Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 783 Life and death are fateful, just don’t regret it!

Chapter 783 Life and death are fateful, just don’t regret it!

Luo Gu's hand holding the staff tightened, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the source of the sound. He did not answer, but was filled with murderous intent. Who is asking this question?
Military orders are like mountains, and orders are determined by banners before the war. Whoever dares to violate the laws will be killed!

Xianbei was rolling like a wave, like a tidal wave, but I saw that among the Western Region Army, the camp was in the front. The horses couldn't help but pace, the knights couldn't help comforting them. The soldiers were shooting at each other with the Xianbei people, and their positions were somewhat unsteady. Xianbei is really a good harp player. The tightly stretched string is already extremely fragile when it can't be plucked!
With the sound of a drum and a sharp arrow, the Qiuci Kingdom suddenly attacked without orders. The flag flying high was like a sharp sword thrust out. As one of the great powers in the Western Region, its voice was like a dragon, and its power was like a dragon. Like water, when the silver bottle is broken, it suddenly leaks out.

The armored cavalry at the front were extremely brave and instantly knocked many Xianbei horse archers off their feet who had no time to retreat.

When the general of Qiuci State saw this overwhelming scene, he immediately laughed loudly and said: "The barbarians are nothing more than this!"

In the Western Region Army, Luo Gu held the reins of his horse trying to move forward with one hand, and said in shock: "Who asked him to attack!"

As soon as the Kucha army moved, it tore a gap among the Xianbei horse archers. The infantry from the surrounding countries immediately followed to increase the damage. The Xianbei horse archers retreated in two torrents without any panic at all.

After the Xianbei horse archers withdrew, the Kucha cavalry ran into the prisoners who were used as cannon fodder by Xianbei. General Kucha rushed these people away without hesitation.

The Xianbei army retreated slowly and neatly step by step, and the Kucha cavalry continued to move forward. Little did they know that the Xianbei armored cavalry on both sides had already begun galloping around and wanted to cut off the Kucha's retreat.

The infantry from the Western Regions behind are still approaching the Kucha Kingdom, preparing to cooperate with the Kucha Kingdom's attack.

Zhao Yingluoce immediately came to Luo Gu and said urgently: "High Priest, Kucha State charged without permission and lost touch with the rear infantry. One-third of our army was involved. Once it collapsed, the consequences would be unimaginable." , the rear infantry must be brought back.”

Of course Luo Gu knew the dangers involved. The Xianbei people were luring the enemy deep, not just to annihilate the Kucha cavalry. The infantry following closely behind were also the goals of the Xianbei people, whether it was to annihilate them all or to lead the infantry to fall. The counter-impact front cannot be accepted.

The Xianbei people are really cautious to the extreme. They use the strong to bully the weak and use this tactic that was only used by the weak. Now Xianbei's real royal army has already put the Western Region Army in danger before they move, but they really don't give the Western Region Army any loopholes. Opportunity.

Even if King Xiang Han Xin is resurrected, facing this tactic on the vast and unobstructed grassland, he will have no choice but to fight head-on.

Luo Gu turned to look at his son and said in a deep voice: "Jialan, you lead the temple army to charge, cut off the Xianbei armored cavalry that surrounds the infantry, don't let the Kucha Kingdom die together, remember, don't be too fond of fighting, as soon as possible Escape and regroup.

Princess Yingluo, please lead the rest of the infantry in formation with shields to prevent the defeated army from rushing into the formation. Anyone who rushes into the formation will be killed without mercy! "

The temple army led by the direct descendants of the Luo family would be three points stronger. Luo Jialan raised the horse in his hand, Zhao Yingluo held the sword, and the two said loudly: "I obey, high priest!"

As soon as the temple army moved, it moved like thunder, and the black torrent shuttled across the battlefield.

The Xianbei people did not dare to attack with armor and cavalry, but the Temple Army did. The Xianbei people did not dare to attack the infantry phalanx, but the Temple Army did.

What can the temple army who are proficient in weapons, proficient in equestrianism, and fearless of death not be able to do?
The Kucha cavalry who were charging at the front had found themselves surrounded, and then heard the retreat in Kucha dialect coming from all directions. Naturally, these Kucha cavalry thought it was the general asking them to retreat, so they turned their horses around one after another.

The soldiers of the Xianbei army who originally surrounded the Kucha Cavalry made way for the passage, and then the Kucha Cavalry ran into the Western Regions infantry head-on, and screams could not be heard.

When Xianbei Shanyu Yanhui saw this, he laughed loudly. This tactic of luring the enemy deep, confusing them, and using the time difference between the speed of cavalry and infantry was really useful.

