Chapter 841: Travel to Guanzhong!

Before preparing to enter the Central Plains, Luo Su reviewed his journey.

Between the Greater Hinggan Mountains and Langjuxu Mountain (called Kent Mountain by the prairie people), Hulun Lake and Beier Lake, as well as the Modong grassland irrigated by many rivers, this was the territory of King Zuoxian during the Xiongnu era.

What he is standing on now is the vast area where Dong Turk is located. There is a fertile grassland here between Langjuxu Mountain (Kent Mountain) and Yanran Mountain (called Hangai Mountain by the grassland people). It is irrigated by the Selenge River. The northernmost point of the grassland is Beihai, where Luo Wuji and Huo Qubing killed the Xiongnu Chanyu.

The unparalleled Wuxiang Hou Luoshi killed the last Xiongnu Chanyu here. This grassland is called the Mobei Grassland, and it is an insurmountable natural chasm in the Central Plains.

Only the most powerful dynasties can cross the vast desert, which has always been the core of grassland nomads and the location of almost every grassland Khanate.

To the west of Yanran Mountain, there is a grassland called Moxi Grassland. During the Xiongnu era, it was the territory of King Youxian. The Winter Turks and Western Turks were divided by the Altai Mountains. This is a region that Luosu has not yet set foot on. , when he goes to the Western Regions, he can just pass through the Western Turks on the way.

There were not many people in Luo Su's group, especially the spiritual soldiers, who were not considered human beings, but more like weapons.

So there are only three people he needs to take care of, one is himself, the other is the groom who drives his car, Luo Xuanye, the third son of the current head of the family, Luo Chengxian, and the maid who takes care of his daily life, the legitimate daughter Luo Xuanjing.

"Ancestor, where are we going from here?"

Luo Su pondered for a while. Going south from Dong Turk, you naturally have to cross the desert, but even if you cross the desert, there are some distances. The best way is to go directly to the Hetao after crossing the desert. But where you are now, It is no longer convenient, so another way is to reach the four counties in Hexi.

Why Hexi is called the corridor is because it has a plateau to the south and the continuous Gobi Desert to the north, with only this narrow oasis.

It is a great opportunity to follow Luo Su and teach by words and deeds. The two of them are lucky, so they must seize this rare opportunity.


"We'll take Xiutuze and Zhuyeze, and then turn east from Wuwei County into Guanzhong."

When Luo Su came into the world, he had tried his best to eliminate things that did not belong to this era, but deep down, he was an ancient man from 1,500 years ago, and the things he loved and cared about were completely different.

This can restrain the power of local officials. However, as you two just said, he went too far. Local governments cannot just decentralize power. They must also centralize power when it is time to centralize it. Otherwise, the ability to withstand risks will be too low. . "

Along the way, Luo Su often tested the two of them in this way. As soon as they heard this question, the two began to recall what they had seen and heard along the way.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye, who were direct descendants of the Luo family, were also envious. Luo Xuanjing even relied on her identity as a woman and said with starry eyes: "My ancestor is really amazing."

Moreover, this method can also restrain the power of local officials. In the traditional county system, the county governor is an official with a salary of two thousand dan, which is also a top-rank official in the Nine-Rank Official Personnel Law, while the governor of a state is an official with a salary of 600 dan. According to the law of nine-rank officials, they are officials of the middle and lower ranks.

Another day on the road, when they passed by an inn and tea shed, Luo Su let the two of them rest. Following the travelers, he got some latest news about Chang'an City. It should probably be called Daxing City, but the world has become accustomed to calling it Chang'an.

As he said that, his hand fanning the wind sped up a little faster. Luo Su knew that this little girl was a little stubborn and he couldn't persuade her, so he took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat, and Luo Xuanjing waved the feather fan harder.

Luo Su nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. After nearly three years of his teaching, the two of them have made great progress. They don't think about problems superficially, but go deep into them to explore the underlying principles.

Things are wrong.

Luo Su directly touched the sacred mark with both fingers, and the unique phoenix feather sacred mark disappeared.

