Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 794 Human disgustingness, 1 as for this!

Chapter 794 How disgusting people are!


How can these brilliant words, these dazzling words not make people's hearts swell with emotion, how can they not make people feel sincerely convinced?

The crown of righteousness.

The flag of justice.

Sima Zhongda, a veteran of the four dynasties, had a clear hope in the world and was willing to fight for the Wei State. At this moment, people in Chang'an City were already in tears.


Sima Yi reacted immediately, and he said fiercely with thoughts in his mind: "Everyone, since the death of the Ming Emperor, how many storms has our Wei Dynasty gone through now?

I am old and decrepit, and I can no longer remember clearly. When Emperor Ming handed over the hand of His Majesty to me, I was full of lofty ideals. I said that I would declare to the Second Duke Wen, King Luo Wen. , Huo Guang studied like that.

Emperor Ming trusted me and made me one of the three nobles. To me, it would be an insult if it was just for the so-called glory and wealth.

Because what I pursue has never been to be a prominent minister, but to pursue the ideal in my heart.

Cao Shuang forced me into the situation I am in now. I showed weakness in every possible way and he still refused to let me go. It can be imagined that his attitude towards other officials was like treating a domestic servant.

How evil is the human heart!

I am standing here today, is it just for me?

I am doing it for the great Wei, all the ministers, and the people of the city. I am willing to do what others are unwilling to do, and I am not afraid to do what others are afraid of, just because I have justice in my heart! "

The hall was filled with all the aristocratic families of the Wei state, and there was even a close friend of Sima Yi from the Cao clan, and Chen from Yingchuan, who was also a family friend of the Sima family, came out and said loudly to everyone: "What Mr. Zhongda said from the bottom of his heart is really shocking. People's hearts are broken. Now the world is in turmoil, and all the countries are attacking each other frequently. The Yan State is attacking frequently, and it has the ambition to annex the world.

Only our country, Wei, is actually controlled by Cao Shuang. The small area east of Hedong, including Guanzhong, Liangzhou, and Shu, cannot be captured. His incompetence is simply appalling. Isn't it absurd for him to be in charge?

Zhongda Gong, a veteran minister of the four dynasties, has been both civil and military, and today he has performed a righteous act for the world. If you don't help me, can you really feel at ease? If one day Cao Shuang intends to usurp the throne from His Majesty, how can he be worthy of the late Emperor's spirit in heaven? "

Having said that, a coup d'état is really beyond the acceptance range of most people, especially those present. No one wants to participate in such a thing.

To be more clear, if it were not Cao Shuang that Sima Yi was opposing now, he would not be so calm now. Cao Shuang rebelled against public anger. Except for his party members, almost all ministers in Wei wanted him dead.

But many people were still hesitant. Sima Yi controlled Chang'an and the surrounding arsenals, sealed the city gates, and occupied Cao Shuang's military camp, giving him the upper hand.

A minister came out and asked loudly: "Captain, Lord Zhongda, the world is in turmoil now, Cao Shuang is leading the army outside, and even His Majesty is in his hands. What if he takes His Majesty hostage and flees to Luoyang?"

Isn't it true that we, the Great Wei, are going to split and have civil war? In today's world, if there is a civil war between Chang'an and Luoyang, Chu, Han, and Yan will not let it go. We, the Great Wei, are done! "

These words spoke to everyone's hearts. This was exactly what most people hesitated about. No one wanted to watch the Wei Kingdom perish like this.

Because the rise and fall of a family is accompanied by the change of dynasty.

Looking at the families since ancient times, the nobles of the Xia Dynasty were marginalized in the Shang Dynasty, and the rest of the nobles were even more difficult to see. The royal family of the Shang Dynasty was discriminated against. The first half of "Comical Collection" is written by Song people, and the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty was exterminated. Of the nobles, only the Luo family and the Lu family were left to rebuild.

Not much to say about the Qin Dynasty, the clan has been exterminated, and the Han Dynasty has risen. Now the Longxi Duke only has status and no power at all, and the five surnames and seven hopes have fallen apart.

Let’s look at the vassal families that competed for hegemony in the past. The major families in Yuan’s Zhao Kingdom are now only second-rate. What’s rising are the new families that support Cao Wei and Liu Bei. Needless to say, Chu’s Kingdom is all looked down upon by the Central Plains. The southern gentry are now flourishing.

