Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 849 Dark Place! New map! The shackles are broken!

Chapter 849 Dark Place! New map! The shackles are broken!

The process of the world is driven by the people of the world.

Time comes and the world has the same force, and it is not free to transport heroes.

Before the tide of the times, manpower seems so insignificant.

You can only follow the trend, you can only watch things prosper, and then suddenly decline after reaching the ultimate peak. The world is in this kind of chaos.

It thrives because of people and fails because of people.

The Luo family once had a mission that lasted for three thousand years, for Ji Zhao's ultimate cause.

But after spending the first thousand years, Ji Zhao already understood some of the fundamentals of the system.

Hundreds of years ago, he arrived at Tianzhu. He saw the truth of the world, so he chose Hedao. Once successful, it would bring about changes that would change the world.

Luo Shi had four hundred years of imperial luck at the beginning, and then after experiencing several things, he now has five hundred years of imperial luck.

Is it difficult for more than nine hundred years?

This street alone is better than countless cities in the Central Plains. Even Chang'an City is just a road paved with rammed earth.

Those things that require a lot of wealth to learn must be excluded from the selection of talents first.

Just approaching Shenlin City, Luo Su and the others were quite surprised. This was a city that Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye had never seen before. It was very different from the Central Plains.

Luo Su smiled slightly and said: "As long as you understand, when I was traveling in the Sui Dynasty, I heard a saying, called poor literature and rich military. This simple word touched me deeply.

Except for the era of Shiqing Shilu, various recommended officials have been assessed since ancient times.

You should know that there are many types of mathematics subjects, and the learning speed is completely different with or without the guidance of a teacher. Take the chicken and rabbit in the same cage problem that is the simplest for me, and put it in the outside world, most people will not meeting.

When Luo Su saw this scene, his heart was filled with excitement. Sure enough, his ancestors did not lie. The principle of traveling thousands of miles is always right.

But for Luo, as long as he has enough luck, nine hundred years is not a difficult task.

But Luo Su vaguely knew it, so his family policies and actions were very radical.

The most terrible thing in the world is to remain stubborn.

The family spread various theories in the Central Plains, but as a result, numerology was eventually abandoned. Nowadays, it is impossible to build these buildings without good numerology. "


Selection of scholars is a very deep knowledge, and it is not that simple. It requires a lot of comprehensive considerations to select those who have real talents and knowledge, but not to let the system become a tool for a certain group of people.


On the straight road into the city, there were many people with different looks. They bowed their heads respectfully and entered the city. The Luosu people wearing bamboo hats were inconspicuous. There were almost all races that could be seen in the world. Black hair, yellow hair, brown hair, straight hair, curly hair, high or low nose bridge.

In this era, only places like the Imperial City were paved with marble.

Luo Xuanjing looked at the buildings in the city carefully, and the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong, "Ancestor, the buildings in this city are quite extraordinary, and there are many technologies that are not available in the Central Plains.

Most Turks, whether they are those who prefer the appearance of people from the Western Regions, the Turks who prefer the appearance of the Han people, or the Turks who prefer the appearance of the Eastern Hu, all wear clothing that is not much different from the Central Plains style.

Luo Su pondered: "Numerology is of great use, but even if you learn it to a level that no one can match, you are still controlled by others. It is impossible to expect those who want to be officials to learn it.

The biggest difference is probably that the clothes of the nobles have a lot of blue, purple and gold and silver patterns. They look very solemn and solemn. They like gold and purple, which is a characteristic of the Western Regions.

Under the centralized power model, it is impossible for any other family to ensure that the direct lineage will inherit wealth for more than 900 years. It is lucky to be destroyed along with the dynasty.

Luo didn't know that the family only had to survive for more than nine hundred years, and thought that it would have to last for thousands of years or even a hundred thousand years before it would be so difficult.

Even if Ji Zhao cannot successfully merge in a short time, Luo only needs to spend the last nine hundred years and Ji Zhao's main mission will be completed.

Luo Xuanjing suddenly realized, "Ancestor, I understand that only a system that allows everyone to participate is valuable, at least those families who are wealthy enough to support a scholar."

Only slaves.

When Luo Su let Chu Zi Xiong Dun go south to explore, he would forgive Chu as long as he did not return to the Central Plains. From that time, Luo Su knew that there was no future in the internal affairs of the Xia.

