Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 940 Emperor Taizong Wen of the Tang Dynasty (end of volume)

Chapter 940 Emperor Taizong Wen of the Tang Dynasty (end of volume)

Reach the pinnacle.


Prosperous and prosperous.

What other words can describe the Tang Dynasty at this moment?
From the coast of the East China Sea to the far west of Congling, there is no need to carry weapons.

Even ordinary people have enough stored grain in their rice jars to survive the winter.

It is a border with no fighting and peace on all sides.

The emperor lives high in the palace, but he always pays attention to the meals of the people.

Those prosperous times and those holy kings described in history books suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

So that’s it.

He longed for the brightness of the past. He and Luo Junzhuo were in a separate garden, reciting poems and composing poems with the scribes, admiring lanterns during the Lantern Festival, and having fun by boating. But now, he kept everything in his heart.

He had never even gone on an outing. Even if Luo Junzhuo and Princess Jinyang invited him, and Li Shimin asked him to relax, he remained unmoved.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the last day.

Concubine Xu Hui stroked Li Shimin gently and nodded to indicate that she knew.

Li Shimin looked at his haggard son and said distressedly, "Thank you for your hard work, little slave."

In the past two years, he has not even changed into a new piece of clothing. He has always been wearing plain clothes, and he has hidden all those luxurious clothes.


The next generation of the Tang Dynasty must never allow brothers to kill each other again.

Anyone who has taken care of patients will know how boring and boring this is. Even a filial son like Li Zhi can't help but feel tired over time and his tense nerves.

Li Shimin was very moved. He gently stroked Li Zhi's head. His palms were already a little thin. "What a good boy. He will definitely become a benevolent and filial emperor in the future."

Then a person, a face, and the fire in his eyes that could not be drowned by heavy rain flashed in his mind. In this twilight palace, in a palace where countless people are heading toward numbness and decline, he will never forget it. That day.

The most terrifying thing is that your name is annihilated and your existence ceases to exist.

And that little tenderness, that lingering fire, and the infusion of courage.

Whether it was out of his true intentions or out of reality, Li Zhi could not let his reputation of benevolence and filial piety suffer even the slightest loss.

After Li Shimin drank the medicine and gradually fell asleep, Li Zhi said warmly to Concubine Xu Hui: "Concubine Xu, I am going to listen to the government. Please take care of my father to rest. If necessary, I will stay in the side hall where I used to be. Xu." The concubine can send a maid to summon the orphan."

Now it seems that my choice was indeed the right one.

Apart from gratitude and admiration from the heart, how can the people within the four realms express their gratitude?

When Li Shimin walked into Lingtian Pavilion, Luo Su looked at him carefully.

Thousands of years later, when future generations look back on this era, will they have a question: Did Wang Wu ever exist in the world?

Like a person about to be judged, Li Shimin felt uneasy in his heart. Then he saw Luo Su shaking his head gently and sinking uncontrollably, like a person drowning in water.

In Lingtian Pavilion.

As the folk saying goes, there is no filial son in bedside for a long time.

People die three times. The first death is physical death. This is often the most frightening, but in my opinion, it is actually nothing.

Li Shimin's dormitory changed from the past and became quite simple. When he walked into the palace, there was a strong smell of medicine. Li Shimin's genetic disease tortured him so much that he was unable to see things, so he could only let Prince Li Zhi supervise the country's governance.

Li Shimin, who was tortured in pain, hoped to get some medical treatment. The best in the world is Luo's.

For two whole years, his figure only wandered back and forth in the palace and the dormitory.

There was a commoner in Chang'an City named Wang Wu. A hundred years later, will Wang Wu still exist?

The biggest reason why Li Zhi became the crown prince was that Li Tai was ruthless. Li Shimin was worried that after Li Tai came to power, he would liquidate Li Chengqian and Li Zhi, but Li Zhi, who was Renxiao, would not do this.

