Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 819 The world depends on loyalty and treachery!

Chapter 819 The world depends on loyalty and treachery!


The Yellow River, flowing from west to east, turned a corner here, and thousands of histories were created as a result.

Hedong Hedong is naturally named after it is located east of the Yellow River.

This was the essence of the Jin Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period. The reason why the two Han Dynasties were weak due to the merger of states was because they lost the key land east of Hedong.

The land of the three Jin Dynasties can be attacked and defended. Its geographical location is unparalleled. If combined, it will be invincible. It is the ultimate version of Guanzhong. However, Qin defeated Chu. The mountains and rivers have no cultivated land and population, and they will eventually be defeated by Guanzhong.

After hundreds of years, the great country bearing the name of Yan wants to reunify the three Jin Dynasties, and even the whole world.

Murong Ke was the leader of this war - the Generalissimo of Yan State's Western Expedition!

The army he commanded this time was not small. There were 30,000 elite troops alone, including 5,000 black-armored cavalry mixed with Hu and Han troops.

The establishment of the Black Armored Army is 10,000 people. These 10,000 people are basically the most elite army of the Yan State. More than 3,000 of them are ignorant Hu people captured from the deep mountains and old forests. Those tribesmen who have grown up in fighting since childhood, with only ten thousand people, can suppress tens of thousands of people from Han Dynasty, which is said to be extremely powerful.

Another five thousand people were stationed in Jizhou, keeping an eye on the whereabouts of the Han Dynasty.

Murong Ke brought these five thousand people out to suppress the army. He would not send the black armor army in the siege battle. Yan State was not a nomadic country, so it naturally had troops and equipment specially used for siege. The people who came out of Liaodong The Yan State was quite skilled in the use of siege equipment.

Thirty thousand elites basically took out more than half of the elites of Yan State. At this level of elites, the entire Yan State could only draw out 50,000.

The kind of army that could easily number hundreds of thousands a few hundred years ago has almost never been seen in the era of armor advancement again. Even militiamen who have been briefly trained are no match for elites. A thousand elites can chase tens of thousands of militiamen. Cut, that's no exaggeration.

Assembling elites for combat not only has high combat effectiveness, but also consumes much less food and grass. Due to various factors, in the Central Plains region, all-people soldiers have been eliminated.

Murong Ke looked at Guanzhong across the Yellow River, and then said to Murong Chui and the others who were following him: "Look, that is Guanzhong, the foundation of the eternal emperors. Luoyang is a holy city, but non-sage kings cannot rule the world.

Chang'an was able to protect every emperor who built his foundation there. If any mansion in the world can be called the residence of emperors, it is Guanzhong.

Seventh brother, if we can defeat the Wei State and seize Guanzhong, the Wei State will definitely flee to the west. I will ask your Majesty to change your title to the king, and then give you the official position of Shang Shu Pu She, and build a Daxingtai to let you out. Town Guanzhong and handle Guanzhong affairs. "

Murong Chui asked with confusion on his face: "Daxingtai?"

The people around are also full of curiosity. They all know Daxingtai, but what is Daxingtai?


This is a new organization that appeared in the past few years. It is essentially an executive agency sent by Shangshutai, so the people call it Xingtai Shangshu Province. However, in fact, it is a typical military organization. The chief official of Xingtai is Shangshu Zuo. Pu She or Shangshu You Pu She is a strange sentence.

Murong Ke said softly: "The specifications of Daxingtai Shangshu Province are completely in accordance with the Central Court Shangshu Province. The head of Daxingtai is called Shangshu Ling. This is what I have prepared for you. It is definitely not possible to grant Guanzhong to you directly. Only Only in this way can Guanzhong be given to you."

Murong Ke took great pains for the sake of Murong Chui and the country of Yan.

Murong Chui was stunned. His brother wanted to separate himself from the imperial court. Why did his brother do this?

Murong Ke chuckled and said: "If I can get rid of those people in my lifetime, I will remove your Daxingtai. Then you can be a king with peace of mind. I will seal you in Liangzhou. You Just fight Zhao Yingluo and Luo Jialan from the Western Regions.