Even the descendants of the Luo family cannot understand this kind of complicated feelings.

Luo Xuanjing's fair and smooth forehead was also slightly sweaty, and her smooth little face was a little red from the sun. She was waving a small fan in her hand to fan Luo Su. Luo Su asked her to stop and rest, and she raised her hand With a smile on his face, he said: "Ancestor, I'm not tired. It's a little hot. You just need to cool down."

Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye both wore bamboo hats to cover their faces, and most importantly, to cover the extremely obvious stigmata between their eyebrows.

As long as an official has this understanding, his ability to govern will definitely be improved.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Luo Xuanye, who was a little dizzy walking in the hot Gobi desert, took a few breaths and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Luo Su handed him a kettle and asked him to drink. Take your time.”

But in the continuous Gobi desert, there are two raised oases, one is called Juyanze and the other is called Xiutuze. Especially Juyanze, it almost connects the Hexi Corridor and the grassland.

Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing felt Luo Su's depression, looked at each other, and finally decided to stay put and accompany Luo Su here to remember him.

The group of them walked neither fast nor slowly. It took them four months to pass through two oases from the territory of Dong Turk, and finally entered Guanzhong in the traditional sense.

Luo Su pondered and explained: "When the emperor of the Sui Dynasty came to the throne, the states and counties in the world were in chaos. Some states were not as big as the counties. The states and counties were in chaos, and even the common people could not divide their own affairs. This situation would inevitably lead to a great disorganization of the government. There were too many officials but few people, so he abolished counties and used the state and county system.

After Luo Su showed the way, it was a long journey, but neither Luo Xuanye nor Luo Xuanjing felt tired at all. On the contrary, they just hoped that the journey could be longer.

There are many caravans coming out of Chang'an, and many caravans are heading to the Western Regions with weapons. Although the road to the Western Regions is now blocked by Xiyan and Western Turks, the Xiyan Kingdom has recognized the Sui Dynasty's status as the suzerainty and accepted it. Canonized.

Luo Xuanye hesitated a little and said: "Ancestor, are the prefectures and counties in the Sui Dynasty too small? The prefectures and counties in Guanzhong have almost doubled compared to the previous Han Dynasty, so the number of officials will naturally increase greatly, which will be extremely serious. It will significantly increase administrative costs.”

Upon hearing this, Luo Su quickly lifted the car curtain and looked into the distance, and then he saw the familiar mountain.

Luo Su did not dwell too much on this, and the group was soon on the road again. Qizhou was around the imperial capital, and the straight roads were wide and flat, making it very suitable for carriages to travel.

Luo Su lifted the curtain of the carriage, looked at the endless crowds on the street, and suddenly asked Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing: "During this journey, have you ever felt that there are some problems with the administrative divisions of the Sui Dynasty?"

From the lonely desert to the bustling Guanzhong, Luo Xuanjing and Luo Xuanye had never seen so many people. Everything they knew about the big city came from the pictures and lines of text in Winter City.

Luo Xuanye was much calmer. His young and clear face was full of seriousness, as if what he held in his hand was not a riding whip, but the sword in the general's hand to kill the enemy, and the wat board in the minister's hand when he went to court.

After entering Guanzhong, the flow of people suddenly increased greatly. When the Sui Dynasty was at its peak, the Eastern and Western Turks were in civil strife. Yang Jian had adopted Chang Sun Sheng's strategy to split the Turks, with remarkable results. According to Luo Su's judgment, the Sui Dynasty would soon be like the Han Dynasty. To do that, we got a barbarian khanate guarding the frontier.

Luo Xuanjing then added: "The prefectures and counties in the Sui Dynasty were completely consistent, and no higher administrative agencies were set up on the prefectures and counties. The imperial court had to manage nearly two hundred prefectures and counties, and the central government also needed a large number of additional officials."

Being by Luo Su's side gave them a feeling of radiance. If Luo was regarded as a god by others, then Luo Su was regarded as a god by Luo.

