Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 912 Luo Su meets the eldest son of the Li family

Chapter 912 Luo Su meets the eldest son of the Li family

But it is said that Yan King Li Ke led tens of thousands of people, crossed the Yinshan Mountains, and crossed the vast desert, and finally arrived at Hara and Forest.

After defeating the Dong Turks, Li Tang built a small city here to allow the khans to discuss grassland affairs. The Anbei Protectorate was also based here.

Li Ke, who held the title of King of Yan, was not able to receive taxes like his brothers and uncles, because his people all moved north with him, and the taxes he deserved naturally came from those 12,000 households. Pick.

Among the 12,000 households Li Ke brought, there were nearly 60,000 people, 10,000 of whom were Turks, Uighurs, and Tiele people. Most of them were Hu people who had not yet been Hanized. Among them, there were 4,000 victorious soldiers who were good at fighting. Cavalry and archery are one of Li Ke's biggest military bases.

Another 50,000 people, basically evenly divided between men and women, shouldered the task of leaving aside blacksmiths, craftsmen and other technical trades, as well as 800 elite soldiers, and there were still nearly 15,000 men who could be used as soldiers.

After Li Ke and others came to Mobei, even though they had known it was desolate for a long time, Li Ke's heart still felt cold after seeing it.

He was born in Chang'an and traveled to various states. Any city in the Central Plains was more majestic and prosperous than Hala and Lin. This was not a city at all, it was just a mound. In Li Ke's view, this place was similar to a county seat in the Central Plains.

No wonder those leaders of the Hu tribe did not want to come back after they went to Chang'an. The Khan of the Dong Turks was not even willing to be a khan and wanted to stay in Chang'an life and death.

After calming down a little, Li Ke said in a deep voice to his chief of the Yan Palace, Shi: "Your Majesty, take out my king's flag, the Great Protector's flag, as well as Lieri Khan's flag, seal, ring, and token. "

Ambition is a good thing. Only with ambition can people have motivation. Li Ke is a capable person, and the results of his hard work in Mobei will not be bad. Coupled with the little help he gave Li Ke, Luo Xuanxing has gone north from Youzhou. , will help Li Ke if necessary.

How scared was I at that time?
He remembered shaking his head crazily, "National Master, how dare Xiao Wang sit in that position?"

Following Li Ke's voice, the banner with the word Yan was raised high, and at the same time the banner of Lierihan was also raised. The former Anbei Governor was Li Ke's uncle Wang, who had opened the city gate and looked at Li Ke with a smile. , he will stay here for another half a year, and after handing over the work, he can return to Chang'an to enjoy his happiness.

Li Ke will never forget that day. The Imperial Master smiled and stretched out his hand to step forward, then pointed to the seat opposite him and said: "King Yan, come and sit down."

Then he immediately summoned the leaders of all the tribes east of the Altai Mountains and west of the Greater Khingan Mountains to come to Hara and Forest to meet with me. He asked Mingyue Khan of Xueyantuo and Lieri Khan of Uighur to come to Hara and Forest. I remembered that there were still servants in Mobei. The Mingyue Khan of the Gu clan, the Seven Tieles, and the Fanxing Khan of the Turks all summoned themselves to Hara and Forest.

In the fifty-year cycle, at that time, there will definitely be economic problems within Datang and it will lack the ability to expedition to Mobei.


The king is going to meet the khans at Harhorin. "

Li Ke himself didn't feel anything was wrong. He recalled the conversation he had with the Imperial Master before leaving.

The Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Turks are not competing forces with the Central Plains. If you can turn the six thousand miles of Mobei into your Yan Kingdom, who can say that you are not a chess player worthy of the world?
There is only one person who can bear the destiny of King Su, but no one has ever stipulated that there can only be one emperor in the world, and the emperor and the emperor are not born as one person. "

Since that day, he has been thinking about a question - "Can I wear a white hat one day?"

When the holy king Li Shimin dies, as long as a decent power appears in Mobei, Mobei will definitely lose control in less than fifty years, and this is not dependent on human will.

In Luo Su's view, the Tang Dynasty, with its capital in Chang'an, could only radiate influence westward, and Mobei was destined to lose control.

You are no longer an ordinary prince, you already have the title of Lord of Mobei. If you can turn this title into reality in Mobei, you will be the real Lord of Mobei.

That day, the Imperial Master was the only one in Lingtian Pavilion. When he walked into Lingtian Pavilion, the Imperial Master was playing chess alone, with white stones and black stones falling one by one.

After Li Ke gave this order, the former Anbei Protector couldn't help but click his tongue, this King Yan is going to cause trouble as soon as he comes.

