Chapter 998 Awakening
In the process of Ji Zhao’s scientific enlightenment in his previous life, there was a very important theory, its name is the theory of evolution.

Before the theory of evolution completely conquered the scientific community, its theory first conquered the political circle. New learning used it to fight against traditional religion. The barbaric, brutal, externally aggressive, internally oppressive, and cancerous imperialist countries used it to cover their aggression with a scientific cloak. They called the aggression "survival of the fittest."

It has a more famous name, called Social Darwinism.

According to this theory, the Luo family should become the masters of the world, and everyone in this world should become the Luo family's slaves. No, everyone should become Ji Zhao's slaves, because Ji Zhao is the most powerful person.

But an incorrect theory cannot lead to a correct result.

Therefore, the Luo family will not embark on the path of becoming the master of the world, and Ji Zhao will not become the final producer.

“The soil of imperialism cannot produce bright flowers.”

“There has never been a politician in this world who is a saint at home but a devil abroad.”

"When the ruling class ruthlessly invades foreign countries, it will inevitably be brutally oppressive at home. This is the essence of imperialism."

These words lingered in Ji Zhao's mind, and his pair of bright eyes lit up, like the rising sun, generous and bright.

Where is Tianzhu?
Or does such a thing as a pillar of heaven really exist in this world?

What is Ji Zhao's existence?
What does this world really look like?
Is it real or imaginary?

In the pre-Qin period, there were philosophers who asked questions about the sky. They asked where the sky came from, where the Tao came from, about wind, rain, thunder and lightning, about the falling snow and the blooming flowers. There are countless questions in this world.

For Ji Zhao, he also had countless questions. Why did he travel through time? What kind of existence was he? Who created the system? What were those powerful artifacts? What were those things in this world that made him feel disharmonious? And what was that Heavenly Dao?
Ji Zhao had countless questions to ask.

Ji Zhao slept in the depths of the Pillar of Heaven for a very long time. During that time, the world had undergone tremendous changes.

There is no sun, moon or time in the depths of the Heavenly Pillar. It used to be all white light here, and the Heavenly Pillar that reached the sky emitted infinite light, but now it is all purple light. The Heavenly Pillar that supports the world and the divine chain of rules and order are even soaked in purple and emit light faintly, just like the purple aura of destiny that Ji Zhao saw at the beginning.

During the chaos at the end of the pre-Tang Dynasty, there was a great collision between the Way of Heaven and the destiny of the sons and daughters of the Luo family and the emperor. In the end, the lingering Way of Heaven was smashed and bloodied by the blood and powerful accumulation of the Luo family, and it disappeared. This purple aura of destiny belonged to Ji Zhao alone, and was eventually replaced by Ji Zhao instead of Tianxin.

But when the contemporary Tianxin reached the final point, Ji Zhao knew something else.

He woke from his deep sleep.

He opened his eyes and saw brilliant light, flowers falling from the ceiling, golden lotuses emerging from the ground, and infinite life light lingering around. In an instant, it was like an illusion and everything disappeared.

"Who will wake up first from the big dream?"

He looked at the real world before him and sighed.

He couldn't help but sigh that this was the truth of this world. At some point in the past, he had doubted himself, but now it seemed that there was no need to do so.

What is the truth of this world?
This is a world between reality and illusion. Perhaps there are countless such worlds in this world. Everything in it is set. If Ji Zhao had not appeared, it would develop step by step until the world is destroyed, and everything would seem to have never appeared. At that time, a new world might appear again in the place where it was annihilated.

But this world is different. It is not that Ji Zhao traveled here, but that this world grew out of Ji Zhao’s body.

If we use a not very appropriate metaphor, it is like a dream of Ji Zhao, so Ji Zhao's subconscious mind will have such a big impact, but it is not a dream, but the gathering of countless people's wills, so there are those heroes and villains with different personalities.

This world thrives on these forces, especially Ji Zhao, and it is transforming from fantasy to reality.

If we use time as a node, from the moment Ji Zhao was born into this world, the people who appeared later, every king, general, and ordinary citizen, are real.

As for those people before Ji Zhao was born, such as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, or the Jurassic Period, or a certain era in the past, are all fake.

After waking up, Ji Zhao just raised his eyes and glanced at the outside world. Well, there is no Brother Ni in this world, that's enough.

