Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 831 The fucking world of the grass-roots team

Chapter 831 The fucking world of the grass-roots team

The sun shone in the palace of Yan State, but it could not bring any warmth to the emperor. Looking at Murong Ke's figure being carried out, he felt that what was leaving him was not just a minister who was assisting the government, but everything.

He couldn't help but recall that when he was still a child, his father brought Uncle Wang to him, who was not actually related to him by blood.

Tell yourself that you will treat this Uncle Wang respectfully from now on.

At that time, he didn't understand much about these things. He only thought that Uncle Wang's face was extremely handsome. Later, it was Uncle Wang who took him to court.

As he grew up, the voices of people around him gradually became louder. Some people praised Murong Ke, saying that he was King Luowen alive and that he was the hope of the country.

Some people say that he is a powerful minister who has seized his power. There are more and more voices like this, especially his mother, who often speaks ill of his uncle Wang.

The emperor was somewhat fortunate that his father gave him a smarter brain. He could feel the kindness Murong Ke exuded towards him, so he responded to this kindness. Faced with the dilemma, he was still able to make comparisons. Fair judgment.

As long as the imperial power was not greatly affected.

The emergence and rise of Murong Chui was the fundamental reason for the rift in his relationship with Murong Ke. He inevitably began to think about who was the more important person between himself and Murong Chui and Murong Ke.

The emperor really wanted to be the more important person, but whether he was thinking rationally or irrationally, there was only one answer, and that was that Murong Chui was the person closer to Murong Ke.

This was the reason why Murong Chui divided Shaanxi and Guanxi.

So he subconsciously did not stop the Queen Mother from letting Murong Ke swear the oath of Luo Shui, but now he has to suffer the consequences.

The great and supreme Luo Shen treats everyone fairly.


The warm sunshine shone on Murong Ke's body, and he didn't feel the slightest. This man, who was highly praised by everyone in the Yan Kingdom, as well as people from all other countries, had confusion in his eyes at this moment.

In the palace just now, the emperor listened very seriously to his last words, but this did not make Murong Ke happy, because people in this world always don't do it when they know what is right.

What will happen in the future between the emperor and Murong Chui?

Will there be a shocking war? Will the current Yan State collapse directly? Murong Ke once thought about this question, and the final result is that it will.

But he did not want a tragic war between the emperor and Murong Chui.

He hopes that the victory or defeat of Kanto and Kansai will be retained by the next generation, and the foundation of the Yan Kingdom will not be destroyed. If there is such a day, he hopes that after all other countries have been destroyed, only the Yan Kingdom will be left. .

As for his own death, he doesn't think it's a big deal. Who in this world can avoid death?


In the palace, the emperor saw that Murong Ke's voice and shadow were completely lost, so he slowly turned around and returned to the palace, and then saw his mother, the Queen Mother of Yan, again.

The Queen Mother of Yan could feel the emperor's emotions. She was about to say something, but she just opened her mouth and fell down in front of the emperor's eyes.

The world was spinning, the vision was black, and blood flowed from the corner of the mouth, which was very scary.

The emperor, who was slightly dissatisfied with the queen mother, was immediately shocked. This sudden change made all the eunuchs and concubines in the hall stunned, and then the emperor roared, "Go and call the imperial doctor!"

There were hurried footsteps running outside. The emperor felt chills all over and was sweating. He looked at the Queen Mother who fell on the ground and rushed to help her up. The Queen Mother of Yan State had no consciousness at all, and her expression changed almost in a short time. , from ruddy to pale.

This extremely strange thing made the emperor involuntarily think of those rumors, and he became more and more frightened. Could this be God punishing him?


The news that the Queen Mother of Yan fainted in the palace and died within just one day swept the entire Jicheng. Almost everyone was dumbfounded. When Murong Ke returned to Jicheng, almost everyone thought that... In the struggle between Murong Ke and the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother is probably going to win.

Political struggle is quite simple. The person who survives to the end will be the winner. When the opponent cannot be physically destroyed, life span is the greatest weapon.

But no one could have imagined that the Queen Mother would die in front of Murong Ke.

Murong Ke has already reached this point. The Queen Mother was so normal a few days ago. At this time, rumors are naturally flying all over the sky.

One of the rumors is the most recognized by everyone, that is, the oath of Luo Shui is actually two people. The Queen Mother forced Murong Ke to take this oath, so she herself was also in this oath, and she is not as good as Murong Ke. With good luck, Murong Ke was still able to survive, but the Queen Mother died suddenly.