If I fail to solve this problem, you must also obey the court's orders, but you must leave hope for Dayan. "

Murong Ke did not say who those people were, but everyone knew that they were none other than the Queen Mother. Murong Chui lowered his head and said slowly: "Brother, I understand."

Smart people don’t need to say anything more. How can an ideal situation appear?

Murong Ke may have guessed the final outcome. All he is doing now is doing his best and obeying fate.

He didn't think about things that were too long ago. If he could defeat Wei and Han while he was alive, that would be enough.

Yan's attack on Hedong was not hidden from anyone.

This is not a surprise attack. Under the current situation, no conspiracy can easily seize the vast land. Only an upright battle can only destroy the opponent's ruling order and then build a new one on it. Only by your own ruling order can you destroy the other party.

This requires those at the lowest level to recognize the rule of the dynasty, which is why no matter who it is, they must obtain the support of the nobles, because without the support of the nobles, a country with only the upper class is nothing more than a castle in the air.

How can a land that cannot collect taxes or provide food and grass be said to be its own territory? How can a group of people who do not even know who the emperor is and cannot serve the country as soldiers be said to be their own people?

The Yan State has gone through wars one after another. In fact, the nobles in Hedong have gone from being shocked at the beginning to accepting it now. They are even ready to welcome the rule of the Yan State.

This is the benefit of cultural unification.

From the most fundamental point of view, although the Yan State has been criticized by many people for having too many barbarians, and is even scornfully called a country of barbarians, it is recognized from the deepest heart.

Coming from Ji Zhao, the biggest thing he changed about Zhu Xia was his thoughts.

In the world that Ji Zhaowei traveled through, the primary goal of scholars was to fulfill their mission of helping the world. The nobles' family was in front of the country, and the Hu-Han debate was not so systematic.

But it's different now. After more than a thousand years of Luo's propaganda, although there is no nation-state now, the Iron Curtain between the Xia and Yi is running across the middle. This is an Iron Curtain that can only be entered but not exited.

Hu people can come in and transform into Xia, but the conditions are relatively harsh, and they must completely enter Xia mentally. Those who abandon this will be greatly discriminated against.

The Yan State is the kingdom of the Xia, this is certified by the former Luo family. Surrendering to the Yan State will not cause too much trouble as long as you are not an extremely capricious and shameless person.

Of course, the words "loyalty and righteousness" definitely don't belong to him.


In Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Wei Kingdom, the water of the Luo River still flows. On the banks of the Luo River, you can see countless people worshiping. The power of the god is truly well-deserved. Nowadays, the belief in the Luo God is widespread, and countless temples have been erected. Statues of the Luo God can be seen in every temple and Taoist temple, as well as in countless individual temples, especially in Luoyang, which is adjacent to Luoshui.

Even though Luoyang is only the eastern capital, it is still the most prosperous city in the world. Compared with the relatively remote Chang'an, Luoyang, which is located in the middle of the world and has countless crown jewels on its head, is more like the capital of the Xia Dynasty.

However, Luoyang's current military role is indeed not great. The northern part of the Heluo area faces the Yan Kingdom across the Yellow River, the eastern part faces the Han Kingdom and the Liang Kingdom across Hulao Xingyang, and the southern part faces the Liang Kingdom across several passes. see.

This situation of being almost surrounded, if not for the Luoyang Eight Passes and Wei Guo Guanzhong's help, they should have been conquered long ago.

But now when it comes to whether it can be defended, everyone knows that Heluo cannot be defended, no matter who it is, it is the same.

The pursuit of the Central Plains, with the four countries each occupying one side, turned into avoiding the Central Plains to prevent being besieged by the three countries.

Therefore, the State of Yan must advance into the Central Plains, then go eastward and southward in a two-pronged approach, first seizing the land west of Mount Xiao and north of the Yellow River, and then plot Luoyang.

The Han State should first go north to destroy the Yan State, or go south to destroy the Liang State, instead of directly attacking eastward to capture Heluo. If the Han State did this, it would immediately be greeted by a group fight among the Three Kingdoms.

The Liang State is the only one that can attack Heluo. Just as the Chu State sought the throne from Emperor Zhou in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Liang State can integrate Heluo with the current land, but the best option is to go north to Qingzhou first, capture Qingzhou, and then go east Attack Hulao Xingyang, and then capture Luoyang.