After that, he never made any move towards the surface world again.

Although he has awakened from the slumber of the Pillar of Heaven, this is just the beginning. He still has several very important tasks to accomplish, the first of which is to completely turn this world into a real world.

Thinking of this, Ji Zhao did not delay any longer. He went directly upstream in the long river of history. He walked very slowly.

As he went upstream, he wiped out all the existence that made him feel uncomfortable.

He saw some elves hiding in the mountains and forests. That was a scene from the time when the steam age had not yet appeared. They had never been discovered by anyone in that era. As he walked by, these elves disappeared from the long river of history.

He saw the ghosts that appeared in those novels and stories, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call them spirits. It was also in the Tang Dynasty. He walked over, and the spirits disappeared. A flower appeared there that could cause hallucinations in people.

He walked forward and saw Zhang Jue and his descendant Luo Xiao. He stopped for a moment, thought, and then slowly and carefully revised it.

History is there, he will not change what is recorded in history, but he can turn it into legend.

As he walked forward, he saw snow falling on the grassland in Luoling, he saw a sword that could kill Chanyu thousands of miles away, he saw someone with blood and loyalty kill Dong Zhuo, that was the divine weapon he passed down, a legend in this world.

He waved his hand, and the climate of history changed at any time, and the power born from those artifacts returned to his body.

An unknown amount of time had passed before he stood at the time of his birth. There was a thin barrier in front of him.

At this moment, this world is the only one that belongs to me.

The "impurities" that remained in this world were wiped out by Ji Zhao's "world itself". No, it should be said that everything had a "scientific" explanation.

He looked through the barrier at the history he had never set foot on, just like a painter seeing a blank piece of paper on which he could paint freely.

He waved his hand lightly, and the barrier shattered into pieces.

He walked upstream along the long river of history, and wherever he stepped, the sound of water suddenly became louder.

He does not randomly change history, he just presents the history in people's hearts.

This is what he wants to do. The world is round and history has a source.

The news of Ji Zhao's awakening had not yet spread, but Ji Lingjun and Luo Su naturally already knew about it. The two woke up from their sleep and looked at each other in surprise, but when they saw that Ji Zhao had not appeared yet, they knew that the ancestor must have something else to do, so they could only wait again. However, after hundreds of years, they finally learned the news about the ancestor, which made Ji Lingjun and Luo Su burst into tears.

"Just wait quietly."

"Well, just wait quietly."


Not to mention the mysterious things in heaven, the changes in the human world have reached a critical juncture. After Luo Changqing made all preparations, he officially issued an edict to start the reform.

The voices of opposition in Luoyang City were beyond everyone's imagination. Prince Luo was going to make enemies with all the nobles and landlords in the world. Impeachment memorials flew to the palace like snowflakes, but the final result was that Luo Changqing personally had the guards carry these memorials to the main hall at the grand court meeting.

In the main hall, he took out the memorials impeaching him, read them one by one, and wrote comments on them with a red pen in front of all the ministers.

"turn down!"

"King Luo serves the country and the people, and you are worse than pigs and dogs when you make such a report."

"If there is any further slander, there will be severe punishment."

After making his comments, he personally delivered the memorials to those who impeached him, "Prince Xiang, this is your memorial impeaching me. His Majesty asked me to make his comments, so you should take it back."

There was total silence in the hall, and many people were trembling. Since ancient times, there had rarely been such an arrogant minister, and there had never been such a daring minister since ancient times.

They don’t even know why this happened. Is the Tang Dynasty really still the Tang Dynasty?
Prince Xiang was also a very prestigious person among the clan relatives and owned large tracts of land in Yangzhou Prefecture. Luo Changqing's reforms had caused him great harm, so he must have been extremely opposed to it.

In normal attacks, it is usually the subordinates who start to test the waters, and the big guys behind the scenes usually don't show up so early.

But Luo Changqing is different. If only those small soldiers were used in the opposition to Luo Changqing, the memorial might not have reached His Majesty's hands and would have been directly intercepted by Luo Changqing.

After all, Luo Changqing is the real executive vice emperor of the Tang Dynasty and has unlimited power.

Therefore, in this attack, those big men who used to hide behind the scenes directly went into battle bare-handed, wanting to let the emperor see the strength of the opposition, and to make the emperor and Luo Changqing retreat in the face of difficulty.

