Chapter 968: Jun Wei dies, Wu Zhao dies

The hall was sparkling. In this palace which was situated on a high ground, bright light always came in in large patches. The mottled light that shone through the window holes also illuminated the dust in the air, making each particle distinct and floating up and down.

“It’s so peaceful.”

Wu Zhao lay in a rocking chair, basking in the warm sunshine. The warm light shining on her body made her feel so comfortable that she wanted to fall asleep.


Wu Zhao called softly in a gentle voice.

"Second Mother, I'm here."

Luo Junwei no longer called herself a vassal and called out the name they used when they were children. She also lay in the rocking chair, with a thick quilt with the same pattern as Wu Zhao's.

"Weiwei, what would my fate be if I hadn't met you?"

Wu Zhao suddenly turned her head and looked at Luo Junwei. Luo Junwei's mind flashed with countless fragments of memory, and then she said softly: "Second Mother, you should still achieve something. After all, the ancestors chose you, and you were born to do great things."

"Do something big."

Wu Zhao stroked the armrest of the rocking chair and said quietly while reminiscing: "You are the person who knows me best in this world. I am a very insecure person, so I like to control everything in my hands."

Luo Junwei certainly knew that Wu Zhao's sudden awakening from dreams in the middle of the night, the coldness of her hands and feet after unexpected events, and her almost paranoid desire to kill people were all known to her better than anyone else.

“If you cut the weeds without removing the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.”

"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish."

"To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself. If one is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm."

"I have always taken these words as my guiding principle. I like to read history. There are many cases in history where people gained loyalty after forgiving each other, but there are even more stories about the Wolf of Zhongshan.

So I don’t like to forgive my enemies, and I don’t like to let people who are a threat to me live in this world.

Even if he can't threaten me for the time being, I rose from obscurity, and those who were once higher than me were all defeated by me, so I know best that you should never underestimate anyone, and only death can cut off any threat. "

These harsh words, with a taste of coldness and cruelty, came out of Wu Zhao's mouth easily, like the wind blowing across the glacier in the cold winter.

Luo Junwei listened quietly, and reached out to take Wu Zhao's hand. Wu Zhao's hand was a little cold, but she felt that Luo Junwei's hand was still as warm as it was every time she comforted her in the past. "Second Mother, don't say that about yourself. You forgave Wang Shuren, Xiao Shuren, and their children. You forgave Wang and Xiao, and only exiled them, and many others. The world and history books will praise your kindness."

Queen Wang, Concubine Xiao.

A sneer flashed across Wu Zhao's lips.

"It's not that I forgive them, but that you, Weiwei, saved them."

Wu Zhao was not boastful. She had a clear understanding of herself. Killing everyone was her normal state. "If it weren't for you, they would all die. And those ministers who opposed me would not have the opportunity to retire. I would destroy all their families.

I told you, I don't feel safe.

But when I am with you, I feel safe. I feel warm in my heart, not lonely or feeling like the whole world is my enemy. I can put down the sword in my hand.

This is all brought by you, Weiwei."

Luo Junwei gathered Wu Zhao's drooping hair and said softly, "Second Mother, there is no if in this world. Life is not static. Every person you meet and every thing you encounter will change your life. You said that I changed you, but how do you know that without me, there won't be another person or thing that will change you in the same way?

There is always a light in your heart, and I am just the one who protects your light."

Wu Zhao smiled brightly, her eyes narrowed, "Weiwei, you are always like this."


What a beautiful word.

Wu Zhao felt a little sleepy and her eyelids were difficult to open.

So warm.

The maid hurried in from outside, wearing cloth shoes and walking almost silently, "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess and Prince Luo are together in the outer hall to request an audience."

Wu Zhao waved her hand, and soon, Taiping and Luo Qianqiu came in quietly. After they bowed to the two mothers in front of them, Taiping said, "Mother, I have some important military and national affairs that I am not very clear about. I hope you and mother can make the decision."