Luo Xuanjing's mind was quick and he asked: "Ancestor, didn't the emperor of the Sui Dynasty institute an imperial examination system? What if numeracy was included in the subjects?"

The three of them traveled all the way to the Khan Court of the Western Turks, where they saw a little bit of Turkic culture, including the patterns of tigers and leopards, and some slaves wearing Turkic-style felt hats.

Ah Jing, do you understand? "

Now I have two roads in front of me, and I may once again choose the path that is destined to lead to self-destruction. "

The only thing worthy of praise is that there is a criterion. In the future, I will study the ancient system of selecting scholars and then implement a complete system to select scholars.

There was little development in numeracy in Luosu's time. After he came to the world to understand numerology, he knew that this was something that could change the world, and that it contained the world's supreme truth.

Luo Su walked away and said, "Then which type of numerology should I choose?

Yang Jian's imperial examination system was actually still the imperial examination system, but it only delegated the power of imperial examination to lower-level officials.

After the three people entered the city, they stepped lightly on the stone slabs under their feet. The middle of the stone slabs was glued together with unknown materials.

Can most students from poor families compare to those wealthy noble families?

The imperial examination system is a good thing, but it’s not that unusual.

Moreover, the talent required for mathematics is too high, the investment is large, and the output is low. It is destined to be an extremely niche category. This is unchangeable. "

More than 1,500 years ago, after Ancestor Su Wang, I started the enfeoffment again. In the end, I was a part of the great chaos.

Its city walls seem to be made of stone. There are statues on the city gates. Outside the city walls, there are countless murals hanging, painted in gorgeous colors. All of those murals are people, and most of them look similar. , are all majestic figures holding divine staffs or swords and riding Pegasus horses.

Now he thinks the same thing.


Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye were both surprised when they heard this. They didn't know what decision their ancestor made to say such words.

Luo Su looked at the expressions of the two people, but said with a relaxed tone: "But it doesn't matter, you are here, and Luo Shi is here, you can support my choice, I will keep the solution in the family .

When the time is right, the contemporary Luo family will activate it to end the troubled world I created. "

Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye were even more frightened when they heard it. The words of ancestor Wen Gong were too scary. If he couldn't solve the problem, could future generations really solve it?

But Wen Gong's ancestor liked to be a riddle man, and many things were not explained clearly. The two of them could only feel uneasy and had no other choice.

The three of them found a good inn to live in. After Luo Xuanjing tidied up, he went to the back room to help Luo Su tidy up. After tidying up, he asked: "Ancestor, do we want to contact the temple?"

Luo Su shook his head and said after a moment of silence: "No need, this place is too busy. When we come back, let's find a chance to meet again."

Luo Xuanjing was smart and smart. As soon as he heard what Luo Su said, he immediately asked: "Ancestor, do we still want to go west again?"

Luo Su smiled and said: "Of course we have to go further west. The Western Region is the hub of east, west, north and south. From here we can see that there is still civilization in the far west.

Just a trip to the Western Regions is nothing like a journey of thousands of miles. We still have several years to travel. "

Luo Xuanjing's hands slowed down, and a heavy burden pressed on her heart, as well as a surge of excited thoughts.

There are many people from the Western Regions and even the Central Plains who go further west.

In the far west of the Western Region, there is a powerful country in legend.

But for the Luo clan, it is a dark place described by their ancestors. Once the Luo clan members step out, they will be lost in it.

This is the warning from ancestor Su Wang.

Luo Xuanjing carefully stretched out his index finger and pointed at the sky. She said nothing, but Luo Su knew what she was asking and nodded with a smile.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Luo Xuanjing's face, and an infinite light burst out from her eyes. She couldn't help but ask: "Ancestor, is it true? Is it true?

Have our restrictions really been lifted? "

Luo Su nodded again and looked at Luo Xuanjing, who was happily circling in the room like a butterfly. This was the joy of freedom and the joy of opening the shackles.

From then on, the people of the Luo clan could go further west to the Western Region.


From the west of Congling, the scenery is unique.

When Luo Su and the other three took that step, an earth-shaking thunder suddenly exploded in the sky. This thunder seemed to be celebrating something, tearing the sky apart.

In the map of the system, all lands outside the Western Region are dark. This is why Ji Zhao calls these lands dark places.

In the past era, the descendants of the Luo family could not set foot on these lands, but now the situation has changed.

