Chapter 994 Change
"Nothing can be more difficult to control than the abstract idea that all men are created equal, once it has been introduced into the minds of individuals and nations."


In the eyes of the new class, what brought down the dynastic empire was not more advanced weapons, but these pervasive and tempting ideas.

The steam engine brought about extensive economic changes, and the economic base determines the superstructure. While economic changes were carried out in several steps, political changes were also advancing.

This wave was easily extinguished within the Tang Dynasty because of the existence of the Luo family. Therefore, in the vast territory of the empire, there has not been a major event like the end of the dynasty where large-scale refugees had difficulty surviving. In other words, the conflicts within the Tang Empire have not yet become so intense that they are a life-and-death struggle.

The fate of the Tang Dynasty should not have been like this, because the Luo family should not have existed. The Luo family used the power outside the world (the holy scar) to interfere with the normal development of the world.

Of course, to an outsider, this looks like a low-probability event (always wise), which is likely to happen repeatedly.

Outside the Tang Dynasty, in areas where the Luo family's political power was relatively weak, the operation of this law was even more obvious.

The parallel development of economy and politics is not accidental. Economy is the foundation. In the process of change of economic foundation, it creates new classes. For example, slave owners appeared in the ancient period when the slave state emerged, landlords appeared between Zhou and Qin, and new classes appeared after the steam age.

These new classes not only have different interests, such as slaves, land, and hired laborers, but the bigger difference is their consciousness. They have different views on the world. To put it in more popular terms, they look at the world from different angles and take it for granted that the world is different.

Slavery takes it for granted that slaves are used for production and can be killed at any time, and people do not think there is anything wrong with it. Hierarchy is innate and blood is inherently noble.

The landlord could not kill people at will, but within his authority, the life and death of the tenant farmers who farmed for him were also in his hands. The classes were still clear, and there were three distinct classes in society: the military aristocracy, the intellectuals and scholars, and the peasants who supported the above two classes.

These are all abnormal in the eyes of the new class. They challenge bloodlines and believe that being born noble is wrong.

This understanding was gained from business practice. In free trade, the new class was deeply affected by feudal obstacles to trade. The strong localism of the feudal aristocracy made trade difficult. Moreover, in the process, they had to get rid of the royal restrictions on business and the gradual increase of commercial taxes that were much higher than agricultural taxes.

In such practice, a very bold idea emerged in the minds of the new class, that is, to overthrow all the current systems that hinder the development of trade and establish a system suitable for development.

In the process, they discovered an astonishing fact: in a wide range of areas, the relationship between rulers and the ruled was not harmonious, and the ruled were indifferent to the life and death of the rulers or whether they ruled.

Of course, this situation was significantly different in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang royal family enjoyed a wider reputation among the people, but this was still not enough to face the new concept, that is, nation.

Before the steam age, the concept of nation did not exist. At that time, there was only a simple concept of race. They called themselves Han people, Romans, Xia people, and Hu people. This is a name that is a mixture of ethnicity and culture.

This kind of title is quite fragile. For the lowest class of people, this title can change at any time, especially for the Han people.

Before the Qin Dynasty, each country had its own name. The Qin Dynasty was too short, so the Han people appeared during the Han Dynasty. But after the division at the end of the Han Dynasty, the world became the Yan people and the Wei people. The word "Han" seems to be the name of a dynasty rather than the name of an ethnic group.

At that time, the word "Xia" was usually used to refer to the ethnic group.

Until the emergence of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang people liked to use the word Han to refer to themselves. To a certain extent, Han was basically on a par with Xia.

But the scope of Han is still smaller than that of Xia. Xia is a real cultural concept. It is not only superior to Han. In today's world, it is also superior to all other concepts such as Rome. It is the hub connecting various ethnic groups.

Under the inspiration of this transcendent culture, the various ethnic groups that emerged were not completely opposed, but were similar to the people during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.


