Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 858: Kill Du Fu, Yang Guang dies!

Chapter 858: Kill Du Fu, Yang Guang dies!

Luo Xuanxing looked at Luoyang with eager eyes.

Jicheng County Sheriff looked at him tremblingly.

The Hebei Dao recruiter looked at Luo Shi with a numb face as the magic weapon descended from the sky.

The nobles in Hebei looked at Luo Shi who led an army of tens of thousands in shock.


This is the only emotion.

It's not that I believe in Luo's return. It's no longer the reign of Emperor Kaihuang. Now everyone in the world knows that Luo's direct descendants are still in the world, and it will be a matter of time before they come back.

What shocked them was——

Why did Luo return to the Central Plains in such a tyrannical manner?

Shouldn't Luo have only two or three big cats and kittens left, and shouldn't he return to the Central Plains in a very weak posture?

What are the more than 1,500 brave warriors?

Why can we still maintain such elites in Liaodong?

As for the remaining tens of thousands of Sui soldiers and Hu people, they were not taken seriously by these people. Many of those Sui soldiers would definitely escape and return to their hometowns.

How should we describe the divine greatness?

The grandeur that spans time, the solemn family, the great Luo family, every time it appears, it always makes people feel extremely sacred, always like the blazing sun, shining on all the darkness in the world.

They read this letter together, "Common people, heroes, and nobles in the world:

King Su’s spirit is in heaven!

Luo Xuanxing entered Jicheng, and he sent a letter to the heroes in Hebei and Shandong, whether they were in the Sui Dynasty system or those who rebelled.

Then they thought of the sentence that had been spread - "The first thing I, the Luo family, did when I returned to the south was to abolish the Sui Dynasty's destiny and kill Yang Guang, who had brought trouble to the world."

Is it true or false?

Writing down Yang Guang's crimes one after another in Jicheng is like King Wu of Zhou's crusade against Shang and Zhou, the princes of Qin's late Qin Dynasty against the violent Qin, and the princes of Jingnan against the Han Dynasty. They called on the people of the world to make Yang Guang die in fear. In the raging anger of the people. "

As for the Hu people, they are just rootless people in the Central Plains.

The world is in turmoil, the Luo clan has returned to the south, and the sins of the single husband Yang Guang are so serious that they have surpassed all the kings in the past three thousand years. The Su Wang Emperor deeply despises him, the Luo God hates him, and the starlight of Ziwei no longer shines on him.

There are extremely many rebels in Hebei, or in other words, there are extremely many in Shandong. They are far more numerous than those in Guanzhong.

What will Luo do when he comes back?

This is the question that fills everyone's mind.

Luo Xuanxing wanted to gather these rebels to go south together, not only to kill Yang Guang, but also to completely destroy the Sui Dynasty regime from Hebei to Luoyang, and completely collapse the Sui Dynasty's rule in the vast land of Hebei.

Faced with the call of a very powerful prince and the legendary direct descendants of the Luo family, all the ambitious heroes in Hebei came to respond.

The people from all over the world who had suffered so much, the martyrs who resisted Yang Guang, and all the people in the world who were unwilling to live in cowardice, the people who were unwilling to be attached to the tyrant, and the warriors who were unwilling to submit to the tyrant.

The growth of this prestige has not stopped. If Luo Shi can really kill Yang Guang with his own hands, he may be able to increase his prestige to the point of shocking all the Xia.

In Hebei and Shandong.


Of course, this jump in strength is difficult to stabilize, especially for the troops of the original Sui Dynasty. Most of these people want to return to their hometowns.

Liaodong: Powerful to all Xia

There is naturally a reason why Luo Xuanxing called on the heroes in Jicheng.

Soon everyone knew.

Now is the time.

Currently, the largest rebel force in the world, Wagangzhai, is located in Shandong. There are also dozens of rebel forces in Hebei.

Plateau: Not turned on]

Let us gather together, put on armor, hold swords in hand, shout King Su, and come forward together.

He now has elites and numbers, and he has become the number one force in Hebei almost instantly.

