Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 930: King Su’s enlightenment, praising King Su’s merits and virtues!

Chapter 930: King Su’s enlightenment, praising King Su’s merits and virtues!

The heavy and solemn bells are ringing in the Taiji Hall of the new Daming Palace. It was built by dozens of craftsmen at home and abroad. The magnificent stone roof is raised up to several feet, and the glazed tiles shine on it, and the colors are stunning. But next.

On the top of the palace, there are graceful figures standing, each holding a flower basket in their hands. Countless petals are falling from the sky, like colorful snow all over the sky.

The vermilion gate is decorated with gold and jade, showing its nobility. The wood is wrapped with slightly dull copper rails, giving it a mixed beauty. Countless exotic flowers and animals are in various poses, covering the gate and the palace walls up and down. .

Walking into the hall, what you see at first glance is the ultimate splendor. The candlelight in countless glazed lamps makes the whole hall look like a magnificent heaven. There is no longer the blackening defect of the old building. At the end of the line of sight, there is a bronze Hundreds of steps away from the door, there are several stairs, and the throne stands high, showing the royal majesty.

Standing outside the Tai Chi Hall, looking out, on dozens of steps, countless noble ministers came in a hurry, with endless doubts on their faces. Some of these people had relatives scattered all over the country, and some were already in their old age. The heroes, as well as the most core bureaucrats of the entire empire, the governors of various states, and the governors of various states, now these people all appear here one after another and move up the stairs.

In the back hall of the Daming Palace, there were only two people sitting, Li Shimin and Luo Su. Today's big event was done by the two of them together. "Master, I have really done a big thing that dares to be the first in the world."

Luo Su just remained indifferently silent, but Li Shimin seemed to have returned to that day in Lingtian Pavilion.


The inner hall of Lingtian Pavilion is not that big. There are countless white cloths hanging on top of each other, which give it a miserable and miserable feeling. The black lines on the white cloth are outlined like mountains and rivers, and there is a clanking sound coming out.

All the officials in the palace stood up to pay their respects, and they went back and forth three times before stopping.

In addition, the emperor is also so dressed up.

This sound was like thunder, resounding through the hall almost instantly, swirling in the corridor columns, and then exploding in everyone's ears, and the hall suddenly fell silent.

Luo Junwei knelt on the ground, her eyes shining brightly.

Li Shimin was excited after hearing this, and hurriedly went to take a look, but he could only see the largest mountain range outlined in groups, like a dragon floating in the clouds. He felt a little regretful on his face. This map was almost like no map at all. There were no mountain passes or mountain passes. The sign of the water source cannot be used for marching. He finally stared at the undulating mountains and rivers, "National Master, how high are the mountains here in Tubo?"

The emperor's appearance was not worthy of attention, but the fact that the Imperial Master was so well-dressed today really surprised almost everyone.

"May the Imperial Master be safe and blessed!"

The official in charge seemed to have forgotten about it.

Luo Su held the magic staff in his hand, looked at each other and Li Shimin, and then nodded.

The ministers had already taken their seats in the main hall. When the eunuch loudly announced the arrival of the emperor and the imperial advisor, everyone looked up at the bronze door.

"National Master, this seems to be the border of Hexi. This is Xizhou. So, could this huge blank be Tubo?"

"It's Tubo."

Luo Su also changed from his previous plain clothes. He was dressed in extremely flashy clothes. He held a divine staff inlaid with sparkling gems in his hand. He was like a priest stepping down from a mural. His gaze was full of breathtaking majesty. , it looks like clouds, and it looks like carved mountains.

But the Tang Dynasty has been calm recently, and there is really nothing worth noting.

The Son of Heaven and the Imperial Preceptor.

Immediately, there were some whispering sounds in the palace, and the ministers asked each other what big thing happened.

At the right time, the eunuch shouted loudly and loudly: "Bye!"

Li Shimin said proudly: "My lord Li Shimin, I respect you, the most high, the most holy, the most noble, the most noble, King Su. I wish King Su to bless the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years."

Standing in it, one feels as if one is submerged in white water, unable to get out while rushing left and right. Li Shimin followed Luo Su closely as he shuttled between the hanging white cloths, and could no longer distinguish between east, west, north and south, and where the sun was.

Luo Su stood next to the hanging white cloth with a solemn expression, "From here we go to Chang'an five thousand miles south, and the ground is two thousand feet high. Another thousand miles south, there is a peak three thousand feet high, known as the divine peak. Above the mountains and rivers, there is snow all day long, and birds cannot fly. , Human beings cannot do it, but it is the ultimate realm of living beings.”