However, if the Yan State does not attack the Han State's Jizhou, the Liang State will not be able to go north to destroy the Han State that is entrenched in Qingzhou and other places, and it will also be difficult to break through Yizhou where one man can guard the gate and ten thousand people can't open it. They can only retreat and attack first. Heluo.

When the Yan army attacked Heluo, before the Wei monarchs and ministers in Chang'an knew about it, Kaifu Yitong Sansi who was guarding Luoyang and Zhendong General Cao Xiu already knew about it.

He first rushed to report the news to Chang'an, and then began to mobilize troops in the Heluo area. Wei's power here could no longer be said to be very strong. There used to be seven counties in Sili. In addition to Sanfu, there were also Sanhe and Hongnong. Hanoi, north of the Yellow River, had fallen long ago, and east of the river is now located on the battlefield.

What Cao Xiu was able to transfer was the prefecture and county where Luoyang was located, now called Sizhou. After the establishment of the Wei State, the land west of Xingyang, east of Mount Wei, and south of the Yellow River was established as Sizhou. Sizhou It governs three counties.

It mainly depends on the military sources in Guanzhong and Shuzhong.

Cao Xiu tried his best to mobilize eight thousand warriors from the Heluo area. No matter how many people he mobilized, he was worried that it would affect the guards of the eight passes of Luoyang.

After the news of Yan's attack reached Chang'an, the entire city of Chang'an was instantly in a state of panic. Especially after hearing that Murong Ke was personally leading the troops of Yan this time, the people of Wei who feared Murong Ke as much as a tiger were even more shocked. Become panicked.

Great meeting.

The four auxiliary ministers stood at the front, looking at the noisy ministers. Naturally, when Yan came to attack, they couldn't just sit back and wait for death, but who should be allowed to do such a thing as a war?

Who dares to fight Murong Ke?

The decline of talents in the Kingdom of Wei is really great, especially when compared with the Yan Kingdom, which has endless talents, the margin is really far away. It is the Yan Kingdom that takes advantage of the enemy. It is not just Murong Ke who has also attracted many talents. These Although his cultural level is poor, his martial virtue is quite abundant.

Cao Chengsi closed his eyes slightly. He would not take the initiative to do this. He knew himself and could not be Murong Ke's opponent. He had never thought of defeating Murong Ke on the battlefield.

To kill a general, you don't need to be on the battlefield.

When no one spoke, the Queen Mother turned her attention to Cao Chengsi, who was vaguely the head of the auxiliary ministers. This was naturally not because Cao Chengsi had more power than the others, but because Cao Chengsi was more active.

"General Zuo, do you have any clever ideas?"

Upon hearing the Queen Mother's inquiry, Cao Chengsi said calmly: "I would like to inform the Queen Mother that I am not familiar with military matters. I should ask a few ministers who are proficient in battle formations about this matter."

One push, two five six.

It is impossible for him to bear this responsibility. It is Cao Chengsi's strength to wait until the other auxiliary ministers are defeated and liquidated.

Perhaps because he felt that this answer was too perfunctory, Cao Chengsi pondered for a moment and then said: "What I have been saying all along is to sow discord between Murong Ke and his ministers. I learned that the Queen Mother of Yan and many nobles in Yan They are all dissatisfied with Murong Ke. This may be something we can take advantage of.

Murong Ke was leading the battle from the front. If Yan could cut off his supply of food and grass in the rear, the battle to the east of Hedong might be won without a fight. "

The Queen Mother asked in disbelief: "Murong Ke is an important minister of the Yan State. How could the Queen Mother of the Yan State cut off his food and grass? Is General Zuo joking?"

Cao Chengsi clasped his fists and replied: "Queen Mother Qi, you are a hero among women, not weaker than men, but the Queen Mother of Yan State is not. I know that the Queen Mother of Yan State is very greedy for money and nepotistic. She once wanted to make herself only know how to eat and drink. The younger brother who engaged in prostitution and gambling took an official position in the Third Division, but was rejected by the emperor and Murong Ke.

If we can bribe the people around her and then take a large amount of gold and silver treasures to slander Murong Ke, it is very possible to achieve our goal.

