Chapter 856 The final blow!
The Sui Dynasty was only established for more than thirty years. For a dynasty, this was still an early stage. At this stage of the dynasty, the politics were clear and the level of officials was relatively high. The most important thing is that, whether in the court or locally, There are a lot of loyal ministers.

After Yang Guang's rebellious behavior reached this point, some officials finally couldn't help but write to Yang Guang.

"The Son of Heaven who is ordered by Heaven:

The ministers and others paused.

Since the collapse of the Han Dynasty, there has been no emperor in the world, and all emperors have coexisted in the world, so the world has been in chaos and war.

Until Emperor Gao Zuwen was ordered to carry out the three-foot sword, he pacified the world and assumed the supreme position. After hundreds of years, the world was finally unified again.

The supreme emperor is crowned again in front of all the people in the world. How glorious is this?
The ancestors of the ministers and others, because of their modest contributions during the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, were listed in Gaoxian, and were favored by His Majesty. They were entrusted with land, given to households, and awarded officials and titles.

Because of their meager knowledge, the ministers were favored by Emperor Wen and were promoted to official positions.

The sage said that if the king treats his ministers respectfully and bestows kindness on them, the ministers should be loyal to his majesty. It is with such loyalty that I write to your majesty here.

I am willing to sacrifice my life to pray to His Majesty.

When His Majesty succeeded to the throne, the Sui Dynasty was quite stable, so His Majesty wanted to create immortal achievements. The Sui Dynasty expanded in all directions and promoted the majesty of the Sui Dynasty to all barbarians.

Let the people return to the farmland and go to the town, let the merchants go to the Western Regions to do business, and let the craftsmen no longer build palaces but build water conservancy projects.

Meng Sheng said that the common people are like water, and the monarch is like a boat sailing on the river. If there are rough waves on the river, how can the boat sail smoothly?
The ministers and others are very worried. If this continues, what kind of situation will the country of Sui Dynasty fall into?

The ministers and others requested your majesty to stop the construction of the palace and stop the costly inspections.

I solemnly request you to return to Chang'an, Xijing, to sit at the center of the Sui Dynasty, to readjust your laws, cancel those heavy corvees, cancel those endless military services, and let the people recuperate.

Presumably the Sui Dynasty will return to its heyday during the reign of Emperor Wen.

However, the construction of civil engineering and three conquests of Liaodong have caused great chaos in Guandong, and the number of refugees has reached several million. These refugees are like raging rivers, like huge rocks falling from towering mountains, sweeping the world, and it is difficult to restrain them. It's worry.

Send powerful generals to eliminate the bandits in Guandong, resettle the refugees in Guandong, and regard the people as the people of the Sui Dynasty, not the source of disaster.

The people were now in unimaginable poverty, and they turned into bandits one after another, endangering the country of the Sui Dynasty.

this way.

I pray to you to preserve the country of the Sui Dynasty. "

This letter of petition was delivered to Yang Guang, who was heading to Yanmen County.

He was a very knowledgeable emperor, especially regarding those ancient edicts. He could tell at just one glance that they were written in imitation of the public security policy written by the Jingnan princes of the Han Dynasty to the Han Emperor.

He almost immediately threw the letter to the ground, his brows and eyes full of anger, and roared: "Yu Wenshu, arrest these rebel ministers. They are slandering your Majesty. In their eyes, Am I an emperor like Emperor Ru of the Han Dynasty?
The state of the Sui Dynasty was still stable. These people were deceiving the public with their evil words. They should be damned. They should be damned. "

Some of the ministers in the court secretly complained that Yang Guang was really inferior to Han Emperor Ruili in some aspects. At least if Emperor Han Ruili had Yang Guang's basic base, he would never have turned the Sui Dynasty into this.

Emperor Han was very good at war. If he had the national power of the Sui Dynasty, he could uproot the Liaodong Kingdom, instead of the current three conquests, which resulted in almost no results.

Yang Guang felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger, so he threw the letter to the ministers below and said angrily: "Look at what these rebellious ministers said, and what I have done, which one should I not do? ?”

What did Yang Guang do that he shouldn't have done?

In fact, in the eyes of many courtiers, most of the things Yang Guang did were worth doing, especially the attack on Liaodong Kingdom and the construction of the canal, but it was too ridiculous to be able to do things to the current level.

Under the pressure of Yang Guang, Yuwenshu could only send a team of troops to arrest these officials who submitted the letter, while Yang Guang's carriage headed towards Yanmen County.

Although Yang Guang failed to conquer Liaodong, he felt that he was quite good at pacifying the other four barbarians, and it could even be said that it promoted the prestige of the Xia Kingdom.

Especially Turks.

Not to mention the Western Turks. Now they are living in the Western Region, obsessed with religion and have broken with the Winter Turks. The powerful Winter Turks have also surrendered under their feet, which made Yang Guang involuntarily smile proudly.

The reason why he wanted to patrol the north was to use this kind of majesty to increase his majesty as emperor and let the ministers and people in the world see that he was still the powerful king.

He would never have imagined that the Dong Turks had already seen through his tough appearance and strong exterior, and that the Shibi Khan of the Dong Turks had already led an army of one hundred thousand to come.

Shibi Khan's goal is simple, kill Yang Guang!
Yang Guang did not notice the Turks' actions, but Luo Su, who was faster, saw them. He stood in the mountains and watched with his own eyes as the Turks swept past and captured more than 40 cities in Yanmen County in a short period of time. , the day after Yang Guang entered Yanmen, Shibi Khan's army surrounded him.

Yang Guang had never felt that he was so close to death. Even when he was conquering Liaodong, he was still in Zhuojun and his life was not in danger. However, in Yanmen, the arrows shot from the bow fell just a few steps away from him.

Yang Guang, an emperor of noble birth, completely showed his true nature as a young master at this time. He was so frightened that he cried loudly. He had no dignity at all as an emperor. All the pride and dignity he had once disappeared at this moment. He even had a crotch. A wet piece.

Luosu stood on the high mountain, looking at the Turks whizzing by, and frowned slightly. The tribes on the grassland were really burned by wildfire, and the spring breeze blew them again.

It is not easy to rule the grassland for a long time.

"Ancestor, do you think Yang Guang can survive this time?"

Luo Su said calmly: "Among the rebels, who can say for sure? But it is a good thing that he died in Yanmen. At least he can say that he died heroically in the future.

Even if he survives this time, given his character and mentality, he will probably collapse this time, and he will do something embarrassing in the future, which is beyond the understanding of normal people like us.

The Sui Dynasty was destroyed, and the overall situation was decided. Unexpectedly, the people who gave Yang Guang the last blow to his soul were the Turks. "

(End of this chapter)

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