Living in the world of Zhenguan, what else is worth yearning for?

Especially in the past year, Li Shimin's health has become worse and worse, and he lingers on his bed almost all day long. When Li Zhi is not in charge of politics, he always guards his father's bedside. Li Shimin is very moved. He even went to his own bedroom to pray for the prince. Li Zhi arranged a separate courtyard so that Li Zhi would not be so tired.

Li Zhi tiptoed out of the dormitory. When he walked out of the main hall, he couldn't help but sniff the air twice more. The air was very clear compared to the dormitory that was filled with the smell of medicine.

Li Zhi carefully tasted the temperature of the bowl of Chinese medicine soup. When the temperature was just right, he walked to the bedside. Concubine Xu Hui helped Li Shimin up and said, "Father, the medicine is here."

At that time, my father not only had to deal with government affairs and manage the Tang Dynasty, but also took care of us to sleep. It was very hard. Now that my son is doing these things, it is not as good as your precaution. "

Li Shimin's face was pale, and the wind disease inherited from Li family made him worse than death. In his opinion, the only person who could save him from suffering was the national master Luo Su.

The prince, who was always known for his benevolence and filial piety, naturally took care of him in front of the bed, fully clothed.

As a minister under Emperor Zhenguan, what else is there to pursue?

This care lasted for two years.

"That's how people are. Birth, old age, and illness always have to be fully experienced. The last thing is death. Death is actually nothing to be afraid of.

Li Zhi fed Li Shimin the medicine and whispered in a low voice: "It is the son's duty to take care of his father. After his mother passed away, his father took his son and Jinyang with him to raise him.

Tai Chi Hall.

But in the royal family, this is obviously not true.


There won't be this problem, because Wang Wu does not exist in everyone's eyes.

Emperor, look at the stars in the sky. They have been there for thousands of years and have never experienced birth or death. Your name is like those eternal stars. People will still call you after thousands of years.

Go calmly welcome everyone's destined ending, and let more light shine on your name. Thousands of years later, in the long river of history, you will be the brightest star. "

Li Shimin did not ask why Luo Su could come back to the world.

Deep down in his heart, his image of Luo Su was vague, and everyone's image of Luo Su was vague.

There seems to be no disgust, no liking, and no many emotions that many people should have towards another person.

Luo Su exists in this world, but is not here, just like the clouds in the sky, it is impossible to figure it out.


Some people knew that His Majesty went to Lingtian Pavilion once, and the palace was quiet for a while, and then came the news that the emperor's illness became more and more serious.

The palace has never been a place where secrets can be kept, but Li Shimin himself didn't have much thought about keeping his body a secret.

The positions in the palace were also being adjusted. It was under this circumstance that the harem maid Shi Luo Junwei was called into the palace.

Luo Junwei had not seen her emperor uncle for a long time, and the figure that appeared in front of her was a little different from what she remembered.

"His Majesty."

Luo Junwei saluted, and Li Shimin sat up from the hospital bed with the support of Concubine Xu Hui. He looked at the graceful Luo Junwei, with a hint of memory and joy in his eyes, "Weiwei, come up here and let your uncle take a good look. "

When Luo Junwei heard the sound, she stepped forward. Li Shimin touched her head. He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and fell into Xu Huifei's arms. With pale and chapped lips, he said slowly: "Weiwei, you are a smart child. You know Why do I want you to come here?”

Luo Junwei pondered for a moment, "Is Your Majesty planning to let Weiwei record the historical facts in this palace?"

Li Shimin coughed twice and then smiled at Xu Huifei: "Xu Bin, you see, this is my niece, she is as smart as my sister."

Then he said to Luo Junwei: "Weiwei, I can't do it anymore. I'm going to Long Yu Bintian to see your grandfather and your parents. I'm going to summon some ministers here and leave a legacy and some explanations. It’s up to you to record it.”

Luo Junwei's thin body paused, and her voice was filled with tears, "Long live uncle."

