Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 852 Luo Su sets the tone for the family!

Chapter 852 Luo Su sets the tone for the family!
Eight years of great work!

The sun and moon are cold, the sky is overturned, and endless darkness shrouds the vast land of Liaodong. The mountains are like the sea, and the setting sun is like blood, but it is not as red as the bright blood. Holding the banner high and holding the war gun, it cannot withstand the urging of the Son of Heaven.

In front of the mountain city, there are corpses everywhere, on the mountain road, flesh and blood are turned into mud, broken armors and weapons are scattered, there is no way to see the way in life, and there is no peace of mind in death, there is only resentment, only hatred, only anger, only despair.

The wind in Liaodong could not scatter the blood and tears of the soldiers, but it could scatter the fighting spirit of those elites. In the desolate darkness, the bones of hundreds of thousands of people were laid out and gathered together!

Yang Guang lost all his pride in the past. He was like a dropped eggplant. All the heroic words and ambitions he had during the expedition disappeared at this moment. He rode in an extremely gorgeous chariot, and on a sunny day, from Zhuojun returned to Luoyang.

The sacred city of Zhuxia that he loved most.

His face was full of confusion, and he was deeply puzzled.

He remembered what he said when he went on an expedition, "A million troops, waving their swords in unison, can level mountains, and dropping straw can fill up the sea. How can the small country of Liaodong, a small country in a small place, be able to defeat us?" Did the Sui Dynasty have millions of heavenly soldiers?"

In the face of the consolation of the officials, he remained silent, and in the face of the accusations of the officials, he remained silent.

He has no energy.

Who in this world cannot fail?

Luo Su's words shocked both Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing.

Luo Xuanye drove quietly, Luo Xuanjing's words still lingering in his ears.

What emperor wouldn't want to write down in his name after his death, "He who has the virtue to rule over the world and has contributed to the safety of all generations"?

"Book of Han: The Benji of Xiaoxuan" records - "Xiaoxuan Yingmingzongzong, this Han Dynasty has a bright destiny, a sage king conferred by heaven, his ancestors have made great achievements, their careers are prosperous and heirs, Yin Zong and Zhou Xuan are not comparable, it can be called ZTE."

If he could issue an imperial edict and admit to the people of the world that he had made a mistake in conquering Liaodong, he would have countless opportunities to save this crisis-ridden empire and get the world back on track with his profound foundation in the Sui Dynasty.

A poet cannot become the master of an empire!

Instead of mourning for those soldiers who died in battle, he was mourning the impossibility of accomplishing his feats, the tragic failure that would see his name nailed to the pillar of shame?


Rebellious armies and bandits such as Dou Jiande will face unprecedented blows, and then die in constant panic.

Luo Su leaned on the soft cushions and didn't speak. He seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. The car suddenly became quiet, the silence was terrifying, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Among the emperors of the Han Dynasty, only four of them, Xiaowen, Xiaowu, Xiaoxuan, and Guangwu, had this sentence in their annals. In the hearts of people all over the world, this sentence has the highest status.

With a sad look.

He issued a declaration of war to the subjects of the world - "The emperor is bound by the map of the four seas and respected by the Liuhe.

People with this ability will always have a chance to make a comeback.

At the end of the eighth year of Daye, Yang Guang, who had been silent for several months, issued a prelude to war to the officials at the center of the empire in the court.

Luo Su looked at the green mountains and clear waters outside the car window. How many bones were buried in those green mountains?

On the second day of the first lunar month of the ninth year of Daye, Yang Guang's conscription order was issued to more than 190 counties and counties across the country.

He recalled Yang Guang's past and said lightly: "A Jing, you know, why is the truth the truth?
Because it is a precious thing that people need but most people don’t have.

To be willing to stay as barbarians among the barbarians and treat the Kingdom of Heaven with arrogance is a sign of disrespect for Heaven.

In the imperial edict, Yang Guang once again restored the spirit of his great cause for seven years.