"Chanyu, the temple army is attacking!"

As the legendary legion that Yan Hui pays most attention to, he naturally noticed it long ago and solemnly said: "Heavy cavalry and heavy infantry are connected by iron chains, and armored cavalry and archers cooperate on the flanks."

The heavy cavalry and heavy infantry in Yan Hui's words are similar to armored cavalry. In Yan Hui's view, these are a group of arms that are of little use in war and consume a lot of money.

But this is the right time to deal with the temple army attacking Wushuang. Aren't you invincible by rushing through the formation?

I blocked the city wall directly in front of me. Can my flesh and blood body still be able to hit the wall?

Luo Jialan rode his horse and waved his horse's shaft, the sound of wind whistling in his ears. There is no army in this world that has no flaws, and there is no army in this world that the temple army cannot find any flaws.

Attacking from the right, and then nimbly avoiding the obstacles, the temple army is killing and dying!

The fluttering blood fell on the ground, dark red, bright and demonic, just like the legendary Manjushuahua that filled the underworld.


Dozens of knights carrying Luogu's letters from Wushuang City were galloping non-stop on the grassland, their brows and eyes full of exhaustion and determination.

Even though they grew up on horseback, they couldn't help but keep traveling all day long. Their spirit and will supported them.

How far is Wushuang City from Winter City?

People in this world always use the term "thousands of miles away" to describe distance.

The distance from Chang'an to Luoyang is less than a thousand miles. For most people, they will never be able to cross this thousand miles in their entire lives.

How far is Wushuang City from Winter City?

Ten thousand miles!

Ten thousand miles without any moisture!

When the cavalry abandons all their baggage and supplies, eats on the spot, and travels two hundred miles a day, it still takes fifty days!

Except for the Temple Army and the Dare Warriors, no army in the world can march two hundred miles a day for fifty consecutive days. Marching more than a hundred miles a day is already the top army among the top.


One person staggered off his horse, and dozens of others reined in their horses and surrounded them. Their faces were full of sorrow. That was a young man with a dark face, but now he was a little white. He had black hair and black eyes, and he had an obvious exotic look. , but he opened his mouth in authentic elegant language, and said with a calm smile: "It seems that my destiny is here. There is also dried meat and water in the package. Brothers take it and divide it, and take the horse away. Don't look at me like this anymore. I should have gotten used to the death of so many brothers before. Do you still feel sad about it? People who are about to die will not waste time.

What do you want to say?

Don't regret it, die for it, die well. "

After saying that, he took out a sharp blade from his arms, looked at the blue Qing Ming, and murmured softly: "The spirit of King Su is in the sky, and its glory and reputation will last for thousands of years!"

Blood splattered, the sharp blade fell to the ground, and sobbing cries surrounded him. He dug out a tomb that could barely bury a person, prayed a heroic song, and everyone wiped away their tears and got on their horses and left.

Starting from Wushuang City, we crossed the vast grassland, crossed the vast Gobi Desert, the vast uninhabited wilderness, the wolves that took away horses at night, the horse bandits that haunted the grassland, the small grassland tribes we occasionally encountered, those primitive There are more and more savages, and more and more brothers are left on the road. Tombs stand on this thousands of miles of road, forming a winding road like coordinates.


Wushuang City was already in a bleak scene. The city gate was wide open, and Luo Jialan led the temple army and cavalry to rush in, covered in blood. Just now, the temple army killed many Xianbei troops with a small victory. He left Blood slowly oozed out of his arm, and the city gate slammed shut. Zhao Yingluo came forward to greet her. She had just arranged the troops that had withdrawn from the city and asked doctors to treat the wounded soldiers.

Luo Jialan took off his helmet, his face was full of exhaustion. Zhao Yingluo hesitated to speak, and finally asked: "Sir, what are the casualties of the temple army?"

The Temple Army has contributed a lot to Wushuang City's ability to survive until now. However, the continuous bleeding has made the Temple Army fewer and fewer. Luo Jialan said sadly: "There are only 1000 people left."

Two thirds died!

Not casualties, but deaths!

The temple army can naturally be rebuilt. As long as there are luck points and the soldiers are not dead, the temple army can be rebuilt. Even if it is willing to spend a lot of luck points and give the flag of the temple lineage, even if it is dead, Jue can also rebuild the temple army.

However, although the training speed of the Temple Army is fast, it cannot be done by just bringing in people. When replenishing soldiers, there are special requirements and restrictions on the soldiers, and it is by no means like a perpetual motion machine.