The emperor wore a dragon robe with extremely complicated needlework and twelve crowns. Even though most people couldn't see his face clearly, they could still feel the sense of solemnity. Even though he was not wearing a military uniform, his aura was still the same. Like fire.

The music that gets higher and higher resounds through the palace. This is the Daming Palace, this is the Tai Chi Palace. Kneel down here like the tide, and the whole world will kneel down like the tide.

The spirit of King Su is in heaven, bestowing blessings and longevity on the king! "

The two walked hand in hand from the center of the hall and walked step by step to the throne. Li Shimin turned around and sat down to face the ministers. Luo Su paused with the magic staff in his hand.

Then something happened that made everyone a little surprised, that is, the process of today's court meeting has not started yet.

He took a step forward, and now all the courtiers turned their attention to him.

The most famous one in history was the Ji-Jiang Alliance hosted by Ji Lingjun, the Queen of Luo, the Goddess of Luo and Duke Yin of Luo, six hundred years after the Zhou Dynasty, which brought decades of peace to the Zhou Dynasty.


Wu Zhao knelt on the ground, his pupils were like stars, and thousands of stars could not shine in a blink of an eye.

The hymn has countless different lyrics, but the one sung today has a very different meaning. This was sung by the Ji Jiang Alliance every time they met during the ancient Zhou Dynasty.

This is the sacrificial inscription when offering sacrifices to heaven. Even though everyone in the palace knew it when they entered the palace, they still had doubts in their hearts. What would Your Majesty do when offering sacrifices to heaven in the Tai Chi Palace? With the sound of a bell, everyone suppressed their doubts and knelt down in unison. On the ground, he showed his crossed hands, then placed them on his forehead between his eyebrows, and sang in unison: "The most high and holy, the most noble and noble, King Su bless the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin stopped in front of a Kanyu map again. He recognized the Kanyu map. Even though it was only outlined with a few extremely slight lines, he still recognized it as the Qilian Mountains.

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely be nervous now, but Luo Su didn't care.

"The spirit of King Su is in the sky, and the glory of the Tang Dynasty lasts for tens of thousands of years!

Under the gaze of thousands of people, he held the magic staff in his hand, then slammed the ground, stood next to Li Shimin, took a deep breath, and then shouted in an unprecedented solemn voice, "Quiet!"

The spirit of King Su is in the sky, giving the king great light!

"The Grace of the Emperor Mengsu, the Blesser of the Apocalypse, the Emperor of the Xia Dynasty, the Heavenly Khan of the Grasslands, the King of Kings of the Western Regions, and the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin and Luo Su stood at the head of the hall, looking at the entire Tang Dynasty kneeling down like a tide. Luo Su held the magic staff in his hand once again. Li Shimin sang a hymn, and hundreds of musicians on both sides played in unison. The ministers and ministers sang together, "The spirit of King Su is in the sky, and all the summers will be glorious for thousands of years!"
The towering mountains are connected continuously, and the surging rivers flow forever!
All the gods under the emperor's sky, bless my summers with great light! "

There was a sound of footsteps outside the palace, first two teams of palace ladies, and then a pair of people appeared together.

Nowadays, sometimes even in court gatherings, people rarely wear this kind of court uniform. This is obviously something wrong.

Li Zhi, Princess Jinyang, and Luo Junzhuo put down their work and stared blankly in the direction of Tai Chi Hall.

Bells rang throughout the palace. At this moment, everyone remembered the etiquette they had learned since birth. They lowered their heads and crossed their hands, kneeling on the ground.

In the Tai Chi Hall, the saints were chanted and blessed three times. Some older ministers were already out of breath. At this moment, they could finally straighten their backs. The twelve-beaded crown on Li Shimin's head swayed slightly. His expression was solemn and sacred, and there was another burst of drums. At the sound of the sound, the kings, princes and other great nobles stepped forward to dance the war dance.

"Boom boom boom!"


The sound of killing, the sound of wielding knives, and the passionate percussion of war dances, almost every sound fell into the hearts of everyone. One by one, everyone felt an extraordinary taste.

The people sitting slightly behind turned their eyes to the faces of the princes sitting in the front row. Many of the marginalized princes also had surprise and doubt on their faces. Only the prime ministers and Duke Yong had no expressions on their faces. These people were shocked. This This means that only the prime minister and real ministers know in advance what will be done today.

And these people are the candidates to be announced for this major event. Just like every major event in the past, it has been decided long ago, but it is announced to the world today.

When the last drum beat stopped, the bronze door opened wide, and bright sunlight poured in from the outside, shining on the ground and the ministers in the palace. The countless candlelights, against the light of the sun, disappeared like the bright moon. The stars are dim and without light.