Qishan, the land of Longxing in Bangzhou.

Luo Xuanye raised his whip and said loudly: "Ancestor, we have reached the border of Qizhou, and further forward is Yongzhou where Chang'an, the imperial capital of the Sui Dynasty, is located."

The Western Turkic Khanate will not intercept caravans. These grassland people like the arrival of caravans the most. After all, they can collect a large amount of taxes.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, this place has become so desolate. "

The carriage rolled forward. After entering Guanzhong, it was autumn when the climate was relatively suitable. Luo Xuanjing was holding a lady's bun, like two small balls, with two golden bells hanging on them, which jingled as he walked. There was a thud, and she knew that the purpose of coming out was to relieve Luo Su's boredom, so she was very energetic.

"More than 1,500 years ago, a phoenix of destiny crows in Qishan, so our country Zhou was able to replace the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and the world was about to be established, creating a thousand-year dynasty. In my memory, a grand ceremony will be held here every year to come up God pray.

After receiving Luo Su's approval, Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing became even more energetic. After hearing Luo Su's teachings, they each took it to heart.

Because it is close to the capital, the public security under the emperor's feet is naturally excellent. In the Sui Dynasty, not to mention private taxes and other aspects, under Yang Jian's rule, the government was extremely powerful. Those rangers and libertines who roamed the pass during troubled times and Most hooligans don't dare to assassinate people. Common people only need to worry about oppression by the powerful.

Good public security will promote the prosperity of commerce. At this time, there are many business travelers and travelers coming and going, and very few of them are carrying weapons. Usually these business travelers will start to prepare a large number of weapons when entering Longzhou, and then they will go all the way west.

The three of Luo Su sat at a table. Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing put a black ribbon on their foreheads and drank tea quietly. Because of their outstanding appearance, they naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Not to mention Luo Xuanye, although Luo Xuanjing only has 95% of charm, in reality, she is already a peerless beauty. She is naturally extremely attractive when she appears in front of pedestrians.

Not to mention Luo Su, his skin is always covered with a layer of radiance, and his appearance is suitable for both men and women.

Luo Su casually chatted with business travelers. He had broad knowledge, spoke slowly and slowly, had slender hands without any calluses, and his skin was moist and shiny. Anyone could tell that he came from a wealthy family.

Someone couldn't help but asked with a smile: "I haven't asked the noble person his name yet. I wonder which family he belongs to?"

It will be an honor for us to be able to meet you face to face today. One day, when you ascend to the Nine Heavens Tower and govern the world, we can still laugh and talk. Have we ever discussed morality with you? "

The words were full of compliments, and he could win praise from everyone with just a few words, which made the heroes gathered in the tea shed of the inn unable to help but envy him.

Chang'an is the place where heroes and scholars from all over the world pursue their dreams. Anyone with ambition dreams of being appreciated by the nobles in Chang'an and then ascending to the ninth heaven.

Luo Su smiled, raised the tea cup, and said with a smile: "The white mountains and black waters have my name, and the world always calls me Sage."


Although I don’t understand it very well, it sounds very powerful when I hear it. It has something to do with a saint. I don’t know which saint it is. Nowadays, the most prominent saint in the saint family is the Gusu Luo family. There are many ancestors, literary saints and martial saints, either. They are the Lu family in Linzi, who has the martial sage Taigong Wang, or the Zhang family in Longhushan, who is half a sage, or the Han family in Huaiyin, who has Han Wumu, the god of war.

These are all those who are about to be enshrined as gods in history. I don’t know which one they are, but everyone already believes that Luo Su must be a descendant of a certain clan in Kanto.

There were several people at a table across from Luosu. The leader was a middle-aged man with a rather handsome appearance. His arms were bulging and his eyes were sharp. He looked like a sharpshooter. Even in casual clothes, he could not hide his sharp look. His aura is definitely an extraordinary person.

Sitting on his side is his wife, who is going to take office with him this time and will rest here midway.