When there was a great way in the world, rituals, music and conquests came from the emperor. Now that there is a way in the world, the Liaodong Kingdom cannot appreciate the will of heaven, is not granted the power of conquest by the emperor, and has never entered the emperor's rule.

Yang Guang, most of my low evaluation of him comes from the fact that he does not have the ability to face setbacks, otherwise he would be just cruel, but he would not be able to subjugate the country. "

What did the saint say?

Accepting the worship of the world, making all the Xia kingdoms surrender internally, and making foreign barbarians pay tribute externally, this is the vastness that the emperor should have in obeying the orders of God.

Luo Xuanjing said with sadness: "For the soldiers who went on the expedition, and for the people of the world, this is a pity.

For countless years, there have been countless words emphasizing the importance of suffering to people. They are not really educating people on the necessity of suffering, but the wise men, after reading thousands of sails, discovered that suffering, setbacks and failures are inevitable in life. This is true all the way down to the princes of the emperor, down to the people and the heads of Guizhou. All people can do is to become more courageous and climb higher mountains in the face of suffering, setbacks and failures.

Yang Guang is a nobleman who was born with a golden key, and his life has been too smooth.

Encountering setbacks, rising from suffering, admitting failure, finding the reasons, correcting it, and transcending it are extremely rare qualities and abilities that can be said to be unique among ten thousand.

For Yang Guang, this may not be a bad thing. After this defeat, he should wake up and face his shortcomings.

"The Book of Han: The Benji of Xiaowu" records - "Xiaowu's talent and quality are superb. He uses Han as the foundation of Xia and dominates the world. His achievements are not great. Those who conquer him will be subdued and will be the foundation of all generations."

With the bandits, rebels and heroes rising all over the world, it's probably time to test who is the real dragon. "

He is a poet full of romanticism. In his heart, he only has the clouds floating in the sky, the wind standing on the top of the mountain, the high waves in the sea, and the great deeds of the emperors recorded in the history books.

Luo Su had already anticipated Yang Guang's failure.

Yang Guang, who had a smooth life, encountered an unprecedented failure. The reason for the failure was that he could not correctly view this huge empire. People all over the world expected Yang Guang to mature.

Even Ancestor Suwang never did it.

Luo Su touched his heart. It was a luxury to be born in the world, to be at the highest level, and to have a clear conscience.

"Han Shu·Xiaowen Ji" records - "Xiaowen is short but wise, long and decisive. He has ruled the world for forty years. He has devoted himself to the beauty of his ambitions, and has been well-off and summoned for three generations. There is no one in China who is as prosperous as this." "

Every word and every word, how can one not be yearned for by Yang Guang? He wants to create a prosperous age that transcends the past and present.

How much blood is flowing in that clear water?
He can’t count them, and he doesn’t want to count them. Who can make the world unified?

Thinking about those things in vain can only keep this pure conscience burning on the charcoal fire.

I am determined to pacify the Liaodong Kingdom even if I uproot the mountains and fill up the sea.

This is a great event in the world, this is a great cause of eternity. The Hunyuan is one, the world is unified, and only the emperor is supreme.

I mobilize the people of the world so that the ministers, officials, and people can all share in the glory of the world's eternal great cause. You are so awesome. "

In Luoyang Palace.

The bright moon fell in front of the hall, and in the distance, the cold moonlight filtered into the hall. With the wind, the shadows of the trees illuminated by the moonlight were swaying, like a beauty holding her slender waist tightly.

The maids in the palace knelt quietly on both sides.

Yang Guang was not on the throne. He looked at the imperial edict in his hand. Every word and every word was not written by the prime minister, but written by himself.

The writing is gorgeous, it is obviously a cold edict, but it has the beauty of literary poetry.

He held a sword in his hand, surrounded by bright decorations. The auspicious animals were inlaid with gold and pearls. On the pillars, countless Bodhisattvas and Buddhas looked at him with compassion, as if they were pitying him.