In a country, young people are always the most vigorous and energetic group, just like the sun at eight or nine o'clock. They always have lofty ideals and passion in their hearts. They always promote world progress and fight against the darkness and injustice in the world.

In the transformation of the empire and dynasty, class seems to determine everything and dominate people's behavior, but the reality is not so. This kind of thing always happens in this world -

The passionate young people in the ruling class are well-educated and have a broader vision. They realize the corruption of the world and are unwilling to go along with it, so they take the initiative to join the ranks of resistance.

These young people have far more resources than most middle- and lower-class people. After breaking through class limitations, they have more possibilities. In the process of change, when they merge with the forces from the grassroots, they will burst out with amazing power, and then form a wave that will change the world.

Even if these waves will destroy the living soil of their original family, they are willing to do so, all for the lofty ideals in their hearts.

There are many such people in the Luo family.

After the advent of the steam age, the world changed a lot, but Rockwell changed even more.

The Luo family, which had remained united for more than a thousand years, and the Luo family members, who all obeyed the orders of the head of the family, seemed to have changed.

The relationship between the Luo family members is still harmonious, but that is only a personal relationship. Ideologically, the confrontation between the Luo family members is quite serious.

Luo's laboratories are spread all over the place and are no longer limited to the family. This is one of the proofs.

There are many people within the Luo family who are dissatisfied with the current situation in the Tang Dynasty.

In the eyes of many people, on the road to greatness, the Luo family is one of many positive examples, and this positive example is for feudalism.

But this is actually wrong. The advancement of the Luo family is not due to the feudal system, nor the patriarchal system, nor the strict backward systems, but simply because the Luo family has almost no selfish motives.

The Luo family could survive under the system of the Zhou Dynasty, and also under the system after the Qin and Han Dynasties. Even if all the blood nobles disappeared in the future, the Luo family would still be able to survive very well.

The power of the Luo family is due to the Luo family itself.

"Now the existence of the family has become an excuse for some people, and an example used by exploiters to maintain their shameless rule. The existence of the family has become an obstacle."

This is the conclusion that many Luo clan members have come to after facing the current situation.

Even among the Luo family, this is the most sharp and most unorthodox statement.

The Luo family has the strongest family sentiment in the world.

Have the proudest family faith in the world.

They even used the heart of the family to represent the heart of the world, and have achieved remarkable results in the past two thousand years.

Who wouldn’t feel heartbroken when hearing these words now?
Who can hold back tears?

But although Luo Zi loves his family, he cannot ignore the truth.

“Why has the world become like this?”

"Because the king is the greatest evil to the world."

This rather sharp theory has been shelved since the day it was proposed, and it has been more than a thousand years now.

That’s right, this theory was deduced by a super genius named Luo as early as the Bang Zhou period, but in that era, deriving this theory was truly a heinous crime.

Even Luo Shi had put this theory aside. More than a thousand years had passed, and even Luo Shi would not look at it, or even knew that this thing existed.

After the trend of reading the materials of ancient sages started in the West, the self-examination of internal materials by the Rockefeller family has also achieved new results.

Because there is too much information about the Luo family, no one can read it all in their lifetime.

Therefore, apart from the books that are required to be read, the Luo family's information is open to all clan members to read.

So it was under such circumstances that that rather unorthodox book was brought out.

Of course, we cannot speak casually about the fact that the king is a great harm to the world.

The Luo family has never been the type to just kill and not bury. If you can't create a new world, then don't easily destroy the order of the old world.

But with the gradual changes in the economic base and the emergence of various ideas, those new ideas emerged little by little, and it seemed that the world really had a way to replace the imperial system, or at least to replace the current system of the emperor's sole supremacy.

But do we really need to spread this idea?
Before the ideological reform in the world had even begun, Rockefeller first began to reform itself.

Every member of the Luo family firmly believes in one thing: the Luo family must be the most advanced and powerful in the world. Only when the reform starts from the Luo family can it be truly promoted to the world.


The birthday of the Vegetarian King is two thousand and forty-two.

