Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 922 Wu Zhao, it turns out to be you

Chapter 922 Wu Zhao, it turns out to be you

For Wu Zhao, the sky in Chang'an always seemed to be shrouded in a layer of dark clouds.

Even though the sky was bright and clear, it was still like this, like a wandering person, bleak in the autumn wind, probably because she couldn't find her place here.

If there is a glimmer of light in this thick and deep cloud, it is Luo Junwei, Princess Anle.

That day, she held an umbrella and walked out of the rainy alley. She carefully looked at herself, who looked slightly embarrassed. She was like the eyes of the night sky bursting with the ultimate brilliance of stars.

"Such a beauty needs to be well dressed up."

From that day on, Luo Junwei was the only person Wu Zhao could call his friend in the city of Chang'an.

And she knows it.

"The princess also has very few friends."

Beside the sparkling pond, next to the green lotus leaves, the water is rippling, and the pond fish are swimming under the lotus leaves and chasing back and forth around the stems.

The name has already been put on the petition truck, and it is the official edict that has been reviewed and stamped by the three provinces.

There was deep sadness in her eyes, "Princess, it is said that the Emperor's chariot is about to leave, and my name is on it."

A long voice came over, it was Luo Junwei, "Why do people need so many friends?
The families of those nobles and clan relatives in Chang'an City are full of dandies, and most of the women are in the boudoir. They are busy in the same room all day long. I don't like it. They are as courageous and vigorous people as Erniang. , how rare is it? "

Among them, being selected into the palace is one of the graces, and there are many princesses who are worthy of becoming princes.

A cloud in the sky covered the sun, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and a powerful wind blew up, smoothing some of the ripples on the pool, but causing them to become even more wrinkled.

Some people can't even ask for opportunities.

It is very possible that Wu Zhaosheng's beauty and talent would reach the ears of the officials who selected palace servants for the emperor.

Although Wu Zhao never had any status in the Wu family, she was the legitimate daughter of the late Jingzhou Governor and Duke Ying after all.

Nowadays, when there is no Shiqing Shilu, in this kind of family, once the warrior Yu dies, the Wu family will fall instantly.

If you can’t recognize just relatives, what kind of friends do you need?


But the imperial court will not always let the families of these founding fathers fall into ruin. As long as they do not commit major mistakes such as rebellion, they will always grant some grace and maintain the most basic dignity.

As for "courage and courage", Wu Zhao smiled bitterly. Even if a woman is courageous and courageous, what is the use of it?

Luo Junwei is already in her twenties, a few years older than Wu Zhao. She has a style that is completely different from most women of the Tang Dynasty. There is no charm in her body, she is pure and attractive, and the radiance that flows between her eyes makes Wu Zhao I just felt amazing. Her words seemed to be asking, but they also seemed to be describing.

Today's emperor Li Shimin is known to the whole world for his beauty. He selects women of suitable age from the people to enter the palace almost every year.

Luo Junwei suddenly turned her head. She finally cast her gaze on Wu Zhao's face. There was a look of disbelief in her eyes, but then she understood.

Wu Zhao, who had just gotten haircuts, had fluttering eyebrows, gorgeous cheeks, and a distinctive flamboyance between her eyebrows. Because the ladies' clothes of the Tang Dynasty were slightly open, her chest showed a large amount of white. She held a handful of stones in her hand and moved them casually. One was dropped into the pond, creating a small ripple in the water.

Some of these women who enter the palace will be named high-ranking female officials, but most of them are palace maids. They will spend the most youthful years of their lives in the palace for no reason. If they encounter an amnesty, they can leave the palace, but most of them will die of old age in the palace. In the palace.

Yes, the woman in front of her is the niece of the emperor of the day. She is a princess who is almost never seen outside the royal family, but a princess lives in the princess mansion.

Wu Zhao is about to enter the palace.

The current Ying Guogong family is a run-down family with no outstanding figures and little power. The Wu family is not from a wealthy family, but is just a businessman who rose to power with the wisdom of the warrior Yun.

Luo Junwei was wearing a green hairpin skirt that swayed with the wind, like lotus leaves swaying in the pool. She was childish and charming. She had a look of confusion on her face, and she asked after a long time: "Second mother, do you want to enter the palace?"

Wu Zhao stared at the green ripples in the pond and the fish that kept circling the stems but could not get out. After a long time, he softly said with some sadness: "If my mother asked like this, I would comfort her. Let me say something - how can you know that it is not a blessing to see the emperor?

