Chapter 987 The Big Wedding
In the side hall of Tianshou Temple, the smell of sandalwood was wafting.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the hall, including the prime minister and the consultants that Luo Xianzhi brought from the Luo family. From time to time, these people looked up at Luo Xianzhi who was sitting at the top.

Luo Xianzhi was wearing a palace dress without any makeup. Her slender white hands tightly grasped the brush, and her eyes never left the table.

Although there were many things on the desk, they were not messy but in good order. At the front of the desk were rows of unapproved memorials. Next to the desk was a bamboo basket containing approved memorials.

On Luo Xianzhi's left hand is the emperor's seal, and on her right hand is the seal of Fengge Luantai. These two are the key to her holding power over the world.

The hall was very quiet, and everyone was doing their work as planned.

An eunuch walked in from outside the palace, knelt on the ground after entering the palace, and said in a sharp voice: "Your Highness Prince Luo, a messenger has been sent from Guanzhong with military information. The Minister of War and the messenger from Guanzhong are waiting outside the palace."

The Minister of War is here, it looks like a big deal.

Luo Xianzhi put down the brush in his hand after hearing this, and the others in the hall also looked over and said, "Let the two of them in."

Not long after, a soldier who had been carefully checked several times came in from outside, knelt on one knee and saluted. The Minister of War also saluted Luo Xianzhi.

The Minister of War was the prince of the Li clan. Luo Xianzhi asked calmly, "Minister Li, what happened in Guanzhong?"

Something happy happened in Guanzhong, which could be seen from the expression of the Minister of War.

When Li Qianqiu thought of the news from Guanzhong, he felt extremely excited and said happily: "To reply to His Royal Highness Prince Luo, His Royal Highness Prince Jin led 50,000 infantry and cavalry from Hedong and defeated 200,000 cavalry of the Yan army at the Weishui River, beheading 32,000 people, and the Yan army suffered more than 60,000 casualties from jumping into the water, and captured 50,000.

One hundred and seventy-three princes and generals of the Yan army were killed or captured, and the Yan bandits were completely annihilated in Guanzhong."

Luo Xianzhi's hands shook uncontrollably. Even though she was well-informed, she was still shocked by this brilliant outcome.

The others in the hall were even more shocked. The next moment, countless voices echoed, "Is this true?"

The State of Yan was fighting in a foreign land and had nowhere to hide. Once defeated, they couldn't even run away. This was why so many people were captured. Those who escaped couldn't actually run away.

The most important thing is that the top leaders of the Yan army were wiped out in one battle, which was a true annihilation of the entire army.

Not a defeat!

Not breaking up!

No chance to retreat, no chance to make a comeback, one battle will decide the outcome.

It's really scary.

The soldiers who followed the Minister of War heard the overwhelming questions and said loudly: "Your Highness Prince Luo, Your Highness Prince Jin has recovered Chang'an and is waiting for the court's order."

Luo Xianzhi was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Prince Jin has made such great contributions, he is a meritorious official of the country. The court will never treat any meritorious official unfairly. You can withdraw first, and after a few days, return to Guanzhong with the envoys who went to Guanzhong to announce the imperial decree."

After the soldiers acting as messengers left, Luo Xianzhi immediately summoned all the ministers to discuss the affairs of Guanzhong.

The Minister of Personnel said in a deep voice: "Your Highness Prince Luo, I think the first thing we need to confirm about this matter is whether it is true or not."

Although this kind of thing basically cannot be faked, the Tang Dynasty has its own procedures. Military exploits of this level cannot have the slightest problems, otherwise the entire court will become a laughing stock.

Luo Xianzhi said in a serious tone: "There is no need to arrange people to investigate. The brave warriors are at the front line, and detailed information about the front line will be delivered to this king soon.

Let’s discuss this as if it were true.”

Everyone in the hall bowed their heads, "Yes."

This is the status of the Luo family. They are the only non-vassal kings and princes in the empire who have private soldiers. However, Prince Luo is a super-class prince after all, so it may be normal for him to have private soldiers.