Li Shimin chuckled twice, then pointed to the right side of the bed and said, "I have had a few layers of quilts spread there. It should be very comfortable to sit on. You can record there for the next few days. You can see the whole bedroom."

Li Shimin's arrangements were very appropriate. Luo Junwei held a pen and paper, sat behind the desk, took a deep breath, and waited to record the last words of a king.


Outside the palace, many people were waiting for the emperor's summons. At this critical moment, only those who were summoned by the emperor could occupy an important position in the upcoming situation, and even become auxiliary ministers.

And those ministers who have not been summoned, or those who have not had the opportunity to speak to the emperor, will be gradually excluded in the new dynasty.

This is politics!
Edicts were issued one after another from the palace and spread to the three provinces. Everyone outside knew that the emperor's health was really failing and he might die at any time.

These edicts included some relegation orders, which were shocking, including the British Duke Li Ji. When Li Ji received the relegation order, he was so frightened that he immediately left Chang'an without looking back. It was like some wild beast was trying to bite him.

There are also many edicts issued to kings and princes. The content of the edict is very simple, that is, princes who have been enfeoffed outside are not allowed to return to Chang'an for funerals. They can only burn some paper and cry three times in their own fiefs. Just make a sound.

This edict makes people feel scared, and the kings are not allowed to return to Chang'an. This must be because His Majesty is worried about any conflicts, so King Qin will not mention it. It is too far away from Chang'an, so it is difficult to come back, but King Yan is in Mobei. , the raid from Halaholin to Chang'an was extremely fast. This edict was mainly to prevent him.

As for the King of Qi, he can't come back at all. If he takes the land route, he has to cross mountains and ridges, and the Duke of Liao is blocking the road. As for taking the sea route, it is even more of a dream. The Duke of Liao controls the navy. Under the current situation, , King Qi can only move forward and cannot take a step back.

As for how strong the Liao Kingdom is, you only need to know that Winter City has almost moved into Liaozhou City and you can guess that although it may not be the opponent of the Qi Kingdom in the field, the defense of the city can defeat the Qi Kingdom.

After all, the arrangements for foreign vassals are only superficial. For such a large empire that emphasizes internal affairs over external affairs, the power of the Chang'an center is the most important.

At the last moment of his life, Li Shimin had only one thing to do, and that was to build a future ruling team for Li Zhi and a team of generals who could lead the army. He must try to balance the forces of all parties and keep his Zhenguan The policy continues.

Perhaps what is more surprising is that the first person he summoned was not his childhood friend Changsun Wuji, but the Duke of Yong, Luo Xuanling.

In the political situation of the Tang Dynasty, because there were two brothers, Luo Xuanye, the king of Zhou County, and Luo Xuanchen, the prime minister and heavenly official, sometimes Luo Xuanling was not very conspicuous.

But Luo Xuanye died early, and Luo Xuanchen also died in the 22nd year of Zhenguan. Only Luo Xuanling had been Li Shimin's close minister since he became an official, and had saved Li Shimin's life. From the time when the Tang Dynasty conquered the world, he was responsible for protecting Li Shimin. During the Zhenguan period, for more than 20 years, he had been in the position of General Qianniu Guard and Yulin Guard, moving back and forth. These four The guards are all in the Forbidden Army. He has been in the Forbidden Army for more than 20 years. This kind of trust is unique in the Tang Dynasty today.

When he couldn't find a suitable person to go to Gaochang, Li Shimin even appointed him as the chief military officer of Gaochang Road, not to mention his title, Duke of Yong. Among many Dukes, Yong is also an extremely noble word.

After Luo Xuanling walked into the palace and glanced around, he saw Li Shimin lying on the bed. The prince, Concubine Xu Hui, his niece Jun Wei, and no one else were there. He took two steps forward and knelt down in front of Li Shimin, "Your Majesty, I am here. Late."

