Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 753 The King of Wei has no reward and no title!

Chapter 753 The King of Wei has no reward and no title!
"If you wish to go to the king's house, please surrender to the King of Wei!"

"I only granted the title of Prince Yong to the Marquis of Fufeng, and added Han to the title of General of Zhendong."

Ma Chao handed over his sword high and Cao Cao took it with a solemn expression. For the sake of the world, he could bear the revenge of killing his son.

As soon as Ma Chao surrendered, he would have complete control of Sili!

The patches of Xiliang cavalry made Cao Cao extremely excited. They were nearly [-] cavalry!

With these cavalry, he could even have another battle with Yan in Youji, and even win.

In addition to the six counties of Guanzhong that belonged to Liangzhou, Cao Cao laughed loudly and said: "When King Qin swept across Liuhe, what land did he occupy?"

The sickly Guo Jia laughed loudly and said: "Report to your Majesty, when the Qin State swept across the Guandong countries, all it occupied was Guanzhong, Shuzhong, Hedong, Heluo, and Jingzhou."

Cao Cao laughed even more heartily and said with high spirits: "Now our Wei State has controlled Guanzhong, Sanhe, Jinan, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou, and its power is even greater than that of the Qin State of the past.

Peace in the world is just around the corner.

These grass-headed kings will be wiped out one by one, so that no one in the world dares to call himself emperor or king. "

The current state of Wei is simply like a flying dragon riding on its face!
Looking at the princes in the world, Guanzhong has been pacified, Liu Yan in Shuzhong is dead, Liu Zhang is just a defender, and Zhang Lu is a religious leader who is far inferior to the king of the Western Regions and is not useful.

Lu Bu sat guarding Bingzhou, with a small army and few generals. He only relied on his bravery. The Kingdom of Zhao was dead and Yuan Tan surrendered.

Although Lu Qiling did not follow Yuan Tan to Xuchang, but fled back to Bingzhou, Lu Bu no longer needed to be an enemy of the Wei State. After returning to Guandong, she promised Lu Bu a high official, a noble title, gold and silver, and the honor of a lord, which would be hereditary. You have the power to be called a general. At that time, how could Lu Bu not surrender?

The only ones that can still pose a threat to Wei are Wu, Yan and Liu Bei, but by that time, even if they unite, they will no longer pose a threat to Wei.

This is a true flying dragon riding on the face, even if you lose, it's hard to lose.

The ministers of Wei State stopped pretending and laughed loudly and said: "I would like to be attached to the king's tail and bring peace to the world!"

May all the generals of the Xiliang Army kneel on the ground, secretly rejoicing in their hearts that they surrendered early.

After Ma Chao surrendered, the King of the Western Regions scolded his mother directly: "Gou Ma Chao is simply a bitch in a brothel, a eunuch in the palace, and a lowly slave. He is worse than these!"

His whole body was numb. He had just formed an alliance with Ma Chao and led the army to attack Cao Cao together. Ma Chao turned around and sold him out.

The king of the Western Regions could only quickly lead his army back to Hexi, and then stick to it to prevent Cao Cao from invading. Fortunately, Cao Cao had just taken over Guanzhong and had no next plan.

But Cao Cao still sent a note to the king of the Western Regions: "How dare the lord of a small country peek into the land of the Han Dynasty? If you commit the first offense, you will not be held accountable. You will be a tribute to your majesty and forgive your crime. Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Cao Cao must capture the four counties in Hexi. There are good horse farms there, and they are the easiest to capture.

With the military horse farms in the four counties of Hexi and the threat from the west eliminated, Cao Cao was able to eliminate the wings of other princes step by step.

Cao Cao rested in Guanzhong for a while, and then returned to Guandong with Ma Chao and other Guanxi princes and nearly [-] Xiliang cavalry.

There is still a lot of government work that needs to be done in Guanzhong Xinde, and we must be careful and repeat it.

He left Xiahou Dun and Sima Yi, who had rich political experience, and a new generation of counselors and generals whom he was more optimistic about to sit in Chang'an.

Along the way from Guanzhong to Guandong, Cao Cao deliberately showed off his momentum, with endless banners and troops stretching for dozens of miles. His momentum, military appearance, and strength were unprecedented since the late Han Dynasty. of.

After Cao Cao passed Weihan, Nanyang Governor Zhao Hong led a large army to wait for him on his way back to Luoyang. Nanyang County had well-equipped soldiers, but the flags were waving and there were many soldiers standing there, which looked very majestic.

When Cao Cao appeared, Zhao Hong sent an envoy to ask for a visit to Cao Cao in person.

Cao Cao and Wei's counselors looked at each other and smiled, guessing that Zhao Hong wanted to take refuge. When Zhao Hong followed the envoy, he walked in step by step. When he looked up, he saw a man above him. He was full of heroism. If he didn't mention his short stature, , actually has a bit of the demeanor of the Heavenly Dao Master back then.

