Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 833: Swing the sword to pierce the heart, under my control!

Chapter 833: Swing the sword to pierce the heart, under my control!

On the ninth day of October, a rain fell in Jianye City, bringing with it a refreshing chill. Xiao Tong, the crown prince of Liang Kingdom, died quietly on his bed.

Xiao Yan was extremely sad and stayed in the Buddhist hall almost day and night for fifteen days. Thousands of eminent monks and Taoist practitioners from the entire Liang Kingdom came to build a business for the prince Xiao Tong.

Jianye City was noisy and silent for a while.

In order to protect the prince from the witchcraft case, the smell of blood seemed to have not dissipated, and the prince encountered misfortune. This makes people unable to keep silent.

Luo Xianzhi sat in front of the window, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window. Jianye was not the cold and windy north. He was wrapped in a thick coat and silent.

There were two boys, one girl and three children playing in the house. Xie Daoyun was nestled next to Luo Xianzhi. The atmosphere was very warm, peaceful and happy. She stretched out her hand to smooth the wrinkles between Luo Xianzhi's brows, but did not comfort her. , just hugging Luo Xianzhi quietly, waves of refreshing fragrance spread to Luo Xianzhi's nose.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Xianzhi finally said: "Madam, the prince is dead. What do you think my husband should do first before he can raise another prince?"

After Xie Daoyun pondered for a moment, he said softly: "Husband, I don't understand how to raise a prince, but I have raised and educated our children single-handedly.

No matter what he learns, Cong'er is faster than Yuan'er. This is where the talent gap between the two lies.

Cong'er can do greater achievements, but Yuan'er probably needs more study.

If you ignore this difference and force Yuan'er to do Cong'er's work, it will be a trivial matter, but it may lead to big mistakes.

I once heard from my husband that among your majesty's princes, only the late prince has some talent, while the others are all stubborn and cannot achieve great achievements. The sage said that rotten wood cannot be carved.

If it is created by force, it will just end up being damaged by rotten wood.

Why not put down the thought of cultivating the prince first, and then observe carefully, so the prince also has children, wouldn't it be better if we can find good talents among them? "

Luo Xianzhi has an obsession in his heart, which is common among political strongmen, that is, what he wants to accomplish must be done, and he will even do it by force. There is no doubt that Luo Xianzhi is a political strongman.

The prince's heir?

There are only three people. Can any of them be outstanding enough to serve as a monarch and fight against Murong Chui?

Luo Xianzhi murmured: "It seems it is time to speed up the split of the Yan Kingdom."


Strategies that have been around for a long time since ancient times are aimed at the human heart and human nature. They are very useful for those foolish kings, but that does not mean that they are useless for those smart kings. As long as a king has an abnormal desire for power and is not ambitious enough, Broad, the result of the counter-intentional plan is doomed.

Emperor of Yan.

Luo Xianzhi's evaluation of him was "a middle-class talent", neither outstanding nor rubbish. If Murong Ke was still around, such an emperor could almost maintain his territory.

But without Murong Ke, he already hated Murong Chui in his heart, and he only suppressed him forcibly for the great cause that Murong Ke said.

All Luo Xianzhi had to do was to draw out the jealousy towards Murong Chui in Emperor Yan's heart. If he achieved this, everything Murong Ke had done would collapse.

Murong Ke and Luo Xianzhi were similar in this aspect, but dead Murong was naturally no match for living Xianzhi.


Under Luo Xianzhi's plan, the two countries of Yan and Liang went to war again. Liang's Jiangzuo Army fought against the Yan court's army on the eastern front, while the Jingchu Army and the Shuzhong Army fought against Murong Chui on the western front.

The goal of the Yan court was to seize the large plains south of the Yellow River and north of the Huaihe River. Murong Chui's goal was to seize the land in Heluo. Compared with Shuzhong, Heluo was easier to attack. After all, Guanzhong was condescending to Heluo, and Heluo was Luo is not as dangerous as Shuzhong.

Liang Guo's goal is completely different.

After nearly two months of war, the imperial army of Yan State was stuck in the quagmire of Qing Yan. Without Murong Ke, the God of War, Xiao Yan was able to fight like a fish in water. On the other hand, Murong Chui, who was fighting on the western front, could only fight Liang State. It was shrunk, not daring to show its head at all.

Luo Xianzhi believed that the time had come, so he wrote two letters to Emperor Yan and Murong Chui respectively in the tone of Emperor Xiao Yan.

The letter written to the Emperor of Yan was very rude, "Emperor of Yan, you have never had a high prestige, nor a character worthy of admiration. You killed your important ministers because of suspicion in your heart, and now you are leading an army to invade. I, Daliang, am not destined to fail?

