Chapter 928 Thirteen years of Zhenguan!
Luo Jingcheng, the king of Gusu County, was appointed as the Minister of Works, responsible for supervising the construction of large ships that could sail into the sea.

This is a relatively important political news at the beginning of the thirteenth year of Zhenguan.

Li Shimin already had a plan to conquer Liaodong, but no one except Luo Su knew about it. They could only guess whether the emperor had any new plans from Li Shimin's sudden order to supervise the construction of warships.

But no one thought that Li Shimin had a new war plan.

Because the war in Gaochang had just ended, Li Shimin would not start another war to destroy the country in a short period of time based on his character. After all, Li Shimin had always adhered to the attitude that fighting wars would not affect the domestic people's livelihood.

Since Zhenguan, the Dong Turks were defeated in the fourth year of Zhenguan, and it was not until three or four years later that they attacked Xiyan. It took another three or four years before the war against Gaochang was launched.

Even a minister like Wei Zheng, who relied on admonishment as a way of survival, could not say a word about Li Shimin's great success, let alone a word about Li Shimin's military ambitions.


Luosu is also calculating the current situation.

The Luo family was completely out of trouble and established a firm foothold in the Tang Dynasty. Although it was not a huge amount, the luck flowed in continuously. At least, there was no need to worry about the demise of the family, and the key was found by Wu Zhao, the prime king. Characters, and already have ideas, the next step is to promote, completely complete the integration of Li and Luo, and the complete fusion of blood, just like Ji Jiang.

But although Luo Juncheng was favored, and Li Lizhi was also a very favored princess by Li Shimin, after all, the Prince Zhou's Palace was quite different from when the two important figures, Princess Pingyang and Prince Zhou, were both there.

Prince Li Chengqian is a very strange person.

Even Luo Ling's use of Luo's truly invincible artifact would cost millions of luck points.

No matter from which angle you look at it, you cannot say that he is incompetent. He has been known for his diligent study since he was young. He is also somewhat capable in government affairs. Naturally, he cannot be compared with Li Shimin, but he is still remarkable. .

In other words, you are not so afraid of Luo Juncheng. Everyone acts according to the rules. Even if you are the king of Zhou County, you cannot go beyond Tang law and rules.

So what is shown to outsiders is that he does not listen to advice and is unrepentant.

God of the Four Seasons!

Li Shimin had a unique love for Xia Yi, but he had never worn Turkic clothes, danced in the East Palace, and even said after drinking that he wanted to be a Turk on the grassland.

An ordinary Luo clan member would not only need millions of luck points to activate this invincible artifact, but would also have to pay at least one life.

At first, there were Luo Xuanye and Queen Changsun, and he could tell these two people. Now that these two people are gone, the remaining people will only scold him and ask him to correct his mistakes. He doesn't want to tell these people the truth in his heart at all. idea.

Luo Jun Chengdu knows, but how can he tell others, especially how to tell the emperor? He can't say, "There is a gap between the prince and uncle, and he is unwilling to tell you what is in his heart." Then Wei Wang Li Tai really About to laugh out loud.

In order to complete this plan, even using artifacts is worthwhile. As long as this plan can be completed, Luo's luck will explode in an instant, and he can even accumulate enough to activate the God of the Four Seasons.

But the teachers who taught him, except for Luo Xuanye, basically reprimanded him more than praised him, because he was weird and really did not conform to the aesthetics of the Central Plains for more than a thousand years.

Li Chengqian has been criticized more and more by the officials of the East Palace in recent years and is almost autistic. If Luo Juncheng hadn't talked to him, he would really have a psychological problem.

This brings us to his second strange thing. He doesn't say anything about his grievances in his heart, but instead speaks out harshly.

Luo Su looked in the direction of the East Palace with his hands behind his hands.


"These things are almost finished. It seems that it is time to show off to Li Shimin. I hope he can bear it now. He is the first holy king in history."

Luo Juncheng knew that Li Chengqian was lame, so he wanted to gallop forward and feel the feeling of freedom.

Especially on the grassland, people don't care about lame diseases, so it's normal for him to yearn for it, because this is not yearning in essence, but an expression of his physical defects.

But it is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and they only think that he is sick.

When Li Chengqian makes Li Shimin angry, Li Tai will do everything possible to please Li Shimin. He is very good at making Li Shimin happy, and now there is no Luo Xuanye to suppress him.

The most terrifying thing is that both Li Chengqian and Li Tai knew about this.

Li Chengqian knew that Luo Xuanye was gone and that he had lost his biggest support. Li Tai also knew about this. The prince had no real support, and Wei Zheng and Li Jing...

In fact, only Wei Zheng supported Li Chengqian, and only Wei Zheng spoke to Li Chengqian in front of Li Shimin.

As for Li Jing, since Luo Xuanye's death, he can only be described as being as silent as a cicada. You must know that after the attack on Gaochang, he hardly even opened his mouth to reform the military system. He is now the well-deserved top boss in the military. For this kind of He actually kept silent about things that might affect his interests.