Li Ke's thoughts came back. He was Li Shimin's most outstanding son. He understood Luo Su's words. The Imperial Preceptor didn't care much about whether Mobei would confront the Central Plains again in the future. He only cared about one thing. That is what changes he can bring to the Hu people in Mobei after coming to Mobei.

After Li Ke walked into the lobby of the Anbei Protectorate, he immediately said in a deep voice: "Put all three flags on the city wall. I want everyone who walks into Hara and Forest to see me as soon as possible. flag.

In Chang'an City, Luo Su was thinking about who he would meet next. When he met Li Ke and said those words to Li Ke, even words that were enough to ignite Li Ke's ambition, it was intentional.

In this case, we must seize this window period and change the composition of Mobei.

When the Imperial Master heard this, he slowly said with an inquiring look: "Why don't you dare?
What is in front of me is not a chessboard, but the world.

Li Ke will definitely work hard for the big pie he has drawn. As for whether Li Ke can enter the Central Plains, Luo Su believes that at least his generation has no chance.

It would take him a lifetime to unify Mobei, and he would also need to assimilate those tribes. How can it be so simple? If he went south without unifying, Luo Xuanxing would give him a blow in the back, making him miserable.

It can be said that the general direction of Li Ke's life has been decided by Luo Su. Of course, if Li Ke can live to be a hundred years old, then as Luo Su didn't say, those who live long will eventually become victors. That man, this is the undefeated law of politics.


In the Tang Dynasty, everyone had an attitude of worship towards the Imperial Preceptor. There were too many rumors, but every dignitary who had met the Imperial Preceptor remained silent. Li Chengqian walked into Lingtian Pavilion step by step dragging his sick leg. , and saw the Imperial Master wearing a Taoist robe in the center of the hall, dancing slowly.

Li Chengqian saluted Luo Su respectfully, "Chengqian has met the Imperial Preceptor, long live the Imperial Preceptor."

Seeing Li Chengqian walking in, Luo Su slowly stopped his work, his eyes fell on Li Chengqian's legs, recalling something, "My brother was also lame back then, because the monarch of the Luo Kingdom must assist the emperor and cannot have lame people, so I Became the king of Luo Kingdom."

When Li Chengqian heard this, his body trembled and he lowered his head deeply. Unexpectedly, the first thing the Imperial Master said was about his legs. Li Chengqian gritted his teeth. Seeing this, Luo Su shook his head slightly, recalling Luo Xuan Ye, and said slowly: "Yan Before Wang Li Ke left, in your position, I asked him what his great wish was when he went to Harah and Lin. He said that he wanted to spread King Su's faith to all the tribes in Mobei.

I said that man had to face the encirclement and suppression of many tribes, and he said that as a descendant of the Li family, this was his responsibility.

Prince, external help is not enough to rely on. Not everyone in this world is as lucky as Emperor Xiaohui of the Han Dynasty. If your heart cannot become strong, how can your future be bright?

A lame leg is nothing, but if you feel that this leg is dragging you down all the time, then your heart is really being dragged down.

When I first met Emperor Sui Yang, he was actually quite talented, but I didn't think highly of him because his mentality was so bad.

Later facts proved my judgment. Faced with the chaos in the world, his reaction was not to solve it, but to destroy it. Instead, he hid and refused to listen.

As a king, the difficulties you have to face come from the whole world. If you don't have the mentality to face the world's criticism calmly, you will definitely let down the world. "While talking, the sound of footsteps came from outside. The two of them looked outside the hall and saw Luo Xuanye hurriedly walked in. Then he saluted Luo Su directly and said, "Old ancestor. "

After saying that, he looked at Li Chengqian next to him, signaling in his eyes. Li Chengqian said warmly: "Uncle, the Imperial Master is teaching Cheng Qian the principles of being a king. I understand it deeply."

Luo Su smiled slightly and said: "Aye, go and pour me a cup of tea. Prince, please go back."

Luo Xuanye nodded in agreement. After Li Chengqian left, Luo Su took the tea cup and asked softly: "Aye, you came to me, are you worried that I will tell the truth to the prince and undermine his confidence?"

Luo Xuanye immediately bowed deeply and said: "Ancestor, I..."

Luo Su pointed at the sacred mark between Luo Xuanye's eyebrows and said sternly: "Aye, you have made some progress over the years, but you are still not good after all. You never worry about this when you look at Xuanjing.

This is not how you teach a future king, and this is not how you protect a future king.

Do things without leaving yourself any way out, but you still haven't changed your habit. Even in this kind of thing, you don't leave any way out.