A major event took place in Constantinople, the city of the Roman Queen. A group of young nobles launched a coup against Basileus.

The demands of the young nobles were simple. They wanted Rome to return to the era of the Senate. They demanded the abolition of Basileus' supreme laws, the re-establishment of the Senate's status, the restoration of the electoral power of Roman citizens a thousand years ago, and they wanted Rome to become a "republic" again, rather than the current "monarchy" country.

This incident caused a huge uproar!

Rome first experienced a brief era of monarchy, and soon entered the era of city-state republic. Then, like every powerful empire in history, Rome began its life of cheating, growing step by step into the empire that turned the Mediterranean into an inland sea.

The republican system was naturally not suitable for a vast empire, so during the reign of Octavian, Rome transformed into an empire.

But the name of Rome has always been the Senate and the Roman People, and the source of the emperor's power is a collection of a large number of official positions and honors. In other words, the Roman emperor at this time was like the emperors of various countries in the late Han Dynasty. He was the political head of the empire, but without divinity.

Later, Rome experienced an era when the emperor considered himself a god, which was somewhat similar to the Shang Dynasty. At this time, the Roman emperor realized that the emperor needed to be sacred. But considering oneself a god is a relatively low-level sacred means.

Later, the Western Roman Empire fell and the Eastern Roman Empire changed its state religion. Rome completely embarked on the path of divine right of kings and began to completely pass down the throne of the emperor from father to son within the family. There was also the honor of "born in the Purple Room", which was a bit like a "legitimate son".

The subsequent history was originally going to be a step-by-step destruction, but unexpectedly, the Tang Dynasty directly defeated the Crescent Empire, so Rome reached the point of communicating and forming an alliance with the Tang Dynasty. Later, when the steam age came, Xuanmen was introduced from Persia, and Rome changed its state religion and converted to Xuanmen Suwang.

Later, facing the powerful Tang Dynasty, Rome had no choice but to surrender and give up its suzerainty. Rome's status in Europe was already quite high. After Qin and Persia, it was Rome.

The main reason is that the Tang Dynasty was a civilized country, and Rome was also a civilized country. Before the collision, the two sides had been communicating for two hundred years and were countries that could negotiate. Those countries that were really capricious and unwilling to submit to the Tang Dynasty were all wiped out.

Rome, as well as a series of European countries influenced by Rome, were not as centralized as the Central Plains.

Especially the Roman king. The degree of centralization was not deep to begin with. From the system to the legal principles, it was the lowest among the many vassal kingdoms and principalities of the Tang Dynasty. After becoming a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, the divine right of kings was directly changed to the right granted by the emperor, and the sacredness was discounted in more than one way.

To put it more seriously, in the eyes of the nobles and Roman citizens, the king no longer had any sacredness.

Therefore, it was normal for this revolution demanding the return of power to the Senate and the Roman people to occur in Rome, where there was an extremely broad popular support and historical tradition.

The Roman royal family was naturally very shocked and angry, but this anger was different from that of the royal families of other countries.

This brings us to another thing, which is that in Rome, there is not only one royal family, but also many former royal families. These former royal families are different from those in the Central Plains. They are great nobles who still hold a lot of power and real positions.

Even though it was an imperial system, it was essentially an aristocratic republic, and the power of the Roman emperor was between that of the Zhou emperor and the Qin system.

In the face of the surging waves, if it were a kingdom in the Central Plains, its first reaction would definitely be to suppress the coup and rebellion, but the Roman king's reaction was to answer the rebels' demands!
A very bizarre yet understandable result.

Because if anyone who understands the political situation in Rome can see from those young people that this is not a simple coup, the power behind the coup is extremely powerful.

After the coup, the Roman royal family did not suffer any liquidation, and did not even leave Constantinople. On the third day after the coup, the former Roman king became a senator of the Senate and served as the treasurer of the new government.

Rome did not even change its name, it was still called the Senate and the Roman People. The only difference was that the family emblem that symbolized the original royal family was removed from the eagle flag and replaced it with a brand new and clean eagle flag.