Li Shimin opened his eyes and said with a smile: "My Qingyu is here. Qingyu, I can't survive. I called you here because there are some things I want to explain to you."

Luo Xuanling forcibly suppressed his grief and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please speak. I will obey your will, even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire."

"After my death, the prince succeeded to the throne. I have handed him some things over the years, but he has a weak character, so I am still a little worried. Your character is calm. Although you are not good at words, you are very calm. Over the years, I have been very kind to him. Don’t worry, I’ll leave you to the prince.”

After that, he said to Li Zhi: "Prince, what I say now, you must remember in the future, among the many ministers I left you, Duke Yong Guo is different.

Remember the British public?
I demoted him and asked him to leave Chang'an. He must have felt terrified all day long. Li Ji is now the first commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty. I hope you can reuse him in the future, so I demoted him and asked you to show kindness to him.

But Duke Yong does not need to be like this. He will be loyal to me and will obey your orders. Duke Yong has a noble character and is well-controlled in his advancement and retreat. He has never been arrogant, never taken credit for himself, or has other bad habits. He is mine. I leave this to one of your most important ministers. From now on, if you treat Duke Yong well, you will treat me filially. "

Luo Xuanling was already lying on the ground after hearing this. As a person, if he can be praised so highly by another person, he should express his gratitude. As a minister, if he can be praised by the king as highly, he should devote himself to death. He choked and said : "Your Majesty, I will do my best to assist the prince, protect our country of the Tang Dynasty, and extend your majesty's Zhenguan administration."

Li Shimin left behind a group of veterans to assist the prince on the one hand, but also to control Li Zhi. As a politician, one of the things he worries about most is the death of people and the demise of the government. Luo Xuanling knows this, so he directly said here that " Continue the Zhenguan policy."

Li Zhi didn't have much communication with Luo Xuanling, but he could see Luo's character from Luo Junzhuo. Although Luo's characters were different, some were loyal, some were flexible, and some were He has an indifferent personality, but overall he is above the standard. He said solemnly: "Father, my son knows that Duke Yong Guo has a noble character. My son often hears from cousin Jun Zhuo and An Le that no matter when, Duke Yong Guo will be our great Tang Dynasty. "

After Li Zhi finished speaking, a palace maid came into the palace and reported: "Your Majesty, all the ministers are already waiting outside the palace."

Those who entered the palace this time were all the third-rank and above ministers who stayed in Chang'an, as well as prestigious clan relatives and aristocratic dukes. Not all of them could meet Li Shimin alone.

Most can only listen to the imperial edict.

Although there were many people in the hall, there were almost no unnecessary sounds. On this occasion, most people were speechless, with either anxiety or apprehension in their hearts.

"My lords, Your Majesty is going to announce your last edict and invite all the ministers to come into the palace."

There was a rustling sound of clothes rubbing against each other. The sound of walking in the hall after taking off shoes was not too loud. A group of people walked into the hall holding wat boards in their hands. Futons and supports had been laid out in the hall. The group of people knelt down and sat down. In the palace, looking up at the emperor, the pale and bloodless cheeks said everything. The slightly defeated face let everyone know that the emperor was really in trouble.

After the ministers entered the palace, they found that not only the prince was here, but also Duke Yong. They immediately knew that Duke Yong must have spoken to the emperor just now. They couldn't help but be secretly frightened. They didn't know what the emperor said and what he said to Duke Yong. What kind of arrangement, and there is also some envy of the trustworthiness of Duke Yong.

Li Shimin endured the pain and raised his voice slightly: "Since the prime ministers of the three provinces are here, let's draft a posthumous edict.

The crown prince governs with civil and military permission, benevolence, filial piety and sincerity. I will sit on the throne a hundred years later, and I admire this. "

It was an extremely simple imperial edict. As for how many modifiers to add in front, that was the job of the prime ministers of the three provinces. Changsun Wuji soon wrote the edict, and then brought the three identical edicts to Li Shimin. After reading them, Stamped with the emperor's seal, the emperor's seal and the prime minister's seal of the three provinces respectively, this is a qualified decree.