My mother is the kind of girl that the princess hates the most. She only cries and cries. You always have to comfort her.

But this is nothing more than overestimating one's abilities. "

Wu Zhao turned to look at Luo Junwei. Luo Junwei looked straight into her eyes, which were sad but firm. She heard Wu Zhao's voice, "But if you ask about it, Princess, I will say A word from my heart - Meeting the emperor is a disaster rather than a blessing. There are thousands of beauties in the palace. What is there about me that the emperor will like?
If I cannot be favored by the emperor, I will be annihilated within the palace wall and cannot control my own destiny. That is not what I want!

Besides, even if the emperor sees me, he is now over forty years old, how much time will he spend on me?
If I can't have a son and a half, what will happen to me after the emperor dies?
This is a gamble, and it is a gamble that will lose 90% of the time. Naturally, I don’t want to enter the market. "

Luo Junwei knew what she was going to say. Once entering the palace gate, it was as deep as the sea. Who could know the future?

How many delicate and bright flowers spent their youth in that high palace wall, and finally withered and became lonely, turning into a pile of dust under the chariot.

Wu Zhao is very sober, and Luo Junwei understands her. She is such a woman, with a sharp edge in her eyes.

To outsiders, she looked like a lady, even charming and gentle, but to Luo Junwei, it was just a disguise. From the inside, she was a thug with a knife and a hammer.

Luo Junwei took two steps lightly, came to Wu Zhao, and traced her charming eyebrows carefully, "It would be difficult not to enter the palace. It would anger my uncle and the recommended officials, and none of the prime ministers would agree. , there was only one exception in so many years, and the order was retracted after it was issued.”

Wu Zhao nodded lightly, "I know that Zheng Renji's daughter had an engagement."

When Empress Changsun was still alive, she found a beautiful woman for Li Shimin, the daughter of Zheng Renji, who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was well-educated and had outstanding appearance. After the report was submitted, all the important ministers and Li Shimin were very satisfied, so Then he issued a decree to welcome Zheng into the palace.

But at this time, Wei Zheng wrote a letter saying that this Zheng family had already been betrothed to someone else. This matter was still a big deal at that time, because it was only a rumor that Zheng family had a family. Fang Xuanling and other prime ministers said that the imperial decree had been issued and could not be taken back. reason.

In the end, the matter was cancelled. This was the only time such a decision was withdrawn. After that, Yusi strictly investigated this aspect and this must never happen again.

And after the death of the Queen, this kind of thing completely fell into the hands of Yusi. No one would cancel anyone on the list, otherwise wouldn't it prove that they were wrong?

"It is difficult to change the status of entering the palace, but the status of entering the palace can be changed. As long as you are not my uncle's concubine, you will have the opportunity to leave the palace with grace."

Almost every year, a group of palace residents are released from the palace.

"Sister, our ancestors are here at the princess's residence."

Luo Junwei was about to speak when she heard a loud voice. She turned around and saw Luo Juncheng standing under the archway in the backyard looking around, wearing a fluttering black dress. Luo Junwei was shocked when she heard this, and immediately ignored the discussion about entering the palace, and whispered to Wu Zhao beside her: "Second mother, hurry up and follow me to see your ancestors."

When Luo Su comes to the Princess Mansion, there is no reason for some people to hide and not be seen. It is like an imperial edict coming to the Mansion, and everyone must pay homage.

When the imperial master came to the princess's residence, Wu Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but tremble.

The two of them quickly ran to the front hall with their skirts in hand. Luo Juncheng saw Wu Zhao was there, "My ancestors asked all the maids in the house to go to the front yard and let him watch before talking. Madams of the Wu family, don't be afraid. Our ancestors are very kind." ”

Wu Zhao was just excited at first, but after hearing what he said, he became a little worried, "I understand, thank you eldest master."

Luo Juncheng added: "Sister, my ancestor made a sudden decision to come to the mansion this time, and I don't know why."

Luo Junwei was stunned. Ancestors usually don't do things so suddenly. This means that something really happened. Who are you looking for?

The three of them hurried to the front hall, their skirts flying.

In the front yard of the princess's house, all the maids in the house have passed by and have now dispersed.

