Chapter 75

Luo country.

Luo Yan received a letter from Qingji, "Father, Qingji is enthroned as Uncle Wu in Wu Kingdom, and sent a letter of alliance to Luo Kingdom."

"May King Haotian Su be with you, may you live forever, wish you good health.

Luohou, the crown prince said, depends on the officers and men to use their lives, and the people of the country support him. Qingji has already ascended the throne as the king of Wu.

Helu usurped the title of king in the capital of Wu, and built palaces that violated regulations. What kind of rebellious beast is this?
No wonder he would do evil things like killing the king and seizing the throne and oppressing the people of the country.

From now on, Qingji removed the royal title imposed by Helu's rebellious ministers, and still used the old title of Uncle Wu to guard the southeast.

Now that all the princesses in the world are declining and the royal family is in decline, is the dynasty established by King Wu and King Su going to lose their destiny?

So where will Zhu Ji go?
How can nobles with the Ji surname of Jin, Luo, and Wu exist between heaven and earth?

Gu is always worried, confused, and doesn't know the way forward, so he can only rely on his courage to fight Hanyang with the bloody Chu State who covets the artifact of the country. This is what Qingji can do.

After several years of studying in Luo Guoxue Palace, Qingji knew the essence of Luo's king's way in his heart. Ji's surname is a family member, and defending the royal family is what an orphan should do. "

After reading the letter, Luo Ci was a little silent. After a while, he said: "The letter is less than a hundred characters. I am afraid that Wu Guojun and his ministers will carefully consider every word before sending this letter."

Luo Yan looked calm, nodded and said: "I'm afraid it is, Qingji doesn't have such political wisdom, it should be done by the resourceful people of Wu."

Wu Guoxin first strongly condemned Helu's trespassing behavior, and then expressed his willingness to still guard the southeast with the title of Earl Wu.

This guardian vocabulary is wonderful.

Who is this guarding for?Of course the royal family!

Wu's development in the southeast was not for the purpose of expanding its territory, but for the great cause of the royal family.

After that, he mentioned Jin and Luo, the leaders among the princes surnamed Ji, and compared Wu with Jin and Luo, in order to improve his own value.

All the kingdoms of Xia knew that Luo was trying to maintain the authority of the Zhou royal family by uniting the other kingdoms. Qi and Jin were his most important allies.

Both Qi and Jin didn't want to be this ally, because they also had a little bit of covetousness towards the Zhou royal family, and then Luo attacked them severely.

In the past, Wu Guo could only be regarded as a younger brother, but now Wu Guo wants to join this alliance to protect the royal family and gain greater benefits from it.

So the letter specifically mentions the bloody battle between Wu and Chu in Hanyang, and also mentions that Chu is powerful and has always disrespected the royal family, so as to show its importance.

Luo Ci lay on the couch and looked at the gauze curtain on the bedroom. On it was a pattern of a phoenix taking off. This was Bang Zhou's totem, and it was also Luo's totem.

The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, descended to give birth to Shang!
Fengming Qishan, King of the Zhou Dynasty!
Does Phoenix still have a chance to sing Qishan again?

Luo Ci said softly: "Wu Guozun, get rid of the old customs of the barbarians, and return to the identity of the surname Ji, this is always good.

In recent years, the development trend of Qi country has gradually followed the footsteps of other countries. The princes and nobles in the country have grown bigger, and it is time to choose a new wing guard for the royal family. "

Luo Yan shook his head and said: "Wu Kingdom is born with shortcomings, if you want to defeat Chu Kingdom, if you have good soldiers and good generals, there is still hope for Chu Kingdom to make mistakes again.

But Chu State is a giant like a dragon and an elephant, and Wu State is a water snake in the river. The territory and population of the two sides are not equal. If you want to go upstream, it will be extremely difficult to annex Chu State.

What's more, behind the state of Chu is the blood alliance of the state of Qin. Qin state pursues the strategy of uniting Chu and Dingxi, so the state of Wu is at most the overlord of the southeast, and the protection of the royal family still depends on the strength of the states of Qi and Jin. "

If Luo Ci and Luo Yan knew that Qin and Chu had not only begun to stabilize Xirong and Nanman, but had even gradually included the Ba and Shu countries in the southwest into the scope of conquest, they might not believe Wu Guo can swallow elephants even more.

Luo Ci said helplessly: "Why don't I know what you said?

But the Qi State could no longer believe it. The Qing clans in the country fought with each other. They wanted to make contributions, so they encouraged Qi Gong to attack the few remaining countries around Qi State.

Qu State is destroyed, and there is Ju State, and Ju State is destroyed, where will Qi State focus?
In the past, Qi State formed an alliance because Luo State could bring benefits to Qi State. Now that the countries east of Luo State are gradually disappearing, where else can they give Qi State land?

In the state of Qi, there are five major clans vying for power. There is a clan of Shangqing, and there is a clan with lower status but strong power. They consume each other's troops.