There was a buzz of discussion in the hall again, mainly about the level of reward and the next appointment.

While a group of people were discussing, Luo Xianzhi's sister, who was also her current first advisor secretary, walked in from outside and whispered in her ear, "Sister, it is true that Jin Wang Li Cunxu won a great victory in Guanzhong. Here is the detailed battle report."

Luo Xianzhi unfolded the detailed battle report and read it. Li Cunxu led light cavalry to lure the Yan army into a few small battles in Guanzhong, but he deliberately fought indecisively and hesitated, causing the Yan army to relax their vigilance. Then, taking advantage of the heavy fog in the Weishui River, he led the entire army to attack and finally defeated the Yan army. After the victory, he pursued the Yan army for two days and two nights, killing and capturing all the main generals of the Yan army before ending the war.

From beginning to end, it extremely resembles the style of Emperor Taizong when he conquered the world.

Combining the two battle reports with the previous intelligence about Li Cunxu that Luo had collected, Luo Xianzhi had a rough idea of ​​how to use Li Cunxu in the future.

Having made up her mind, she immediately asked the ministers to stop discussing and said loudly: “This king has already considered such a reward.

Before King Wuxiang of Jin passed away, he wanted the current King of Jin to make the Divine Sword of the Tang Dynasty. Now that the King of Jin has the ability to do so, I have decided to give him this opportunity.

Let him take over the duties of King Wuxiang of Jin.

The Tian Ce Army withdrew to Shendu, recruited soldiers from Heluo to replenish the Shen Ce Army, and then recruited soldiers from Guanzhong to form the Longxiang Army, all of which were commanded by the Prince of Jin, while the Hedong Army was still commanded by him.

I will again appoint Prince Jin as the governor of Zhongdu, and the Jiedushi of Longyou, Hexi, Anxi and Beiting. He will still hold the Jiedushi of Hedong concurrently, and will confer additional titles on him, such as Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Taizi Taibao, Shang Zhuguo, and Jianxiu Tongfengge Luantai Pingzhangshi.

He was ordered to conquer Li Maozhen, Li Yanming, and Zhu Wen, and recover the area west of Zhongdu."

Luo Xianzhi gave out one thing after another, almost for free, which frightened the people below. Great merits would bring great rewards. If he made a few more contributions, he would reach the point where there was nothing more to be given to him by Emperor Taizong.

"Your Highness Prince Luo, Prince Jin is only seventeen years old now. Isn't this reward too great? In the future..."

There are still many years to come, what should I do if there is nothing left to reward?


Luo Xianzhi was silent. Li Cunxu was three years younger than her, but his achievements were beyond what most people could achieve in their lifetime. He was born into a good family, had a stage to show himself, and had strong abilities, so he had the opportunity to stand out.

Thinking of this, Luo Xianzhi said with emotion: "Seventeen years old is good, I can serve the Tang Dynasty for many years, just issue it according to my ability."


Guanzhong is already in jubilation.

Li Cunxu's slightly immature face was filled with a solemn and murderous look. The generals from Hedong and other imperial armies no longer dared to look down on him.

At this moment Li Cunxu was sitting and they were standing.

Just like when Li Shimin was sitting and a group of old ministers were standing, this is the army, this is the battlefield, here there is no age, only victory or defeat, whoever can win the battle is the king here, seniority is only for those who have no ability.

"Everyone, please take a seat."

Li Cunxu finally spoke, and everyone said in unison: "Thank you, Your Highness, Prince of Jin!"

Li Cunxu nodded in satisfaction. "Everyone, the imperial envoy will arrive in Zhongdu tomorrow. No matter where you take office in the future, today in Chang'an, we have worked together to defeat the Yan bandits. This is a happy event worth celebrating. I wish you all good contributions to the Tang Dynasty in the future."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the lineage of Prince Jin is about to rise to power. Life is like this, and anything can change the future.

How could Li Keyong, a Prince of Hedong and a military governor, become the Prince of Jin and the number one figure in the Tang military in such a short period of time?
There are too many coincidences. If one of them is missing, he would not have been able to be promoted so quickly.