Although the Emperor of Yan trusted Murong Ke, he did not trust Murong Chui.

Because I learned that Murong Chui was Murong Ke's only biological brother, and Murong Chui was one of the three surviving brothers of Emperor Yan Huan.

The current Emperor of Yan is still young and has no heirs. His younger uncle Murong Chui is one of the successors to the throne.

If we bribe the ministers and eunuchs of Yan State, we will make the emperor suspicious of Murong Chui.

How would Murong Ke choose when facing the emperor and Murong Chui?

No matter what he chooses, the relationship between him and the Emperor of Yan is destined to have cracks. At that time, in the face of the Queen Mother's actions, as long as the Emperor of Yan is a little indulgent, someone will take it upon himself to target Murong Ke.

As long as Murong Ke and the Emperor of Yan fall out, no matter who wins or loses in the end, Wei will win. "

Putting aside Cao Chengsi's other abilities, he is very good at plotting and plotting, and it touches on the realm of conspiracy. There are many in his plans that even if he knew they were pitfalls, he still had to jump. part.

After saying these words, Cao Chengsi added: "This is just some of the thoughts of the ministers when they discussed Murong Ke. The Queen Mother can use it or not. This is the idea I gave to you and His Majesty the Emperor. As for how I didn't know that I defeated Murong Ke on the battlefield, as I said before, I'm not good at that."

Cao Chengsi's last words completely removed himself from this matter.

His meaning is very clear. I have already given my ideas in the areas that I am good at. You should leave it to professionals to do the fighting. Those things have nothing to do with me.

The ministers in the palace are still digesting Cao Chengsi's plan. This plan is very executable as soon as it is heard. This is actually a counterintuitive plan. This plan has been very classic since ancient times. It has been used in almost every country, organization and country. This plan appears among organizations.

The difficulty of this plan lies in choosing the rebels and how to provoke them. Cao Chengsi has already determined both of these, and he is very executable as soon as he hears them.

The Queen Mother of Wei stopped asking Cao Chengsi and started asking other people, but everyone lowered their heads.

Seeing this situation, the little emperor was still clapping his hands on the throne. He was still a child wearing crotchless pants. The Queen Mother of Wei was already very angry. Cao Chengsi stepped forward and looked at everyone and said sternly: "I am the great king of Wei." My dear ministers, does Murong Ke scare you to this extent?

If I had the ability to lead an army, I would immediately ask Ying to fight with Murong Ke instead of cowering here. This is really disappointing.

If you don't have the ability, don't occupy a high position. After Murong Ke enters Guanzhong, you don't have to worry about being captured by the Yan people.

What a disappointment! "

As he spoke, he named two more auxiliary ministers and said coldly: "Secretary auxiliary ministers, what a noble honor is this?

Since ancient times, those who have been able to occupy this position have been the pillars of the country. You have to do things that are beneficial to the country. Both of you are military commanders. But now you are so afraid of war. It is really a shame for me, the Wei Dynasty, and it is even more arrogant for me to be a clan member of the Cao family. , it is really a shame for me to stand in the court with you. "

Cao Chengsi's merciless ridicule and sarcasm shocked everyone. They never expected that Cao Chengsi would do such a thing directly to his face. Everyone thought that Cao Chengsi was angry and could not restrain himself, so he said in anger These words came out.

Little did he know that Cao Chengsi said this deliberately. He just wanted to anger these two people. Either they fell into his trick and went to war, or they were extremely cowardly and lost all hope. No matter what the outcome was, These were all acceptable to Cao Chengsi.

The provoking method is very old, but this trick is really easy to use. Ninety-nine percent of people can't stand the provoking method. This is not only because of the reasons above, but also because when using the provoking method, the person being prodded subconsciously Deep down, I know that not being stimulated will have other bad consequences.

For example, this time, the two of them knew that if they did not agree to this matter, they would face the looks of contempt from countless people. As assistant ministers, surrendering before fighting would be enough to destroy the reputation that the two of them had accumulated in the past. All swept away.

"General Zuo, you don't have to say such things. Are you the only loyal minister in the Wei Dynasty?