It is my misfortune that you and I are both emperors. If you still have some dignity, you should immediately take off the crown from your head, kneel down respectfully to the people of the world, and say that you are not worthy of being an emperor.

Even if you are unwilling to give up the Murong family's inheritance and dedicate it to me, then it is what you should do to choose a person from the Murong family who is worthy of becoming my opponent. My opponent is a waste like you. This is my face. There is no light in the world. "

After reading this letter, Emperor Yan was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He threw the letter at his feet viciously and roared: "Xiao Yan has deceived people too much. He has deceived people too much. I must kill him."

This letter was not only sent to the palace, but also spread throughout the Yan Kingdom. He was so insulted and humiliated by the enemy emperor. If Xiao Yan could not be killed, the emperor would lose face.

All the attendants were as silent as a cicada. If the Emperor of Liang could be killed, it would be time to call the Emperor of Yan the Son of the Heavens.

The Emperor of Yan State was furious. He also knew that Xiao Yan could not be killed for the time being, so he said again: "The so-called courtesy should be reciprocated. Write me a reply and scold Xiao Yan."

The emperor did not react. The reason why Xiao Yan's letter touched him and made him furious was not because of anything else, but because the Yan court suffered at the hands of Xiao Yan. In other words, Xiao Yan could despise him.

Losers have to accept these criticisms.

Even if the Emperor of Yan really sent a letter to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan would only smile casually, and even show it to others, and then laugh at the Emperor of Yan. Only his mouth would be tough.

At this time, the emperor's minister who had been bribed by Luo Xianzhi timely made an assist and said grimly: "Your Majesty, Xiao Yan also sent a letter to Murong Chui. It is said to be a peace letter."

"A peace letter? What a peace letter?"

"The reply to Your Majesty is a letter of peace."

"I know it's a peace letter. I'm asking what kind of peace letter it is."

The nearby minister was a little confused, but he still read it again: "It is a letter asking for peace with Murong Chui."

The Emperor of Yan said angrily: "I know, I know, what the content is, why should I give it to Murong Chui!"

The nearby minister hurriedly reached out and took it out from his arms, presented it to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, this letter was originally intended for Murong Chui, but when the messenger was delivering the letter, he accidentally brought this letter and dropped it on the ground. On the ground, I saw it by chance."

The emperor had opened the letter. This letter was completely different from the one given to him before.

"King Yong is so brave that no one as outstanding as you can be seen in the world many times. Although you are only a minister of the Yan Kingdom, I am willing to treat you with the etiquette of a king. This is my respect for you.

If the emperor of Yan State were you, I am afraid that Daliang would no longer be my opponent. This is a lucky thing.

I want to sign a peace treaty with King Yong and promise mutual non-aggression. I will attack Qingzhou south of the Yellow River in Yan State, while King Yong will attack the east of Hedong. I know that there has been a feud between King Yong and the emperor of Yan State. Even if it is not for himself, has King Yong discussed it with his ministers? I believe that those ministers do not have the Emperor of Yan in their hearts. They only obey your orders. As long as you give the order, even the emperor will do it for you. Kill.

I am very much looking forward to the day when King Yong becomes the emperor of Yan. It is simply a shame for me to share the throne with the current emperor of Yan. If I can share the throne with King Yong, I am willing to hunt with you in the Central Plains and create a lasting story.

I am in the Southern Dynasty, and you are in the Northern Dynasty! "

The Emperor of Yan gritted his teeth, veins popped out in his hands, his face turned red, and the fire in his heart was about to burn everything. The handwriting of the two letters was consistent, and it seemed that they were written by Xiao Yan.

The minister who presented the letter laughed wildly in his heart, let's see how you, Murong Chui, can seize power now.

But some people said: "Your Majesty, this is obviously a counter-intentional plan of the Liang Kingdom, just to drive a wedge between you and King Yong."


The Emperor of Yan shouted angrily: "What sentence is wrong in this letter?

Xiao Yan looks down on me, but looks up to Murong Chui. Is this a lie?

Those ministers in Guanxi Xingtai don't know what a monarch is. Is it a lie?

Can Murong Chui control these people?

Did Murong Chui really not think about those things that he shouldn't have thought about? "

This question, word for word, was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart. No one dared to answer, and the hall was silent.

Xiao Yan is estranged, and the emperor is not stupid, but this is the most terrifying thing. You know what the other person is doing, but you still want to fall into the trap and follow the other person's rhythm, because Xiao Yan is right and not a single word is wrong. .

There are many people who can say these words. If this is the case alone, it will naturally not reflect Luo Xianzhi's plan. Before Murong Ke died, he had already expected this day and these reasons.