Once again, he raised the banner of resistance to the Dufu, and once again clearly told the people of the world that this was Luo's choice to kill the person who made the people of the world suffer. Even if he was the emperor or the emperor, he was wrong and he should Pay the price for it.

He was not qualified to do this, but he did not expect that the Sui Dynasty would directly send him a large wave of troops.

I sincerely invite all the heroes in the world in Jicheng, and we will swear an oath to work together to eliminate Yang Guang's great harm to the world.

But enough before killing Yang Guang.

Your family's prestige is growing, please check. 】

[Family reputation: (unparalleled in the world; powerful in all Xia; pillar of heaven in the country; wise in the state and county; wise clan in the countryside)

Central Plains: The Heavenly Pillar of the Kingdom

Once the important tax-rich Hebei is lost, the Sui Dynasty will completely die.

Grassland: not enabled

This greatly expanded his strength.

For thousands of years, the Luo family has followed the teachings of Emperor Su and put an end to the troubled times of monotonous people and thieves. Now that everyone in the world is against him, they must attack him.

In the city, in the mountains.

In the Sui Dynasty nobles, in the hands of county magistrates, and in the hands of rebel leaders.

As this letter spread widely across the land of Hebei, Luo's reputation was rising crazily.

[How should we describe the current Luo family?

Western Regions: Imperial Heavenly Pillar (Temple)

The content of the letter is very simple.

At this time, Luo Xuanxing got the news that Yang Guang had fled to Jiangdu, which suffocated him.

He hesitated to speak. He originally thought that if he could not kill Yang Guang in Luoyang, he might have to chase him to Chang'an.

Who would have thought that Yang Guang would go to Jiangdu instead of returning to Guanzhong, the land of four fortresses?

Doesn't he know that with the Grand Canal, the current river can be reached directly by going down the river?

Going to Jiangdu is no different from seeking death.

Luo Xuanxing looked at this extremely abstract opponent, somewhat silent.


Heroes from Hebei and Qingqi who are willing to come have arrived at Jicheng. Most of them are rebels with rough backgrounds. These people may not be good people, but they all want the death of the Sui Dynasty most.

Because if the Sui Dynasty does not die, they will be traitors, and they will have to live with the reputation of thieves in the world, be surrounded and suppressed by the government, and be despised by others.

Luo Xuanxing doesn't care what these people have done. If he wants to kill Dufu now, he must unite all forces.

In front of these reckless people, Luo Xuanxing let them know what it means to be a strong army and a brave warrior in the world, and what it means to have a Luo family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Dou Jiande is now one of the largest rebel leaders in Hebei. He still remembers how elegant Luo Su and others he met were, and now he meets Luo Xuanxing.

But when he saw Luo Xuanxing's aura, as if he was sinking into the abyss, he was full of energy as he looked around. When he saw something extraordinary, he became calmer in his heart.

On the day when the Heroes Conference was held, Luo Xuanxing and others were sitting in the school grounds and listened to Luo Xuanxing's loud voice: "Today the Luo family invites you to the gathering to kill the independent man Yang Guang.

There are many people in this world who rebelled and were later imprisoned, but they will never be me, Luo Shi. As long as I, Luo Shi, have made up my mind, I will never have the intention to change.

You don’t have to worry about me calling you here today, only to turn around and betray you. "

There were sudden commotions in the school grounds, which just met the worries of many rebels. It is common sense that rebels and the court rebel at times and move according to the situation.

But Luo Shi is different. Luo Shi's political stance is there, and it hardly changes due to changes in the situation. Especially for Luo Shi's main branch, there is a clear line there. Mount Tai trembles but Luo Shi does not move.

Luo Xuanxing continued: "Have you ever read "The Book"?

Since ancient times, there has never been a crusade against an independent man without writing an oath, there has never been a person who has not written a proclamation, there has never been a person who has not declared justice.

We gather here today, just like King Wu of Zhou gathered the eight hundred princes in Mengjin, just like King Zhaosheng gathered the princes in Zhaocheng, just like the princes of Jingnan gathered in Xinzheng to attack the Han emperor!