No one was delayed. Once the edict was drafted, one of the edicts was taken directly out of the palace and went to the three provinces to announce it. After the emperor died, it was immediately announced to the world.

This is the imperial edict. Once confirmed in front of so many important ministers, it cannot be changed to prevent false edicts.

After the edict was written, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Shimin's voice gradually lowered, "Gentlemen, it seems that I have to take the first step.

But don't be sad, I have found a new emperor for you, a benevolent and filial emperor.

You must assist the new emperor just like you assisted me. If the emperor makes mistakes, you must dare to speak out, but don't be like Wei Zheng who refused to do anything.


After all, there are very few people like me, so you should also pay attention to your own safety.

My Tang Dynasty is very prosperous, and I am very proud of it, but I know that this is not only my contribution, but also the contribution of all the ministers. Without you, the deceased Qingyang, Wei Zheng, Xuanling, and Li Jing , and many people, there would not be the current prosperous age of Zhenguan.

Let this prosperous age continue, and don't follow the old path of the Sui Dynasty. If this prosperous age ends, how many people will be sad.

I will also cry in heaven. "

My Lords, I never expected that the Emperor would say these words at the last moment of his life. Many people could not help crying.

Changsun Wuji prostrates himself directly on the ground, sobbing and choking: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to assist the prince so that the prosperous age of Zhenguan will never decline."

Li Shimin smiled when he heard this and said: "Wuji, I still trust your ability. You are Zhinu's biological uncle, and he will still rely on you in the future.

I regard you and Duke Yong as my auxiliary ministers. From now on, the child slaves will be handed over to you two. "

If he is really the assistant minister, Changsun Wuji has actually been prepared for this all along. After all, in the current court, there is no more suitable candidate than himself.

As for Duke Yong.

One civil and one military, this is the way to balance. Duke Yong Guo is a military general and is not good at government affairs. He will most likely be like the former King of Zhou County, making a mascot in the political hall. In the future, the power of the political hall will still be his.

Changsun Wuji was thinking about this while thanking the Holy Grace. As for the impact of not having military power in his hands, he didn't care at all. He wanted the power of the Political Hall for the sake of governance and to enable himself to do things. , he never thought about rebellion or what he wanted military power for.

"Your Majesty, please wait outside the palace first. Wuji, Suiliang, and Qingyu, please stay for a while."

The emperor had something to say alone. The others were envious and sighed as they walked out of the palace and waited outside.

"The prince is not yet mature. When you assist the prince in the future, you must be patient. You are all old guys. You will always be ahead of the prince. Don't hide your secrets. Teach the prince how to govern the country. He will always I’ll have to walk on my own from now on.”

Li Shimin spoke with a bit of teasing, as if the pain had completely disappeared.

But other people in the palace couldn't laugh.

After a while, the three of them walked outside. Facing the gazes of the ministers, Changsun Wuji sighed: "Your Majesty wants to talk to the prince, let's wait first, in case anything else happens."

All the ministers were in awe of Changsun Wuji, who was determined to dominate the world in the new dynasty.

"Child slave, although I have designated Yong Guogong and Zhao Guogong as your assistant ministers, in fact I have also prepared Li Ji for you. After you succeed to the throne, I will transfer him back to Chang'an.

Duke Yong Guo protects your throne. Don't let him leave Chang'an to avoid danger to you. Duke Zhao Guo is used to govern, and Li Ji, if there are foreign enemies that are difficult to deal with, you should ask the British Duke Li Ji to take action.

Remember? "

At this moment, Li Zhi deeply understood what it means that parents love their children for their far-reaching plans.

Li Shimin handed almost everything into his hands step by step, and was worried that something might happen to him, so he filled everything up.

"Father, remember my son, my son will not let you down."