The so-called power of the gentry is too weak in front of the country. Cao Shuang, a stupid pig with complete political and military garbage, was able to push Sima Yi, the crown prince of the gentry, into despair despite everyone's dissatisfaction.

If the Wei Kingdom were destroyed, these people present could not imagine how low their families would be reduced to. Second-rate families and third-rate families would still remain nameless.

That's why no one wants to see civil war in Wei. This is also what Sima Yi is worried about, but he won't show it. He has to show his determination, so that other people will be more on his side to try to solve the problem. .

Cao Shuang had troops in his hands, but these people believed that he was more likely to withdraw rather than attack Chang'an. Naturally, there were reasons. There were many reasons, two of which cannot be ignored.

Cao Shuang only had troops, but he was short of food. He went to worship, not to fight. He had planned to turn back the next day. The army only had food reserves of no more than three days. Once it was cut off, the consequences would be disastrous.

The second is a system that has always been in place. The families of the soldiers are generally in the hands of Sima Yi. This allows the soldiers to attack Chang'an and throw the heads of old parents, wives and children from the city. The morale is directly affected. It collapsed. Sima Yi's prestige in Wei and the army was real.

Cao Shuang must have concerns. Unless he jumps over the wall and insists on fighting Sima Yi to the death, with the intention of dying together, Cao Shuang will be at an absolute disadvantage.

This is why Sima Yi dared to launch a coup with only a few thousand people, and he was not particularly worried. As for whether Cao Shuang would jump over the wall in a hurry, he was sure that Cao Shuang would not.

He is really too smart. Even in the late Han Dynasty, he was one of the smartest people. Especially now that almost all the other top counselors have died, he has become more and more dazzling. The so-called opponent, after much thought, Sima Yi still can only evaluate it with four words: stupid as a pig, and only four words: a tiger father and a dog son.

Sima Yi still said uprightly: "Cao Shuang is an important minister of the country. He is a clan member of the Cao family. Yi thought that he would take care of the overall situation. Yi has already written to the emperor, requesting that Cao Shuang be removed from various official positions and dismissed from his post. status."

…    Cao Shuang had intercepted Sima Yi’s letter to Cao Fang in Gaopingling. He looked through the letter and felt frightened. Sima Yi said to Cao Fang in the letter: “Your Majesty, the reason why the late emperor entrusted you to me and Cao Shuang was because You are young and let the two of us help the country. But I didn't expect that people's hearts would change so quickly. Cao Shuang did something to bully his superiors for power.

He appoints his cronies both inside and outside the court, places his spies in the palace, and prevents Your Majesty from seeing the Queen Mother. This is to drive a wedge between you and the Queen Mother. This is an attempt to be unfaithful to Your Majesty. Everything he has done has gone beyond that. This is what a minister should do, but it is a shocking thing that has never been heard of.

Is this what the late emperor meant when he was entrusted?

The minister thought it was not.

If this continues, will your throne still be stable?

I think it can't be done.

If Cao Shuang is allowed to continue to be domineering, will Wei be able to survive for a long time?

I think it won't work.

Therefore, I obeyed the late emperor's will to attack the rebellious Cao Shuang and eliminate the traitors around the king. I sincerely request you to remove Cao Shuang and his associates from their official positions, remove Cao Shuang from the central court of Wei Dynasty, and only let him Retirement as a marquis.

This must be a better ending for Wei.

Your Majesty Sima Yi bowed his head and bowed again! "

As Cao Shuang read the letter, Sima Yi in Chang'an City also estimated that he had almost read the letter. This letter was not written to Emperor Cao Fang, but to Cao Shuang. Sima Yi knew that his letter would definitely not reach Cao Fang. This letter All the abuse directed at Cao Shuang is not important. What is important is that Cao Shuang will be allowed to retire as a marquis later on.

This is a psychological hint given by Sima Yi to Cao Shuang. He does not really want to fight with Cao Shuang life and death. What he does so much is not really for the country. He only wants to survive for himself. With this psychological hint, he can then try to persuade Cao Shuang to surrender.

After reading Sima Yi's letter, Cao Shuang was filled with panic, unlike a general with a large army in his hands.