This kind of speculation has both nose and eyes, and it is very consistent with the world's imagination of gods, so almost everyone thinks it is the truth.

Many people in Jicheng secretly clapped their hands and praised him. This was really retributive.

Murong Ke's party members were already a little desperate. Once Murong Ke died, even if they were protected by the emperor, many of them would probably be demoted. After all, the emperor sometimes could not disobey the Queen Mother.

But who would have thought that in another village, the Queen Mother, an old witch, would also die. Now in the Yan Kingdom, no one can stop the emperor. If a pure emperor takes power, then everyone will be back on the same starting line.


Murong Ke was lying on the bed and heard the news of the Queen Mother's death. He said with some regret: "The country has lost a virtuous queen. Please forgive me and obey."

When the messenger left, Murong Ke couldn't help but burst into laughter despite his weak body.

His voice was filled with joy. The Queen Mother died, leaving behind two people, Murong Chui and the Emperor, who had received his teachings. As long as the two of them stayed rational, they could still prevent the Yan Kingdom from fighting among themselves.

What he was most worried about was that the Queen Mother would lead the emperor into enmity with Murong Chui. He felt a little happy and even looked much better. He could even loudly ask his servants to prepare a full meal for him.

His wife walked in with food and called Murong Ke's name, but received no response. She stood there blankly, tears streaming down her face.


The news of Murong Ke's passing reached the palace, and the emperor remained silent. In one day, he lost his mother and Murong Ke, who was like his father, one after another. Who else in the world is sadder than him?

But the person has passed away, and the posthumous affairs have to be taken care of, especially Murong Ke's posthumous title. This is quite critical, related to Murong Ke's posthumous name.

With the supervision of Emperor Su, basically the selection of posthumous titles is quite fair. No one has had any problems in this regard so far, but that is basically the case. There is still room for maneuver in posthumous titles.

A person's achievements and mistakes are sometimes impossible to express so clearly. There is room for ambiguity in them, and the same is true for posthumous titles.

Murong Ke's contribution to the Yan State is quite great, and he can be given any posthumous title. If the emperor does not give him the posthumous title of Wenwu at this time, a trend of thought will be formed in politics, and the emperor will be dissatisfied with Murong Ke.

After the recommendation of the ministers and the final approval of the emperor, Murong Ke received the posthumous title of "Wen", which can be called "Taiyuan King Wen" in history books. This was regarded as the emperor's recognition of Murong Ke's junior king Wen.

After assessing the posthumous title, the emperor ordered the posthumous title to be sent to Guanzhong, "to let the entire Yan Kingdom know about this and the death of my humerus minister."

Sent to Guanzhong to let Murong Chui know the posthumous name he gave Murong Ke. This was an act of easing the relationship. He still remembered what Murong Ke said before his death.

As long as he doesn't force Murong Chui to rebel, Murong Chui will not rebel.

He believed in Murong Ke's judgment, so he made this gesture of goodwill.


When Murong Chui received the letter from Jicheng, he was dressed in mourning clothes and almost fainted from grief.

When he was born, Murong Chengguang died not long after. From childhood to adulthood, Murong Ke basically brought him up, and also taught him various military techniques, etc. In the end, it was Murong Ke who took him to the battlefield.

He heard that in the early Han Dynasty, there was a champion, Hou Huo Qubing, who was favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. So when he attacked the Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty always handed over the best soldiers to him. Among Huo Qubing's achievements, Emperor Wu made great contributions.

The same was true for him when he was under Murong Ke. He was able to achieve various achievements so smoothly. Murong Ke had all the problems solved for him. He only needed to direct the battle. At least half of the credit should go to Murong Ke.

It is often said that parents love their children and have far-reaching plans. Murong Ke almost gave him everything he had and gave him too much help. Murong Chui was not a foolish and loyal person, but he knew how to repay his kindness. If Murong Ke treated him like this, it would be impossible for him to have other ideas.

Facing the emperor's overture, he said solemnly: "Please send an envoy to report back to your majesty. I will be in Guanzhong to guard Xicui for Dayan. If your majesty gives the order, I will be willing to charge into battle for your majesty, whether it is in Shuzhong or Heluo." , I am willing to lead the charge."

These words are actually very simple.