Write down our names in the history books, no matter what happens in the future, and let future generations see our achievements, no matter whether we live or die in the future! "


These rebels who came from a rough background have never felt like this before. Dou Jiande's eyes lit up and he shouted together with everyone.

Luo Xuanxing said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear clearly: "Yang Guang is an unprecedented single husband, an independent husband that Luo has never heard of.

He treated the people cruelly, and hundreds of thousands of them died in the service. He indulged those evil subordinates and let them collect taxes. The people's cries were not heard. He had no mercy. He conquered Liaodong and plunged the world into exhaustion. , but still did not stop, causing millions of troops to die outside the territory.

He did not listen to the advice of the ministers, but killed them instead. He believed in the slanders of the evil villains. The blood of loyalty flowed in the rivers, and his spine disappeared in the process.

Was his failure in Liaodong an accident?

Was it an accident that he suffered the humiliation of Yanmen?

This is exactly the result of the world's rejection of him, and this is exactly the result of his violent behavior.

Look at the world today. From Liaodong to Luoyang, from Qidi to Guanzhong, where are there no bones on the roadside?

Where are the dead bodies lying beside the straight road?

Where are the people who have not been oppressed by him?

There are tragic scenes of parents and children being separated everywhere, children can't find their fathers, and wives can't find their husbands. Don't you know this clearly?

Yang Guang still lives in a gorgeous palace, enjoying the beautiful palace maids. His palace is so magnificent, how many lives of the people are there in it?

What qualifications does he have to enjoy all this?

Besides death, what else could he have to pay for the sins he had committed against the world?

Apart from dying in front of the world and having the world despise him forever, what else can make the world wake up? "

Luo Xuanxing stood up from his seat as he spoke, and took out a sword in his hand. It was a bronze sword. The sword was obviously greased. Everyone present knew that it was for maintenance.

Luo Xuanxing raised the sword high and said to everyone: "More than 1,500 years ago, King Wu of Zhou gathered all the princes in Mengjin and finally defeated Chaoge. King Zhou of Shang burned himself on fire, but his body was not burned. All.

King Wu of Zhou shot King Zhou of Shang with an arrow, and finally cut off King Zhou's head with this sword.

It was sent to all the princes for viewing.

Even during the crusade against Emperor Han, Luo never took out this sword, but now, Yang Guang is really attracting the attention of the world. Only this kind of sacred sword is the most suitable to chop off Yang Guang's head.

Now we respect the instructions of Emperor Su Wang and carry out the punishment of Emperor Su Wang on Yang Guang.

Everyone, you are all warriors who were forced by Yang Guang and lost your family and your family. Let Yang Guang know your anger.


Work hard and use our actions to tell people in the world that only by resisting the monoman can we create a prosperous future.

King Su’s spirit will bless everyone.

May King Su be with everyone in the world! "

There were tens of thousands of people in Ji City, and countless people knelt down like a tide.

There is no one in this world who will not fall for the magnificence. The sacred oath, the inheritance spanning thousands of years, those inspiring words, those words that break through barriers, echo in everyone's mind.

Those ancient things are like the myths of Nuwa and Fuxi in ancient times, like the legends of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, but the living legends are here now. Brought the teachings of King Su.

From the time Luo Xuanxing appeared until now, he has not mentioned a word about heaven and heaven. He has never tired of talking about King Su.

So King Suwang is everything.


Everything that happened in Jicheng was shocking. Yang Guang was hiding in Jiangdu and living in a dream. No one dared to tell him about the outside world, and he didn't want to hear it at all. He just wanted to enjoy the last days of his life, and he thought He also has 100,000 elite Xiaoguo troops, so there is no problem in protecting his safety.

In short, when Luo Xuanxing had clearly announced to the world that he wanted to kill Yang Guang, Yang Guang was completely unaware of it.

But others know!

Luo's sudden entry into the country has greatly changed the situation in the world, and the changes are mainly in two aspects.

The first aspect was to speed up those internal personnel of the Sui Empire who were still hesitating to rebel, such as Li Yuan. These people took advantage of every opportunity to exclude dissidents. Although it was difficult to kill Yang Guang with his own hands, King Qin's army But it's still no problem to go there.