Ten years ago, Qi State attacked Ju State. Under the betrayal of several other Qing clans, the entire An family's soldiers were wiped out. War became a tool for power and profit in the country. "

The successive early deaths of several monarchs of the Qi State caused the public office to be unable to control the powerful Qing clan, but it was impossible for the Luo family to bypass the monarch and communicate with the courtiers of the overhead monarch.

Although Rockwell has a flexible bottom line, Li's bottom line is insurmountable.

Seeing that Luo Yan understood, Luo Ci said: "Qi State is unstable, and the liquidation of the public clan in Jin State is still going on, so Wu State is needed now.

If the State of Wu can annex the State of Yue and spend several years integrating it, it should be able to drag the State of Chu to the south. Now is the time to make great efforts.

Reply to Qingji, asking the state of Wu to pay tribute to the emperor in the name of Ji Xiaozong, and the quality and quantity of the tribute should be higher.

Send people to Luoyi to ask the emperor to grant him the right to conquer the south of Huai River. "

Luo State is the pillar of the Zhou royal family. Although Zhou Tianzi often makes outrageous operations, Zhou Tianzi will never refuse Luo State's request.

Luo Ci thought for a while and said: "Now there are not many princes with the surname Ji, and even Zheng Guo and Yan Guo are marquises. It is reasonable for Wu Guo to become a marquis. Please ask the emperor to confer him a title, and send a grand team to Wu Guo, so that all Everyone in Wu knows about this."

Luo Yan's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Father, you are still hot!"

Just like his father once looked at him in disappointment, Luo Ci looked at Luo Yan with some disgust, "The children of the office are getting more and more mediocre.

Now there are many sages in the academy, and there are saints like Zhong Nigong who open up private schools and are widely discipled. When wisdom explodes, where will the Luo family go?

What to use to defend Bang Zhou's rule!
The ancestors said that there are shackles on Luo Shi's body, but how to untie the shackles?
Do you have an idea? "

Luo Yan was speechless, his ancestor's wisdom was beyond the reach of an ordinary person like him, if Duke Luo Wen came back to life, it would be more or less the same.

Luo Yan left his father's dormitory a little ashamed, and began to arrange for people to do what his father told him to do.

After receiving Luo Yan's letter, the monarchs and ministers of the Wu Kingdom all laughed, and Qingji even took Sun Wu's hand and said with a smile, "Master.

If you were not needed in the war with Chu and Yue, with your talents, you can not only be a general, but also the prime minister of Wu! "

Sun Tzu waved his hand and said, "My lord, you have praised me absurdly. It's just a coincidence."

In the state of Wu, the monarchs and ministers praised each other, and it was a scene of joy and harmony. Nearly a thousand envoys of the state of Wu left the capital of Wu. They brought a large number of treasures of the state of Wu, and the swords of beauties famous in the land of Wuyue to Luoyi to pay tribute to Zhou. emperor.

When Wu State was still on the road, Luo State's envoys had already arrived in Luoyi.

"The Son of Heaven who has been ordered by the heavens, may King Haotian bless Bangzhou and you, and may Bangzhou and you be safe and healthy for thousands of years!"

Luo Qingyi brought the news of Wu's upcoming tribute to Emperor Zhou, and at the same time told the title and power that Luo Ci hoped that Emperor Zhou would bestow.

Zhou Tianzi also understood very well, and said directly with a smile: "Luohou holds the country, and all the widows agree!"

The state of Wu paid tribute to the emperor of Zhou, and the emperor of Zhou conferred the title of marquis of the state of Wu on the grounds that the princes surnamed Ji were noble, guarding the southeast, and gave him the right to conquer.

This is almost acknowledging the status of the overlord in the southeast of the Wu Kingdom, and the Yue Kingdom can be squeezed and flattened by you, and the royal family and the princes of the Central Plains don't care about him.

This caused quite a stir in the world. In the eyes of many people, the royal family of Zhou and the State of Luo promoted an earl to marquis on the grounds of Ji's surname blood relationship, and also gave the district the power of Fang Bo.

This is to announce to the world that the princes surnamed Ji are still guarding the royal family, and Bang Zhou's destiny has not declined.

For a while, the Qing clan among the nations also restrained a little.


Gao Zu bought wine in the East Palace of Luoyang.

Gaozu said: In the Spring and Autumn Period, Qin and Chu were a country of ten thousand vehicles, thousands of miles of fertile land, with millions of armour, the Zhou family declined, the territory was only three hundred, and the population was less than one hundred thousand. Why did Zhou rule the world and Qin and Chu were fenced off?
The ministers said to each other: the destiny is in Zhou!
Gao Zu said: No!

Zhou Wang ruled the world, including Jin, Yiluo, Wu, and Qi. All of them were relatives with the surname of Ji and noble relatives for many generations.

At the time of Jin Fen, Luo Decline, Wu Mie, and Qi Change, the Zhou family panicked and died!
The ministers looked at each other and said nothing. ——"Historical Records: The Chronicles of Gaozu"

 There are still ~ in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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