Chapter 963 Luo Su is gone
How will the national division end?
How will he disappear in front of everyone?
This is a question that lingers in the minds of countless people.

Luo Shi will not record his separate biography. His words and deeds only appear in other people's biographies.

A person with a sacred meaning should have a magnificent birth and an extraordinary death.

Luosu didn't know when he would die.

He had seen many people die, but he could not see his own.

One morning, he saw water droplets falling on the green leaves. The green leaves were trembling and rising and falling. He suddenly realized why he landed in this world?

Everything seems to be on track.

So he rang the bell in Lingtian Pavilion, and all the Luo clan members in Luoyang came here.

"I'm leaving, leaving Luoyang."

This was the first sentence Luosu started, he told everyone.

"I have something to tell you, and you must abide by it."

This was his second sentence, and everyone listened with shock.

"The next generation of the Luo family will usher in a new peak. In the years to come, we must remember to stand by our side, not be too ostentatious, go hand in hand with the Li family, and remember not to be above the destiny, otherwise the family will be in danger of annihilation. Every day.

Never forget the sharp sword hanging above your head, waiting for the light to rise from the darkness. That day, the banner of the Phoenix will sweep across again. "

Luosu left a message that sounded like a warning.

It gives people chills in their hearts.

Under the royal family, the invincible Luo family must always be vigilant, because enemies will come from the sky.

That's not the enemy, that's the rule.

Wu Zhao learned the news, so she walked into Lingtian Pavilion in the afternoon. She stared at Luo Su closely, her eyes full of nervousness, "National Master, can you not leave?"

Luo Su looked at Wu Zhao, who was getting older in front of him, and the impression in his mind gradually corresponded to that of the girl with a face as beautiful as peach blossoms decades ago, "It turns out that time has passed so long, do you still remember the first time?" When I see you, you are still very young and don’t want to be Emperor Taizong’s concubine.”

"Seeing the emperor is a disaster rather than a blessing."

Wu Zhao's clasped hands fell down, and the large phoenix robe submerged her hands. As she said those words, she thought of her current situation again, "Seeing the emperor is a blessing, not a curse."

Once a person starts to recall the past, it proves that he has no future.

Wu Zhao looked at the figure in front of him. She was now in charge of the destiny of the Tang Dynasty. It was not the emperor who was better than the emperor. Finally, he could see the person in front of him carefully. His figure was still among the scattered clouds, and his skin was still like He is as gentle as jade, and his pupils are still so clear in black and white. It seems that it is because he no longer belongs to this period of time, so the years are not close to him, and he has never changed at all.

"National Master, when you first saw me, you said, 'It's you,' and I've been curious. Now that you're leaving, can you help me clarify my doubts?"

"You are the node of destiny. In your life, I took something from you, which may be the highest honor. I gave you something new, which you could never get before. "

Luo Su took away her title of emperor and emperor from Wu Zhao.

Luo Su gave her a name in history and a reputation that would last forever, something she could not get in the past.

The merits and demerits of right and wrong no longer need to be judged only by future generations.

Above the history books, achievements last forever, name or position, which one is more important?

Luo Su would never say it. Wu Zhao might be able to guess it, but she just pretended that she didn't know. She was very satisfied with her life.

To people, to things, to everything.

Wu Zhao left Lingtian Pavilion, and she saluted solemnly, "I regret not being able to see the Imperial Master ascend to heaven."

Luo Su left Luoyang reluctantly.

Many people were looking at him.

Wu Zhao, wearing a black and gold robe, turned his head to look at Luo Junwei, with an inexplicable voice, and then asked, knowingly, "Is it possible for the Imperial Master to come back?"

"Not anymore."

Luo Junwei shook her head, "The ancestor would probably travel all over the present-day Zhuxia Kingdoms. He would go to see the places where Zhuxia Erlang is seen, and also go see the Luo family members outside. This is also a good thing for the Central Plains. Good thing."

Wu Zhao understood the meaning of Luo Junwei's words.

The Imperial Preceptor will make this trip, and the surrounding area will be a bit more peaceful. The Imperial Preceptor does not want to see Zhu Xia begin to suffer from internal strife at this time.

Thinking back to the imperial masters he had seen every time in the past, Wu Zhao's eyes showed a hint of intoxication.