[Dear Master, your descendants have set foot on the land of Central Asia, and the new world map is open to you. In the prelude to this glorious era, may your family sing the most magnificent song.

This is one of the most beautiful lands in the world. May it become the jewel in your family's crown. Let this land shine in the long river of history from now on, bearing the name of the Luo family. 】

[Luck points +1000, current luck points are 1434623. 】

With the camel bells lingering, Luo Su and the other two headed toward the far west, following the path that countless merchants had taken.

This road was full of merchants, selling silks and porcelain from the Sui Dynasty, as well as goods from the far west. These merchants walked on this dangerous road for profit.

Luosu chatted with these businessmen from time to time, and he quickly learned those foreign languages, which amazed everyone who met him.

Luo Xuanye was still driving the car for Luo Su. Luo Su raised the curtain and looked at the endless yellow sand Gobi, and said softly: "No business, no business, no business, no wealth.

The Central Plains dynasty has suppressed businessmen for too many years. It is time to change this situation. The situation of focusing on agriculture and suppressing business must be eliminated.

But if you want to develop business, you must first develop agriculture. Now even the family has difficulty in increasing food production unless a more high-yield food variety can be obtained. "

In Luosu's time, the grains grown had a very low yield, but now there are not only iron tools as crops, but the emergence of wheat is also a great progress.

But wheat also has a big problem. It wastes water and will cause the fertility of the land to decrease. Unless it is cultivated one year and rested one year, this is obviously unrealistic, so the fertility of the land is seriously reduced.

Many lands have turned into saline-alkali land, eventually causing a large amount of land to fail. The solution is to build water conservancy facilities, but water from far away cannot quench the thirst of nearby people.

If the food is not good, then look for better food. From the emergence of Zhuxia to the present, the staple food has been changed several times. Each staple food is more productive and easier to cultivate than the previous one.


When the sun rises, the moon sets.

The three of them no longer knew how far they had traveled. They only knew that they passed some quite powerful countries along the way. Those countries had millions of people, powerful armies, glorious palaces, and countless wealth.

There was a plain with a big river flowing, which made Luo Su marvel. The fertile land had never been seen even in the Central Plains. Luo Xuanye, a cold-faced person, couldn't help but say, "This place should be our Zhuxia All” words.

They saw a civilization that was very different from that of Zhuxia, but it was undeniable that there was a strange style here. What surprised Luo Su the most was that the countries along the way pursued scholars far more than those in the Central Plains. The reason why he uses the word scholar instead of scholar is because in his view, scholar and scholar are completely different.

The Central Plains also admires culture, but they admire scholars who inherit the ways of saints, that is, those classics passed down by great saints, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Huang Lao and other ways of governing the country.

Those who mastered technology in the Mohist family were not of the upper class. Not even the Luo family could change this concept, but here, it was not the case.

Here, they met many scholars whose affairs had nothing to do with governing the country, and gained extraordinary status. They were guests of the powerful.

This was the first time Luosu felt scared!

He had never been afraid before, but this was the first time he felt afraid!

Because he is very aware of the powerful power contained in this neglected thing. Luo's ability to gain a foothold in Liaodong is because Luo has mastered advanced things.

The speeds of special research and free development are different. Rock's iron smelting technology is now two levels better than that of Zhongyuan. There are also other technologies that have not been widely used in a short period of time. Rock's is better than Zhongyuan.

The Central Plains dynasty was a borrowing system.

For the Central Plains dynasty, it was too big. Even with weapons from a lower era, it could still win the war.

Even though there were better weapons around them, they were overwhelmed by Zhongyuan before they could even close the gap.

But what did Losu see?

A country with such a large population still has ever-changing requirements for technological innovation. It also vigorously develops theoretical subjects such as mathematics, astronomy, and geography that many people think are of little use.

Luosu and the other three are now proficient in reading these foreign texts. Now the three of them are staring at a book in their hands with serious expressions.

This is a book about logic.

"I thought I would only see this kind of book in my family."

Luo Xuanye's logic is not very good, and his talent in literature, especially academics, is not very good, but his face is also ugly.

Logic and reasoning.

Before the Qin Dynasty, it was developing vigorously. Both the Mohists and famous scholars had content on this aspect, but it was all covered up by the theory of governing the country.

No matter what the theories of various schools of thought, they all end up focusing on governing the country. This is a big flaw. It is easy for people to ignore other wisdom contained in the writings of those saints.

