dropped significantly.

The inertia brought by the twisting and side kicking made Maitkai, who was tied to the offensive purple chakra chain, unable to adapt for a while, and his body instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Kakashi... this is one of your trump cards!" Maitekai stood up staggeringly, with the smile on his face still, "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to push you to this point, this is the essence of youth." Strength!!!"

With a shout of enthusiasm from the second class, Maitekai quickly adapted to the reduction of at least 20% of his various attributes, even more enduring the damage caused by the purple chakra chain, and rushed forward again.

"Damn it!" Hatake Akira cursed inwardly, "Why is the speed much faster than before?!"

Maitekai was just a test just now, and naturally he would not use his true strength. If he fired at full strength, Kakashi would suffer a lot.

Even if the various stats of his body were reduced by the attack form of the purple chakra chain, Maitkai's speed now surpassed Hatake Akira's by a fraction.

Seeing that it was too late to seal and evade, Hatake Akira simply chose to use the second skill of Ming Shiyin's hero template: "Shi Gua·Flying Wing".

The purple-red chakra chain instantly changed its color, and the beautiful and rich golden yellow became the main color of the chakra chain.

"Huh? The weakness of the body has disappeared!"

Maitekai was overjoyed at first, and then he greeted Hatake Akira with all his fists and feet regardless.

And Akira Hatake defended hastily and clumsily. Although he was flustered at first, after a few hard attacks, Akira Hatake laughed very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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