Although the Tang Dynasty encountered some setbacks in Rome, it was not a big problem. With the strength of the Tang Dynasty, it was impossible for it to fail, so there was no need for reform.

Looking at the world with a static perspective is a common problem for most people. To put it simply, it means that they lack a long-term vision for development.

But Prince Xiang did not expect that even the personal efforts of his own true royal relatives could not make the emperor change his mind, and he directly handed all the memorials to Luo Changqing.

When did the emperor become so decisive?
The emperor looked at the ministers and felt a little uncomfortable, so he said, "I am not feeling well today. The court meeting today will be presided over by Prince Luo. I will leave first."

Having said that, without waiting for everyone to say anything, he ran away from the back. There was no sign of any physical discomfort. Everyone knew that the emperor felt that it was not easy for them to perform well because of his presence.

This is a very surprising guess, because it means that the emperor has no intention of compromise on this matter. He wants to watch this matter that will implicate countless people develop in this way.

Prince Xiang's eyes were full of anger, and he said angrily: "Prince Luo is really good at tricks, and he actually made the emperor trust him so much!"

Luo Changqing said coldly: "Prince Xiang is joking. In the two thousand years of family history of the Luo family, there has never been a direct descendant who betrayed us. We have always been famous for our loyalty, so the emperor trusts us. If Prince Xiang is also so loyal, how could the emperor not trust him?"

your sister.

How shameless! They always bring up the two thousand years of history. Is it something to be proud of that there were no rebels in the past two thousand years?
Prince Xiang could only pull out his own bloodline, otherwise he really couldn't stand it, "Prince Luo, is this how you talk to a prince of the Li clan? This is my Li clan's world. What qualifications do you, the Luo clan, have to alienate the emperor and the clan members!"

As soon as Prince Xiang said this, many of the other Li clan members in the hall covered their faces and said, "Are you okay with your brain? Look whose family is standing in front of you."

That's Luo's!
As expected, Luo Changqing burst into laughter, his laughter full of sarcasm, "Prince Xiang, you are just a first-rank prince, look at the crown on my head, do you know what this is?
The only super-class prince of the inner vassal state in the Tang Dynasty!
What world are you talking about in front of me?
Have you forgotten the other title of the title of King Luo?" The face of the Prince of Xiang changed, and the faces of the other ministers in the hall also changed. How could they forget? At most, they just didn't remember it for a moment.

Choose the emperor!
The temporary regent of the Tang Empire!
If something unexpected happens to the emperor and no successor is designated, Prince Luo will automatically become regent and be responsible for selecting a new emperor for the Tang Dynasty.

This is King Luo!
Prince Xiang took two steps back with a pale face. If it weren't for the huge interests supporting him, he really would not have been able to hold on.

He could only signal his allies with his eyes, "Come on, everyone! I can't hold on by myself. If you can't hold on, we'll all be doomed."

Faced with Luo Changqing, most people did not want to rush forward, but there was really no other way. Luo Changqing's reforms directly cut into their aortas. If they did not reform, the means of production accumulated over hundreds of years would be reduced to zero in one day.

What's the use of exchanging that money? Without the means of production, if you meet a prodigal son, you will be ruined directly. The only way to survive is to sit back and collect money forever.

After the establishment of the King of Yan was abolished, the King of Yan was re-enfeoffed. Apart from the hereditary succession, there was nothing special about it. After receiving the eye signal from the King of Xiang, he mustered up the courage to step forward and said, "The King of Luo keeps saying that he is working for the country and the people, but his actions are not like that.

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that an official who forced the whole world to rebel was actually serving the country and the people. If this continues, the country will no longer be a country, and the Tang Dynasty may be directly destroyed.

If that day really comes, will King Luo be able to handle it?
Is King Luo really so brave and sincere? "

Luo Changqing paced in the hall, looking at the ministers with his hands behind his back, as if he was planning something. After hearing what King Yan said, his expression did not change. He just smiled with a hint of sarcasm on his lips and said, "This is how the world is. People who are willing to do things will always be impeached here, while people who do nothing can point fingers at others with peace of mind.

