Chapter 772: The country of gentlemen!
Now that they had decided to move to the far north, most of the people sent by Zhumai were juniors, so they hurried back to report, but they didn't expect that Luo Jin's son stopped a few people.

The quiet room is not big.

Several people were sitting around the stove, there were only five of them, Luo Chen, son of Luo Jin, Luo Wu, grandson of Luo Xing, Luo Xi, grandson of Luo Chu, Luo Yuan, son of Luo Qi, Luo Xiang, grandson of Luo Yan, Among Luo's external veins, these four are different. They are both strong and have no direct lineage.

Water was boiling on the stove, the mist was rising, and it fell on the face, making it slightly moist. The four of them looked at each other for a few times, waiting for Luo Chen to speak. They all knew that this must be the master of the family who asked Luo Chen to come, and they were all curious. What kind of words would the head of the family have?

Luo Chen took off the kettle and poured the boiling hot water into the teapot. The rising white air covered his face and seemed to muffle some of his voice: "Brothers and nephews, the Luo family is about to move, and my father's I hope that all veins will guard their countries and not have to move with them."

The four of them thought about countless reasons, but none of them thought of this. They were all anxious at once. How could they not be involved in such a big plan for the survival of the family.

Luo Xi was disappointed and said with hope: "Uncle, we are also members of the Luo family. Although the stigmata is gone, we still bleed the blood of the Luo family. How can we sit back and watch our people walk through the cold snow and frost while we are in the cold weather?" How about enjoying all the splendor in the countryside?

We don't want to, but we still hope that our uncle will become our great grandfather. We must not do this, otherwise we will only be ashamed when we look back for a hundred years. "

After saying that, there was a sound of choking, and the other three people didn't say a word, they just bowed their hands and bowed, their hearts filled with ice.

Luo Chen sighed: "The family moved north, and their future was uncertain. However, the strength of the Central Plains was foreseeable. People's hearts are changeable, like quicksand on the tidal flats, and weak water in the rivers. It is easy to disperse but difficult to gather. Who can unify the six countries? Who remembers the Qin Dynasty?" During the dynasty, the state lasted for thousands of years. Who was called the Zhou clan? The three emperors and five emperors became passers-by.

If, I say, one day, a hundred years later, a thousand years later, the family is going to return to the Central Plains, but the Central Plains has no name, what kind of scene will it be?
Moreover, the causes and consequences of the various lineages in Zhong were extremely heavy, so how could he leave lightly? The Yinghou and Yuzhang County Dukes were both burdened with heavy burdens. My father made such a decision just because he knew it.

Let’s talk about the Western Region. The place where the temple is built and the place where all the countries meet is more important than the mountains and rivers. Once the family moves north, the temple will be alone in the Western Region. It is unknown what kind of darkness it will encounter, but it will definitely be better than the mountains and rivers. Due to the danger in Liaodong, my father hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether he should let you continue to stay in the Western Region. "

Luo Xing's grandson Luowu was originally sad because he could not move north with his family. After hearing Luo Chen's words, he immediately said solemnly: "Brother, there are not many people in the Western Regions. There are only eight people from Shiluo, five men and three women. , we will all stay in the Western Region, protect our temple, and live up to our ancestors, this is the only thing I can say."

Among all the lineages, the Western Regions bear the heaviest burden. Since Luo Wuji opened a lineage in the Western Regions, the Wushuanghou lineage has sacrificed the most in the past 200 years. Both Buddhism and Taoism have the theory of protector gods. The Wushuanghou lineage is Luo The protector of the clan, Luowu originally wanted to move north, but when he heard that the Western Region was more serious, he decided to stay. This was because the Western Region was desolate and could not hide his passion.

Everyone was moved. Luo Chen patted Luo Wu on the shoulder, then took out a very small flag and said solemnly: "This is our farewell. I don't know when we will meet again. I will hand this flag to my uncle. With this flag, If one day the Luo family in the Western Regions wants to remain anonymous, whether it is rebuilding the temple army or recognizing the ancestors, there will be no mistakes. This flag can only be ignited by the blood of the Luo family, and it can be used by both men and women. The stigma of the Luo family in the Western Regions is gone. , this flag can also test the bloodline of descendants.”

After Luo Chen's words, several people vaguely understood that this was the legendary family heritage. It had been rumored by the outside world. If it weren't for the family separation, this kind of heritage would not be handed over to the branch. Luo Chen pondered for a while and said : "Yu'er has always liked the Western Regions. If you return to the Western Regions, take her to the Western Regions and marry her, the sacred land of the Unparalleled City in the Western Regions is infinitely better than the white mountains and black waters. She will definitely be happy."

Luowu held the flag in his hand tightly, and felt bursts of heat, just like the magic staff he had accidentally touched when he was young. It was power, and this was the foundation of the temple army. His eyes were full of determination, and he could not help but feel that More words.