As a stay-at-home officer in Taiyuan, it should have been easy for Li Yuan to deal with the Luo family who wanted to pass through Hebei, but of course it was impossible for him to do so. He just pretended not to see them. If anyone else went, he would have to stop them.

The second aspect is to the rebels, where the biggest changes have occurred.

The flag raised by the Luo family has the greatest appeal to the rebels. If Luo Xuanxing wants to go to Jiangdu to kill Emperor Yang of Sui, the fastest way is to take a boat to Luoyang and then go down the river.

If we want to go this way, in addition to the Sui army in Hebei, there are three forces blocking the road.

The Luoyang Sui Dynasty army commanded by Wang Shichong is one of the powerful forces that still exists in the Sui Dynasty.

The Wagang Army actually commanded by Li Mi was ready to surrender to the Sui Dynasty. Of course, this surrender was highly independent.

This is considered a limitation of Li Mi. He was born in a noble family in Guanlong and was used to the succession of emperors, so he wanted to take this path. First surrender to the Sui Dynasty, and then make great achievements step by step, and then let the emperor abdicate. He thought this was the right way.

However, the return of the Luo family made Li Mi change his mind. He decided not to surrender for the time being. He would wait for the collapse of the Sui Dynasty and then directly accept the inheritance of the Sui Dynasty. He was Guan Long Xungui and had a good chance of winning over Xiao under Yang Guang's command. Fruit army.

The third force is the Xiaoguo Army around Yang Guang. This forbidden army of the Sui Empire has relatively strong combat effectiveness. The only shortcoming is probably that these people, most of whom are from Guanzhong, do not want to stay in Jiangdu at all. Hurry back to Guanzhong and reunite with your family.

Luo Xuanxing stayed in Zhuojun for a month, mainly to raise food and grass. He returned all the way from Liaodong, relying on the food and grass from the Sui Dynasty's conquest of Liaodong and the food and grass "borrowed" by the Liaodong Kingdom, and arrived in Zhuojun. It's okay to eat food, but if you want to maintain tens of thousands of people fighting a war, it's not a small amount.


Wang Shichong was a "Great Sui Loyal Minister". He made his fortune from being a prostitute in Jiangdu, which was a typical path of sycophancy. It would be too ridiculous to expect such a person to be loyal to the Sui Dynasty and to be loyal to the Sui Dynasty.

After Yang Guang went to Jiangdu, he and the King of Yue stayed in Luoyang, and most of the army was in his hands. Facing the menacing Luo Xuanxing and the heroes of Hebei, what Wang Shichong did was very simple. see.

There is a saying in the military that "don't stop when you return to the army". The same principle applies now. Those soldiers under Luo who returned from Liaodong narrowly escaped death just to go to Jiangdu to kill Yang Guang. Why should they stop them?

Whether Yang Guang dies or not has nothing to do with him. Anyway, Yang Guang is of little use to him now.

It is not really necessary for the ministers of the Sui Dynasty to do it again.

Another reason is that Li Mi is eyeing Luoyang. Once Wang Shichong goes to war, he is likely to be attacked from both sides, and he will be in a dead end.

Li Mi sent an envoy to meet Luo Xuanxing. He would keep an eye on Luoyang here, and Luo Xuanxing could go to Jiangdu to kill Yang Guang.

This kind of slightly blocked back path was originally a taboo for military strategists, but Luo Xuanxing couldn't care less.

The Sui soldiers under him were eager to return home. If the killing of Yang Guang was not still engraved in their hearts, their hearts would have dispersed long ago.

The two major forces that might have been blocking Luo Xuanxing were suddenly revealed. This was the change that Luo brought to the world.


Outside the main hall, shouts of killing could be heard endlessly. Inside the main hall, Yang Guang listened to the sounds of fighting outside. Under fear, his face became increasingly pale. He trembled, holding Queen Xiao's hand, and forced He tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't do it. How could he be calm in the face of life and death?


The sound of the armor-piercing soldiers walking shocked him. Luo Xuanxing walked in with a bloody sword in his hand. There were many people walking in at the same time, including heroes from Hebei and Qi. The eyes of these people They all focused on Yang Guang.