Guanzhong borders Shuzhong and Heluo, both of which are the territory of the Liang Kingdom. Murongchui was originally planning to attack these two lands in order to make Guanxi Xingtai stronger, but the meaning behind his words It is also clear that he will not be independent. As long as the emperor does nothing, he will always be Dayan's minister.

We will talk about the future matters later. He will comply with Murong Ke's last wish and will not be the sinner who split the Yan Kingdom.

Murong Chui could not see that Wang Meng, Yang Cheng and others under his command were looking thoughtfully and avoiding Murong Chui's eyes. Sometimes, their subordinates would really push their master away.

The emperor received this reply. Although he was still a little dissatisfied, these things were within his expectations.

He is the emperor and owns the entire land east and north of the Yellow River. Murong Chui is no match for him. One day in the future, when Guandong is completely unified, Murong Chui or Murong Chui's son at that time can only come to Jicheng , truly surrender to the emperor.


Liang Guo had been paying attention to what happened in Yan Kingdom. Murong Ke died as expected, which made Xiao Yan overjoyed. The opponent who could defeat him did not expect that the opponent who could defeat him would actually die like this.

On the one hand, he was happy and wanted to start another war and completely integrate Qingzhou and Yanzhou into one. On the other hand, he was frightened. It seemed that the Oath of Luoshui could not be touched at all in the future. The conditions for launching this oath were too harsh.

Almost as long as you are contaminated, your life span will be shortened. This oath should never be taken unless absolutely necessary.

After Luo Xianzhi learned that Murong Ke had died, he was a little emotional, but Liang Guo had eliminated a powerful enemy, which was a very gratifying thing.

Of course he could guess that before Murong Ke died, he must have made some efforts to prevent a war from breaking out between Emperor Yan and Murong Chui.


It's just like nothing.

There is a saying in the officialdom that the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. When a person is in his position, he is the king of heaven. Once he leaves, he will be worthless in an instant. If he can still exert influence, he can rely on other aspects.

An official position can be like this, let alone life and death.

The so-called tea is cool when people leave, this is the reality of the world.

The brief peace between Murong Chui and the emperor relied on Murong Ke to maintain it, but as time went by, this trust would gradually fade, not to mention that Luo Xianzhi would take the initiative to use it.

For a person who was good at power struggles, it was simply too easy to sow the relationship between Murong Chui and the emperor to the point where it was unsustainable. There were 10,000 ways in his mind that could make Murong Chui fight with the Emperor of Yan, and then completely divide the Yan Kingdom into two factions, or even break out a civil war.

But no matter which outcome it is, the one who will benefit in the end will be Liang Guo. Who said that the southern expedition to the north will definitely fail.

Is there anything in this world that is definitely strong?

Strong and weak can be converted into each other.

Although Liang Guo cannot become stronger, as long as it makes other countries more chaotic, it is equivalent to Liang Guo becoming stronger. This is called the theory of relativity of national power.

When Luo Xianzhi was thinking about how to completely tear the Yan Kingdom apart, a retainer suddenly ran in and said loudly: "Master, something serious has happened. Something has happened to your Majesty and the prince."

Emperor, Prince, something happened?

As soon as these three words came together, Luo Xianzhi suddenly felt something bad and asked quickly: "What happened?"

The retainer quickly said: "I heard that the prince cursed the emperor and used witchcraft and other methods. Then when the emperor went to dig, he really dug it out."


Luo Xianzhi was completely confused. He thought it would be a political discord, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of victory-hating technique.

He immediately knew that this was really a very big thing, and it was very likely that Liang would be divided first before the Yan State could be divided, and he must rush back to Jianye City immediately.


In Jianye City, the people have not felt it yet, but the nobles and officials have roughly known what happened through a lot of gossip.

The relationship between Xiao Yan and Xiao Tong has always been relatively harmonious. Xiao Tong's status as prince is quite stable. Xiao Yan has never changed his mind about the prince. He is quite satisfied with his son, although to the outside world When he was young, he kept saying that he did not have an outstanding son, but although Xiao Tong was not good at fighting, he was good at martial arts.

Luo Xianzhi knew this very well, so he never paid attention to matters related to the reserve. Xiao Yan never thought about abolishing the elder and establishing the younger, so there was no problem.

But no one expected that as time changed, problems would arise.