There is a saying in this world that we must make decisions before we act. Neither of us has even bothered to understand Murong Ke, so we don’t want to be good at talking big words. We don’t want to be like someone who is shy in the face of Murong Ke’s repeated defeats. To take credit. "

As soon as these words came out, the palace suddenly became so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle. Everyone knew who these two people were. They were none other than Cao Chengsi's father, Cao Lin, the often defeated general of the Wei Dynasty, who was comparable to Emperor Wu of the time. Xiahou Dun during the period. When Cao Chengsi heard this, he just wanted to laugh in his heart. These words could not anger him, a filial son. He himself looked down on his father from the bottom of his heart, but he still pretended to be angry for a moment on his face.

The two men did not stop talking, and continued: "But since you said such words today, if no one in the court is willing to fight, then the two of us will naturally be willing to fight with Murong Ke. Let’s see if he is really as invincible as the rumors say.”

After saying that, he looked at Cao Chengsi with disdain, but Cao Chengsi did not show any intention of being provoked and angry. Instead, he smiled and said: "Then I have misjudged the second master. If you can really defeat Murong Ke, , I will definitely apologize to you two. I, the great Wei, have two of you here, so why should I be afraid of Murong Ke?"

As this conversation full of swords and swords ended, the atmosphere in the court still smelled of dispute. After the court meeting dispersed, a group of people gathered around Cao Chengsi.

His cousin asked, "Brother, what are we going to do next?"

Cao Chengsi looked at the majestic and glorious palace, with deep obsession, and whispered softly: "The next step is to wait for them to fail, and then drive them into a place of eternal destruction."

"What if they win? What then?"

Cao Chengsi's eyes suddenly widened and he said in a deep voice: "Beat Murong Ke on the battlefield? That is simply a dream. They are bound to lose and there is no way they can win.

If they can really win, then they must fail. Two clansmen who have won a great victory on the battlefield must not return to Chang'an, absolutely! "

Cao Chengsi's tone was decisive and unquestionable.

He really understands the current political balance in Wei State. Anything can break the current balance, especially victory on the battlefield. He wants to get rid of these auxiliary ministers one by one and become the auxiliary minister with monopoly power, and even the regent. These ministers must not be allowed to have more achievements than themselves.

Even if they fight for a big defeat, he will not let these two people return to Chang'an with victory.

The Battle of Hedong is a war that can only be lost, not won.

As for what Wei would do after losing the Battle of Hedong?

Not to mention that it is not yet in Cao Chengsi's consideration.

Even if we consider that just losing Hedong, the Wei State will not be destroyed. During the Warring States Period, the Wei State not only had the land east of Hedong, but also captured the land west of Hexi. The Qin State did not fall into the crisis of annihilation. This should be the case now. .

There is a natural danger on the Yellow River between Hedong and Guanzhong. As long as the ferry is guarded, it is absolutely impossible for the Yan army to fly over.

Moreover, the three assistants facing the other side of the river are all the best places in Guanzhong. The Wei State has ruled here for nearly a hundred years, and the people's hearts are very stable. It will not be easy for the Yan State to seize them.

Several people around Cao Chengsi were hesitant to speak when they heard what he said. Some of his words were unacceptable even to his hardcore fans. After all, this was Cao Wei's foundation. Cao Chengsi knew something was wrong as soon as he said those words.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately made up for it and said: "I know what you are thinking, but I am also helpless. If you want the bow to be powerful, you have to pull the bow string forcefully backward. It is not as laborious to move forward as to take a few steps back." Gather strength.

The same is true for the country.

If insects like them are allowed to hold high positions for the sake of temporary gain, the future of the Wei Dynasty will be unimaginable. Cutting off the flesh to heal the wounds now may be the best result for the Wei Dynasty.

Moreover, since ancient times, the fastest way for a country to fall is internal strife. The political struggle between Murong Ke and the Queen Mother of Yan was not a political struggle like ours in Wei. A civil war was likely to break out between them.

Murong Ke built another political center in Taiyuan. This must be a hidden danger. When Jinyang and Jicheng go to war, it will be our opportunity.

On that day, when we take back Hedong and other places, we can even invade Bingzhou in one battle. A little impatience will mess up the big plan. "

Cao Chengsi's words of evading important matters are still very confusing, and he can always make such words very reasonable.