The gold and jade on the pillars reflect the gleaming light, the vermilion robes become more and more vivid, the black robes are solemn, and the blue color is calm, the light comes over, row by row, row by row.

Countless maids walked in from outside the palace holding ritual vessels, just like butterflies walking between flowers. They put down the ritual vessels on each seat. As their clothes fluttered, the fragrance of Zhan Zhan's powder filled the air. They came gently, gently. And go.

"National Preceptor, please begin."

In the palace, which was so quiet that one could hear the drop of a needle, Li Shimin's voice rang out, and everyone immediately turned their attention to the Imperial Master who had been standing from beginning to end.

He wears a gold and jade crown on his head, with phoenix patterns everywhere, and an extremely gorgeous black robe on his body. The cuffs and collar of the black robe are embroidered with gold thread, and the robe is even embroidered with gold thread. The fluttering phoenix's huge tail feathers almost covered his heart, and the black background made the gold look more noble.

Luo Su looked at the palace full of ministers. He slowly walked down the high platform holding the magic staff. After a long time, he slowly said: "The emperor asked me to say something to the people of the world. I have thought for a long time about what I should say to live up to today's situation." What about the prosperous Xuanhe?
There are countless lofty and great ideals in this world. If I say those words directly, just like the previous hymn, you will all sing it, but how many of them will be engraved in your hearts?

The spirit of King Su is in the sky, and the Tang Dynasty has a destiny for tens of thousands of years.

It is really exciting that the ministers offered the highest blessings of the Xia Dynasty to the emperor, but today I want to ask a question, can the Tang Dynasty really last for tens of thousands of years? Could the kings of the Tang Dynasty really last for eternity? "

Luo Su's question caused the temperature of the hall to drop several degrees almost instantly. Everyone was stunned, and no one dared to answer the question.

Brush brush.

Almost everyone below looked at Li Shimin, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who was sitting at the top, wanting to see his expression, but behind the heavy crown and dangling beads, he still had the same majestic and sacred face, and no changes could be seen. , as if he had never heard Luo Su's words.

"Even if Mount Tai is ground to the ground, even if the Yellow River is as small as a belt, I will still love your descendants. Lords of the Tang Dynasty, can you really enjoy your wealth forever?"

Luo Su first asked about the state, then the emperor, and finally the princes and ministers. A certain answer appeared in everyone's mind, that is, it was impossible.

"The history of Zhuxia has entered the era of rituals and music from 1,600 years ago. The founding King Su brought unprecedented civilization to Zhuxia. The barbaric, bloody and ancient old era was swept into history. garbage heap.

The Zhou Dynasty went through thousands of years of collapse, the Qin Dynasty lasted for more than ten years, the Han Dynasty lasted three hundred years, the two dynasties saw the rise and fall of various countries, and the Sui Dynasty turned into a puddle of ashes in thirty or forty years.

During these sixteen hundred years, I have been thinking, what is left behind?

Dear princes and nobles, I once heard that people standing in the mountains will have their eyes blocked by clouds and mist, and they will never know how high the mountains are. Today, I, an outsider, will lift the clouds and mist for you and see. Look at how high this mountain is and what it looks like. "


The sound of wheels turning came from the side of the hall, and several eunuchs pushed a cart of books into the hall. The books were piled high, and a faint smell of ink slowly spread.

Luo Su picked up a book casually, "This book is the catalog volume of the Book of Han. It records the three hundred years of struggle of the Han Dynasty and the deeds of the emperor and ministers of the Han Dynasty to maintain the rule of the Han Dynasty."

He put down the book and raised another one, "This is the "Benji of Qin", which records the 800-year history of the Qin State and the history after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty."

After that, he faced everyone and said in a deep voice: "Every king wants to maintain his throne and continue the inheritance of the dynasty. For this reason, they do not hesitate to do all kinds of wrong things, just like the prince in 'The road is the eye', Use cruel punishments and a reign of terror to cut off all speech, thinking that if the people's mouths are blocked, no one will know about it.

But the dynasty will eventually collapse, the king will eventually die, all the truth will be revealed, and it will be infamy that will remain in the history of history.

You treat the people kindly and have outstanding achievements. Thousands of years later, there are still incense sacrifices.

And those kings who used treacherous tactics in history and the historians of later generations, will they leave any feelings for them?

When writing the historical records of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, would anyone have thought of covering up his life in the slightest?

Dear princes and nobles, thousands of years from now, you are all going to be in the history books. Have you ever thought about the few words you have written in the history books? "

Luosu's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard. This was the first time someone had said this to them. They couldn't help but start to compare themselves with people who were similar in the history books, and then When I think of the evaluation in the history books and the final outcome, I can't help but tremble all over.