Everyone's eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

Luo Xuanxing walked in front of thousands of people. He took off the helmet on his head and brushed the hair between his eyebrows, revealing the shining holy mark.

"Yang Guang, when I led everyone back to the Central Plains that day, I said, I'm here to kill you.

Today, I walk in front of you and say it again.

Yang Guang, I'm coming to kill you, are you ready? "

Seeing that he could not survive, Yang Guang suddenly felt courageous and roared: "I am the supreme king in the world. I made the Luo family become a minister in the court, and I made the Luo family's daughter enter the palace. Why not? Why would I defend and cause chaos because of this? How dare you, a traitor in troubled times..."

"Shut up!"

Luo Xuanxing shouted and told Yang Guang to shut up, "You are a lone man, a thief, and a villain who will be infamous for thousands of years. Until now, you still think that you just offended me, Luo.

Until now, I still don’t know where I went wrong?

Although Emperor Wen was not a holy lord and a wise king, the world he left behind could still be said to be prosperous. My Luo family moved south to assist you in the Sui Dynasty's great cause.

But just because you are a tyrant, how can there be a king like you in this world?

How can there be such an ungrateful person like you?

The Sui Dynasty once had an army of one million, which was unprecedented in three generations. With such an army, even if the whole family of the Luo family rose up, how could we defeat it?

Look at the people in this palace. They were supposed to be your officials who built a prosperous world, but now they are the ones who come to take your life because you brought trouble to the world.

Do you think that the once prosperous Sui Dynasty could be shaken by me, the Luo family?

It was you who made all the people in the world abandon you. All the people worked together to make you lose your army, food, gold and silver, and everything else. You don’t know why you failed. Those things that have never been in your heart. The people are the ones who decide the life or death of your dynasty.

When the princes of Jingnan executed the Han Emperor, they said something like this - "We Yuan Cong Zhu Xun have a country with no more than a thousand households, a population of no more than 10,000 people, and only a hundred soldiers. What kind of magical power can we bring with us?" Wanli, a common man, are you going to the west to beg a thief? It was because the common people of Li were so angry that they carried us, so-called nobles, all the way into Chang'an City! '

Now I will give these words to you again. You were once the king of an empire with a population of 50 million. You were a well-deserved emperor. You were so high that you could make millions of people fight for you with a wave of your hand.

How can such a powerful king, Luo Shi, or these your former subjects have the ability to overthrow you?

Only the people of the world can pull you, the king, from your throne. "

What Luo Xuanxing said could be called a murderous sentence, he just wanted to let Yang Guang know that he failed at the hands of the people he despised the most.

Yang Guang seemed to be smiling but not crying, and he no longer struggled with this issue. He turned to look at the long sword dripping with blood in Luo Xuanxing's hand, raised his head and asked sternly: "Master Luo, you have to kill me with your own hands." Me?

My great head is here, who will take it? "

He scanned the crowd.

Everyone in the palace was hesitant. It was okay for the emperor to die, but according to legend, anyone who killed the emperor would suffer misfortune.

Yang Guang looked at Luo Xuanxing and said loudly: "I heard that your Luo family is not willing to be stained with the blood of the emperor.

I also feel the same way. The emperor should naturally die in the same way as the emperor. How can he be killed with a sword..."

"you are wrong!"

Yang Guang was about to ask for a piece of white silk and die with dignity, but he heard Luo Xuanxing interrupt him with a sharp shout.

Luo Xuanxing remembered that his ancestor Wen Gong had told him about this, and he shouted sternly: "Emperor, Emperor!

The emperor was nobler than the common people during his lifetime, but you are just a single man.

How many people in the world have prayed to you to live? When have you ever cared?

How many loyal and upright people in the world have prayed to you to do good, but when have you ever listened?

Then why should I agree to your request as an independent man?

You have enjoyed all the glory and wealth in this life, and you have to die with dignity. Are you a little too greedy?

You should be the one who warns all others in the future. Your fate should not be seen by the world. How can you eliminate the hatred of the innocent souls floating in Kyushu?