Luo Xiang bowed his hands and said solemnly: "Uncle, from the Hebei lineage, he served in the Zhao Dynasty and the Zhao Dynasty died, he surrendered to the Wei Dynasty but the Wei Dynasty was defeated. The cause of Hebei is a secret mockery for living up to the name of the ancestors. My grandfather was trapped in Chang'an, and the rain fell. General Yuan also passed away. The Yuan family in Runan only had a nine-year-old boy left. The Cao family finally loosened their grip, and the Yuan family was so generous. The kindness has been fully repaid. Emperor Wei asked his nephew if he was willing to sacrifice his life. The nephew was hesitant. He went to Zhaocheng to hear about the great achievements of the family. The Luo family of Wei State, an unknown family, lived in Luoyang, Chang'an. He was very sad and did not want to see him again. Please also ask. My uncle allowed my nephew to move north with his family."

Luo Xiang's words are sad and sorrowful, and almost every word is crying blood. The Luoyan branch is indeed different. Once Guandu is defeated, it is difficult to recover. From then on, all that is left is to drift with the flow, life and death are determined, and no one can control it at all.

What else could Luo Chen do but agree to Luo Xiang's request? Luo Xi and Luo Yuan had envy in their eyes, but they knew that it was impossible for the two of them to move away.

The two lines are not prosperous, and the Luo Qi line is a single inheritance. The entire Han Dynasty's senior officials are sparsely populated, and they all have children when they are old. It seems that the ancestors have taken away all their luck, so it is difficult for the heirs.

Luo Chen sent off the last few people and watched them disappear in the cold snow, leaving only a few traces of horse hoofs. He went back to the city to serve his father Luo Jin, but saw something wrong with his father's pale face. Fear suddenly rose in his heart. That Thoughts flashed in my mind uncontrollably.

Luo Jin was lying on the bed, waiting for Luo Chen to come back. When he saw Luo Chen, he said with deep disappointment: "Ah Chen, King Su really didn't show up."

Luo Chen held his father's dry and cold hand tightly and cried: "Father, hold on."

Luo Jin shook his head and said: "All the elders and brothers have died. When the news of your uncle's death came, my father knew that there was nothing left to cherish in this world.

Moreover, my father's broken body going north was just causing trouble to the younger generation. It was a lucky thing that he died in Zhaocheng and was buried in Zeguo.

In the past few days, my father has been thinking that moving north to Liaodong may be the most correct decision he has ever made in his life. That is where the family can live forever.

You took the inheritance ring and prepared the required materials, and then went to Liaodong with the brave warriors. Liaodong was surrounded by mountains. You kept going north, looking for places that were easy to defend and difficult to attack, places suitable for building cities, and places with beautiful mountains and rivers. The city you build does not need to be too big, just enough to accommodate ten thousand people, and you can slowly expand it in the future.

Stay in Liaodong and do not move back to the Central Plains until the ancestor of King Su returns. If there are changes in the world, you can send one or two children to the Central Plains. This should protect the family. "

Neither father nor son mentioned the prophecy of Hu's luck. The future mentioned by Luo Jin was after the Luo family had overcome the calamity wave. As for what would happen to the Luo family after the calamity wave, they didn't know.

Luo Chen slowly walked out of the room and stood under the eaves, with his hands tied. He saw the snowy Zhaocheng in front of him, and his father's last words echoed in his ears, "In this life, I was born in Zhaocheng, and I inherited the throne as the eldest son. The emperor is gone, my aunt crowned me, and the world is in chaos. For decades, I have worked hard, but I have not achieved anything, and I have not missed anything. Fortunately, I have not missed anything. At the end of my life, I got the bad news. I seek a way out for my people, and I hope that a hundred thousand years later , can get good words, that’s all.”

The Luo family has been passed down for more than 300 years and fifty generations. How many family heads are there like Luo Jin?

People live in this world for themselves, their ancestors, and their descendants.

The kings who have made great achievements since ancient times fear most the death of their people and their political power, which means that they will be denied throughout their lives.

Luo Chen knew that his father's most important decision in his life was to move his family to Liaodong, and this was how later generations would evaluate his father.

Most people in the world like to talk nonsense and belittle reality. Those who talk loudly will be allowed to do so, while those who work hard will fall into the dust. Luo Chen held his hands tightly and was thinking about the future in his heart.The migration of a clan is a major event. This is different from exile. There are many things to do. The first thing is to send away all those who are unwilling to migrate. After all, in Zhaocheng, not only the Luo clan members live, but also those who don’t understand the Luo family. Without his family background, normal people would not be willing to go to that bitter cold place filled with ice and snow.

A few months ago, Duke Zhao called everyone to announce the closure of Zhaocheng. A few days ago, all the Luo clan's outer branches gathered in Zhaocheng. It is said that dozens or hundreds of people gathered in the Luo Palace, and then the branches hurriedly left with anxious expressions. Today, the eldest son came again. Gathering everyone, an ominous premonition filled everyone's hearts.

Luo Chen looked at the people in the hall. Most of the people here have known each other for a long time, and it cannot be described by just using family friends. It can be said that there is me in you, and you are in me, similar to the relationship between the Cao family and the Xiahou family.

He first bowed his hands, and then said in a slightly sad voice: "Uncles, brothers, and nephews, I invite you here today to announce a big event.