He had already wanted to make friends when he heard Luo Su speak before. He knew at a glance that Luo Su was from a noble family. Now that he heard that Luo Su was indeed from a noble family, the last trace of worry in his heart disappeared. He immediately stood up and said: "I don't know, little brother My surname is Li, with the courtesy name Yiyuan and Shude. I have been appointed governor of Qizhou by the emperor's decree, and I am now on my way to take office.

This is the wife of Dou.

I never thought that in this mountainous place, I would be able to meet such a talented person as my little brother. If I want to make him my friend, I hope that my little brother will not dislike me. "

When Li Yuan reported his name, Luo Su didn't say anything, but the people around him started making noise. Unexpectedly, he would meet the newly appointed Qizhou parent officer.

"But Li Qiao, Duke of Tang, and Duke Li of Zhou are in person?"

Someone revealed Li Yuan's identity. Li Yuan didn't show it on his face, but he was very proud in his heart. This kind of inadvertent revelation can better reflect his nobility. Li Yuan can be said to have a bright future in today's Sui Dynasty.

The emperor is his uncle, and the queen is his aunt. He is a serious relative of the emperor, and he also has the hereditary title of Duke of Tang. The only people above him are the county prince and the prince. Luo Su's eyes seemed to pierce directly into Li Yuan's heart. Luo Xuanye immediately said: "Forgive me, Mr. Li. The elders in the family have told me not to expose my identity when traveling. This is my ancestor."

Luo Su held Luo Xuanye down to stop him from talking, then raised the tea cup to Li Yuan from afar, and said to everyone: "My surname is Ji, and my given name is Su."

Luo Xuanye and Luo Xuanjing's eyes lit up when they heard this. Their surnames had been combined for so long that they had forgotten to use the surname Ji to walk around the world.


Everyone was a little confused for a moment. They had never heard of a wealthy family with this surname in the world.

Not to mention the family members with this surname, even in the slightly more prominent families, no one has ever heard of anyone with the surname Ji. As for whether it is a pseudonym, there is no need. Even if he doesn't say it, no one will do anything to him.

Is it really an ordinary person's family?

Everyone murmured a little, but after taking a closer look at Luo Su, they still thought it was impossible. There were countless outstanding people in poor families, but outstanding people from humble and poor backgrounds were not like the person in front of them.

The nobility that was almost overflowing from every part of her body could hardly be concealed. The woman beside him sat in a dignified posture. Someone had observed that she had hardly moved in an indecent manner for such a long time.

This is definitely a style that can't be changed even if you put on an ordinary hairpin skirt after years of studying etiquette and forming a muscle memory.

Li Yuan even murmured in his heart, could it be that he really made a mistake?

He is an excellent person, capable of both literary and military skills, and is proficient in political strategy, but there is only one bad thing about him. He likes to make friends with the children of powerful families, and he also likes to appoint these people. Corporal Zhejie is almost non-existent for him.

Dou family, this beautiful woman with a beautiful heart, once attracted all the men in the city to rush to marry her. She frowned slightly, and then whispered in Li Yuan's ear: "Husband, Ji's surname is Luo family. She is the only one in the world who still insists on distinguishing her surnames. family."

Li Yuan suddenly realized and whispered: "Madam is indeed a good wife for her husband."

He was about to happily reveal Luo Su's identity when he heard the sound of gongs and drums, followed by a loud voice, "The Crown Prince is traveling to the palace."

Li Yuan was horrified. Everyone looked towards the straight road. The person with a lower status was already lying on the ground. A trace of hatred flashed in Dou's eyes. She had a big feud with the Sui Dynasty royal family, but it was a pity that she could not take revenge for the sake of her family.

On the straight road to and from, officials from the government passed by from time to time, but no one expected that they would encounter the eunuch walking in the prince's womb today.

These eunuchs are the most considerate of their masters, and then gain trust and favor through courtesy, and these two points represent power and money, two things that people flock to.

As soon as Gao Cheng saw Luo Xuanjing, he knew that his opportunity had come.