This killing of Dufu was the order of Emperor Su Wang. The emperor could not die by the sword, and the emperor wanted to die in the same way as the emperor. Emperor Su Wang did not agree!

King Su has an edict, and Luo Shen also has an edict. Cut off your head, Yang Guang, and use it to pay homage to the thousands of people in the Xia Dynasty, and to comfort the heroic souls of Kyushu!

Yang Guang!

Are you ready to die? "


The eyes of everyone in the hall were full of murderous intent, and they made no secret of it, and the hall was filled with chills.

Luo Xuanxing strode forward with a blood-dropping sword in his hand, like a dragon walking like a tiger. His fierce momentum rushed in front of Yang Guang, and panic suddenly appeared on his face.

Luo Xuanxing said loudly: "King Su is above, kill the duke."

After that, he killed him in the palace with one sword without hesitation.

Then Luo Xuanxing took out the bronze sword again and chopped off Yang Guang's head. Blood splashed on his face, but it was full of righteousness.

This is the first time Luo Shi has been stained with the royal blood in an open and fair manner!

This is what Luosu asked him to do.

This is the name of King Su. Who in the world is dissatisfied?

God-given kingship.

Judging from Luo Su's birth, God must have completely transformed into King Su.

Killing the emperor in the name of King Su is like this!

With this sword strike, Luo Xuanxing felt a sense of relief.

Luo Shi had been able to endure this sword attack for too long.

Luo Shi should have struck out with this sword long ago!

"The single husband is dead!"

Luo Xuanxing raised Yang Guang's head high!

Everything is quiet!


The crowd is buzzing!


Emperor Yang was violent, tyrannical, ruthless, ruthless, ruthless, ruthless and ruthless!

His appearance was pretentious, Emperor Wen's eyes were darkened, and he killed his relatives and practiced the emperor's behavior to fulfill his great position.

At that time, cunning officials invaded, the land was vast, and taxes were imposed. As a result, the corn was dripping with fat and accumulated in warehouses; gold, copper, pearls and jade overflowed the capital. Emperor Yang was defeated by the rich and powerful. He did not show fatigue or smell fat and blood, but he continued to be greedy. Heaven's desire!

The merits of civil engineering are especially superior to Afang's. The life of the disabled person is as long as the eternal life. He left Liaodong three times, and his banners were carried for thousands of miles. They wandered off the road and turned into death ravines. The roads were full of corpses and bones. As a result, the people were dying. Emperor Yang didn't know it when he raised the flag vigorously, and he gathered in the eastern capital to enjoy it.

The criticizing ministers remonstrated in the front, and the purpose of killing was abolished in the back. The decrees were empty, and the laws were absolute in the court. The punishments were similar to those of Jie and Zhou, and the punishments were similar to those of the Han Dynasties. The bones and flesh were hoeed, and the virtuous were slaughtered.

Emperor Yang's evil ministers were straightforward, disgusted with his loyal words, and killed him for his invisible crimes. Those who serve the king with due courtesy will rarely end well; those who are slaughtered without mercy cannot be defeated, so that no one dares to say anything above the Nine Palaces, and the road is as far as the eye can see!

Those who have made meritorious services are not rewarded, and those who are killed do not know their crimes. As a result, Liaodong weeps with blood, Yanmen is humiliated, the world is in turmoil, and the people have no life. Emperor Yang is especially unmotivated. He actually builds a dragon boat, abandons the two capitals of China, and avoids Weihan. It is solid, far away in the river and Luo, rushing to the left of the river, the people are resentful, and the bamboos in the Nanshan Mountain are filled with endless sins; breaking the waves of the East China Sea, it is difficult to end the evil!

When the Luo family returned to the south, all the heroes raised their arms, and the soldiers and the people followed. Under the nine heavens, they were all enemies of the bandits. Within the four seas, there was no king's master, the lord of ten thousand chariots. He made the world laugh. The five emperors returned, and the single man crossed them, causing great harm to Chen Heng. During the Xia Dynasty, Jie, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and during the Zhou Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, there was no such thing as Emperor Yang who defied nature and abused the people! ——"Book of the Sui Dynasty: The Chronicles of Emperor Yang"

(End of this chapter)

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