A few months ago, my father sealed Zhaocheng. After all the branches gathered together, the Luo family observed the sky. Zhaocheng was about to transform into the Ze Kingdom. This was the sign of the Luo family's decline. The divination showed that the Luo family would rise again among the white mountains and black waters. My father It is decided that the family will move north, and all direct descendants and branch leaders will obey his orders. In a few years, all the Luo family will move away.

If there are any members of the clan who are willing to move with the Luo clan, please leave a name note. The Luo clan will not leave out anyone. If there is anyone who is unwilling, the Luo clan will let them do whatever they want.

Now that the Han Dynasty is dead, even the descendants of King Xiang can now be born. Among the clansmen, those with great ambitions can enter the various countries, where the white mountains and black waters are extremely bitter and cold. This is Luo's choice, but not your choice. "

Luo family moved north!

Move to the white mountains and black waters where the sky is covered with snow in the cold winter!

Luo Chen's words were like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's head directly. They were dizzy and buzzing. After living for decades, they had never seen the self-exile of the ethnic group. The white mountains and black waters were the source of the Yan Kingdom. The ancestors of the Yan Kingdom flowed 30 Ten thousand people, less than [-] survived. After capturing Youzhou and Northern Hebei, they immediately abandoned the land of Longxing and moved south with their entire clan. Now the Luo family actually wants to go.

How far is the white mountain and black water?
It is three thousand miles away from Zhaocheng to the north. If you can't understand, this distance is equivalent to Zhaocheng to Lingnan.

"Eldest Young Master, why?!"

This matter is so bizarre that people cannot understand it at all. Even if Zhaocheng is going to be transformed into Zeguo, why bother moving to Liaodong?
Any country in this world would gladly accept the Luo family, and even carve out land for the Luo family, just for the Luo family's favor. Is it just because of the divination signs?

When did Luo believe in hexagrams?

Everyone recalled the meeting a few months ago when Zhaocheng was to be closed down. The high priest struck the magic staff and said that it was King Su's will. Is this also the will of King Su now?
Luo Chen didn't expect that they could think of it. There was nothing worth hiding, so he nodded and said: "It is also due to King Su's will. King Su passed down an oracle. It will be easier for the family to do it if they live in Liaodong."

As expected, everyone suddenly realized that for Luo, King Su's words were imperial edicts, and they only needed to be obeyed, even if they were exposed to mountains of swords and seas of fire, they were still willing to accept them.

Then Luo Chen saw an old man prostrate on the ground. He kowtowed and said loudly: "Eldest son, I will lead the master to support Luo's tail wing and move to Liaodong together. As for the other branches and sub-lines, I will also explain it clearly with them, but the eldest son Young Master, you may be overly worried. We have been following the path of Zhaocheng for hundreds of years, and we all regard King Su as our heaven. Since we have a will, how can we avoid the difficulties and dangers?"

Luo Chen saw that several more people were present and wanted to kowtow, and he immediately said urgently: "Everyone, please be patient. There will be a terrible disaster in moving to Liaodong. This is the enemy of the Luo family and has nothing to do with the families. If all the families wither due to this, Luo Chen will I am really ashamed."

When the old man heard this, he laughed loudly and said: "Eldest son, there is a saying in "Historical Records of the Luo Family" - 'I have been with you for thousands of years, and I have been loyal to you for a long time. Today, I am willing to obey you!'

Our family has been favored by the Luo family for 270 years, and it is time to repay our kindness.

The eldest son said that he was an enemy of the Luo family, and my great-grandfather was the direct son of the Luo family. Can I be considered a Luo family?
I once heard that King Min of Qi self-immolated in the last years of the Qi Dynasty and said in his preface that he would not lose the blood of King Su nor the power of Taigong. The same is true for me. If the Luo family really has a big enemy, if I change my surname to Luo today to protect the Luo family from disasters, my ancestors will definitely not Will blame.

I am willing to move to Liaodong with the Luo family, take the Luo family as my clan, father and mother. "

After saying this, he kowtowed again. Dozens of people attended, knelt down like a tide, and kowtowed together. This scene was so shocking that it struck Luo Chen's heart, even better than the bells in the Luo Palace.

With this knock, the romantic and pampered life is gone.

With this knock, the life and death of the tribe will no longer be in their hands.

At this moment, I wonder if I will ever be able to return to the Central Plains again, wonder if I will ever be able to see my ancestors again and worship in front of their graves.

But they still chose to follow Luo without hesitation.

Because of his belief in Emperor Su, his parents sang those sacred songs and learned those hymns from an early age, which has become deeply ingrained.

Because he repaid Luo's great kindness, he lived in Zhaocheng with a pure mind and ignored all the disturbances, which created such a state of mind.

Luo Chen's kneeling body was trembling slightly. He slowly leaned forward and crawled in the palace. "You don't dare to say goodbye to me!"


A visitor passing through the Kingdom of Zhao sighed and said: "There are three people in Zhao. One is Su Wangtian, the other is Luo Shien, and the other is to strictly observe virtue. This is a country of true gentlemen." - "Shishuo Xinyu·De Xing"

(End of this chapter)

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