But that's fate.

When fate's favor should have come to an abrupt end at his death, Li Cunxu stood up and told everyone that it was not Li Keyong who was favored by fate, but him, Li Cunxu, and that Li Keyong worked for Li Cunxu to accumulate capital.

The next day.

The envoys sent by Luo Xianzhi arrived in Chang'an, and Li Cunxu led the military and civil officials to welcome the envoys.

After reading the imperial edict, the messenger smiled and said to Li Cunxu: "Your Highness Prince Jin, Your Highness Prince Luo has something else to tell you."

In fact, this was an oral order. Li Cunxu bowed and said, "Please speak, angel."

“I have always heard that the Prince of Jin had the demeanor of Emperor Taizong when he was young. Now, from what I have seen in the Battle of Weishui, I can see that the Prince of Jin is both brave and resourceful. The country is in a difficult situation now. The Prince of Jin is the son of King Wuxiang of Jin and a close relative of the emperor. He should inherit the loyalty and courage of his father and grandfather and serve the court. In the future, won’t he leave his name in history and be remembered forever?

When the world is pacified, I will pour wine for the King of Jin and comfort the former emperors of the Tang Dynasty.

I heard that the King of Jin has not yet married. When he returns victorious from his campaign against Li Maozhen and Zhu Wen, I will personally act as a matchmaker for him and select a good lady from a good family to flatter the ancestral temple of Jin."

Luo Xianzhi's words actually expressed one meaning, that she admired Li Cunxu very much, and asked Li Cunxu to work hard to make more contributions and not to think too much. No matter what happened in the future, she would protect him and he would not have to worry about being liquidated.

Fulfilling his father's will is the most important thing for Li Cunxu. In this process, if he has Luo Xianzhi's full support, he will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

Although he is in a high position and has great power now, the gap between him and Luo Xianzhi is immeasurable, they are not even on the same level.

Even if his father Li Keyong were alive, he would not be as good as him.

"Your Highness Prince Luo's earnest teachings are known to Cunxu. Please ask the angel to report to Prince Luo that unless Li Maozhen and Zhu Wen are defeated, Cunxu will never return to Guandong."

Li Cunxu issued a military order.

After the imperial envoys left, Li Cunxu began to prepare for war in Chang'an. The imperial court also sent a number of people to take over Guanzhong again. The previous ruling system had been destroyed by the Yan army.

Li Cunxu began to formulate a battle plan against Li Maozhen and Zhu Wen.

Of the two, Zhu Wen was a true hero, much stronger than Li Maozhen in every aspect. The fact that the coalition forces coming from the far west suffered consecutive losses at the hands of Zhu Wen was proof of this.

If the Temple Army had not charged twice at critical moments, the coalition forces of the Holy Alliance might have suffered heavy casualties.

The morale of the Holy Alliance, which came from afar, was quite low, and logistical supplies also encountered difficulties. After all, it was a coalition force, and each country had its own ulterior motives and could not truly work together.

It's still easy when we win, but once we encounter a tough battle, buck-passing and other situations will arise.

Zhu Wen himself was a man of both civil and military talents, and was extremely strong in coordination. Under his leadership, there were no dissenting voices within the party before the defeat of the State of Yan.

Until the State of Yan was suddenly defeated, not only Li Maozhen was horrified, but Zhu Wen also became anxious. The Yan army in Guanzhong was defeated, and it was their turn to face the army of that young man whom they thought was just a bunch of brats.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse after just one battle, which was something no one had expected. No one dared to underestimate Li Cunxu, even though he was only seventeen years old.



After Luo Xianzhi approved a new memorial, he asked, "Is this the last batch of supplies to be sent to Chang'an?"

The Minister of War quickly replied, "Yes, Prince Luo, supplies worth 30 million guan have been sent to Chang'an one after another. The preparations before the war have been made. After that, we can only send more after the war according to the battlefield situation."

Luo Xianzhi nodded gently, her eyes cast towards Guanzhong, and she secretly said in her heart: "Li Cunxu, please don't let me down. If you are really capable of great use, I will give you a huge amount of glory and wealth.