Zhao Hong was a little dazed for a moment, and couldn't help but miss the infinite grace of the Taiping Army following the Heavenly Dao Master.

If Taoist master were alive, how could there be so many things in this world?
Cao Cao looked at Zhao Hong, who was born in the Taiping Army, and thought of Guan Hai and others who had taken refuge in him. Unknowingly, there were so many generals under his command who were born in Qu Shuai of the Taiping Army.

These are all the heroes who were under Zhang Jiao's command back then.

Zhang Jiao!

When he thought of this person, even though his power was so huge, Cao Cao still felt a little chilly.

Zhao Hong's heart went through thousands of times, but it did not show up. He respectfully saluted Cao Cao and said: "Zhao Hong, the prefect of Nanyang in Han Dynasty, came to see the king's safety.

Zhao Hong deeply admires the king and is a hero in the world. He is willing to give up this title and become a pawn in the king's tent, holding a halberd and leading a horse. "

Cao Cao looked touched and quickly helped Zhao Hong up and said with emotion: "I once heard the sages say that those who have gained the Tao will have many help, but those who have lost the Tao will have few. Now that the prince of the government has come to join him, this must be the way for me to gain the Tao.

I feel so guilty.

I hope I can live up to your expectations. "

The importance of Nanyang is self-evident to the current Cao Wei forces.

It can be said that Nanyang is the last piece of the puzzle of Luoyang's eight passes. After Nanyang surrenders, Cao Cao does not need to move the capital of Wei to Yecheng, but can move directly to Luoyang.

Because all the passes around Luoyang are under his control.

Zhao Hong surrendered to Cao Cao not only because Cao Cao suddenly became powerful, but also because he had his sworn brothers within Cao Cao, who had been persuading him.

Zhao Hong originally wanted to wait until Cao Cao needed him, such as capturing Jingzhou, and then surrender in exchange for the greatest benefits. However, he did not expect that Cao Cao would be so fierce and directly pacified Guanzhong, so he had to surrender in advance.

Fortunately, Cao Cao understood it quite well.

Zhao Hong was still given enough face, so naturally, Zhao Hong wanted to transfer a lot of benefits.

Cao Cao and his advisers smiled at each other again, and with Nanyang in hand, he only needed to capture Hanzhong, force Shu to surrender, and then defeat Liu Bei, and the world would be at his fingertips.

As for the state of Wu.

Without Xuzhou and Huaisi, and secondly without Jingzhou and Nanyang, we would be trapped south of the Yangtze River.

When the north is unified, the war potential of the two sides is completely different, and Wu will be defeated!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a little proud. Sure enough, the fortune teller back then was right. The person standing in his way to conquer the world was Yuan Shao. As long as Yuan Shao died, the world would work together, and he would have spent everything he had to defeat him. .

Although Cao Cao has become the de facto leader of one party, he is still nominally the King of Han and Wei, and there is an emperor above him.

Naturally, he cannot act wantonly, at least he cannot leave any trace behind. For example, he cannot call himself me, but calls himself an orphan or a widower.

Otherwise, those historians would not save him face, and there would be no shortage of blasphemy.

No matter how incompetent, useless, or puppet Liu Xie is, he is still Cao Cao's lord. Cao Cao must respect him because of his position. …


Only people living here can feel the tremendous changes that have occurred here along with the changes in the political atmosphere.

This was once the political center of Cao Cao and the political center of Liu Xie's Han Dynasty. However, as Cao Cao gradually developed, the conflicts between the two sides gradually grew.

Finally, in that cold winter, Cao Cao carried out a great purge, and those officials who were loyal to the Han Dynasty either died or were exiled.

The Cao Cao group completely separated from the Han court and even moved the political center to Hebei, where it became a prison for the Han emperor.

Yuan Tan and other princes who lost power were also moved here to wait for their funeral.

Xuchang City, which had always been sleepy and without any vitality, was like thunder exploding today. The city gates all around were wide open, and a group of cavalrymen with flags on their backs rushed from outside the city.

All of them shouted loudly as they ran: "The King of Wei has won a great victory in Guanzhong! The King of Wei has won a great victory in Guanzhong!"

"The King of Wei has recovered Nanyang! The King of Wei has recovered Nanyang!"

This sudden sound immediately shocked the Han subjects who were wandering on the street.

"King Wei has achieved another great victory?"

This is the thought on almost everyone's mind.

"King Wei has achieved another great victory?"

In the palace, Liu Xie listened with a pale face as the envoy reported Cao Cao's achievements.

The more Cao Cao wins, the worse he loses.

One day, he will export the emperor's crown on his head.

He looked around, but he couldn't see his loyal ministers. Blood appeared in front of his eyes again. All his loyal ministers died in that cold winter.