The current crown prince, Yang Yong, has a beautiful appearance, a studious and literary talent, is good at poetry, and has a gentle personality. All his advantages basically indicate that he will at least be a good emperor who can maintain his success, but he only has two weaknesses. He is lustful and loves luxury.

He asked the palace people to search for beauties for him, and even gave them official positions as rewards. The eunuch in his palace now became famous because he presented Yun Shuyi to him.

Following such a master and meeting a beauty like Luo Xuanjing, how could Gao Cheng be able to restrain himself?

He approached almost immediately, but was directly stopped by two spiritual soldiers. He was a little stunned, pointing at the apricot-yellow chariot in disbelief and said: "Who dares to block the way when traveling to the Crown Prince's palace?

A certain eunuch of the East Palace is on his way. If the young lady is willing to follow him back to the Eastern Palace, the prince will definitely be delighted. The young lady will also enjoy endless glory and wealth, and even the whole family will be distinguished. "

There was a half-smile on Luosu's face, and the spirit soldier just moved the weapon in his hand forward a little more. Gao Cheng was so frightened that he quickly stepped back. He didn't expect that Dong Gong's name could not scare the people in front of him.

Seeing that the two sides were tense, Li Yuan immediately said to Gao Cheng, "Eunuch Gao Cheng, these three are nobles of the Luo family in Gusu. They must not be rude."

"Gusu Luoshi?"

"He's actually from the Gusu Luo clan?"

"No wonder, the surname is Ji. Let's just say that there is no family with the surname Ji in this world. It turns out that the surname is Ji from the Luo family. This makes sense."

"If he really comes from a wealthy family, I can't possibly be wrong."

Li Yuan's words caused a stir, and the crowd even ignored the people walking in the East Palace and began to talk about it. Of course, those with low status still did not dare to say anything, but there were many noble people coming and going, so they were not so afraid.

Gao Cheng heard the fear flashing in Gusu Luo's eyes, and he already wanted to give in. After all, he was a prestigious powerful family, but then he realized that Gusu Luo seemed to be a Jiangnan noble family.

His master, the prince, hates the Jiangnan gentry the most. In other words, the Jiangnan gentry is the descendant of Jin Wang Yang Guang. Yang Guang's princess is the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family in Lanling. Her great-grandfather was the protagonist of one of the three major cases of the Liang Dynasty, the "Witch Gu Case". Ming Prince Xiao Tong.

After the fall of the Liang Kingdom, the Southern Dynasty still adhered to traditional rules and was not as murderous as the Northern Dynasty. Therefore, the Lanling Xiao family did not undergo a major liquidation. Although they lost the throne, they were still a first-class family.

Jin Wang Yang Guang not only pacified Jiangnan, but also guarded Yangzhou for a long time. The connection between him and the Jiangnan nobles was very deep. Coupled with the marriage, most of the Jiangnan nobles sided with Yang Guang, so the prince naturally Dissatisfied with the Jiangnan gentry.

Gao Cheng has begun to use his "smart" talents. If he can bring this noble daughter of the Luo family back to the East Palace, the prince will definitely be excited.

After all, the King of Jin chose to marry with the Jiangnan nobles for the sake of the Jiangnan nobles. If the prince married a daughter of the Luo family, wouldn't it be able to divide the Jiangnan nobles?

I have never used the height of my brain in my life, and today I suddenly decided to use my brain. This is simply ridiculous.

Luo Su was well versed in people's minds, and when he saw the change in Gao Cheng's eyes, he knew that he was already thinking about it. The easy-going smile on his face disappeared, and then he asked softly: "Is the Gusu Luo family's reputation so weak now?

Even a prince's domestic slave dared to rob Gusu Luo's women on the street? "

Li Yuan was completely shocked. He was sure that this was not the prince's intention. Unless the prince was crazy, who would offend a son of a powerful family like this?

Gao Cheng heard the hidden meaning and said in surprise: "Aren't you from Gusu Luo family?"

Luo Su raised his hands to Li Yuan and everyone and said, "Everyone, we will see you later."