If you are a flash in the pan, then go and be a rich and idle king."

The Minister of War reported: "Your Highness Prince Luo, the number of refugees in Guandong has exceeded five million. Many counties in Guandong have been completely lost, and most of them are no longer able to be defended.

Should the imperial court do something in Kanto?
Even though Kansai is a big enemy, Kanto should not be underestimated either."

Luo Xianzhi frowned upon hearing this and said, "Without food, Guandong will not be able to make a difference. Inform the governors of all states to defend the Huai River and important cities such as Xingyang and Hulao. The court will send troops to clear out the enemy.

As long as the Tang Dynasty cannot enter the Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers, it will have nothing to worry about. Now the Tang Dynasty does not have the ability to fight on two fronts, nor does it have the ability to rescue so many disaster victims, so it can only let things develop.

Wait, when the war in Guanxi stops, the court will naturally turn to Guandong."

The Minister of War also knows that things have their priorities, and now he can only focus his main attention on Guanxi.


The hall was a little dim, with a few oil lamps on. Wind blew in from nowhere, and the lights swayed in the wind, casting long, twisting shadows on the people.

There were many people in white clothes gathered in the hall, both men and women, all of them frowned and shook their heads. As more and more people were at a loss, most of them had a grim look on their faces.

That rather terrifying future appeared before everyone.

Someone walked in from outside the hall.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was King Luo Xianzhi.

"Master of the house."

"elder sister."

"Your Highness."

As soon as Luo Xianzhi entered the hall, he felt the heavy atmosphere, and his heart sank, "No?"

"Sister, we cut off the bulging part for His Majesty, and then used distilled alcohol to clean the wound, but His Majesty still has pus. We tried our best."

During these years of development, Rockwell has acquired surgical capabilities.

But the biggest problem with surgery is how to prevent postoperative infection.

In Luo's experiment, the use of alcohol was not foolproof. In other words, it was effective but not very significant and could only be used as an auxiliary. In this era without anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, every time after surgery, one would risk a near-death experience.

Not to mention that the emperor is still so young. But it has to be done.

No one had thought that Li's ancestral illness would appear in such a young child. His body simply couldn't handle it, so they had to give it a try.

The current result was anticipated. The emperor is not lucky enough.

Luo Xianzhi held in his hand the good news that had just come from Guanzhong, but there was not even a hint of joy in his heart.

She sat next to the emperor, waiting for the effect of the anesthetic to wear off. The emperor slowly opened his eyes and saw Luo Xianzhi. His face was full of pain. "Aunt, it's so hot and it hurts."

Luo Xianzhi felt a pang in her heart. She patted Tianzi gently and said in a gentle voice, "Go to sleep. The pain will go away when you wake up."

The emperor was so young that he didn’t understand what life and death meant. He just felt very hot. He felt groggy when he just woke up. He moved into Luo Xianzhi’s arms and fell asleep in a short while.

Luo Xianzhi felt as if he was holding a piece of hot charcoal.

The lamp oil was added again and again, and the body in her arms gradually lost its heat and became cold.

Luo Xianzhi patted him gently, as if he was not dead yet.

The people around her did not leave, and there were even more people. There were not only doctors here, but also officials.

If the death of the previous emperor was not so worrying, the death of this emperor would be as devastating as the collapse of the sky and the earth for the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, no one even cared about being sad about the death of the emperor. There was only one question before everyone -

Who is worthy of being the emperor?

Who will inherit this huge empire?

Everyone turned their eyes to Luo Xianzhi. Whoever could gain the recognition of King Luo would be able to enter Luoyang and become the supreme emperor.

What does King Luo think?
Nobody knows.


According to the general thinking of powerful officials, it is natural to choose a young emperor so that he can be easier to control. After all, in the kindergartens of the Eastern Han Dynasty, for this reason, the emperors chosen were always children, so the power was transferred back and forth in the hands of the empress dowager and others.

But Luo Xianzhi would not do that.

Besides, she had witnessed the death of two emperors with her own eyes.