Why is this so?

Because Li Jing believed that if he spoke again, it would not be a matter of whether he could save his profits, but whether he could save his head. Under such circumstances, how dare he collude with the prince Li Chengqian? What if the emperor suspects that he and the prince want to cause trouble?

In the Tai Chi Hall, Li Shimin was quite angry, and the officials also looked bad.

"How can you ministers despise my son like this? I think it is appropriate for ministers to bow to the prince when they see him."

It was theoretically okay for a prince of the first rank to ask a prime minister of the third rank to salute, but none of the ministers were willing.

Luo Xuanchen even said directly and enthusiastically: "Your Majesty, according to ancient etiquette, although we are all officials of the third rank, we are actually ministers who sit and discuss matters with the emperor. Although the kings are of the first rank, they all have to go out for business. The prince of the vassal has never heard of the principle of paying homage to the prince since the Zhou Dynasty."

Luo Xuanchen's words made all the prime ministers here couldn't help but straighten their backs. It is for this reason that although we are in the third rank now, we are the ministers. Although your son is noble, except for the prince, the other kings What qualifications enable us to salute him?
To put it bluntly, if the emperor had not stepped aside, any one of us here could easily kill the kings.

Wei Zheng also seized the opportunity and said: "Your Majesty, when you were the King of Qin, you were prominent because of the dignity of General Tiance and the positions of Taiwei, Situ, Shangshuling, Daxingtai Shangshuling of East Shaanxi Province, but it was not just By virtue of his status as a King of Qin.

Why are you starting to propose such ridiculous things now? "

Wei Zheng's words made the hearts of all the prime ministers in the palace jump. This old boy is really a master at pretending to be confused. The emperor did this, not because the ministers did not respect the King of Wei enough and did not take the initiative to salute the King of Wei. That's why he was angry, but now Wei Zheng directly connected this matter, involved all the prime ministers, and suppressed the emperor.

Although there are a few people who do not want to get involved in the matter between the Crown Prince and the King of Wei, they must stand together today. The Sangong and the Nine Qings are the Sangong and the Nine Qings. They must not be placed under the prince. It is fine if the prince is not allowed to salute, but when he sees the prince, he must If you salute, you are still just a minister sitting down and discussing things. From now on, when you see the emperor, you will kneel down.

Changsun Wuji also said: "Your Majesty, I also think it is inappropriate."

After Luo Xuanye's death, Changsun Wuji was the most trusted by Li Shimin. Now even Changsun Wuji said the same. Li Shimin's eyes swept across the audience, Fang Xuanling was silent, Chu Suiliang did not speak, and the remaining six ministers and ministers When they saw him looking over, they all cupped their hands and said, "Your Majesty, I second your proposal."

What had never happened before was that all the prime ministers collectively rejected Li Shimin's suggestion. Li Shimin had long known that this matter would not pass, so he still wanted to test it.

After seeing this scene, he suddenly laughed loudly and said: "Okay, I am relieved that the ministers expressed their stance like this. My prime ministers are all upright people, and there are no people who are trying to follow the dragon and the phoenix.

I recently heard some rumors in Chang'an City, saying that the prince was lame and could not become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. They also said that I loved the king of Wei, so I wanted to abolish the throne.

I can say now that I have no such intention.

Although the prince has leg problems, he can walk, and he governs the world with wisdom, so there is no problem for the prince.

Besides, if the prince has a child, I will not abolish the prince's position or abandon the etiquette.

Let everyone know what I mean.

Cut off the minds of those who have evil intentions in their hearts. "

Li Shimin's sudden words caused the Tai Chi Hall to fall into silence. This sudden turn shocked almost everyone.

Some rumors in the market have reached the emperor's ears, which means that the emperor is actually paying attention to this news. It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to be as calm as he is now.

Seize the direct descendant.

Everyone knows what this means to the emperor today, and they prime ministers know even more clearly that the emperor absolutely does not want to see that scene.

So they don't want to be involved if possible.

Since the death of King Luo Xuanye of Zhou County, this is another public statement by the emperor that he will not depose the prince.

But this time's political stance is different from the last time, which only makes people more alarmed.

Because the last time King Zhou was there, it was like building on a solid foundation. Everyone could walk in openly without worrying about the house collapsing.

But now the emperor's reiteration is just a lip service. In fact, there is no way to resolve the conflict between him and the prince. This is like a castle in the air that will collapse at any time. What if the emperor changes his mind later?
After all, his love for Wei King Li Tai was not fake.

He was often angry with the prince, and he was not lying.

They all have eyes.


The emperor specially said these words today, which reminded these people of an ancient saying.

"People, the more they lack something, the more they emphasize it."

The emperor emphasized that he defended the status of the prince. Could it be because he couldn't stand the prince anymore?

(End of this chapter)

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