"The affairs of the world will eventually become private affairs. The king only cares about the longevity of the dynasty and does not care about the life and death of the people. The ministers only care about immediate interests and do not care about the rise and fall of the dynasty. What's the use?
Where are the Emperor Zhou and the eight hundred princes?

Does the Emperor of Qin Dynasty still have descendants?
Where are the Emperor of Han and the princes of Jingnan?
Are the royal families of the various countries and the two dynasties of the late Han Dynasty still noble?
In the end, the ancestors were left to comment, the dynasty was ridiculed by the world, the abuses of the people were notorious, and the things that harmed the people were hated, the ministers who made suggestions knelt in front of the temple, and the descendants changed their surnames or their clans were exterminated.

Whether a minister is loyal or traitorous will be decided by future generations. No matter how much you quibble in this world, it will be useless.

Whether you have contributed to the world or you have made mistakes, thousands of years later, you can see it clearly.

This is true for my ministers.

The same is true for kings! "

The emperor, who had been sitting on the throne as majestic as a god, finally moved slowly. The ministers who had been paying attention to the emperor held their breath. Li Shimin rubbed the throne and said in a deep voice, "Everyone in the world knows that I am the prime minister. I am here to tell you that I am the prince of the Xia Dynasty first, and then the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The principles spoken by the Imperial Master are the Way of King Su.

What is the way of the prime king?
That is the way of merit.

One merit and one virtue.

It is a merit to open up the four barbarians, it is a merit to pacify the Xia, and it is a merit to promote the culture. Why should Zhu Xia be added before the emperor?

Because all of this was a contribution to the Xia Dynasty, just like Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty who opened up the Western Regions, even if the Han Dynasty fell, his achievements would always shine in the annals of history, so everyone called him the Holy King.

The First Emperor of Qin is a famous tyrant, but Qing History still records his achievements in the Six-Year Plan, but he is not a holy king, so I established the Holy King Temple, which does not include the First Emperor of Qin.

This is another path besides the path of merit, the path of virtue.

What is virtue?

It is virtue to live in harmony with one's relatives, it is virtue to care for the people, it is virtue to have harmony between the king and his ministers, and virtue is to live in the world as a human being, not as a beast.

No matter how the world boils, it cannot be said to be virtuous.

Merits must always be done, but just like Emperor Ruili of the Han Dynasty, he was a tyrant. Didn't Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty have any merits?

Yes, but compared with the price he paid, it is nothing to mention, and his achievements can be ignored.

Mastering the margin of merit and virtue is the way of Su Wang's merit. If the merit and virtue are present, he will become a holy king.

How to continue the dynasty is to establish merit and virtue. As long as there are merits and virtues, the dynasty will never perish. If one day, the dynasty uses cunning, conspiracy, and scheming to maintain it, it will be the time for the dynasty to perish.

I have been talking with the Imperial Master in Lingtian Pavilion for several days, and today I will tell you this truth. I hope you can practice it and cherish it. "

Your Majesty is still laying the groundwork.

The National Preceptor is also laying the groundwork.

What on earth is going to be done today has been prepared for so long. All the ministers know that it is impossible for the emperor and the Imperial Preceptor to just give them a reason when they engage in such a big battle.

Even though today's Su Wang's method of merit is so novel and so enlightening, smarter people know that this is definitely not what the emperor and the master of the country really want to say today.

A huge Kantu map was pushed up, with black tracings and outlines on it, like flying dragons. The ministers sitting in the front row immediately recognized that this was the Kantu map of the Tang Dynasty.

Luo Su held a fine pen in his hand and walked to the Kanyu Map. "Everyone must know that this is the Kanyu Map of the Tang Dynasty. On it are hundreds of states in the Tang Dynasty, including the governor's mansion and the great governor's mansion." , there are mountains and rivers, and the surrounding countries that surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.”

Luo Su gently drew two circles in Chang'an, Luoyang, and along the Yellow River. Looking at the two circles, Luo Su's face was full of complicated expressions. He was missing something. Then he faced the ministers and sighed: "Great The territory of the Tang Dynasty was vast, and the territory of Zhuxia was even greater than that of the Tang Dynasty. It was 12,000 miles from east to west and 15,000 miles from north to south. There were mountains, plains, rivers, cliffs, deserts, Gobis, and grasslands. One person could not travel there in a lifetime. Complete the territory of Zhuxia.

But who still remembers that 1,600 years ago, we only had these two places, Haojing and Luoyi, and we were still huddled in the city. Every day we were worried that the barbarians, as numerous as the stars in the sky, would annihilate us in the city. What about in the dust of history?
Who else remembers that this was not Qizhou, a prosperous commercial center, but the land of Dongyi and Laiyi!
Who else remembers that there are millions of Rong people living in Longyou, who eat their hair and drink their blood?