Aren't you worried about any accidents happening? "

Luo Xuanye had not been reprimanded like this for many years. He knew that he must have done something wrong, but when he thought about it, he didn't know what accident would happen. The Tang Dynasty would usher in a stable inheritance of the throne. Zhou Jun The Wang lineage will reach its peak, and with Li Chengqian's character, the Luo family will usher in new development.

Luo Xuanye knelt on the ground solemnly, kowtowed and said, "Ancestor, please show me!"

Luo Su opened his mouth, and finally looked up at the blue sky outside the palace. What he said here was enough, "The secret must not be leaked."

Although there is no destiny for the barbarians in this world, and there is no destiny for anyone to become the emperor, all of this disappeared with the dedication of the Luo family.

But there is another underlying rule in this world, that is, the sky has many rules regarding the Luo family, such as the law of heaven that the Luo family is not king.

There are still Ji Zhao's rules in this world, and any subconscious mind of Ji Zhao is a rule.

For example, there was no Wuhu rebellion in China, but the blood of Xianbei still spread to the Central Plains in another form through the medium of Yan State. This is because Ji Zhao subconsciously believed that the blood of Xianbei was necessary.

This is the change brought about by Ji Zhao's stay in Tianzhu.

Now Luo Su said that the secret of heaven cannot be leaked, which means that the real secret of heaven cannot be leaked.

In this world, he has higher authority than other Luo family members, and has more strange things, but there are some things that should not be known, so he cannot tell them.

Such as life and death, such as yin and yang, such as the underworld.

Luo Xuanye left in panic with the words "The secret must not be leaked". He should not have come to Lingtian Pavilion today.

But here he comes.


What Luo Su wants to see this time is not just Li Chengqian, but all the sons of Li Yuan and Li Shimin, which are all the princes of the Tang Dynasty now. Li Yuan can really give birth to more than 20 sons, especially later. The birth of his younger brother gave Li Shimin a headache.

After Li Shimin experienced the Xuanwu Sect, he was not willing to let anyone raise issues with the Tian family anymore, so as long as it was not a big mistake, he was not willing to kill his brothers who had no threat to the throne.

In the era of clans, reusing the clan was the most critical step. As the so-called in-laws and old friends, the clan was naturally the closest clan. Even though Li Shimin denounced the clan, in fact, after Li Yuan's death, Li Shimin still named all his younger brothers. From the prince's point of view, he still relies heavily on his clan members.

In this case, Luo Su would naturally have to investigate carefully to see if there are any talents like Li Ke, preferably among Li Shimin's sons, so that they can be easily arranged later.

When Luo Su saw these princes, Li Shimin naturally knew about them. He also asked Luo Su what he wanted to do. Luo Su pointed to the north and said, "Let's see if there is anyone like Yan Wang Ke in the clan."

Li Shimin, who had long thought about enfeoffment, immediately understood what Luo Su wanted to do.

The only difference between the two is that Li Shimin is planning to let the kings and meritorious officials hereditary guard the prefectures and counties in the Tang Dynasty, just like the Han Dynasty who appeased the princes.

And Luo Su wants to seal it to the outside world, just like Yan Wangke did.


Enfeoffment is not a simple matter, and it cannot be just sending someone out casually.

Each enfeoffment quota represents the outflow of a large amount of wealth. Just like giving a dowry to marry a daughter, a large amount of wealth must be taken out of the Tang Dynasty treasury, so the enfeoffment must be fruitful, otherwise it will be a big gift package for others.

When Ji Zhao and Luo Su went on feudal campaigns twice, they chose the location and candidates after long deliberation.

Now the situation is more complicated.

King Yan Ke is the only one Luo Su thinks among the current princes who can deal with the danger in Mobei. None of the other sons of Li Shimin can.

Luosu is very experienced in enfeoffment, so he wants to inspect these people personally.

As for why people like Li Xiaogong and Li Daozong were not investigated...

Because Li Shimin would not enfeoff them.


Among Taizong's disciples, King Ke of Yan and King Tai of Wei were the most virtuous, and the rest were very few. Some died at a young age, or they had nothing to show for themselves, and all the masters of the country saw it. King Ke of Yan held the north, and King Tai of Wei held the east. The rest used their children as vassals, and those who defended the city with rocks were famous; those who were arrogant and extravagant had no heirs, and the country The Master said: All the common people of the Great Patriarch and all the common people of the Emperor are no more than one person in life and death, and they are like a feather in the world. ——"Book of Tang·Biographies of Emperor Taizong"

(End of this chapter)

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