Since ancient times, those who can be worshiped as generals have flat thunder in their chests and a face as flat as a lake. They have a face that does not change when Mount Tai collapses in front of them. This is an extraordinary person, a transcendent hero. But Cao Shuang, he is a pig and a dog, cowardly. Wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, he is still like a monkey in the mountains. He has no courage to fight Sima Yi to the death. Many people in Chang'an City are still worried that Cao Shuang will take the emperor hostage and flee to Luoyang to fight the civil war. If he If he really had this kind of courage, Sima Yi would not be alive today.

Facing the current situation, Cao Shuang was completely confused. He didn't know why Sima Yi resisted. This was not within his expectation. His idea was that now that he had the upper hand, Sima Yi should be the one to kill him at the first glance. How could one side still resist, resist, and even push itself into a desperate situation?


Cao Shuang now thinks that he is in a desperate situation. He thinks that he will die if he is not careful. He doesn't know what to do now.

It's really a shame. If those heroes in the late Han Dynasty had faced Cao Shuang's current situation, they would have laughed out loud. This was simply Tianhu's start. They had ten thousand ways to counter-kill Sima Yi, but now they faced this situation. It's all about Cao Shuang, just like a kid holding gold in the market, hurting others and himself.

While Cao Shuang was still in extreme shock, Sima Yi in Chang'an City had already started his second round of performances. He once again summoned his friends and famous scholars throughout the Wei Kingdom. In front of these people, Sima Yi The performance began, his wrinkled face was covered with tears, his hair was messy, he looked extremely haggard, and sighed: "Everyone, the situation has reached this point. Cao Shuang built fortifications outside the city, and the Wei Dynasty We are about to fall into civil strife. This is our fault and we cannot stop it. What should we do now?

You are all famous scholars all over the world. If you come forward to make peace with Cao Shuang for me, it must be feasible. As long as Cao Shuang surrenders, I promise not to harm his life. I will let him enjoy his old age in peace, everything. The glory and wealth are still the same as before. This is my promise. I, Sima Yi, will have all my good reputation throughout my life. "

Sima Yi's statement suddenly made everyone excited. The people here are all the Sangong and Jiuqing or the leaders of the scholars. They are all well-known figures. What they fear most is that neither Sima Yi nor Cao Shuang is willing to take a step back. They must The dispute reached the point of life and death, and now that Sima Yi was willing to take the initiative to seek peace, he suddenly became excited. Chen Tai even said directly: "Zhongda, if you are willing to make peace with Cao Shuang, I can still have a clear name in this life. It’s a shame in front of some people, so I’ll try my best to tell you.”

Several other people had the same idea of ​​​​guaranteeing Sima Yi, and they did not have any psychological burden.

If we use collateral to describe Sima Yi, he is really a high-quality collateral. He has been loyal and capable throughout his life and has good conduct. He can be said to be both capable and virtuous. They have never thought that Sima Yi might violate his promise.

Because this is unreasonable and illogical.

Now Sima Yi's reputation in the Wei State is basically as high as it can be. There are moral models in all countries. Sima Yi is the moral model of the Wei State and a model of famous ministers.

Such a person has only one death left before he can leave his name in history. Only a fool would do such a thing if he could not guarantee it at the end of his life. Moreover, in order to gain power, he would lose his lifetime reputation. The price paid is too high. How many people For a reputation, he would even risk his life.

This is quite correct logic. Even though Sima Yi Yin raised the dead warrior, which made many people feel uncomfortable, everyone still thought that he was doing it to cope with Cao Shuang's persecution. Of course, there was everyone's prejudice against Cao Shuang, but more of them were Trust in logic.

Sima Yi nodded firmly again and said: "Then I'd like to trouble you all. For the sake of the country of Wei, for the justice of the world, for your majesty and the people, go to Cao Shuang and ask him to put down his weapons, don't cause bloody killings, and do it with peace of mind. A rich man, which is good for everyone."

After saying that, he and everyone high-fived each other as an oath. The clear high-fives resounded in everyone's heart. It was a solid promise. After receiving Sima Yi's promise, everyone hurriedly left the army and prepared to go to Cao Shuang's military camp to persuade Cao Shuang to surrender. , this is not an easy task, and you must be fully prepared.

Sima Yi looked at the people leaving. He looked at the azure sky, which was still so bright and as clear as glass. When the last person left the mansion, Sima Yi's eyes cast a gloomy look. He was thinking about all the endings, and there was a look in his eyes. Full of entanglements, a trace of fear, and a trace of confusion about the future, he muttered something, and finally his eyes became firm.

(End of this chapter)

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