For the entire Rome, this was a rather unusual day. Today's Rome is no longer the Rome it once was. The exchanges among countries around the world are much smoother than before, and the understanding of each country's political system is also deeper.

The situation in Rome spread to the Central Plains, and the autocratic and centralized political system in the Central Plains was also affecting Rome. Not to mention that the current Roman king was nominally appointed by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The coup d'état not only changed the Roman system from an empire back to a republic, but also destroyed the tribute system of the Tang Dynasty!
The newly established Roman Republic organized a conference in the Senate, where they clearly stated that "all power of the Republic belongs to Roman citizens", "Roman citizens elect the Senators", "any resolution of the Republic must be approved by the Senate", and "the executive officers of the Republic are appointed by the Senate and are in charge of the affairs of the Republic."

This series of practices are quite retro and not much different from the past. However, with today's productivity, this retro practice has found its place and is no longer the fantasy it was thousands of years ago.

The only difference is probably that Roman citizens have changed from the former city of Rome to the present vast country. Of course, in reality, most people still cannot vote. Only those who are truly included in the rule, such as soldiers serving the empire or those who provide some taxes, are eligible.

Although the new Roman government was retro on the surface, if we look at the composition of the first Senate, we will know that this was a country completely different from the past. The proportion of old aristocrats in the Senate was only a quarter, and most of them were emerging classes and military personnel.

These merchants and middle and lower-level military officers who were once only white gloves for the nobles suddenly became the masters of Rome.

After seizing power, these new rich, who already possessed enormous wealth and mobilization capabilities, immediately promulgated a series of policies and laws that were conducive to the development of the emerging class.

Not only that, among the coup d'état there were a large number of scholar-officials who were supporters of new ideas. After seizing power, they immediately began to mobilize the peasants who had no connection with the ruling class.

What they have to do is very simple, they open schools and teach farmers to be illiterate so that they can join the industrial system more smoothly. People who don't even know how to read and write cannot join the industrial system quickly.

Moreover, Rome needed more talents, more troops, and more people to fight for Rome, all of which required more Romans to join in.

"The Romans tried to establish a nation-state and used nationalism to mobilize the power of this newly established country. Their goal was to make Rome great again. Officials of the new government knew that they had destroyed the tribute system of the Tang Dynasty and were extremely worried that the Tang Dynasty would destroy their Rome. So they set their sights on other countries in Europe and Central Asia, annexing or forming alliances with more countries in order to establish an alliance against the Tang Dynasty. This was the first military decision Rome had to make."

The one who first made the figurines has no descendants.

After this earth-shattering event happened in Rome, the news immediately spread to all the surrounding countries at an extremely fast speed. This may not have been without Rome's instigation. After all, Rome was the first to break the tributary system and the first country to drive the royal family off the throne.

Who among the monarchs of other countries would not feel afraid? Even though the Roman royal family had a very good ending, simply giving up power was already something that was quite unbearable for a noble and powerful person.

As a vassal state, the Tang Dynasty naturally had military bases here. This news spread to the Central Plains like a gust of wind, and countless people began to predict what the Tang Dynasty would do after learning the news.

Many people speculated that the Tang Dynasty would send troops. After all, based on past experience, this has always been the Tang Dynasty's style.

Many people are looking forward to this scene, not just the conservatives in various countries, but even the reformists think so.

The Rome of today is no longer the Rome of the past. The Rome that has also entered the steam age is no longer a country crushed by the Tang Dynasty.

If the Tang Dynasty really launched an expedition thousands of miles away, would Rome become the graveyard of the Tang Empire?

The entire Roman nation was mobilized, and an unprecedentedly powerful Rome was established in the Queen's city, Constantinople.

If the Tang Dynasty is trapped here, the whole world will change!

The establishment of New Rome may still be a distant thing for the distant Tang Dynasty, but for the countries in Europe and West Asia, it is the biggest thing.