Luo inherited almost completely the theories of Laozi and Mozi, extracted the logic-related contents from them, and compiled them into a book for the children of the family to learn from.

But I didn't expect to see such a book outside the Central Plains.

Luosu's face no longer looked relaxed. He said slowly: "Those businessmen said that there was once an extremely powerful country in the far west called Rome. That is where we should go. There, There must be many precious books, and stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. This may be the stone from other mountains that I am looking for."

Luo Xuanye asked in confusion: "Ancestor, didn't those merchants say that the Roman capital had been captured by the barbarians?

The most powerful country now is said to be called Persia, which is blocking our way westward. "

Luosu shook his head and said: "Judging from the tone and descriptions of those businessmen, Rome was once an extremely great and glorious country, probably no worse than the Han Dynasty.

Such a country, no, civilization, is so easy to become extinct. There must be countless people who want to revive it, and even if the country is destroyed, those cultures will not necessarily disappear. We can understand how they run a country. of.

What are the advantages of their country.

The Zhuxia system established by the ancestors of King Su must be the greatest, but other civilizations must have their merits. After this trip, you must have gained a deep understanding.

Regardless of other aspects, the Central Plains is not as good as these countries in terms of business rules. Our businessmen are not businessmen, but officials. "


The law.

The sword energy roared and the horses neighed, and the setting sun was like blood, but it was no more vivid than the blood on the ground, and it was still steaming. The spiritual soldiers were wearing armor, one group was holding bows and arrows to cover behind, and the other group was holding horse spears. He Hengdao charged forward, killing like crazy.

Luo Xuanye took the lead, waving the horse in his hand almost like a shadow. As long as he stepped onto the battlefield, he was as brave as a god of war.

Not long after, this small team ran as fast as they could, and Luo Xuanye returned to Luo Su. His body was still stained with a lot of blood, and there was sweat falling on his face.

It was obvious that he had spent a lot of energy just now.

After returning to Luo Su, Luo Xuanye said directly: "Ancestor, the further we go, the more chaotic it becomes. The Persian soldiers and the Roman soldiers are both very confused. I'm afraid it's not feasible for us to move forward like this.

Even the spiritual soldiers are starting to show scars. If the spiritual soldiers die, it will be bad. "

The war between Persia and Rome was so intense that even many caravans could not pass. It is said that the emperor of Rome sued for peace to Persia, called himself an "obedient son", and was willing to become a vassal state of Persia, but Persia did not agree and remained To annex the whole of Rome.

Judging from the current situation, Rome cannot withstand the Persian attack. The once-proud Rome is likely to be completely destroyed. During these days, Luosu has learned about many systems and cultures of Rome and Persia.

These two civilizations are quite splendid, and both Persia and Rome are quite commendable. Even people like Luosu, who came from the distant Zhou Dynasty, cannot say that these two countries are barbarians.

He wants face.

These two countries have civilization, systems, and their own morals. In some aspects, they are more advanced than the Central Plains. To say that they are barbarians is not just a curse on them, but also on themselves.

Compared with Persia, Losu was more interested in the political system of Rome. From the Roman system, he felt the flavor of his original rule.

He was the initiator of the Bangzhou Regency Conference.

Restricting the monarch's power is also something Luo has always done.

But in the end, as the land area and population increased, centralization had to be strengthened step by step. Is there a complete theory that can distinguish imperial power from centralization, which resulted in the current situation.

The larger the country's territory, the more important it is to ensure the central authority to prevent division. The higher the central authority, the greater the monarch's power. Even Luo Shi cannot solve this problem.

At this moment, Losu saw the political system of an aristocratic republic like Rome, which gave him some gains, but only a little gain, because this aristocratic republic failed too much.

Luosu's evaluation is that it is worse than the one-man politics.

The Council of Regents was considered a kind of aristocratic republic, much better than the aristocratic republic in Rome.

Especially when Luosu learned about the frequent civil wars in Rome, he immediately knew that there was something wrong with Rome's typical inheritance system. The imperial power had no sanctity at all, and the throne that relied entirely on force was of course unstable.

And Zhu Xia.

As early as in ancient times, the problem of being appointed to heaven had been solved. When King Su came to the world, the lofty status of heaven was completely fixed. Coupled with the eldest son inheritance system, a dynasty existed for hundreds of years. And the Roman The dynasty did not even last for more than a hundred years.