Luo Junwei had hot tears in her eyes, which she could not control. She walked out of the dormitory, holding back her grief, and came to the outer room. The palace was completely dark and there were countless ministers kneeling on their knees.

Her voice was clear and slightly hoarse, "Your Majesty has ordered that all the princes please come back."

Another three days passed, and Li Shimin was already unconscious. The third-rank minister entered the palace again. It was Luo Junwei again. She walked out of the palace with the prince Li Zhi, sobbing loudly——

"Your Majesty died and passed away to heaven!"

It was like thunder exploding, but it was silent.

"Everyone enters the palace and bids farewell to Your Majesty."

All the ministers who were kneeling on the ground stood up silently and then filed into the hall.

The inner hall is not very flashy, and the curtains are all plain color. The emperor who has been inspired by King Su is lying there peacefully. He was once supreme, but now he is not alive at all.

This is death.

After a short period of silence, there was a burst of wailing that echoed through the hall.

As the death knell rang, the entire imperial city was mourning the death of Li Shimin. Everyone could not believe that the kind king had left everyone like this.

Who can not be sad?

Li Shimin was an anomaly among kings. He killed many people on the battlefield. He once killed his own brother, but deep down, he was a sentimental and kind man.

He is holding a sharp sword, with bright blood dripping from the sword. Under his feet are mountains of corpses and bones, but his hands are clean, and his heart is radiating infinite light. His eyes are kind, Looking at the world where people live and work in peace and contentment with a smile.

Light is in front of him and darkness is behind him.


"Emperor Daxing died, and the whole country mourned. The ministers thought of the merits of Emperor Daxing, which were unprecedented in history. Emperors and emperors who traveled far and wide were not worthy of praise. His posthumous title, Wen!

Emperor Daxing's last words were that he wanted to serve the clan as a filial piety, so he named the temple Taizong.

The throne of the Ancestral Temple was determined and named Emperor Taizong Wen of the Tang Dynasty!
King Su had already had the revelation.

Oracle: Taizong died and was buried in Zhaoling! "


The emperor Taizong was young but clever, long and powerful. During the Sui Dynasty, Yang was a single man, causing trouble all over the world. Taizong raised the banner, personally carried out the sword, braved the wind and rain, and was born with magnanimity. Therefore, he was appointed to Qiu Yu. Keep away from each other, entrust them with politics, and use their merits with responsibility. They will obey all suggestions and gain all their plans. On the night of five years, the world will be flattened, and the Tang industry will be called Shoucheng. In fact, they will create it together.

Taizong's talent is higher than that of the ancients. He has the dignity of ten thousand chariots and the talents of heaven. He is not arrogant to the people of the world. He is still afraid of bad things. He follows advice like a sage and has self-control like a god. It is difficult for the ancient sage kings to match. Therefore, the prosperity of Zhenguan has not been seen since Xia.

What’s more, the most powerful ruler will never come out of this world!
Yu had the world, and it was said that there were six kings out of ten, and Shaokang had the cause of Zhongxing; Tang had the world, and there were twenty-eight kings, and those who were very prosperous were called three sects; King Wu had the world, and there were forty-seven kings, and only Kang called him The rule of the Han Dynasty was prosperous, and the civil and military officials were filial; the rest cannot be described.

The historical records are intact, but for more than 600 years, over three generations, their outstanding achievements are seen in later generations. These are just a few of them, which can be said to be rare!

How majestic, how fierce Taizong is!

He eliminated the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, compared with Tang and Wu; the beauty of his governance was even better than that of Kang and Zhao; he enjoyed the prosperity of the country, and his achievements were as great as those of Wen and Xuan; his scope was as wide as that of Qin and Wu.

I, Emperor Taizong Wen of the Tang Dynasty, am the only one who has the virtue to rule over the world and can bring peace to all generations! ——"Book of Tang·The Chronicles of Taizong"


In May, please give me a monthly ticket. There will be a lottery for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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