His words are always 70% true analysis and 30% change the underlying logic, making it difficult for people to tell what is wrong.

Because what Cao Chengsi said was not just random fabrication, it could have happened. He just used his excellent eloquence to analyze it to the extent that it would happen and make people believe it.

But in fact it is a distortion of truth. Sometimes it does make sense to give in.

Many people understand the principle that a small impatience can ruin a big plan, but they have never heard of someone who can directly package the lives of their own country's generals and even soldiers to the enemy.

Those soldiers who raised their weapons in Hedong County may never know that in distant Chang'an, a place they have never seen before, someone is ready to betray them.

Of course, the nobles of Chang'an will never know that these soldiers of Hedong County do not know why they are fighting, and they may surrender to the Yan people at any time.

Does Murong Ke know these things?

Know many things.

He attacked Hedong at this time because he knew that with the current strife in Wei State, it would be even more difficult to resist Dayan's attack, so he could get twice the result with half the effort.


Liang Guo Nanyang.

This is one of the most critical counties in the Liang Kingdom. Nanyang County connects the Heluo and Guanzhong areas. From here, it can directly threaten the two most critical pieces of land in the Wei Kingdom. In front of Nanyang, there are only a few passes between Guanzhong and Heluo. Just a barrier.

During the period of Luo Youzhi, the Liang State repeatedly adjusted the administrative divisions here because they were worried that problems would arise here. First, they were worried that it would be captured by the Wei State, and second, they were worried that it would be independent. Nanyang was very easy to become independent, especially after Xiangyang was captured. Under such circumstances, Nanyang has fertile land and population, as well as dangerous passes that can be used as capital.

Luo Youzhi divided these areas and divided one county into three counties to ensure that this place would not be independent. However, in the end, this method of division proved to be too scattered, so he set up a state governor here, and it was called Nanzhou. Later Luo Xianzhi added Nanzhou Xingtai here.

In the land of Nanyang, there are three county governors, one is the governor of the state, and the other is the minister Pushe. The county governor is in charge of local government affairs, the governor of the state is in charge of supervision, and the minister of Xingtai, Pushe, is in charge of the military. It can be said that there are many high-ranking officials gathered here, each performing their duties. With such frequent changes, one can imagine the importance here.

When the Yan State sent more troops to Hedong from Taiyuan, Liang State immediately received the news that this extremely important military information was heading towards Jianye. Nanyang senior officials, especially Nanyang Xingtai Shangshu Pushe sent by Luo Xianzhi, clearly knew Knowing that he came here to monitor Yan State's movements east of the river.

Liang Guozhong's news was delivered very quickly. After all, Liang Guozhong had the fastest water transportation in this era. The messenger set out from Nanyang and went down the Han River and the Yangtze River and quickly arrived at Jianye. The news was quickly delivered Arrive at the palace.

Luo Xianzhi hurried into the palace. He didn't guess anything. After all, Xiao Yan often called him to the palace. As soon as he entered the palace, he saw Xiao Yan waving the sword in his hand with great interest. Drawing on the map, he immediately knew that it was about military affairs. After thinking about it again, Xiao Yan really said: "Lingxiu, Yan State has assembled a large army to attack Wei State's east side. What we expected before has come true. "

Luo Xianzhi was naturally far inferior to Xiao Yan in terms of specific wars. He walked to Xiao Yan and looked at the map of Kanyu, and said excitedly: "Then I, Daliang, can start attacking Wei. Your Majesty, do you have any ideas?"

Xiao Yan was a talented military commander and did not need Luo Xianzhi to provide a lot of help in this regard. He pointed at Nanyang and said: "According to our previous plan, we will send troops from Nanyang and directly attack the pass. If we can break the pass in one battle, we will Attack Luoyang directly.

But now I have another idea, that is to divide the troops into two groups, one group is still attacking Luoyang from Nanyang, and the other group is pretending to attack the key point from Nanyang. "

Although Luo Xianzhi was not proficient in military affairs, he had no problem judging the general trend. He knew what Xiao Yan wanted to do as soon as he heard it, so he asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to attack Guanzhong?" This army is here to contain Wei's military strength?