Who else remembers that between Yishui and Luoshui between Chang'an and Luoyang, there are Yiluo's troops, and the emperor may be attacked whenever he travels.

Who else remembers that the Di people lived in the Longxing Land of the Tang Dynasty, and they were not extinct until a thousand years ago.

Who else remembers that Jianghuai, now known as the most important tax center in the world, had a Huaiyi Rebellion that almost destroyed all the Xia, and our ancestors almost disappeared from history.

Can you forget this? "


"Don't forget it!"

The bloodline hidden in the body was stimulated, and the hall resounded one after another, and then turned into a chorus of shouts.

"Can't forget!" "Now, the Han people live in these places, Xia's flag is flying above them, and those gods with unknown eyes and strange appearances have disappeared.

Only King Su spreads it here.

The emperor, the ministers, and even the common people all worked tirelessly to leave more wealth and reputation to future generations.

So what is merit?

This is merit. The ancestors allowed future generations to no longer have to worry about being destroyed at any time, so the people living in the mainland of the Tang Dynasty no longer need to face wars. "

Luo Su's voice became louder and louder. What is merit? This is merit.

Another map was brought up, "Sixteen hundred years ago, King Su enfeoffed his relatives and meritorious officials in Haojing, not far from Chang'an.

From small dots, to connected dots, and finally to countries, until now, we are spinning in it.

I don't think it should be like this.

The emperor thinks so too.

So we have this terrible map, take a look! "

Li Shimin stood up from the throne, then walked down, walked to Luo Su and stood side by side. The Kanyu map rose from behind the two of them. The Kanyu map was extremely high, a foot long, just like a red sun rising from the horizon. rise, emitting immeasurable divine light.

Luo Su and Li Shimin, standing in front of the Kanyu map, were like ancient saints and ancient saint kings stepping out of the scroll.

"what is this?"

Most people can't understand this map. The eyes of a few people who have seen it in advance are still shining.

"Before the founding of the Tang Dynasty, I once traveled around the world. This world is not only the world of Zhu Xia. I also traveled ten thousand miles from the Western Regions to the west. Combined with the records from ancient times, I drew this world. The map covers an area of ​​20,000 miles from east to west and 30,000 miles from north to south. I call it the ‘Wanguo Kan Map’.”

Luo Su looked at the map from a distance, with countless emotions in his eyes. Of course, this map was very inaccurate. There were a large number of mountains and rivers that were not marked, but it was still something worth remembering.

"This is the Central Plains!"

Luo Su pointed to the most intimate area and said lightly, then pointed to the north and said lightly: "This is the Mobei Grassland and the Greater Khingan Mountains in Liaodong. Our biggest enemies in the Central Plains for six hundred years have emerged from here. Now King Yan guards the Mobei Grassland. North Prairie.”

As he spoke, Luo Su took up his pen and wrote the word "Yan" on the Mobei grassland. As soon as this word was written, everyone in the palace immediately felt a sense of déjà vu. They turned their attention to the first Kanyu map. On that picture, there is also a word "Yan", but it is in the land of Youyan.

With just such a stroke, the Yan State moved from the Central Plains to a land outside the Great Wall two thousand miles away from the Central Plains. "The King of Yan did great service in guarding the country's borders. After Qin, the country's border guards were always along the Great Wall, but after more than a thousand Years ago, the vassal states of Qi, Jin, Qin, Chu, etc., who were the vassal of the Emperor of Zhou, were all on the front line of the barbarian war. What the King of Yan is doing now is the real vassal of the king. "

Luo Su then pointed to Shenlin City, eight thousand miles to the west, "You may not know where this is, but this is the famous Persia.

Hundreds of years ago, this place was called Anxi. It was an empire with tens of thousands of soldiers. Although its strength was not as good as that of the Han Dynasty, it was not far behind. It also had prosperous commerce and developed technology, not inferior to the Central Plains. However, the politics was very unstable, so the country The rise and fall are quick.

It is really a fertile land. Any kind of land can grow quite luxuriantly, and it can not only cultivate the land, but also grow high-quality pasture.

When the Western Turks were at their strongest, they once bordered here in the east. What happens now is unknown. "

When we talked about Mobei just now, the palace was relatively calm. As an old rival that has been entangled for hundreds of years, the Central Plains knew Mobei well. There were grasslands there, but the climate was harsh. After all, it was too far north. King Yan was equivalent to Exiled.