Luo Qianqiu and Taiping got the permission and took Luo Su all the way to the outside of Luoyang City.

The willow trees are blooming, and the sky is full of tidbits.

Luoyang stands majestically in the north of Luoshui, and the everlasting sound of Luoshui became excited at this moment. Luo Su knew that it was Xiao Lingjun waving to him.

The spirit soldiers drove the car for Luo Su.

Taiping was wearing a golden phoenix robe. She was flamboyant and gorgeous, just like her mother when she was young.

"I called you two out because I have something to say."

Luo Su pondered, "Taiping is the first female emperor in the Central Plains. She has a great influence on the world. She must not make any mistakes. She must become a holy monarch. She has this talent. Ah Qiu, you must help her well. When necessary , you can use your family’s heritage without being too frugal. Today’s families are no longer the same.”

In the end, he was still worried about this matter. He was not worried about whether his work would be successful, but only worried about whether King Su's explanation was completed.

In this world, no one respects King Shunsu more than him.

Luo Qianqiu bowed and clasped his fists and said quietly, "Ancestor, Qianqiu understands."

Taiping looked at Luo Su with shining eyes, her beautiful face lit up, "Ancestor, you are about to travel far, can you give Taiping a title to rule the world in the future?"

Luo Su got on the carriage, the carriage started slowly, and a voice came slowly, "The first era in history is called Yuanshi. The beginning of everything. You are the first female emperor in history, so let's call it Kaiyuan."


Taiping muttered a few words. She liked this year name very much, and it felt like fate.

In this way, Luo Su left Luoyang. In the eyes of everyone, in the years to come, local officials would often hear that the imperial master had come here, but when they chased him, he had disappeared.

I don’t know how many legends this trip will leave behind.

As for where Luo Su went.

He's on his way.

There are many roads in the world, and they are all taken by people. His final destination is Winter City, the place where he was born in this world, where he will ascend to heaven, but that will probably be many years later.

Now that the end of the journey has been determined, all that needs to be done now is to connect the dots.

So after coming out of Luoyang, he went straight to Liaodong.


Since he wanted to walk around the Tang Dynasty, it would be an irregular circle.

For a circle, the starting point is the end point.

The end point is in Liaodong and the starting point is also there.

Luo Su's horse walked leisurely. The horse looked very old. Its fur was yellow, but its steps were steady and it didn't look old at all.

He walked like this, and after an unknown amount of time, he arrived at the Duke of Liao.

He felt very friendly here, even more so than in Luoyang. The place where he has relatives is his hometown, and this is the gathering place for the Luo clan.

Luo Junjun, the Duke of Liao, did not expect that he would see Luo Su at the end of his life.

Luo Qianqiu's generation has grown up, and the Jun generation has gradually begun to wither.


Luo Junjun wanted to help Luo Su, but found that he looked older than Luo Su, which made him a little at a loss.

He was obviously a general who had fought on the battlefield, but he didn't have that iron-blooded temperament at the moment. He looked more like a child who accidentally made mistakes when he was young and was worried about being punished by his parents.

Luo Su raised his hand to touch his head, but Luo Junjun took the initiative to lower his head to Luo Su's chest, so that Luo Su didn't need to raise his hand.

"What a good boy."

Luo Su said this, and the two of them walked around the city. Occasionally, children ran over and looked at Luo Su curiously, with bright eyes. Luo Su liked children very much, "This is all my Luo family's hope." , is the hope of the world.”

The Duke of Liao was located in what was once the most important city in Liaodong. After the Liaodong Kingdom was conquered, it became Liaozhou. The Liao Kingdom also came from here and was guarded by the Luo family. The conditions here are much better than those in Winter City, so most of them The tribesmen have all migrated here, and there are still some people in Winter City who preside over the annual sacrifices.

Luo Su climbed to the top of the city of Liaozhou, looked at the endless wilderness, plains, mountains, rivers and trees, and rubbed the city wall covered with sword marks. "Since ancient times, this piece of white mountains and black waters has been the source of war. Guard here." , It’s a matter of great importance. We must pay attention to people’s livelihood and survive. People here will not rebel. If we are caught here, there will be fights in the future. If one day the court cannot provide support, then it will be up to our descendants. "

Luo Junjun nodded seriously. Every time the Central Plains collapsed, they would not be able to send force to the border. Liaodong was undoubtedly the border.