For example, like the God of the Four Seasons, any Xuan-level artifact from the Luo family, although its power is greater than that of the Earth-level, has huge flaws and limitations. This is the characteristic of Xuan-level artifacts.

But the price is also high!

If the temple controlled the Western Region, it would naturally be able to select people from the entire Western Region, but in this case, there will naturally be fewer qualified candidates, and even the temple army may die. This is probably the main branch that will directly control the temple. The reason why the army's basic flags were given.

The two of them stopped talking and walked into the temple together. Luogu was still on the map, and they were constantly arranging troops, but it was hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. He lined up the troops in his hands, but in the end he still lacked troops. .

Hearing the sound of Luo Jialan walking in, Luo Gu sighed slightly: "Since ancient times, no matter who has written military books, Taigong, Sun Tzu, Wu Qi, Han Wumu, what they have said is to use the strong to bully the weak. Anyone can win with a small number. In many battles, the strong defeated the weak. This was true even when King Xiang used troops, but he was too strong to cover up this point.

The land of the Western Region is so vast that even thousands of miles away can see it as flat.

Xianbei's military strength, although they are called various tribes, is actually integrated into one, and is infinitely superior to our allied army. Those who surrendered to Xianbei out of fear became increasingly weak; Xianbei's tactics were simple and roundabout but showed military discipline. It was not difficult to break, but only the temple army could do it;

Being able to hold on here for so long is already close to the limit. The city may be destroyed at any time. If Wushuang City is destroyed, Jialan, what will you do? "

Luo Jialan wiped off the blood on his cheeks and said in a deep voice: "My son is willing to lead the temple army and all the soldiers who are still willing to fight for the temple to make one last charge and attack the king's tent of Xianbei Shanyu. He is like a Like a tortoise, hidden in that shell, the flaw has never been exposed. If there is an opportunity, if there is an opportunity, I will never miss it.

Success, there is still a chance, failure, nothing more than death! "

When Luo Gu heard this, he glared at Luo Jialan and said, "To die without value is stupid. Is the master giving the temple flag to us to seek death?
Even if Wushuang City is destroyed, does that mean we can't resist?

Will the inheritance of the temple be interrupted in our generation?
It is easy to die, but difficult to live, and even harder to live with the burden of resurrection.

If Wushuang City is destroyed, quickly take the Temple Army flag and run away for your life.

If one day in the future you can lead the temple army back and rebuild the temple in Wushuang City, you will be a true hero, a descendant of the Luo family, and live up to the sacred mark between your eyebrows. "

Luo Jialan walked out of the temple, and the warm sunshine shone on him, but it made him feel a chill to his bones. His father had never been a person who could say depressing words, but just now he said something to him in the temple. He said those words as if they were funeral matters.

Has the situation in Wushuang City gotten so bad now?


If it wasn't so bad, how could those kings take the risk and abandon their beliefs to make secret arrangements with Xianbei and trade with the Xianbei barbarians?

In the far north of Liaodong, when seven people in ragged clothes limped side by side on the top of a hill, looking at the already slightly majestic city, even though they were iron-blooded tough guys who had experienced endless hardships, life and death, they could not endure They couldn't help but hug each other and cry loudly. Crying with joy is not enough to describe their moment, it is hope.

The hunting team of Winter City discovered them and thought they were barbarians, but the clothes didn't look like them. Dozens of people gathered around them and were about to ask, when they saw these seven people who were dirty and dressed like beggars. He took out a clean phoenix flag from his arms and raised it high.

Phoenix flag!

The phoenix flag fluttered in the wind on the top of the hill, like bright blood burning in the fire. The seven people shouted hoarsely: "The envoys of Wushuang City in the Western Regions, by order of the high priest of the temple, ask to see Duke Zhao!"


Xianbei's attack became more and more urgent. Every time he fought in the temple, Xianbei often used the elites of various tribes to attack him several times, and even the imperial guards followed him. They were all wearing armor, and even horses were equipped with armor, holding swords and shields, riding bows and riding sideways. The temples were all broken down, and Xianbei's strict laws collapsed but did not disperse. One person died in the temple, two or three in Xianbei died, and four or five were in prosperity. However, the number of temples became less and less, and Xianbei was like water or tide, inexhaustible like a thread. ——"Northern History·Biography of Xianbei"


The soldiers were in ragged clothes, withered, and very hungry and sleepy. It was said that 77 of them died on the road when they left Wushuang. When March came, only seven people remained, so they summoned Duke Zhao with a phoenix flag to mourn him in tears. ——"Luo Shi Ji"

(End of this chapter)

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