The arrangement he made was with the emperor as the main one and Murong Chui as the backup assistant. The emperor was the sun and Murong Chui was the moon. The priority was different, but both were indispensable.

The most critical thing is the time and situation when Luo Xianzhi asked Xiao Yan to say these words.

In order to undermine the prestige of the Yan Emperor, Liang State used 70% of its strength on the eastern front, thus causing an imbalance between the emperor and Murong Chui.

In other words, at this stage, Murong Chui finally has some prestige that is equal to that of the emperor. If this trend continues, coupled with Xiao Yan's letters, the propaganda power may be reversed in an instant.

There is an old saying that today is different from the past.

At the beginning, Guanzhong was not as strong as the imperial court and Murong Chui was not as orthodox as the emperor. Guanzhong could accept the order arranged by Murong Ke. But when Murong Chui grew to an unimaginable level and even the imperial court could not control him, Guanzhong would still accept it now. order?

A minister who was on an equal footing with the emperor, and who had a previous grudge, made the Emperor of Yan feel numb just thinking about it.

Luo Xianzhi thrust out a sword from Jianye City, and then pierced it directly into the heart of the Emperor of Yan. The name of the sword was the Emperor's Suspicion.


Murong Chui naturally received these two letters. Wang Meng, Yang Cheng and others naturally knew that this was a counter-insurgency plan, a counter-intuitive plan that was not even covered up.

Murong Chui was silent for a moment, and then asked: "These two letters..."

Wang Meng and Yang Cheng looked at each other, and then said in unison: "King Yong, you should have made plans early."

Murong Chui asked in disbelief: "This is a counter-intuitive trick. Can't you two see it? If I knew it was a trick and still fell into it, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

Seeing that Murong Chui was still pretending, Wang Meng directly pointed out: "The counter-intentional plan works on both sides. It is not enough for you, King Yong, not to fall into the plan. The emperor must also not fall into the plan. Will the emperor not fall into the plan?" "

Yang Cheng answered: "The emperor will definitely fall into the trap.

No emperor can tolerate a minister standing above him, especially in the future, your prestige, the king, will be higher and higher, while the emperor's will be lower and lower, and even the clan will support you. "

Murong Chui was not stupid, of course he knew, but he was more worried and said in a deep voice: "Isn't there a way to solve this problem? Just watch Liang Guo split our Dayan. If our Dayan split, is it possible that we will have to divide this problem?" Will the world be surrendered?

If the success of Murong Chui is to be achieved at the expense of destroying my foundation in Dayan, that is what I am not willing to do. How could I have the face to meet my father and brother a hundred years ago? "

Wang Meng's eyes flashed and he said with emotion: "Your Majesty, I think you are really worrying too much. The crown prince of Liang Kingdom has passed away, and now Liang Kingdom has not decided on a new crown prince. This battle for the throne is more important than anything else.

If the emperor and the king are at odds because of the throne, can the Liang Kingdom be free from secularity?

There will definitely be fierce fighting internally.

Your Majesty, as long as you abide by the rules and wait for His Majesty the Emperor to make mistakes, it will be enough to disperse people's hearts. At that time, our army will attack Hedong with lightning speed, and even seize Bingzhou.

As long as our army is strong enough and does not drag the civil war into the grave, is there any danger of destroying Dayan? "

Murong Chui heard that he didn't have to take the initiative to rebel, so he breathed a sigh of relief, threw down the letter in his hand, and sighed. He felt in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.


These two letters caused great turmoil in the Yan State, and countless rumors spread by Luo Xianzhi flooded the land of the Yan State.

Such as - "Great Yanxing, King Yongzhu!"

Such words appear in endlessly, which makes people feel panic-stricken.

At the court meeting, the ministers had begun to impeach Murong Chui and wanted to take back his privileges.

The Emperor of Yan was most worried not about Murong Chui, but the other Murong clan kings. He very doubted whether the other clan kings would directly welcome Murong Chui back.

Because of the war in Qingzhou, Yan Guo suffered two small defeats. As the main force, the Zong Wang naturally had some dissatisfaction with him.


The Duke said: If you are concerned about the internal situation, attack the strong, and use the weakness to strengthen the ministers; if the monarch is concerned about the external situation, attack the weak, and use the strength of the monarch to strengthen your power. Now Emperor Yan is worried about the emperor Murong Chui internally, and the main beam externally, so I use the weak to attack the weak, so that the Yan ministers can heal. Be strong; attack the Yan Emperor with force, making the Yan Emperor weaker; if the leader is weak and the ministers are strong, the chaos of the Yan Kingdom can be seen. ——"Shishuoxinyu·Strategy"

(End of this chapter)

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