The candlelight shone on his face, and there were tears in his eyes. He was in the palace, dancing with his sword.

He was singing, drinking, and composing poems. He was exuding gloom. With a sword, the gloom gradually dissipated.

“The autumn wind rises solemnly and travels thousands of miles leisurely.

Wherever you go for thousands of miles, build the Great Wall across the desert. "

He couldn't help but recall the poem he wrote when he defeated the Xiyan Kingdom. How high-spirited he was at that time.

"Thousands of flags are moving, horses are drinking in the caves of the Great Wall.

In the dusk of autumn, there are clouds outside the fortress, and the fog obscures the moon behind the mountains.

On the edge of the Yanyan Station, a beacon was launched in the air.

I would like to ask the Marquis of Changcheng, Shanyu came to the court to pay a visit.

The turbid air is calm in the Tianshan Mountains, and the morning light shines on the high tower. "

He was singing, Queen Xiao was responding to him, the musicians were playing strings, and the drums were pounding with excitement. Yang Guang dropped the wine bottle in his hand, making a clanging sound, and he was swaying He came to Queen Xiao's side, snuggled directly into her arms, and asked, half awake and half drunk: "Queen, do you think I can win a big victory this time and defeat the Liaodong Kingdom?"

Empress Xiao caressed Yang Guang's cheek and said with a forced smile: "Long live your Majesty, I will definitely succeed in this battle. The small country in Liaodong will definitely be defeated."

Yang Guang laughed loudly when he heard this, "Well said.

This time I will be under the control of the generals of the army, and I will definitely be able to win in one battle. Liaodong has nothing to fear. I will write the best poem in my life in Liaodong City, and use the heads of Liaodong people to cast the best crown.


He fell asleep, sleeping in the warm and fragrant nephrite.

But no one in the world can sleep.

In this world, there is a gap like a chasm between the officials and the people. When a foolish king brings trouble to the world, the people will naturally be extremely miserable, but this is not necessarily true for the officials.

Just like the construction of the Grand Canal and various civil engineering works, most of the people who died were ordinary people, and the officials were just supervisors.

But the conscription order from Luoyang made all the officials and people in the world almost stand on the same front, and almost everyone had the same idea.

The war in the seventh year of Daye that almost exhausted the power of the Sui Dynasty, that war that almost depleted the granary of the Sui Dynasty, had just ended. The bones of hundreds of thousands of soldiers were still buried in the mountains and rivers of Liaodong. The corpses of thousands of heroes are not yet cold.

The whole world is shocked by it, the whole world looks at it sideways, and the whole world weeps for it.

Millions of people are grieving over the death of their loved ones. Countless people on the verge of bankruptcy have not yet recovered from the pain of losing their labor. Widows who have lost their husbands are struggling to survive with their babies. Old people who have lost their support starve to death in a dilapidated house. In the thatched house, the only things that accompanied them were the cold wind, rain, and frost.

The pain of the past has not been erased. Now, the emperor of the empire, the emperor of the Xia Dynasty and the most powerful person, is about to conscript his people again. Is this emperor crazy?
Is he going to let all the tragedies happen again and let everyone in the world feel the pain of losing their loved ones? How can there be such a king and father in this world?

Officials sent by the government to collect military service and corvee labor were killed in mountain villages. In the vast land of Hebei and Shandong, those villages hidden in the mountains have almost become a restricted area for the government, and no official dared to step into them.

The angry people tore off the clothes of the Sui Dynasty, and more and more people joined the ranks of resistance and rebellion. Facing the chaos in Hebei and Shandong, Yang Guang still showed his indifference.

He never looked down upon these farmers who put down their hoes.

A few hundred people can chase and kill tens of thousands of peasant soldiers. This is what Yang Guang knows. If this is the case, then what is there to be afraid of?