The future of the Tang Dynasty is not the turn of you who only know how to curry favor with others. If the Tang Dynasty is in danger of falling one day, I am willing to die with the Tang Dynasty. Are you willing to do the same?
Do you know why the emperor left?
Because I told the Emperor that if he were here, I wouldn’t be able to see the ugly faces of people like you.

Now it is indeed so.

Today's grand court meeting is not for you to impeach me, nor is it for me to seek reconciliation with you.

Instead, I want to tell you that I will carry out my reforms unswervingly. This is my declaration of war against you and against all those who oppose reform.

You must be thinking about what will happen after I fail. You don’t need to think about it. If I fail, the Phoenix Flag will wrap my body and bury it back in the Luo family’s ancestral land.

But what a pity.

This king will not fail, he will only succeed, and you will never see that scene."

Without waiting for other people's reaction, Luo Changqing went straight out of the palace. When he reached the palace gate, he said to the guards outside the palace and the ministers in the palace: "Your Majesty asked me to preside over today's court meeting. In this case, you should think carefully about what to do in the future, whether to surrender to me or become my enemy.

All officials of the fourth rank and above must think for an hour in the palace. Anyone who dares to leave without permission will be killed without mercy. "

After saying that, Luo Changqing slowly left.

The moment his figure disappeared, a terrifying roar erupted in the hall. Today's court meeting was not long, but what happened was so shocking.

Such tit-for-tat is really scary.

Especially those who were not involved in it felt it was too dangerous.

Of course there is a reason why Luo Changqing dared to say such harsh words.

The Luo family has a kind of power that has been accumulated over thousands of years, and that is victory.

In the eyes of many people, the Luo family has almost never lost. In history, anyone who firmly clung to the Luo family would have done better in the end, especially the Lu family. If they had not clung to the Luo family, they would have been nowhere to be found now.

In fact, the Li family was also able to have a 400-year dynasty, which was pushed forward by the Luo family. Without those reforms, the Tang Dynasty would not have been able to maintain its peak national strength for 400 years. This is something that no dynasty had ever achieved.

Even the most arrogant descendants of the Li family could not say that this was the Li family's own credit. Everyone knows it.

It was precisely because of this momentum that Luo Changqing made it clear to everyone what he was going to do so decisively.

It can be seen from the eyes of the ministers in the hall that many people have begun to hesitate whether to surrender to Luo Changqing. Even if they suffer heavy losses, it is better than ending up with nothing.

This is the deterrent power of the Luo family. No matter what reform it is, it is easier for the Luo family to do it than for others.

It should be normal for a regime to cease after the death of a leader, but when it comes to a family like the Luo family, where the regime continues even after the death of the leader and there is always a political heir, who can withstand this?

However, in this world, money always moves people's hearts, and most people will lose room for maneuver when blinded by interests.

Those who were ready to surrender to Luo Changqing were basically new officials. Their interests in the land were not that great, so they were willing to give up the land despite the pain.

But those nobles who had huge interests in the land, such as the Prince of Xiang and those great aristocratic families, could not surrender even if they wanted to.

They can only fight Luo Changqing to the end.

Naturally, Prince Xiang and others would not stay in the hall obediently, but when they wanted to go out, the guards actually stopped them. Prince Xiang was about to get angry, but was stopped. Someone whispered a few words in Prince Xiang's ear, and Prince Xiang broke out in a cold sweat instantly. Looking at the expressionless guards in front of him, he could only stay in the hall obediently.


Not to mention the many dignitaries in the palace, Luo Changqing was not in a particularly good mood after leaving the palace. Although he was in high spirits in the palace, he felt very heavy after leaving. "Why is every dynasty like this? Why does every dynasty have so many people who only care about their own selfish plans?

They are never satisfied and always want more. They would rather hold on to things they have no use for, but are unwilling to let the poor get a foothold.

If this problem cannot be solved, what is the point even if it is solved now?
Is there any way in this world to completely solve this problem?"

Luo Changqing didn't know. He shook his head slightly. All he could do was probably to force the social wealth to be redistributed again, and then let the social wealth develop vigorously, so that everyone would be able to get more.

What happened in the court reached the ears of the emperor who was in the harem. After hearing what Prince Xiang said, the emperor cursed in front of everyone: "What a bastard Prince Xiang is! How dare he compare himself with Prince Luo? If I believe him and don't believe Prince Luo, then I will be worse than Emperor Yang of Sui.