Wu Zhao opened her eyes with confusion in her eyes. Luo Junwei was also confused. After Wu Zhao handed over the government affairs to Taiping, although she said that if there were important military and national affairs, she could come to inquire, but in fact, Wu Zhao no longer cared about anything.

There were prime ministers promoted by Wu Zetian in the court, such as Di Renjie, Zhang Jianzhi, Pei Yan and others. Among the young ministers, there were Yao Chong, Song Jing, Zhang Shuo and others whom Wu Zetian favored very much. Shangguan Wan'er was in charge of the clerical affairs of the inner court, and there were also Heichi Changzhi, Cheng Wuting and other military generals, as well as Luo Qianqiu and other members of the Luo family. Even if she was in power, she would rely on these people. What questions did she need to ask?

Taiping and Luo Qianqiu looked at each other and reported in a low voice: "Mother, someone from the Wu family is in trouble. The court officials don't know how to deal with it, so they reported it to the court. Elder Di said to handle it impartially, but Prime Minister Pei thought that we should consider your mother's face and give a lighter punishment. I don't know what to do."

Wu family?

Wu Zhao was a little confused when she heard this. Who the hell is this Wu family? How could she be able to influence the court's decision?

"According to Lord Di's opinion, we can handle it impartially. No, we should impose heavier punishment. I will not allow the Wu family's children to enter the capital. Now it seems that these Wu family's children have done something in the local area. The local officials actually concealed it from me and did not report it. This is simply ruining my reputation.

Isn’t the King of Chu short of manpower?
Migrating the entire Wu clan to the State of Chu would not disgrace my origins."

Wu Zhao decided the fate of the entire Wu family with just a few words. She was still the vigorous and resolute empress. After she finished speaking, Taiping was about to say goodbye, but unexpectedly Wu Zhao stopped them and said, "It just so happens that you and your wife are here, so you can tell them here. I don't have much time left, and I will call all the officials into the palace later."

Taiping and Luo Qianqiu knelt on the ground almost instantly after hearing this, "Mother!"

Wu Zhao sat up a little straighter and looked at Taiping who was kneeling on the ground. The more she looked, the more she looked like herself when she was young, just as plump, just as gorgeous, just as charming yet heroic, with majestic and passionate eyes. The black gilded crown and clothes with carved phoenixes made her skin look as white as snow.

“When you become a king in the future, governing the country and handling military and national affairs, I will not worry about you. You are decisive and able to make decisions, much better than your brothers. You also have a group of wise ministers. I am not worried.

But I want to remind you that you should pay attention to the Li clan members.

The problem of clan relatives has always been a big issue in every dynasty. Don't think that they are all your family and that's it. You are the big clan in the world and they are the small clans. It is natural for the small clans to poach people from the big clan.

Since I can treat Wu like this.

You must learn this method. In the future, when dealing with those members of the Li family who have committed crimes, you should punish them if they deserve it, or even kill them if they deserve it, without showing any leniency.

Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong both had many sons and daughters, who were sent to garrison in remote vassal states and were still somewhat useful, but most of them still had fiefs and estates in the Central Plains.

After all, I am not a member of the Li clan, so I have no feelings for these people. Over the years, I have drastically reduced their fiefdoms in the Central Plains and distributed them to the landless and land-poor people.

You have always attached great importance to family affection. I have always been worried about this matter. Please do not release the Li clan members who I have suppressed with great difficulty again. Their fiefdoms must be strictly controlled in the future.

Remember, every time you indulge a noble family or a prince, hundreds or thousands of households will be displaced, their population will be hidden, and their land will be taken away.

Land annexation is the first crisis leading to the collapse of a dynasty.

Keep this in mind.

As for the rest, I have nothing worth teaching you."

Taiping kowtowed, her face full of solemnity, and said solemnly: "My daughter, remember this, I will never indulge the royal family in the future."

"Some time ago, Weiwei personally brought back the emperor's crown and robes for you from the weaving bureau.

It is better to do it today than to wait for a day. Today I summon all the ministers to the palace, and you will succeed the throne.

When I die, you can ascend the throne by worshipping King Su.