Facing Yang Guang's edict, Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing had already expected it because of Luo Su's analysis, but when they actually saw it, they still found it incredible.

"Ancestor, can Yang Guang win this time?"

Luo Su looked out the window and said calmly: "Who can predict the victory of a war?
The last failure was incredible, but reasonable.

This time the Sui Dynasty still had the advantage, but with Yang Guang here, everything was unknown. "

"Ancestors, the king is the most important thing in the world, but if the king is unworthy, what should we do?
Those who go against heaven and harm the living people can naturally kill him.

But what should we do if we haven't reached the level where we can kill? "

Luo Xuanjing looked at Luo Su and finally asked the question that he had never been able to find the answer to.

Luo Su fell into silence after hearing this, thinking about how to answer this question.

How difficult is it to maintain a clear conscience in politics?

That's almost impossible.

Because it requires fairness and doing things fairly, and the results will be consistent with conscience. But fair.

These two words are easier said than done.

People are so different. When faced with a problem, if two out of ten people have different opinions, it seems fair to follow the eight people's lead.

But is it really fair?

Two people were deprived of their opinions. What if what was deprived was life?
There are eight people left, five of them have the same opinion, and the remaining three people are going to die.

In the end, there are only two people left, and they can distinguish between superiority and life and death. When one person dominates the world, there will probably be fairness.

In the process of governing a country, what is fairness?

Even Ji Zhao and Luo Su couldn't find the answer.

If there are innocent lives at the hands of these two people, there must be some. If there is unjust blood, there must be some.

When ruling a vast dynasty, every decree will affect countless people. It is impossible to achieve perfection.

What should I do?

This is the most difficult question to answer among all the questions Luo Xuanjing asked Luo Su.

This is where the boundary between ideal and reality should be drawn.

This is a major matter of how the Luo family will treat the royal family when they are bound to the dynasty in the future.

After pondering for a long time, Luo Su slowly said: "Don't ask the king based on personal morality, don't judge the king for personal hatred, only pay attention to major events that will affect the world, only pay attention to major events that will affect the history of people.

When possible, we try our best to persuade the king to improve his character and make him upright. If the king makes mistakes that do not affect the world, it is a private enmity between the king and his subjects, and we do not pay attention to it.

Just like the relationship between King Jie of Zhou and his son, King Jie of Zhou destroyed what he should do as a king and a father, and his son killed him. The history books should not denounce him. The impact of this incident was very bad, so the history books still denounce Zhou. King Jie, come to correct people's hearts and tell the world who is right.

If King Zhou Jie's son cannot kill King Zhou Jie, history books will still record that King Zhou Jie was wrong. Right is right and wrong is wrong, but don't affect the operation of the country because of right or wrong.

If the king kills a minister who speaks out and gives advice, then the minister's son will be the king's enemy.

If killing the king will cause chaos in the world, then our Luo family should not preside over this revenge. This will be a private vendetta.

The son of a minister can kill the king, and we praise his behavior.

If the king is like today's Yang Guang, who has brought countless people in the world to the edge of suffering and death, and his death is of great benefit to the world, then he should be overthrown without hesitation. "

Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye listened very seriously.

Luo Su spoke very clearly. After listening, Luo Xuanye felt nothing and just nodded thoughtfully. Luo Xuanjing was hesitant to speak. Luo Su asked with a slight smile: "Do you feel too much?" Are you leaning toward the king?"

Luo Xuanjing nodded hurriedly. Luo Su's first sentence was that the king in the world is the most important. There is a crime of regicide in this world, but no one talks about killing his ministers.

According to what Luo Su said, major events that affect the world will naturally focus on the king.

Luo Su stroked Luo Xuanjing's little head and said softly: "Because this is the inevitable result of the dictatorship of the emperor in the world.

If you want change, find a better way to rule your empire.

but no.

In particular, what I am about to do requires an absolutely strong central government and an absolutely strong imperial power. In my time, this matter will not change.