Prince Xiang, yes, you are really looking for death. If I were not worried about hindering Prince Luo's reform cause, I would have sentenced you to death first."

In this regard, the emperor is much more ruthless than Luo Changqing. If he was not worried about causing trouble for Luo Changqing, he would really issue an edict to sentence the Prince of Xiang to death. For the emperor who holds great power, this is not a difficult thing to do.

Prince Xiang probably never dreamed that just a few questions in the palace would bring him death. If he knew, he might have fled back to Yangzhou Prefecture overnight and then rebelled.

In fact, Luo Changqing was eager for him to rebel. It would be even better if the Prince of Xiang could call more people to rebel together. For Luo Changqing, it would be the best result if he could catch all those who opposed him in one fell swoop.

As for the outcome of the war, this is actually the thing that Luo Changqing is least worried about, but Prince Xiang and his men probably don't have the courage to do so. Only if they are really forced into a corner will they finally do something desperate.

And it is highly likely that they will not directly rebel, but rather launch a coup d'état. As a ruler who controls the army, he is really not too worried about the people below rebelling.

There is no wall that is impenetrable, and what happened in the court quickly spread.

The resulting reaction is understandable.

Ordinary people have a simple concept of good and evil. Although the world is complex and people are complex, there is still a distinction between good people and bad people.

Especially in stories such as vernacular novels, the protagonist is always a good person, and the one standing on the opposite side of the protagonist is the bad person.

In reality, this kind of substitution determines the reputation of politicians.

In the simple values ​​of ordinary people, the Luo family is a good person, and those who are against the Luo family are naturally bad people.

The Luo family's unparalleled reputation was fully demonstrated at this critical moment.

If a family like the Roma family were placed in Rome, the Roman citizens would be able to elect all Roma members to the Senate.

This is no exaggeration. Even the Emperor Li does not have as high a reputation as the entire Luo family. Even though many common people do not know Luo Changqing's name, they naturally trust him when they hear that he is the head of the Luo family.

If Prince Xiang and his men want to rebel, they can only look for their own die-hard supporters. It will be difficult to mobilize ordinary people.

After being humiliated in the debate in the court, Luo Changqing began to send officials to various prefectures in the Central Plains to survey the land.

The land still needs to be cultivated. After all, agriculture is the foundation. Without agriculture, industry will be nothing but a waste. However, it does not take so many people to cultivate the land.

Especially those hidden populations, now they must be surveyed and the court will redeem the land of the common people. As for the land of the big landlords, it will also be redeemed. As for the hidden lands, they will be directly confiscated, and the punishment will be based on the amount of hidden land. Many landlords were directly fined because they hid too much land.

This was certainly not a peaceful process. There was bloodshed. Some of the people sent by Luo Changqing died directly in the fields, and the murderer could not be found.

This was a show of force, but Luo Changqing soon let everyone see his iron fist again.

Several chief officials of the local county government were all sentenced to death, all formal officials were imprisoned, those local landlords who colluded with the government on a daily basis were all beheaded, and then the people in charge of this matter in the state government were directly dismissed.

This tough response made everyone see Luo Changqing's firm will. He was determined to accomplish this.

Many officials became afraid and asked to retire from the court. Luo Changqing did not allow it and replied directly that those who voluntarily retired now would not be allowed to serve as officials within three generations.

Even if I am seriously ill and dying, I must die at my post and finish the tasks I have assigned to me before I die.

Someone couldn't stand it anymore and suggested to Luo Changqing: "Your Highness Prince Luo, we know you want to reform, but isn't this reform too cruel? There is no dignity at all."

After hearing this, Luo Changqing smiled and said, "Dignified?
What this king wants is no dignity at all.

Reform is not about treating people to a meal or embroidering or weaving cloth. It is a naked struggle for interests, a war without the smoke of gunpowder, a life-and-death struggle. There is no room for the slightest decency.

If you give them face now, the empire will be left with huge scars in the future due to incomplete reforms, which will become the mine that destroys the empire at some point in the future. "


This self-help movement within the ruling class led by Luo Changqing was called the "Yonghe Reform". This reform enabled the Tang Dynasty to make great strides on the road of new learning, but it still retained a large number of feudal remnants and did not completely change the nature of autocracy. - "The Rise and Fall of the Tang Empire"

(End of this chapter)

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