The biggest problem is that Xiao Yan is old, and there are very few people who can take life and death lightly. Even those emperors who are talented and resourceful are worried that they will die. Xiao Yan is not a particularly talented and resourceful emperor. He can only be said to be better at fighting. We can just use people.

Of course he is afraid of death, especially since he believes in Buddhism. As he gets older, he has become more and more convinced of those gods and ghosts in recent years.

Some of Xiao Yan's favorite concubines passed away. He asked the prince to find land for the burial of his beloved concubines. Because it was a matter sent by Xiao Yan, Xiao Tong carefully selected the land. Later, after a series of transactions, Xiao Tong got a piece of land. But some alchemists said that this piece of land was not good for Xiao Yan's great cause, so Xiao Yan changed the piece of land.

But Xiao Tong thought that spending so much money to buy a poor piece of land was because someone was lining his own pockets and deceiving the emperor. But he didn't know what to do, so he could only follow Xiao Yan's idea. Xiao Yan knew that Xiao Tong didn't Although he was happy, he was also a little unhappy, thinking that Xiao Tong was being unfilial to him.

Things should have ended here.

but no.

Another alchemist told Xiao Tong that this land was not good for him and that some means must be used to seal this disadvantage. Xiao Tong then followed the alchemist's advice and used some objects to suppress it, not knowing that it was a trap.

It can only be said that Xiao Yan and Xiao Tong are indeed father and son. They are almost unanimous in their belief in gods and ghosts. Xiao Tong can be forgiven. After all, most people in the world, even if they do not believe in gods and ghosts, As for the theory of Feng Shui and luck, I still prefer to believe it.

But Xiao Yan, he actually believed that this kind of thing was done by the prince, which was outrageous.


Of course Luo Xianzhi didn't know the details, but after just hearing the general story, he knew that someone must be framing the prince.

This method is simply too crude.

He hurried into the palace and saw an angry Xiao Yan. When Xiao Yan saw Luo Xianzhi appearing, before he could speak, Luo Xianzhi said, "I would like to ask your Majesty to calm down your anger first."

Xiao Yan said angrily: "How can I calm down my anger? I will give him the throne in the future, but he cursed me. Is this what he should do?"

"Of course not."

Luo Xianzhi shook his head and said, "So the prince did not curse you."

Xiao Yan said angrily: "Lingxiu, the evidence is conclusive. Those weird things were buried by the traitor himself. This is what he himself admitted. I don't want to see him again at all.

I called you back because I don't trust anyone else. There must be someone else behind this incident. Please help me find out what happened.

If it is really a group of traitors, they must all be uprooted. "

The last sanity left by Xiao Yan was not to kill the prince directly, but to wait for Luo Xianzhi, whom he trusted, to come back to investigate the matter. This made Luo Xianzhi slightly relieved, at least he hadn't arrived yet. A point of no return.

If a prince is killed, the turmoil it will cause to the country is unimaginable. Once the prince dies, what is the most important thing next?

Without a doubt!

Of course, a new prince will be chosen.

Who to choose as the prince, where to choose, and what criteria to choose, suddenly became a big problem, and among Xiao Yan's remaining sons, there were no particularly outstanding talents in the first place.

At that time, Liang Guo still wanted to fight north?

Are you still thinking of taking advantage of the chaos in Yan?

At that time, it would be considered good if Liang Guo could protect himself.

Luo Xianzhi could never allow something like this to happen that could destroy the efforts of two generations of himself and his father, so he hurried back. When he heard what Xiao Yan said, Luo Xianzhi immediately said: "Your Majesty, you are the father of the prince. Could it be that you are the prince's father?" Don’t you know your son yet?

The prince has a good reputation among the scholars of the Liang Kingdom. Although he is not good at martial arts, he is outstanding in literary talent, benevolent and kind. He has always been very filial to His Majesty, and there has always been harmony between father and son. How could the prince suddenly curse and you?

I have read history. In history, this kind of alienation between father and son of the royal family has happened more than once, just for some ulterior motives, and most monarchs will fall into the trap.

It's because those monarchs are too worried about losing their power, but your Majesty, you don't have to worry. I have read thousands of years of history and have never heard of a monarch with military power being deposed.

As for the art of hating victory?

Do you really believe it?

I am from the Luo family. I can tell you with great confidence that there may be gods in this world, but gods are gods and people are people. As a monarch, as long as you are upright, no victory-weary technique can hurt you. you.