But when Luosu pointed to Central Asia and West Asia, there was a commotion in the palace. There were countless Hu merchants in the Tang Dynasty doing business here, and they also knew a little about the Far West, but this was the first time I saw such a map. Especially since Luo Su allocated such a large area of ​​land, it was larger than the Hebei Plain in the Central Plains.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "National Master, the area you just designated can be used for farming and grazing?"

Although this land is too far away from the Central Plains, and there are obstacles from the Western Turks and other countries in the Western Regions on the way. There is also Tubo on the western plateau, but they still couldn't help but ask, is there really such a fertile land? ?

Isn’t the Central Plains the place where King Su looks down?
Luo Su gave everyone an affirmative answer, "The Central Plains must be familiar with the fertility of the Land of Seven Rivers. The Land of Seven Rivers goes west and is extremely fertile. Millions of people live in it. It is not a problem at all. He There’s only one drawback, and that’s the distance.”

Li Shimin couldn't help but curl his lips. When he first learned about it, he lamented that it was too far away. The Tang Dynasty's military power was already at its limit when it was deployed in Congling. Going further would be a pure loss, and once Rebellion cannot be dealt with.

Even if Persia was fertile, the Tang Dynasty could not conquer it. It could only establish trade and friendship. This was what Li Shimin thought before, and the same is what the officials in the palace think now.

But they immediately realized that the Imperial Master and the Emperor had laid so much ground just now, so that was it!
That's it!

The Imperial Preceptor and the Emperor want to enfeoff the heroes of the clan just like they enfeoffed the King of Yan!
Do not!
The King of Yan is not enfeoffing, but uses the title of King Yan to take over the Anbei Protectorate and control the military affairs of the Mobei states. He only has the power to govern the twelve tribes of the King of Yan. He still has to be governed by the Council of Fans and the Privy Council. controlling.

The real enfeoffment is like that of the princes of the Zhou Dynasty and the early Han Dynasty. The princes can collect taxes, train troops, and govern the country in their own countries, and the people of the kingdom are completely the subjects of the princes.


It is impossible for the emperor to agree to be enfeoffed to Persia. Now that he is sending people out, the Central Plains will not be able to give much support at a distance of 20,000 miles. Moreover, the Western Regions are also separated, especially the Western Turks, who are eyeing him. Wouldn't that mean sending food in the past?

Moreover, when the country was established in the past, the Central Plains did not have any means of control. In the past, when it was independent, the Central Plains could only watch meat buns beat dogs and never come back. This is a thing that has no benefits at all. Would the emperor really do it?
Luo Su's steps never stopped, and he pointed to the southwest of Datang again, "This is also a land that I am familiar with in Datang. It has many names, and the most famous one is called Tianzhu.

Hundreds of years ago, at the same time as the Parthian Empire and the Han Empire, there was a powerful country here called Kushan. Going forward, powerful dynasties often appeared here. "


Almost everyone in the Tang Dynasty did not know this name, the birthplace of Buddhism. Luo Su threw a heavy egg, "The reason why many powerful dynasties can arise here is because there is a land many times more fertile than the Hebei Plain and the Guanzhong Plain." The plain is right here!”

Losutti drew a circle on the Ganges Plain and the Indus Plain, "This piece of land can produce three crops a year. The grain produced by this piece of land can be compared with that of the entire Central Plains."

This time, the Tai Chi Palace was really in a state of uproar!

"National Master, what did you say!"

"National Master, this must be fake!"

"National Master, don't fool us with your jokes!"

"National Division……"

"National Division!"

Magnificent and fierce sounds filled the Tai Chi Hall almost instantly. The noisy sound was about to completely lift the roof, and the sound waves rolled as if they were real.


The magic staff in Luo Su's hand hit the ground hard, making a harsh thumping sound. He was so angry that his dantian was filled with anger, and then he shouted loudly. The voice of one person overwhelmed the voices of everyone in the hall.

Captured by his loud shout, there was a moment of silence in the palace, but the heavy breathing still revealed everyone's restless hearts.

At this moment, no matter who they are or what political views they hold, they cannot ignore that a piece of sacred land, a piece of golden land, appears in front of them.

Seize this land!

This was the thought that almost everyone in the palace had in an instant. This land was different from Persia just now.

Persia was too far away. It is no exaggeration to say that if we took out all the food from the Tang treasury and armed an army of 50,000 people, the food would be gone before we even reached Persia.

But Tianzhu is different. Tianzhu can be reached. Although it is difficult, the army can reach it.

From Shenlin City, walk a little west to Daxia, and then go south to enter Tianzhu in a short time.

It’s the Western Region again!

Now all the officials in the palace set their sights on the Western Region.

"King Su lowers his eyes! The most high and holy!"

Suddenly someone in the hall chanted loudly.

Then there were shouts of shouting one after another. King Su's greatness was once again realized at this moment thousands of years later.