At that time, it is difficult to understand where Liaodong will go and what interests will be mixed.

The imperial court is far more afraid of Liaodong than the Western Regions, so now the imperial court can allow the Western Regions to exist in an alliance, but it must raze Liaodong to the ground.

Luo Junjun naturally has the responsibility to defend his territory, but if one day the local interest groups in Liaodong break away from the Central Plains, what choice should he make at that time?
The ancestor was reminding him of this.

This is bound to happen.

In fact, Luosu didn't think so much. From the moment he proposed the six kingdoms and reopened the enfeoffment, he realized that future wars were inevitable.

Starting from the time when the heroine rules the world, when the future emperor possesses Luo's bloodline, things will change dramatically again.

Kaiyuan Kaiyuan.

It ushered in not only a new era for the Tang Dynasty, but also a new era for the Tang royal family.

When a group of royal families with the blood of King Su come onto the stage of history, will those old royal families now become antagonistic?

Luo Su thinks it will.

Besides, when the new emperor sees those royal families who are gradually alienated from his own blood occupying vast lands, while his own sons have no land entrustment, will he feel frightened?

Luo Su thinks it will.

What has happened will happen again.

What has been done will be done again.

The story that happened in Bangzhou will happen again in the Tang Dynasty, and no one can change it, unless it is Luo who sits on the throne.

But Luo cannot sit on the throne, at least not now.

Luo Su stayed here for a while, and then went all the way south from the Liao Kingdom to the peninsula. In the land of the Tang Dynasty, the Luo family could be seen everywhere.

"This peninsula was originally placed under the rule of Qi State because the Penglai Three Islands were not included in the rule and it was necessary to give Qi King Li Tai a basic territory. Now that the Penglai Three Islands process is very smooth, and the route from the Jiaodong Peninsula to here has been clear , then this place should be turned into a county and brought under the control of the Central Plains Court. This is the Wing of the Central Plains. With this peninsula, the Penglai Islands will always be under the control of the Court. "

The Penglai Three Islands are a treasure land. Although the products are not rich, they are independent from overseas. The most important thing is that it is not difficult for Datang to conquer.

There used to be a name here, called Wa, which means short people. Since they are short people, their combat effectiveness will not be better than that of the Tang Dynasty, or far worse.

In the past years, the army of the Tang Dynasty had gone toe-to-toe with the most powerful countries in the world, and they had won great victories. When such a powerful army came here, it was hard not to say that it was just cutting melons and vegetables, but it was difficult. lose.

So Qi King Li Tai liked this place very much.

King Wei Li Xian also liked it here.

However, the Penglai Islands have undergone qualitative changes now, because enough Han people have landed here. Compared with the carrying capacity of Mobei, the distant Qin State, and the self-contained Western Regions.

The Jizi Peninsula and the Penglai Islands are excellent places to reduce the population of the Central Plains.

The current Central Plains court has abandoned the idea that the more people there are, the more prosperous it will be. Everyone at the top and bottom realizes that without enough land, a large population will only turn into refugees, which will threaten the survival of the court.

Therefore, the laws of the Tang Dynasty have already stipulated that families with more sons must bear more border military service, that is, service in the four major military governors. If there are more, they must be reported to the government and become among the migrating people. Most people will be moved to the Penglai Islands.

The population expansion rate of Jizi Peninsula and Penglai Islands far exceeds that of Qin and Yan. Now Wei and Qi are far larger in area than these two countries, but their population exceeds them. It can be said that they have taken up all the benefits of being close to the Central Plains.

Luosu did not land on the three Penglai Islands. He looked across the sea and couldn't actually see anything. The earth was round, but he thought it was enough.

From Luo Shi, he learned something about the Penglai Islands. There were mines on these islands.

And it’s a gold mine.

It's just that the news was blocked by Wei Wang Li Xian. No wonder Wei Guo has been so vigorous in attracting people from the Central Plains in recent years.

How will the central court react when they find out about this?

Wei Wang Li Xian hid this matter, naturally he wanted to monopolize it, maybe not just him, but everyone below.

Since ancient times, money and silk have moved people's hearts, and Luo Su seems to have seen rivers of blood.

It's time to continue south.

(End of this chapter)

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