I will pass down my will today, and you will not have to enter the palace in the future."

Taiping's face was filled with sorrow when she heard this, and she cried out sadly, "Mother, please don't curse yourself like this. I will pray for you, and I will surely pray for you to live a long life."

Among Wu Zhao's many children, Taiping was her favorite. Or it could be said that Taiping was the only one with whom Wu Zhao had such a rare mother-son or daughter relationship. When Taiping was born, Wu Zhao was already in power and had a very different mentality. In addition, Taiping was so much like her that she could not help but dote on him and make up for what she had lacked in the past.


Wu Zhao laughed and scolded.

The maid from the outer room quietly walked in again, bowed slightly and saluted, "Your Majesty, the ministers of the fourth rank and above in the court are already waiting outside the palace."

Wu Zhao stood up from the rocking chair and stretched out her arms. The palace maid put a silk crown on her. She was just an ordinary woman just now, but now she was full of majesty. As she looked around, the king who had ruled the world for decades was back.

Luo Junwei also stood up.

The four of them went to the outer hall. There were quite a lot of people in the hall, about forty people at a glance. With so many people, they were rarely called in even to discuss important matters.

The prime ministers of Fengge Luantai and the six ministers of Shangshutai, as well as the Zongzheng, Privy Councilor, Lifanling, generals and others, basically all those who have real power above the fourth rank in the court are here.

When Wu Zetian walked in from the back, even though she had already handed over power, the ministers remained solemn and worshiped her in unison.

Wu Zhao sat high on the throne.

"Everyone is safe."

"I summoned all of you to the palace for one thing. The Crown Princess Taiping has been handling military and state affairs these days, and has been praised both inside and outside the palace. I have also heard about this. I think the time is ripe for Taiping to ascend the throne, so I summoned all of you to the palace to pay homage to the new emperor and witness this event."

Establish a new emperor!
Your Highness and all the ministers thought that this matter would not begin until the death of Empress Wu Zhao. They did not expect that the Empress would allow the Crown Princess to ascend the throne at this time. You must know that supervising state affairs as a Crown Princess is different from presiding over state affairs as an emperor.

It seems that the queen has really made up her mind and has no intention of changing it.

Wu Zhao glanced at the crowd and said, "I can already feel the Heaven calling me. It seems that I don't have much time left. I will issue the edict together. After I live a thousand years, you will act according to the edict, and you will still be witnesses."

Just as the ministers were about to speak, the Queen Mother waved her hand and said, "Ministers, there is no need to speak politely. I am not that fragile."

After choking back what the ministers wanted to say, Wu Zhao smiled and said to Di Renjie: "Huaiying, you are now the Fengge Ling, in charge of the imperial edict, so you will be the one to record it."

As a prime minister promoted by Wu Zetian, Di Renjie was prudent in his work, upright and strict in his character, and good at adapting to changing circumstances. He was trusted by Wu Zetian. While Luo Junwei was in charge of the government internally, Di Renjie often acted outside with the title of prime minister.

Di Renjie's chubby face was also full of solemnity at this moment, "Yes, Your Majesty."

After the ceremony, he walked to the side, picked up a pen, spread out the imperial edict, and was ready to write at any time.

The previous king's last will mainly recorded who would succeed to the throne. This step could be omitted. After all, Taiping was about to succeed to the throne, and the Tang Dynasty already had a king.

Another function of a will is to comment on oneself, then make some requests to the future king, and then make some arrangements for one's affairs after death.

And appoint some regents as assistants.

Everything in the edict is very important, because the edicts of the previous emperor, especially the edict, have a high legal basis and can even affect the military and national affairs of the next emperor.

Wu Zhao pondered for a moment and then slowly said, "Emperor Taizong and Empress Wende loved each other deeply, so they were buried together. Those generals who made great contributions during the Zhenguan period, such as the 24 ministers in the Lingyan Pavilion, were buried with them in Zhaoling.

The same is true of the Qianling Mausoleum of the previous emperor, where many of his ministers were buried with him.