Luo Junzhuo followed Luo Su to the princess mansion. Jin Wang Li Zhi and Jinyang Princess Li Mingda followed Luo Junzhuo. They were quietly looking around. Luo Su's eyes fell and he sat up straight, as if he had been caught. The student pretended not to have moved.

Luo Su gently twisted a piece of beautiful jade in his hand. In his mind, through a layer of gauze, he felt that he was about to unravel the prophecy left by King Su.

For him, there is nothing more important in the world than King Su's prophecy.

The current Luo Su and Luo Shi are a little different.

Luo Su was the one who was truly influenced by Ji Zhao.

He was reborn because of Ji Zhao. From body to soul, he was shaped by Ji Zhao. In the Luo family, even Ji Zhao's son could not compare with him.

As for Luo, even Ji Zhao had not sensed it for hundreds of years.

Moreover, Luo Su is a truly ancient person, and there is nothing in his thoughts that Luo has developed over thousands of years.

His moral concepts and so on were very different from what they are now. Even if he imitated people of this era with his extraordinary appearance, after all, he was fundamentally different.

So he could treat Li Shimin's sons as chess pieces without any scruples.

The goal of his coming to this world is simple, to complete King Su's mission, save the Luo family, and then inspire the Xia.

As for Datang, he would like to help him as a reward for completing his great cause.

So when he got the clue of King Su's prophecy that "females will rule the world", he immediately came to the princess mansion without any hesitation.

"Is this heroine the key to the world, Weiwei?"

Luo Su asked again if all the maids in the house had appeared. After getting the butler's affirmative answer, Luo Su felt a storm in his heart. This was the most unpeaceful time since his birth.

"How could it be Weiwei?"

Luo Su was puzzled, "If it's Weiwei, it's impossible for Lingjun not to know about it, and it's impossible for me not to see it. Besides, can Luo's current status really be able to withstand the appearance of a female protagonist?"

Luo Su was full of doubts, and then he immediately ruled out the idea that Luo Junwei was the heroine, "No, it's impossible!"

According to Luo Su's guess, if this so-called heroine is really a female monarch, there are only three possibilities -

The sisters, wives, and daughters of Emperor Daxing are Li Xiuning, Empress Changsun, Changle Princess Li Lizhi, and Jinyang Princess Li Mingda.

These three identities are all within the clan, the so-called "Li family". It is difficult for these three identities to succeed to the throne.

Among them, daughters are the easiest, sisters are much more difficult, and wives are the hardest.

Because in the patriarchal system, the wife is of course one of the family members. Even the Luo family has a wife's value in the system. However, the existence of relatives still casts a shadow over the wife's inheritance.

And Luo Junwei's succession order is really far away.

"Ancestor, sister is here."

Luo Su looked away from the jade he was grinding with his fingertips, and then his eyes suddenly condensed and his pupils shrank, just like the dazzling and grandeur that burst out when the stars disappeared, endless light burst out from his eyes.

Almost everyone can feel a sudden sweep of breath.

Luosu is a heroic spirit coming into the world.

As long as anyone has seen him, there is no one who is not attracted by him.

No matter what kind of person he is, when he sees Luo Su, he will feel ashamed of himself. This is the fundamental reason why he can become a national master.

And now Luosu.

The hanging black hair rose automatically without wind, and his whole body was filled with awe-inspiring awe. Even though it was gone in a flash, it still frightened everyone in the room.

Luo Juncheng and Luo Junwei were even more shocked and confused. Wu Zhao, who followed Luo Junwei, had a blank mind.

She had thought countless times about how unparalleled the Imperial Master must be, but when she saw it in person, her words were still pale.

Luo Su in front of her was wearing clothes woven from white-gold clouds and mist. It was like a dream. There seemed to be strange flowers and plants, and there seemed to be stars all over the sky. She couldn't see Luo Su's face clearly, as if it was hidden in the depths of the clouds. , only the golden eyes were left, infinite majesty and holiness, staring down at him. There were coldness and warmth, harshness and gentleness, aloofness and approachability. Behind him, there was a temple rising and falling, surrounded by auspicious clouds and gold. The light is flowing.

Golden eyes?
Wu Zhao suddenly woke up from the illusion. She was already lying on the ground. When she looked up, she saw those magnificent things. The imperial master didn't know whether to describe him as old or handsome, but it made people surrender. His pupils and The hair is all black and there is no light around.

A long voice sounded in her ears. The voice seemed to come from in front of her, and it seemed to come from the temple just now.

"Oh it's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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