Death, especially the death of a leader like this, will make people feel uneasy, and the whole world will feel uneasy.

The Luo family has suffered greatly from this.

The same was true for the Tang Dynasty. Within a short period of time, three emperors died in the empire. To anyone who looked at it, this was a sign that God was not favoring the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the next emperor must be someone with good health.

The princes of the Li clan in Luoyang and the surrounding areas have begun to actively approach Luo Xianzhi, and those ministers who have access to Luo Xianzhi are secretly using all their connections, hoping that she can choose certain people.

"Sister, what kind of emperor do you want?"

People within the Luo family also began to question Luo Xianzhi.

Luo Xianzhi did not hide anything from the Luo family. She said calmly, "The Tang Dynasty needs an emperor who can bring the confidence of the people. He must be like the sun, radiating light to everyone. If he can be like Emperor Taizong, it will be perfect. The Tang Dynasty will quickly regain the hearts of the people."

Hearing about Emperor Taizong, she couldn't help but think of Li Cunxu, "Sister, do you want to choose the Prince of Jin to succeed the throne?"

Luo Xianzhi nodded and shook his head, "I have had this idea, but I am not sure yet. I need to see what kind of person he is."

To judge what kind of person Li Cunxu is, the usual approach is of course to investigate, judging from his words, actions, and all aspects comprehensively, but for the Luo family, there is another way.

There is a magic weapon in the Luo family that can see a person's ability strengths and some of his character weaknesses. Luo Xianzhi will conduct a comprehensive investigation and the evaluation given by the magic weapon.

To obtain complete and accurate information about Li Cunxu, not only detailed information about Li Cunxu is needed, but also a lot of luck. Fortunately, the Luo family can still afford it.

As luck paved the way, the human-book artifact revealed the appearance of Li Cunxu, and the artifact's evaluations of Li Cunxu also emerged.

"He is brave and good at fighting, and knows the art of war. No hero in the world can compete with him."

"Be kind to your relatives, reward your close ministers, value the rich and powerful, and despise the poor."

"Listen to women's words and respect women's words."

It is indeed a very comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation on military affairs is very high. No heroes in the world can compete with it. In history, it is very rare to have such a high evaluation.

As for valuing the rich and powerful and despising the poor and ignorant, most people in this world are like this and it's hard to say whether they are good or bad.

What Luo Xianzhi cares most about is the last comment, which is the key.

Prince Luo did not make a choice. Even though the court officials had written to her many times, she was still thinking about it. This frightened many people, as they thought that Prince Luo might already have a candidate in mind.

Because Prince of Jin Li Cunxu had returned victoriously and was on his way back to the capital, they believed that Prince of Luo might be waiting for Prince of Jin, and that Prince of Jin might be the one to inherit the throne.

But what is puzzling is that if Prince Luo really chose Prince Jin, why didn't he announce it directly?
As long as she announced it, and considering that Prince Jin is now famous all over the world and his contribution in regaining Guanxi far exceeds that of other princes, no one can stop her.

Countless people were wondering what Luo Xianzhi was thinking.

They thought the problem was too complicated. In fact, the reason was very simple. Li Cunxu was on the list, but he had not been completely confirmed. Luo Xianzhi had to meet him in person before making a decision.


A grand celebration was held outside the city of Luoyang for the triumphant Prince of Jin Li Cunxu, but Prince Luo did not show up. From the death of the emperor to the present, Luo Xianzhi had never met any of the Li clan members alone, nor had he expressed his opinion on any of the Li clan princes.

But King Luo had to meet the victorious King Jin. Countless people were worried. Would this private meeting change anything?
Li Cunxu was not nervous on the battlefield, as he always had infinite confidence. But at this moment, as he walked in the palace, he felt that his hands and feet were out of control. He knew very well that he was not only going to meet a prince who was in charge of the country's affairs, but also to meet someone who might make him the supreme ruler.

He never thought that one day he would be so close to that position, just one step away.

But fate pushed him to this position.

It's fate really.