Empress Wende died before Emperor Taizong, so after Emperor Taizong, the mausoleum could be opened, the burial chamber opened, and the two could be buried together.

The late emperor passed away a long time ago. I don't want to open his mausoleum and disturb him a hundred years later, so I will not be buried with him.

The late emperor’s mausoleum is grand. I will designate the part to the west of the late emperor’s mausoleum as my mausoleum, which will be called Kunling. I will be buried there.

The ministers who were buried with the late emperor during his lifetime were buried in Qianling Mausoleum, and the ministers who were buried with the late emperor after his death were buried in Kunling Mausoleum. For example, the Duke of Luo will be buried next to my tomb."

Wu Zhao's expression was very indifferent. His Highness's ministers raised their eyebrows when they heard it. It was in line with heaven and earth that she built her own mausoleum. Empress Lü Zhi of the Han Dynasty was not buried with Liu Bang, and the same was true for Wu Zhao now. It can be said that this is truly a legacy of strong women.

Of course, what the Queen Mother said made sense. It is better not to open the tomb and disturb the spirit of the late emperor. There has never been a custom of joint burial. Taizong and the Queen Mother had a deep love for each other, and that was their business, but it would not become a rule for future generations.

"Your Majesty, I have noted it."

Di Renjie stopped at the right time.

Wu Zhao then said, "After I die, all the ministers will escort the emperor to the Suwang Temple in the Divine Capital to worship and inherit the Mandate of Heaven of the Tang Dynasty. The emperor has come of age, and I will no longer appoint a regent for her."

Having no regent means having no constraints. Wu Zetian believes in Taiping's ability and doesn't need those people to control her.

This was also expected by everyone.

If it were Li Xian and Li Dan, Wu Zetian would certainly be worried, but Taiping was obviously too strong for her two brothers. "After my death, government affairs will only be suspended for ten days, and the people will only need to mourn for three days. Don't delay the people's weddings and funerals."

"After my death, all the princes and dukes do not need to return to the capital. All they need to do is burn three incense sticks in their fiefdoms."

"After I pass away, there is no need to make a big fuss about it, but you must put the Su Wang Classic in my coffin."

"After I die..."

"After my death, there is no need for the ministers to offer condolences and eulogies. If anyone refuses to listen, do not reward him, but punish him. He only needs to be loyal to his duties in office."

Wu Zhao spoke slowly, one thing at a time, as if she was talking about an outsider's affairs, not her own. Her expression was calm, but many people listening to her felt uncomfortable.

No matter how many great achievements you have made in your life, you still have to go through this cycle in the end. No one can escape death.

After saying a lot, Wu Zhao paused for a moment, then turned to look at Luo Junwei, "Weiwei, do you think I have forgotten anything?"

Luo Junwei shook her head.

Wu Zhao then said, "That's all."

After that, she paused. Some of the ministers in the palace could not help but prostrate themselves, crying. Wu Zhao defeated many people, but she was also good at judging people and promoted many people. In particular, she suppressed the nobles and promoted the humble. There were many humble people in the palace who were favored by her. At this moment, they cried out sadly, "Your Majesty~!"

Di Renjie sighed slightly, feeling a little desolate. He held the written edict in his hand and blew it dry gently. Then he quickly walked to the throne and handed it to Luo Junwei. Luo Junwei glanced at it and nodded slightly. Wu Zhao took it and read it.

Use a seal and stamp it.

Looking at His Highness and his ministers, everyone raised their heads and looked at the figure at the top. Everyone knew that this was probably the last time the monarch and his ministers would meet.

Taiping even burst into tears.

Luo Junwei and Luo Qianqiu looked at each other, smiled and nodded, as if they were saying goodbye. Luo Qianqiu's strong body couldn't help but tremble, and his eyes couldn't help but become moist.

Wu Zhao glanced at everyone and said with a smile, "My lords, I have acted too radically at times in my life, but fortunately I did not make a big mistake in the end. The country is stable, the court is full of good people, and the Tang Dynasty will surely be more glorious in the future.