Thinking back on these things, Luo Su felt more and more the superiority of Zhu Xia. In terms of the political system, the most critical thing in the country, Zhu Xia's dynasty surpassed them for thousands of years.

The rest of the shortcomings will not lead to an imbalance of power in a short period of time. Now that I have arrived here, the blueprint in my mind has been completely drawn.

It's time to return to the Central Plains and let Luo return to the Central Plains.

It has been a few years since he came out, and I am afraid that the news that a direct descendant of the Luo family is walking around the world has spread everywhere.

I don’t know if Jin Wang Yang Guang has become the crown prince.

I don’t know if the Sui Dynasty has defeated those powerful enemies now. It is definitely impossible to defeat the Liaodong Kingdom. The terrain there is difficult to attack, but the Xiyan Kingdom and the Winter Turks have a good chance.

Thinking of this, Luo Su pondered for a moment and then asked with a smile: "Aye, Ajing, do you want to go back to the Central Plains?"

Do you want to go back to the Central Plains?

Of course I do.

In the traditional concept, the Central Plains is surrounded by bitter and cold land, and the barbarians are living a very hard life. The best land has been occupied by the Xia. After traveling thousands of miles, they know that this is certainly not right, at least in Persia and Rome. Quite a prosperous city.

There are silks, tea, gold, gems, beauties, fine wines, everything needed for civilization.

But this is not home.

There is no Su Wang, no elegant language, and no Luo Shi here. It makes people feel strange here.

"Go back to our ancestors, think about it!"

Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye didn't pretend to be pretentious and directly said what they were thinking.

"Then let's go home, back to the Central Plains. How many years has passed since we came out of the Central Plains?"

"Ancestor, about six years."

Six years.

It was quite a time. Luo Su thought about it and said, "We will return to the Western Regions in about three or four years. One day, we must build a Shangchi Road here so that it can be smooth from Constantinople to Chang'an." .”

Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye were startled. If that day really comes, how big will Zhuxia's land be?

Just thinking about it, I knew it was impossible. No capital city could support such a huge empire.

The territory of the Central Plains Dynasty could only reach Congling, and even Congling would require a huge amount of manpower and material resources to maintain.

At least judging from Luo Xuanye's political level, he didn't think it was worth it.

But the person in front of him is Luo Wengong. Maybe the ancestor can do something about it?


The sun rises and the moon sets again, spring passes and autumn comes. Looking from the sky to the ground, the winding road crosses countless rivers, passes through grasslands, deserts and Gobi, and experiences the robbers and robbers who crisscross the road of more than 10,000 miles. marauders.

This is a road back stained with blood.

The three Luosu people walked and stopped on this road. Time is such a great power. In just a few years, the country on this road has changed.

Some countries have become stronger, while others have declined or even perished. Countries established on the plains have no ability to resist foreign enemies. Only natural dangers can protect a country from surviving in difficult times.

The three of them traveled thousands of miles, but before they entered the Western Region, the oncoming caravan brought them news.

Yang Jian has been dead for a long time.

Not two years after they left, Yang Jian deposed Yang Yong as crown prince, made Yang Guang the crown prince, and changed the reign title to Renshou.

Before they arrived in Rome, Yang Jian had already died. Prince Yang Guang became the new emperor of the Sui Dynasty, and changed his reign name to Daye. After he became the emperor, he immediately began to conquer the east and west.

Sure enough, as Luo Su expected, the Xiyan Kingdom was easily destroyed by Yang Guang. The king of the Xiyan Kingdom bowed his head and proclaimed himself a vassal. He also sent troops to the Winter Turks to show off their force and defeat the small countries in the northeast that jumped the beam.

After the Sui Dynasty's martial arts reached its peak, the Sui Dynasty's martial arts also gradually reached its peak.

The three of them heard some rumors.

After a long silence, Luo Su reached out and made a move, and the artifact Qingshi appeared in his hand, and the Zhanzhan divine light bloomed. Originally, he should not use it when the luck points are so short, but now he has to use it.


Duke Wen traveled westward and traveled 20,000 miles, meeting everyone in heaven and earth, and found the great road, so he was able to magnify all the Xia and achieve great achievements unprecedented in ancient and modern times. ——"Luo's Grand View"

(End of this chapter)

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