Guanzhong is the home base of Wei State. They will definitely guard Wuguan to prevent accidents. Is this your purpose? "

Xiao Yan nodded and said: "It is actually very rare or impossible to break through the pass from Nanyang. On this road, there are Wuguan, Shangyu Land, and the last Lantian. There are many breakthroughs. Only after obstruction can one enter Chang'an.

But it is okay to use these to intimidate those in Chang'an. Even if those nobles of the Wei State grew up in deep palaces and were better than women, how many of them had experienced battles?

If I set up a formation here, they will be scared out of their wits. "

Luo Xianzhi nodded and agreed with Xiao Yan's words. Among all the countries now, Wei is the worst. This can be seen by all the knowledgeable people in the world, but Luo Xianzhi does not agree with Xiao Yan. After pondering for a while, he said: "Your Majesty, I have a few questions."

Xiao Yan knew that Luo Xianzhi had an idea, and said, "Lingxiu, you speak, I listen."

Luo Xianzhi walked around the Kanyu map and asked slowly: "My first question is that our army is attacking Luoyang. Going north from the land of Jingchu, we must pass through Yique. Your Majesty attacks this city." At the pass, will there be reinforcements coming from the Wei State?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan pondered and said: "It shouldn't be the case. The Wei State has troops in Liangzhou to defend the Western Regions, and they also have to deploy a large army in Hedong to fight with the Yan State army. Heluo already has quite a strong force, and there is no need to send troops to guard Yique Pass. .”

Luo Xianzhi nodded and continued: "Since our army will not send troops to attack Yique Pass, what is the purpose of our attack on Shang Yu? What is our purpose of containing Wei's troops?"

Xiao Yan understood a little, and Luo Xiuzhi said again: "In this way, we are trying to contain the Wei people for the Yan people. The minister has a third question, who do you think will win between the Yan people and the Wei people in the east of the river?"

Xiao Yan said without hesitation: "Of course he is from the Yan Kingdom. Murong Ke has proven his strength. He is a veteran on the battlefield, but the talent of the Wei Kingdom is withering. There are no capable people in Hedong or in the middle of the court. This time In the battle to the east of Hedong, unless a fierce force can be sent down from heaven, Wei will be defeated."

Luo Xianzhi said with emotion: "Yes, we all think that Wei will lose and Yan will win, so why do we, Daliang, sacrifice our lives and blood to help a country that must win?

Using the blood of the people of Daliang to bring glory to the people of Yan is not what we should do. Let the people of Yan shed more blood, and let us people of Daliang shed less blood. "

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

What's more, the Yan State cannot die, and the Liang State itself is still relatively weak. How can it have the ability to help the powerful Yan State?

Xiao Yan fell into deep thought after hearing this. He found that this was the result of different thinking between himself and Luo Xianzhi.

He is an excellent commander. When thinking about problems, he always involuntarily thinks from the best perspective of war. But Luo Xianzhi thinks differently. Luo Xianzhi truly regards war as a continuation of politics and thinks about problems. .

Luo Xianzhi circled around and walked to Xiao Yan's side again, and then said: "Now Yan State and Daliang are very happy to cooperate, but when Wei State is destroyed, Daliang and Yan State will be the biggest. opponent.

Moreover, the Yan State chose to attack the Wei State instead of attacking the Jizhou land north of the Yellow River of the Han State. Isn't it because it harbored evil intentions?

They wanted to use the Han Dynasty to restrain our Daliang. In order to prevent our Daliang from getting Qingzhou, Yanzhou and the complete Yuzhou, they even chose to give up their plan to seize the fertile southern Jizhou.

Chen's father has long seen their plan, but there is no way. This is the result of inferior strength. Now we must seize this opportunity and expand our strength as much as possible. If we can capture Heluo, our strength will be greatly enhanced. .

It has a huge advantage over the Han State. Breaking Yique and conquering Luoyang are the key to this battle. "

Xiao Yan nodded slowly and concentrated all his forces to break through the Yique Pass in front of Liang Guo. This was what he should consider.


This place can be regarded as a battleground for military strategists. During the Zhou Dynasty, this place was already extremely important. It was the main place where Qin, Chu, and Wei competed here. Outside Yique Pass, no less than 100,000 soldiers died in the battle. million.