So it’s up to you to change these things in the future. "

Luo Su always spoke in a gentle voice to the Luo clan members, and it was the same now, but Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye could hear the cold flavor of iron and blood in Luo Su's words just now.

At this moment, Luo Xuanjing understood why his ancestor could become the number one person in the Luo family, and why his ancestor Su Wang chose his ancestor's reincarnation to save the family.

Because although our ancestors had great love in their hearts, they were not subject to any moral criticism or any moral burden.

He is the one who truly practices Rock's flexible bottom line, or in other words, he is the founder of Rock's business.

He won't hesitate at all because of trivial matters.

Luo Xuanjing whispered in a low voice: "Ancestor, I understand."

Luo Su touched her head again and said softly: "Just understand.

It is not easy for you children to understand without the blessing of King Su. "


As Luo Su said, the Sui Dynasty's national power had an absolute advantage. Even if it was an expedition to Liaodong, with ten times the population, failure would still be extremely difficult.

The army was divided into several groups, attacking Ping N all the way, and attacking from several sides by sea and land. The main force attacked Liaodong City, the first city of Liaodong Kingdom.

All kinds of siege equipment of the Sui Dynasty were put into battle. Although Liaodong City looked impregnable, as long as Yang Guang attacked it regardless of the cost, there would definitely be problems in Liaodong City.

On land, the Sui Dynasty also made a lot of progress. The Liaodong Kingdom was able to sustain the Sui Dynasty's attack for so long because the mountain city was difficult to attack. In terms of field battles, it was naturally not as good as the Sui Dynasty army.

There were also many talented generals in the Sui Dynasty, including Lai Hu'er and others who were all fierce generals. Compared with the first attack on Liaodong, although this time it was still in a stalemate, those with foresight saw the dawn of victory.

But there are no isolated things in this world. Almost everything the emperor does will have a large or small impact on the future.

Some things have a small impact, such as Yang Guang eating a green vegetable today, but some things have a big impact, such as Yang Guang issuing an edict.

Yang Guang has the same problem as Yang Jian, that is, he is suspicious.

In the Legalist view, this is the quality of a good king, but in fact the effect achieved is destructive.

What he destroyed was the political atmosphere.

It will put the court into a battle royale situation. When the king is suspicious, the first thing the ministers have to do is to ensure that they are not suspected.

As for the ministers who already suspected that they were feared by the emperor, they had only two options to take, either they were capable and rebelled, or they were incompetent and waited for death.

Yang Xuangan.

After the top nobleman in the Sui Dynasty, Yang Su's son had an outstanding reputation. He was undoubtedly the one who had the ability to rebel against Yang Guang. When he suspected that Yang Guang was afraid of him, he was ready for this day.

Yang Guang also sent a great talent named Li Mi to Yang Xuangan.

Li Mi's background was no worse than that of the Sui Dynasty royal family, but his subsequent situation was completely different.

Yang transformed his family into a country and became an emperor, truly reaching the pinnacle of his life.

But Li Mi could only become Yang Guang's palace guard, and even lost this official position because of Yang Guang's casual words.

It is foreseeable that the Yang family will be glorious for hundreds or hundreds of years, but the Li family will decline in just a few decades.

This is the charm of turning a family into a country.

When Yang Xuangan raised the banner against Yang Guang, the whole world was silent!


Under Yang Guang's repeated efforts, the war of rebellion among the world's rebels has already become popular all over the world. However, in the eyes of Yang Guang and many others, this is just robbery by some thugs who cannot survive and are crazy about poverty.

These people are just amusing themselves.

To a certain extent, Yang Guang's view was not wrong. These rebels looked huge, but among the noble families in the world, none of them stood with these rebels.

All the noble families in the world are working hard to maintain the rule of the Sui Dynasty. To a certain extent, these people are Yang Guang's loyal ministers. Even though many families suffered heavy losses in Yang Guang's eastern expeditions, these empires' None of the middle and upper classes thought of abandoning the Sui Dynasty and starting a new one.