Then he said to Gao Cheng: "Where is the East Palace? Let's go."

Luo Su's behavior was shocking. He didn't even offer the slightest resistance and just followed the eunuch of the East Palace in front of him. Li Yuan's eyes were a little complicated. He wanted to stop him, but this was a royal matter and he didn't dare to interfere. He had spoken out before. In a word, it is already the limit.

Gao Cheng didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and said happily: "Young master and young lady, please rest assured. After the young lady enters the East Palace, she will surely enjoy endless glory and wealth. Being able to connect with the Tian family is a great wealth.

Even if he is not as prominent as the Gusu Luo family now, it is very possible to surpass the Gusu Luo family as long as he becomes a relative in the future. The current Gusu Luo family does not even have a prime minister, and has long been a skinny camel. "

He was chattering here endlessly, but he couldn't see Luo Su's calm face or the cold murderous intent.

The chariot walked all the way and turned two or three turns. Luo Xuanye looked back and said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, those people can no longer be seen."

Gao Cheng heard something and asked in confusion: "What can't be seen?"

Luo Su said softly: "Since we can't see them anymore, let them all die."

An unknown fear that came from nowhere swept through Gao Cheng's whole body in an instant. He felt as if what he was facing was not a person, but a beast that chose people to eat. The cold murderous intent on Luo Su made him feel deep in his heart. of feeling fearful.

Those servants, who were not very strong, skillfully killed and injured the guards of the East Palace, and even had weapons regulated by the court such as crossbows and armors. Gao Cheng screamed, and no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he had hit an iron plate.

"I belong to the crown prince, and they are the guards of the East Palace. Killing them is like rebellion, rebellion!"

Luo Su didn't seem to hear it at all, but within a dozen breaths, amid the tragic screams, all the East Palace guards brought out by Gao Cheng were buried here.

Gao Cheng was completely stunned on the spot, like a fool. He couldn't believe what he saw. At the feet of the emperor, all the guards of the East Palace died in front of him. "You are all madmen, all madmen!"

Luo Su smiled slightly, put his fingers together, and lightly crossed his eyebrows.

The sacred mark of Phoenix Feather shimmering with divine brilliance appeared between his eyebrows.


Gao Cheng screamed in horror.

There is no person in Zhuxia who does not know this sacred mark. Even if they have not seen it for thousands of years, as long as it appears in front of them, they can recognize it and confirm its authenticity!

He was so frightened that he became completely stupid.

He never expected that the protagonists in those prophecies would appear in front of him.

The emperor and countless nobles sent so many people to Liaodong Winter City to look for the direct descendants of the Luo family, but they appeared in front of him without any precautions!

And what did you do?

Under the sacred Phoenix Feather mark, the fear in Gao Cheng's heart almost reached the extreme, and he actually died of fear!

Luo Xuanye whispered in Luo Su's ear: "Old ancestor, the Duke of Tang Dynasty, the governor of Qizhou, has followed. Do you want to deal with him?"

Li Yuan never expected that he would encounter such a scene when he followed. The corpses lying everywhere were not important. What was important was the phoenix feather stigmata shining brightly between the young man's eyebrows.

It is indeed Ji’s surname Luo!

That's right!

But this is the main branch of the Luo family!

The main branch of the Luo family has not appeared in the Central Plains for two hundred years!

Li Yuan now felt like he was seeing a mythical figure. This kind of figure that only appeared in history books and legends suddenly appeared in front of him. The shock was so great that it was simply difficult to describe.

And what is the young man next to Luosu going to do?

The flash in those eyes must be murderous intent, right?

He witnessed the main branch of the Luo family killing the guards of the East Palace, and also brought armor and crossbows that were equivalent to rebellion.

Li Yuan felt a chill run through his bones. For the first time, he felt that he was inevitable.

What should we do now?

With an awkward yet polite smile on his face, Li Yuan forced a smile on Luo Su's teeth. His smile was uglier than crying.

(End of this chapter)

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