From now on, the world depends on you.

Please leave the palace. The next time you come back, you will have to collect my corpse."

There was another round of cheers, and the ministers left the hall, looking back every few steps. Seeing Taiping and Luo Qianqiu still kneeling on the ground, Wu Zhao said gently: "Taiping, you should go too. Prepare well. You will attend the coronation ceremony in a few days."

Looking at the backs of Taiping and Luo Qianqiu leaving the palace hand in hand, Wu Zhao pointed and smiled: "Weiwei, look how good they are, supporting each other, just like us."

Luo Junwei sighed softly, "This is inheritance. When your body no longer appears in this world, the child with your blood is your continuation."

Wu Zhao heard this and asked, "What about you, Weiwei? There are still countless Luo family members who have never married. This is probably something that the world doesn't understand."


Luo Junwei laughed dumbly, "The souls of the Luo family's disciples have all been dedicated to the Supreme Su King. Our spirits will live forever and do not need blood to continue."

Wu Zhao naturally didn't understand.

But she was still shocked.

She could feel the emotion in Luo Junwei's words.

She asked no more questions.

The hall, which was bustling with people just now, suddenly became empty. Wu Zhao sighed, "They've all left, they've all left."

"I'm still here."

Luo Junwei stood beside Wu Zhao. The two stood side by side and were of similar height. The sunlight from outside the hall poured in, and the two watched it slowly fade away.

An unknown amount of time had passed in the palace, and it was very lively outside the palace. With the witness of all the ministers, Taiping inherited the throne of the emperor. When millions of people knelt in front of her, she felt as if a tide was rushing towards her, making her somewhat unsteady on her feet.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

When the ministers kowtowed to Taiping, the Luo family looked at Luo Qianqiu standing next to the emperor and couldn't help feeling a little dazed. Li Tang entered a new era, and the Luo family also entered a new era.

After Taiping inherited the throne, she wanted to meet Wu Zhao, but Wu Zhao was no longer able to see people. She was becoming more and more sleepy and perhaps in a coma.

Everyone knows that the Queen’s time is running out, just like the bleak autumn wind that blows by, bringing more and more cold winds but fewer and fewer falling yellow leaves.

Autumn is coming to an end and winter has arrived.

When the Yellow River begins to freeze and the first snow falls, the time comes when everything is covered in white.

Wu Zhao woke up from a deep sleep. Her face had become paler and paler. She was not wearing the luxurious phoenix robe, but a plain dress. She felt a little cold. Even though the heating in the bedroom was burning brightly, the chill came from her bones. It was not coldness, but death.

"Weiwei, is it snowing outside?"

Wu Zhao lay on Luo Junwei's legs and asked softly.

"Yes, a light layer of snow."

"Will it melt if it falls to the ground?"

"No, the palace is already covered in silver."

Luo Junwei described the beautiful snow scene outside to Wu Zhao.

“How many snowfalls has this year?”

Wu Zhao knew she was unconscious.

"First round."

Luo Junwei said.

“So it’s the first game.”

Wu Zhao's eyes lit up, "That's great, Weiwei, carry me out, I want to enjoy the first snow of this year with you."

Luo Junwei is a daughter of the Luo family blessed by her ancestors. She has never been a spoiled girl and her personality is unreasonable. There are not many men in the world who can beat her.

Hearing Wu Zhao's words, he immediately picked her up like a princess and placed her on a chair in the courtyard. Then he covered her with a thick brocade quilt and placed several charcoal basins to prevent her from getting cold.

Looking at the snowy scene that looked like flying flowers, Wu Zhao was very happy. She said happily: "I heard a poem outside the palace, and I like it very much.

There is a line in it: The sky is about to snow tonight, can you drink with me?

What the person who wrote the poem at that time saw was probably the same scene that I saw.

Weiwei, you are a talented woman, why don't you write a poem too?"

"I can't write a poem that good."

Luo Junwei smiled and ruffled Wu Zhao's hair, then whispered, "I don't know who is playing the flute in the sky, blowing down white flowers all over the world."