His father Li Keyong gained the trust of King Luo and was able to command the army. After the death of the emperor, he became King Jin. After that, the situation changed dramatically, and the influence of the King of Jin's faction soared.

Just when he had made great achievements, the throne became vacant.

If this is not fate, then what is fate?

And now, will fate continue to favor him?

Li Cunxu came to the palace.

He walked up the stairs alone. He took the first step, looked up, and saw a person standing there.

That's a woman.

A beautiful woman.

Li Cunxu didn't know how to describe it.

Her long hair was as black as ink, flowing smoothly to her waist. She didn't tie it up in a bun. Her hair was dotted with pearls and jade, full of ancient flavor. Her eyes were as bright as glass, and her skin was like porcelain made of snow.

The golden and red phoenix robe is mixed with white silk threads.

It was as if it was the coldest time of winter, with the pure white snow pressing heavily on the solitary plum blossom, about to fall.

The woman glanced at him and turned away. Li Cunxu came back to his senses, his heart pounding. That was Prince Luo, Luo Xianzhi!

His heart was telling him this.

There is no other person in the world who is so beautiful, noble and dignified.

He walked faster as he climbed the steps. When he reached the door, he calmed down and walked in slowly. Then he saw that the woman from before was indeed standing at the top. There were two rows of people sitting on both sides of the hall, all looking at him.

"King Cunxu of Jin pays respect to His Royal Highness King Luo. May His Royal Highness be well and safe."

Li Cunxu walked into the hall with his eyes watching the nose and his ears watching the heart, and bowed to pay his respects.

The people on both sides of the hall retreated and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then Li Cunxu heard a voice from the leader, "Does the King of Jin know why I want to see you alone?"

Li Cunxu's heart began to beat again, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Please..."

He was about to ask His Highness for instructions, but he raised his head for some unknown reason, and when he saw those eyes, he quickly changed his words, "Your Highness wants to see if I have the potential to become the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Speak out!

Li Cunxu exhaled heavily and waited nervously for his trial.

After a long while, an indifferent voice came from the leader, "Your military ability is very similar to that of Taizong. In this chaotic world, it is a sharp weapon to pacify the world, but your political ability is not enough."

Li Cunxu's heart sank, and he blurted out with a quick wit that came from nowhere, "If I am lucky enough to ascend the throne, I would like to entrust the government to the King of Luo, just like before."

Li Cunxu was responsible for the empire's wars, and Luo Xianzhi was responsible for the empire's politics. This was the political commitment made by Li Cunxu.

Can a king’s promises be trusted?
not worth it.

Especially this king is easily influenced by women.

"I will be the queen."

A voice like a bolt from the blue came from above, and Li Cunxu was completely stunned. He thought he had heard it wrong, and raised his head to look at the figure above in disbelief.

Luo Xianzhi's face remained calm.

Queen, the Queen of the Luo family.

Will legally and rationally seize power in the empire.

The power of the Luo family even put the emperor at a disadvantage in his interactions with the empress.

Not to mention Luo Xianzhi, she was a minister who established three emperors, and her political prestige had transcended the scope of a minister.

Where is Li Cunxu?

He only felt a huge surprise filling his brain and every vein in his limbs.

It was more than just the surprise of becoming the Son of Heaven.

Moreover, that fairy-like concubine will become his wife.

"I am willing!"

He shouted joyfully and loudly.

"You will only have me as your wife for the rest of your life."

"I am willing!"

"Your royal power will only be half."

"I am willing!"


"I am willing to do anything!"

Luo Xianzhi looked at the man with a somewhat childish look in his brows and eyes, and suddenly remembered that he was only eighteen years old this year, three years younger than her.

"Congratulations, Prince Jin, you will become the new emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The world will have a new ruler. You will surely be able to revitalize the Tang Dynasty."

Li Cunxu could not hide his joy, “Congratulations to myself, I have the honor of becoming your husband.

Together we will revitalize the Tang Dynasty."


The reason why the emperor was able to gain control of the country and rebuild the Tang dynasty was due to the efforts of Empress Wencheng.

(End of this chapter)

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