He couldn't help but shudder.

He had suddenly woken up countless nights, surrounded by an endless sea of ​​blood.

Those loyal ministers who died unjustly, including their own concubines and the eunuchs serving around them, some were covered in blood, some had no heads on their necks, and some had holes in their chests, all of which were tragic in different ways.

They are all asking themselves, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, when will you revenge us and when will you clear our names?

We died unjustly, we are not rebels.

Liu Xie suddenly screamed and collapsed on the ground, waving his hands and shouting some inaudible words.

Xi Zhicai, who was running back with the soldiers all the way, frowned, stepped forward and asked rudely: "Your Majesty, is everything okay?"

After roaring three times in a row, Liu Xie came back to his senses from his hysteria, panted heavily, looked at Xi Zhicai and said, "What did you say about the wine sacrifice?"

Xi Zhicai cupped his hands and said proudly: "Your Majesty, King Wei defeated Ma Chao and recovered Guanzhong and Nanyang. The flag of the Han Dynasty has been re-established on these two lands, and the Han industry is about to prosper.

Isn't this the great achievement of the King of Wei who has surpassed the past and rebuilt the country?

If there is no reward, wouldn’t it chill the hearts of the loyal and righteous people in the world?
I came to report the good news, and brought the hope of the people in the world to know how your majesty will reward the king of Wei. "

To reward!
Liu Xie's hand clenched instantly, how else could he be rewarded?

Cao Cao is already the king of vassals, with no rewards and no titles. Do you still want to give up your position as emperor to him?
He forced himself to take a breath and said with a trembling voice: "I am not talented enough, but King Wei's contribution is so great that it is almost necessary to revive the Han Dynasty. Who can beat King Wei?
I don't know how to award a reward to express the great achievements of the King of Wei. If you are wise, can you give me some advice? "

A trace of disdain flashed in Xi Zhicai's eyes, and he knew that Liu Xie would definitely agree without even daring to resist.

There were so many holy kings in the Han Dynasty, how could such a useless person come out in the end? How could he be worthy of being the emperor of the world?
Only a hero like King Wei who aspires to the world is worthy of having thousands of miles of land.

Xi Zhicai took out a document from his sleeve. Shi Shiran walked up to Liu Xie, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, these are some of my thoughts. Please take a look at them."

Liu Xie shook his hand again, but he didn't expect that Cao Cao had already prepared a reward for him.

He took the document reluctantly, and when he unfolded it, his face became paler and paler.

Since ancient times, rewards have been nothing more than gold, silver, land, and titles. This is what Cao Cao wanted.

Cao Cao said that there was no reward and no title, but this was actually inaccurate. If the title was given by the ministers, then naturally no more rewards could be given, and the emperor should even start to kill Cao Cao.

But can Cao Cao still be considered a minister now?

Whoever has the final say will reward him with a minister like Cao Cao.

In the document, what Cao Cao wanted was very simple and difficult, but Liu Xie knew that he did not have the ability to refuse. If Liu Bei and other princes were not there now, Cao Cao would have directly made him give in.

He looked at the document and felt that he couldn't muster any strength. In the end, he could only wave his hands with a numb face and said: "Just follow your plan to reward King Wei, that's it."

Xi Zhicai laughed softly and said: "Your Majesty's generous reward will definitely inspire the loyal and upright people in the world. The King of Wei will definitely make great achievements again and contribute to the Han industry. Your Majesty will bow down and the world will be governed. It is really lucky."

Liu Xie felt that every word Xi Zhicai said was mocking him, but he really had nothing to say except anger.

After all, everything Xi Zhicai said was correct. He was congratulating himself as the emperor.

Xi Zhicai turned around and left the hall, looking at Xi Zhicai's back, which was stretched very long in the light, and Liu Xie almost collapsed on the ground.

He recalled every word in the imperial edict and felt his heart hurt.


The big man is really going to die.


Cao Cao is worthy of being a king, but he likes to lie and whitewash it, and does all the rebellious things. He is not as good as Shao, Chao, and Chu Cheng. His defeat of Yuan Shao was especially aided by the Han, and his defeat of Ma Chao and his submission to Zhao Hong were all his own fault, especially Decorated with loyalty, the emperor was cowardly and humiliated. At this point in Han's career, it is almost impossible to win. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Cao Cao"


The emperor used Ma Chao to overstep his bounds, so he vigorously launched a western expedition with loyalty. In the fourth month of the calendar, all the Xiliang generals and Ma Chao begged to surrender. Zhao Hong from Nanyang came and came with his crown. The emperor was very happy and often said: "The king of Wei has great merits and virtues. He has returned to the Han Dynasty several times. The ministers are incomparable, how can I reward them?" - "Book of Wei: The Chronicles of Emperor Wu"

(End of this chapter)

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