Wu Zhao was very happy; she liked this kind of imaginative poetry.


Warm up a bottle of wine, I want to have one last drink."

At the last moment of life, people should not be afraid of anything and should enjoy themselves as much as possible. So Luo Junwei stood up and said, "Second Mother, please wait a moment."

Luo Junwei quickly took the wine and returned. She was afraid that when she came back, Wu Zhao would be gone. Life is always so regrettable.

When she came back, Wu Zhao was still looking at her with a lively look, more energetic than before. It seemed that enjoying the snow made Wu Zhao very energetic. Luo Junwei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was not so unfortunate.

Luo Junwei put the wine down and warmed it with hot water. In this cold season, drinking cold wine was very uncomfortable.

The two of them lay side by side in a rocking chair, quietly admiring the snow scene and talking to each other from time to time.

"Weiwei, is the wine warm enough?"

Wu Zhao's voice became a little low.

"There's still a little left."

"Well, let's warm it up again."

Wu Zhao's voice became lower and lower, and then Luo Junwei felt Wu Zhao's head resting on her shoulder. Her whole body tensed up instantly, and her heart was beating wildly. She thought of something, and she lowered her head and looked at Wu Zhao, only to see that her face was full of grayness.

That was just now——

Back to the light!

Wu Zhao's last faint voice softly reached Luo Junwei's ears, "Weiwei, see you in the next life.

At that time...

I wish you were a man."

Luo Junwei felt the blood rushing up instantly, and Wu Zhao had already leaned on her shoulder, no longer breathing.


A mouthful of blood spurted out instantly, spraying all over the ground. The blood from the corner of her mouth fell on the brocade fur coat. There was no extra expression on Luo Junwei's face, but there was deep sadness in her eyes.

She reached out to take down the wine jug and whispered, "Second Mother, the wine is warm."

Wu Zhao could no longer talk to her.

Luo Junwei opened her mouth and took a sip of hot wine. It felt a bit hot, and her face instantly turned red. She coughed twice.

She rang the call bell.

Then he held Wu Zhao's body in his arms, and the two of them leaned tightly together. She closed her eyes, and the redness brought by the strong liquor quickly dissipated.

Her face turned pale, whiter than the snow falling in the courtyard.

After hearing the sound of bells outside the palace, a team of palace maids quickly walked into the palace and saw the Queen Mother and Duke Luo hugging each other.

Walk forward and call once, call again, and call three times.

No response.

A sense of foreboding came over me.

When I stepped forward to take a look, I heard screams everywhere!

Return to peace.

"Go and ask His Majesty to come forward!"

This sound is everywhere.

"Duke Luo has passed away!"

"The Queen of Heaven has passed away!"


I humbly wish that the Empress of Heaven will receive the demeanor of a great saint, embody the virtue of heaven and earth, possess the appearance of dragon eyes and phoenix neck, and have a long and prosperous life. She will receive the command of the Emperor of Heaven, inherit the order of Emperor Gaozong, and hold the power of punishment and reward. She will then build a divine capital and a holy temple. The Holy Mother and Divine Emperor will caress the four directions and rule the world. This is also a purpose! - "Book of Tang: Annals of the Empress of Heaven"

Duke Wenmu of Luo, Junwei, whose mother was Princess Zhao of Pingyang and whose father was the Prince of Wucheng of Zhou, was born in the imperial court. When he was young, he was quite virtuous and wise, and Emperor Taizong loved him. When he grew up, he was very knowledgeable and his writing was very fast. People at that time all praised him. There was a female historian in the inner court who recorded merits and demerits, so Emperor Taizong ordered Duke Luo to record the palace history. When the Empress Dowager came to power, Duke Luo participated in the affairs of state and government, and was ranked among the political officials. He was in charge of all kinds of affairs every day, including important military and national affairs, and the decision of life and death. People at that time called him the half-lord of Luo! - "Book of Tang·The Family of Duke Luo, Junwei"

(End of this chapter)

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