No one will forget that as early as hundreds of years ago, Luo Zhongkan had followed the order of King Su and went to the Western Regions. In order to control the Western Regions in the hands of the Xia, how much effort the Luo family put in, and even built a temple in the Western Regions .

The place where King Su lowers his eyes!

As early as when the Western Regions were still full of barbarians, Luo had already promoted propaganda in this way. This was an attitude that Luo had never had.

Now look at it, Persia, Tianzhu, and Mobei, these three key regions are all in the hands of the Western Region. Whoever controls the Western Region will control the future world, and whoever controls the key to all regions.

"Your Majesty, please fight Anxi!"

Li Ji couldn't help it anymore. He very much agreed with the merit theory just now, and now he was going to make meritorious deeds.

Li Shimin turned his back to the geomancy map, exhaled a long breath, and then said with deep emotion: "I know what you are thinking now. When I first heard what the national teacher said, I was also shocked.

I believe all the ministers now know what I and the Imperial Master are going to do.

That's right.

Enfeoffment is not the enfeoffment of hereditary governors before me, but real enfeoffment outside the Central Plains, in places that I cannot care about, and places that my Tang Dynasty cannot penetrate.

I said before that the way of merit is the principle of King Su. What is King Su’s principle?

It's nothing more than the words "Xia Jun Yimin" at the beginning of "The King's Way". What other achievements can compare with this achievement?

The Imperial Master told me that if we could establish three kingdoms during the Zhenguan Dynasty, my achievements and virtues would be beyond ancient times and unmatched by anyone. King Su would praise me, and it would be possible for me to ascend to the supreme heaven the next day. . "

A majestic voice sounded in the palace, "Your Majesty, Imperial Master, what are the three kingdoms?"

"The so-called three kingdoms."

Luo Su quickly drew a few circles on the Kan map, "It was supposed to be six kingdoms, but it was difficult to do so with two in the Zhenguan Dynasty, so the rest were the four kingdoms.

The Yan Kingdom was established in Mobei, ranging from the east of the Altai Mountains, the north of the desert, and the east of the Greater Khingan Mountains.

The State of Qi was established on the Liaodong Peninsula, a series of islands east of Changbai Mountain, south of the Yalu River, and Fusang Island.

The Song Dynasty was established on the vast land south of Guangzhou.

To the south of Guangzhou, although there is miasma everywhere, it is also an area with three crops a year and a lot of vegetation. Once it is developed, it will be like Jianghuai now, and it will be a fertile land in the future.

The last one is to the west of the Irtysh River, to the north of the Western Region, and is bounded by the river of the Yan State. There are also large areas of plains and pastures, but even I have never been there. Countless nomads live there, which is extremely dangerous. The state of Qin was established there.

These are the Four Kingdoms. "

Luo Su wrote the three characters "Qin", "Qi" and "Song" on the map of Kan, and then outlined the general territory.

The ministers immediately understood that the key was the Western Region. If the Tang Dynasty did not completely control the Western Region, it would be impossible for the army to go to Tianzhu and other places. Therefore, there was no plan for the Western Region to go west or the Western Region to the south.


While everyone was still digesting the sudden news, the emperor suddenly called the prince. Li Chengqian was stunned. Luo Juncheng quickly pushed him with his quick eyes. Li Chengqian reacted and walked to the center of the hall in a flash. He raised his head and looked at his own The father, however, could not penetrate Mian Liu and saw his father's eyes. He turned around and lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Son, please see your majesty."

Li Shimin felt a pain in his heart, but then he was a little relieved that he had a solution. His voice was very gentle, "Prince, I heard that you have the idea of ​​​​going out to join the vassal. Although I am reluctant to leave you, after all, I cannot protect you forever. You, since you don't want to stay in Chang'an, then leave. You can choose one of these three lands and become a vassal. "

There was silence in the Tai Chi Hall, and Wei Zheng had closed his eyes. When Li Shimin told him about this for the first time, he was naturally extremely opposed, but Li Shimin only said: "I can't control myself, the prince is unstable.

By leaving a deposed prince in the Central Plains, does Aiqing want my spirit in heaven to see his heirs kill each other or to end in a miserable life? "

It was rare for Wei Zheng to be completely speechless when he was reviled. Even if the prince's life could be saved, with Li Chengqian's character, he was almost destined to die in depression.

Even the prince's young master had no objections, let alone the other prime ministers.

The ministers in the palace could not believe what Li Shimin said.

Is the emperor asking the prince to become a feudal lord?
Whatever it is, it’s a feud!
This is the useless prince!

But even Wei Zheng didn't say anything, and no one knew that the emperor and the prime ministers had already approved it in advance. In other words, this matter had been approved by the upper echelons of the empire, and now they are notified.