There was no need for the Tang Dynasty's order at all. Almost the moment the Persian Kingdom and the Qin State learned the news, they sent a letter to Rome, demanding that the Roman king must be restored immediately, otherwise they would send troops to Rome.

Even if the relations between countries are not harmonious or even hostile to each other in normal times, it doesn't matter at this time.

"The monarchs of all Europe and Asia were tensely united in front of the new Rome established by the rising class. They were deeply afraid and terrified of a country without a monarch. They described it as a terrible monster, and the people who did not follow the teachings of the Su Wang and became corrupt. Such words filled every newspaper. Then they began to arrest those who held the new learning. Countless scholars came to Rome for refuge."

No secular monarch would allow such an outlier to exist. For the rulers, the most terrifying thing in the world is probably that some truths are widely spread.

"It is not the king who supports the peasants, but the peasants who support the king. It is not the king who is grateful to the peasants, but the peasants who carry the king and are grateful to the king."

“It is not the king who owns the country, but the country that includes the king, as well as every farmer, merchant, craftsman, and soldier in the country. Therefore, the king should not be born with power, but should be someone loved by the people, listen to everyone’s opinions, and then manage the country.”

When such remarks are widely spread, how can secular monarchs sit still?

They wantonly arrest people who hold these views, but at the same time there are some people they cannot arrest casually, that is, researchers. These people hold the "truth" of the world. These people are treasures. Losing these people means losing the future of the country, and the throne cannot be kept.

But these people have received a fairly high level of education, and most of them are skeptical of the kingship. There is only one thing on their minds: "Analyze the secrets of this world and find out whether the Su Wang really exists and what kind of existence he is."

That's right.

This shouldn't have been a problem. After researching, many people began to doubt the existence of gods, but don't forget that Luo's existence is extremely unreasonable.

Especially Luo's attitude towards Su Wang Shang Huang Tian makes people doubt whether Su Wang Shang Huang Tian really exists.

After all, normally speaking, as the descendants of the legendary gods, the Luo family should be the most eager to prove whether the Su King exists.

But the Luo family has never made such a move.

That can only prove two things, either Luo knew that Su Wang did not exist, or Luo knew for sure that Su Wang existed.

But no matter who asked, Luo would smile and say it really existed, which made people suspicious.

Seeing that I couldn't answer the question by asking, I just did it myself.

In order to prove whether Ji Zhao really existed, countless talented mathematicians and various scientists spent a lot of time on this.

If there were such a group of people in the world when Ji Zhao had just traveled through time, he would probably have been able to analyze the essence of the world through these people.

After all, the world at that time was too imperfect.

Even when the King of Zhou was conquering the State of Chu, there were cases of model penetration. This kind of unreasonableness would destroy all mathematical models.

However, it was impossible to have such a high level of mathematics at that time. People at that time had mental shackles in their brains and could only follow the historical process step by step.

In short, today's scientists are only interested in the truth of the world and the true God in legends.

Moreover, science naturally demystifies everything sacred. Once all the means in mythology have been reasonably explained, those sacred stories will no longer have any appeal.

As for the lies and scams fabricated by the ruling class, they are even more ridiculous in the eyes of these people. Therefore, these people who have mastered the truth of the world generally hate the rulers.

In such an atmosphere, as expected, some countries launched coups similar to the one in Rome, demanding the king to step down, and even violent conflicts broke out, leading to civil wars. Even countries that did not demand the king to step down demanded that the king move from being above the law to being below the law, and demanded that the king's power be restricted. At the same time, various preferential policies were given to enable business to develop more rapidly.

The conflict between the reformists and conservatives in this land was unprecedentedly large, and with the addition of countless people fanning the flames, many countries soon reached the brink of riots.

In countries where the monarchy was relatively strong, the regime was strictly controlled and many people were beheaded or hanged.

Just when Europe and West Asia were in turmoil, news from Rome traveled thousands of miles, across the small countries along the way, and arrived at the supreme city, the divine capital Luoyang.

Presented it to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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