Now a new round of war is about to begin here. Xiao Yan asked in a deep voice: "Lingxiu, how many troops can be sent this time?"

Luo Xianzhi naturally knew the money and food in the country well, and immediately said: "Twenty thousand elite soldiers, fifty thousand auxiliary soldiers, and then recruit one hundred thousand civilians from Nanyang and Jingzhou to prepare a year's food and grass for these people.

If Yique Pass cannot be conquered in a year, the minister's suggestion is to retreat temporarily, because by that time, the Battle of Hedong should be over, and if the war that lasts for one year cannot be conquered for a long time, the soldiers will be very tired. , indicating that we have lost the opportunity. "

Preparing a year's supply of food and grass for nearly 200,000 people is a huge amount. If not for the good weather in Jiangdong these years, and without a complete national war, he might not be able to come up with it.

Xiao Yan pondered for a while and said in a deep voice: "Lingxiu, this won't work.

I still need 50,000 troops and prepare two years of food and fodder. One year may not be enough. This attack will definitely be successful. The battle of Hedong will be won. As long as our army can cut off the Wei army coming out of Weihan, Heluo is in our army's pocket.

After taking over Heluo, it is necessary to take over the eight passes of Luoyang. Otherwise, Heluo, which has just been acquired, will be in danger at any time. Only 5,000 to 6,000 people can barely maintain a pass. The current number of troops is far from enough.

Moreover, Yique Pass is one of the most important passes for guarding Luoyang. It is impossible to conquer with too few people. We must attack day and night. 70,000 people are definitely not enough. "

Luo Xianzhi almost stopped. He thought that Xiao Yan would ask him for more people and money, but he never expected that opening his mouth would double the number. He couldn't help but recall that his father had said this, and the emperor had When it came to fighting, he would suddenly have whims. Luo Youzhi often argued with the emperor because of this, but Luo Youzhi basically compromised in the end. After all, Xiao Yan would not ask for money without any reason.

Luo Xianzhi never expected that it would be his turn now.

Moreover, Xiao Yan is indeed justified. Although he has not yet attacked Yique Pass, Xiao Yan has already considered everything carefully and made appropriate decisions during and after the war.

But fifty thousand people!

Luo Xianzhi knew that of course these 50,000 people could not be armored elites, but even so, it was not easy.

Luo Xianzhi looked embarrassed. The reason why he didn't give it was not because there were no people. The Liang Kingdom was so big that it didn't have such a small number of people. But the problem was that a large number of young people were transferred away, which would definitely affect the junior high school in the coming year. For farming, if these people are gone for such a long time, production will be delayed.

Moreover, Luo Xianzhi was worried that there would be trouble in the local area after so many local troops were mobilized to leave.

The most important thing is that with so many troops being transferred away, he is worried that Han will take the opportunity to counterattack Xuzhou and the part of Yuzhou occupied by Liang. You must know that once Yan, Wei, and Liang go to war, Han will definitely not let this go. Chance.

Among the Yan State and the Liang State, who would the Han Congress choose to attack? Luo Xianzhi knew without even thinking, it must be the Liang State!

But after pondering for a while, Luo Xianzhi nodded slowly and said: "I will prepare these supplies for Your Majesty, and the soldiers will also provide them according to the quantity."

Xiao Yan was a little surprised at Luo Xianzhi's cheerfulness, and couldn't help but said: "Lingxiu, if your father were here, he would definitely quarrel with me and would not agree to me so easily."

Luo Xianzhi said helplessly: "Does Your Majesty think my father will agree to you in the end?"

Xiao Yan laughed loudly and said: "When I understand with reason and move with emotion, Qingyun will agree with my idea."

Luo Xianzhi spread his hands and said: "I have been convinced by your majesty's reasoning, so I agree directly. If your majesty is not willing, I am willing to quarrel with you."

Xiao Yan couldn't help laughing, and quickly waved his hands and said: "That's not necessary, this is fine. Lingxiu, go and prepare."

Luo Xianzhi bowed and said, "I take my leave."


I have observed the affairs of the Northern and Southern dynasties, all of which were defeated due to treachery and prospered due to loyalty. The perpetrators did not know what they were doing, and the loyal ones were also deceived. ——"Miscellaneous Notes on the World"

(End of this chapter)

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