The most surprising thing was Wei Wang Li Tai. He had no idea about this matter. At this moment, he suppressed his smile and looked at Li Chengqian with shining eyes. He wished he could answer on Li Chengqian's behalf, agree quickly, agree quickly!
Li Chengqian was a little confused, but he quickly came to his senses. He had been hinted at. It was obviously the occasion of deposing the prince, but it was rare for him to see a father's care for his son in those eyes. .

He instantly knelt down on the ground with tears streaming down his face, gave the most noble gift to Li Shimin, and then said loudly: "Father, you were once the King of Qin. Although my son cannot inherit your status, I also hope to remember your voice and face, son." Choose the King of Qin.”

None of these three kings is simple. The most serious problem for King Song is miasma. Medical technology has improved a lot in recent years, but sometimes it is still difficult to cure. King Qi is not simple either.

When the four kingdoms were released, the officials in the palace knew that the emperor wanted to attack the Liaodong Kingdom, and it was not the way of surrender, but to destroy it. The west side would be taken back to the Tang Dynasty, and prefectures and counties would be established, and the west side would be included in the Qi Dynasty. country, establish a kingdom.

Moreover, all the ministers in the palace could see that the countries entrusted by the emperor were areas that the Tang Dynasty could not control, or the cost of control was too high. It can be said that they were well versed in the essence of state enfeoffment.

If these kingdoms can really be established, the administrative and military costs of the Tang Dynasty will be significantly reduced.

Li Shimin said warmly: "The prince comes forward to pay his respects to the Imperial Master. The system of the six kingdoms was proposed by the Imperial Master. It was also proposed by the Imperial Master that you should go abroad to join a vassal."

Li Chengqian understood that the moment Li Shimin entrusted him with the title, he knew that it was Luo Su's suggestion. When they left Lingtian Pavilion that day, the Imperial Master took his matter to heart.

He walked up to Luo Su, knelt down again, kowtowed and said, "I will never forget the kindness of the Imperial Master, Cheng Qian, who will never forget it. If there really is a day when the country is founded and the ancestral temple is established, I will be in the country day and night to do it for you." You offer incense."

Everyone in the hall watched this scene in silence. Everyone knew that among the four kingdoms, the Qin Kingdom was probably the one that the Tang Dynasty would be least able to control in the future, because it was the farthest away, with the Yan Kingdom and the Western Regions in between.


Can this lame prince really build a kingdom surrounded by wolves?

Or did he die on the way to conquest like countless nobles from the state and Zhou Dynasty?
You must know that the first generation of princes in the Zhou Dynasty established their base areas after a hundred years of bloody fighting.

Luo Su touched Li Chengqian's head and said warmly: "The lineage of King Zhou is now one of the main branches of the Luo family. There should be brave warriors accompanying him. I will let five hundred brave warriors and their family members follow Jun Cheng."

The brave warriors followed Luo Juncheng, that is, as Li Chengqian's help in the development, enfeoffment and development. How could the Luo family not participate in such a bloody achievement?
King Yan Li Ke had received help from Luo Xuanxing back then. Now that Li Chengqian was farther away and more dangerous, Luo was of course shouldering the responsibility.

Li Chengqian knelt on the ground and kowtowed again, "Chengqian kowtows to thank the Imperial Master."

Li Shimin shouted, "Duke Wei!"

"Chen is here!"


Li Shimin and Luo Su, the two highest peaks in the Tang Dynasty, this national advisor with the same name as Luo Wengong of the Zhou Dynasty, led the Tang Dynasty into a feudal system when the Xia Dynasty reached the most critical juncture, and completely destroyed the Tang Dynasty. Transformed into an armed empire.

He greatly expanded the living space of Zhuxia, but at the same time, due to the enfeoffment action, a large number of powerful nobles were created, which greatly enhanced the power of the noble class and the sacrificial class, causing the blood nobles who had collapsed since the Qin and Han Dynasties to return to the world.

At the same time, the chaos and wars that would eventually result from enfeoffment filled the Tang Dynasty with blood and made him controversial. Countless people were asking a question with a clear answer. The national preceptor understood his choice, so Bring the future?

"In my dream, I saw the common people walking on a sea of ​​blood. In my dream, I saw the noble and the humble as if they were in the mud. I also saw the common people laughing. I also saw light behind the dark clouds!"

Who wouldn't understand? How could Luosu not know the future brought about by his choice? He did what he thought was right without hesitation, and even if future generations did not have enough wisdom to solve the problems that might be caused, he remained unwavering.

We have never seen such an outstanding politician again. ——"The Rise and Fall of the Tang Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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