I believe that someone must be framing the Crown Prince, and someone must be deliberately trying to drive a wedge between His Majesty and the Crown Prince. "

Such a long paragraph of advice from Luo Xianzhi made Xiao Yan hesitate. His trust in Luo Xianzhi was still quite high, "Is it really what you said, Lingxiu? But why didn't the traitor speak?

Could he really be up to no good? "

Luo Xianzhi knew that Xiao Yan was already a little shaken. Judging from Xiao Yan's true intention, he absolutely did not want this to happen. Luo Xianzhi said again: "Your Majesty, if you really want to blame this person for this crime now, With the prince on his head, the foundation of the Liang Kingdom will definitely be shaken.

At that time, all the hard work you have done since your father's death will be in vain. How can you complete the great cause of Liang Guo's unification of the world?

If the so-called victory-weary technique can change the destiny of a country, it would be too childish.

Every monarch is not just tired of winning and can change. I will go and talk to the prince.

I guess there was someone behind those alchemists who planned this deliberately. Your Majesty, please calm down. "

Xiao Yan calmed down and said with emotion: "Lingxiu, I'll leave this matter to you. Alas, if I don't call you back, I might make a big mistake."

Luo Xianzhi hurriedly left the emperor's palace and went to the East Palace. The guards here were extremely tight, and they were all fully armed soldiers. It seemed that Xiao Yan had sent people to imprison Xiao Tong here.

Regarding this matter, it was actually quite difficult for Xiao Yan to restrain himself from killing Xiao Tong. Many cold-blooded kings did not care at all and would kill their sons just because of slander.

After Luo Xianzhi entered the palace, he saw the pale-faced prince. Prince Xiao Tong was originally a scholar. After experiencing this incident, he felt extremely ashamed and angry. He never expected that the trust between him and his father would be so great. Fragile.

"His Royal Highness."

Seeing Luo Xianzhi walking in, Xiao Tong returned the courtesy and said sadly: "My lord, did your father ask you to kill the orphan?"

Luo Xianzhi shook his head and said, "Your Highness is His Majesty's biological son. How could Your Majesty kill you?"

Parent and child?

Xiao Tong sneered miserably, "Because of the traitor's slander, I am imprisoned here, with no one to control my life or death. Is this family affection?"

Luo Xianzhi said seriously: "Hasn't Your Highness heard that there is no family affection in the Tian family? Your Majesty is able to notice that this is already quite difficult. Your Highness must change this mentality and see His Majesty's care for you.

Your Majesty asked me to come here to investigate this matter. I believe that Your Highness is completely unaware of this matter and has no intention of harming Your Majesty. After my persuasion, Your Majesty now also believes that Your Highness is innocent.

But there must be someone who is not innocent in this matter. The people your Majesty spoke to have been taken away. What about those who pointed out your Majesty's words?

If I want to take these people away and find out who is behind them, I can only say that I am heartbroken. "

Listening to Luo Xianzhi's words, Xiao Tong probably knew what Luo Xianzhi was going to do. He did not directly name the person, but asked: "Jun Gong, why do you trust me so much? I remember that you and I are the same person." There is no friendship, it is not worth defending me like this, and even defending me in front of my father, my father must have been very angry at that time."

Luo Xianzhi said softly: "Your Majesty, I still know a little bit about people, and His Royal Highness is not that kind of person.


Even if I am wrong, the prince is the foundation of the country, especially you, the prince, who are indispensable to Daliang. You must be innocent, no matter what the facts are. "

If these words resounded in Xiao Tong's ears like a bell or a drum, he felt that he had once again gotten to know the most important minister in front of him. The shock that such a minister brought to him was indescribable.

No matter what the facts are, some things have only one outcome!

This is contrary to what Xiao Tong has learned, but these things sound so correct, especially after Xiao Tong experienced this incident.

He felt more and more that his previous opinions might not be correct. Some changes had occurred in his heart. He felt deeply ashamed of this matter.

"My lord, I'll leave this matter to you. You are really my Daliang's magic needle, just like my late lord. No wonder my father trusts you."

Xiao Tong bowed deeply and worshiped Luo Xianzhi with an unprecedented courtesy.

Luo Xianzhi stood.


Meat eaters are despicable and cannot make far-sighted plans. It is true that the laws of heaven and earth are right. Serve the king as you serve your son, think of others as you think of fools. If you act like this, great achievements can be achieved. ——"Government Essays"

(End of this chapter)

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