The wealthy nobles who have experienced hundreds of years of troubled times never want to return to that troubled times. Even if Yang Guang is messing around, at least this is a unified world with a stable channel for advancement. They don't have to be under the knife's edge and fearful. What's not to be satisfied with?

But now Yang Xuangan rebelled.

The son of Yang Su, a descendant of the founder of the country, the highest title among the officials of the Sui Dynasty, from the first-rank Duke of Chu to the first-rank prince.

From the second rank to Zhuguo, this is the highest rank.

From the first-grade prose official to the opening ceremony of the three divisions.

A first-grade military official and a hussar general.

There is also the actual position of the Minister of Rites. He is still young. As long as he develops step by step, it is very possible to become an official with a first-class official position in the future.

How significant his influence was in the political landscape of the Sui Empire can be seen from this series of official positions.

His rebellion was shocking to the top, middle and bottom levels of the Sui Empire.

The most fearful person is Yang Guang.

When news of Yang Xuangan's rebellion reached Zhuojun from the Central Plains, he felt dizzy.

He angrily roared at all the courtiers who came with him, "Yang Xuangan, by nature of a jackal, deserves to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts."

There was a thick vibrating sound in his anger, which was a sign of his extreme guilt.

In Yang Guang's view, unlike those mud-legged people, if Yang Xuangan raised his arms, more nobles and nobles might follow him.

Even a county magistrate could not persuade those bandits to surrender, but Yang Xuangan might be able to persuade more officials at the top of the empire to surrender.

He ordered without hesitation, "Immediately order all the troops to return to the Central Plains to suppress the rebellion, capture Yang Xuangan and kill him. I will never forgive him."

The war in Hebei and Shandong has been burning for several years, but Yang Guang didn't care. Yang Xuangan had just raised the anti-flag, and Yang Guang gave up on the situation in Liaodong that had just improved, and wanted to lead almost all the troops back to the Central Plains.

Facts have proved that his worries were justified. Yang Xuangan's rebel army was marching smoothly.

There was almost no decent resistance.

Yang Guang urged the tens of millions of troops in Liaodong, and countless soldiers returned in a hurry as soon as they entered Liaodong.

This hasty retreat naturally encountered unimaginable casualties.

Compared with the casualties of those soldiers, the baggage that was too late to be taken away, the large amounts of grain and grass that had just been piled under the city, countless military supplies, and siege equipment all fell under the Liaodong City.

If these things stay here, anyone can see that the Liaodong Kingdom will become stronger, but Yang Guang can no longer care about this.

He wanted to put down Yang Xuangan's rebellion immediately and let all the noble families see that the Sui Dynasty was still strong and not have any bad intentions.

Luo Su and the others happened to walk near Luoyang, and then heard the news that Yang Xuangan's army was coming towards Luoyang.

"Is Yang Xuangan so stupid?"


The demise of a central empire will always lead to the following experience: the prestige of the empire's rulers has dropped significantly, and the prestige of the central court is not enough to stabilize the hearts of the four parties.

Political prestige is a scarce material necessary for political operation. In most cases, the founding monarch will maintain his political prestige by seizing military glory. In the middle period of the empire, the founding monarch will maintain politics through grand ceremonies and strict order. Prestige. When some monarchs realize that their political prestige has declined, they will use large-scale killings to replace the lack of political prestige with political fear. However, political fear has a huge negative effect. When fear can no longer deter, the empire will Collapse in an instant.

Yang Xuangan's rebellion did far less damage to the Sui Empire on an economic basis than the surging civil uprising, but it greatly damaged the political prestige of Emperor Sui Yang and the central stability of the Sui Empire. This damage forced Yang Guang to join the empire. On the collapsed road, move forward again. ——"The Rise and Fall of the Sui Empire"

(End of this chapter)

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