Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 744 The survival of Zhao State depends on me!

Chapter 744 The survival of Zhao State depends on me!
When the cold winter passed, the never-ending war accelerated again.

Qingzhou is the bridgehead for attacking from the south to the north.

According to Qingxu, it is a smooth road to attack Henan. It is also a smooth road to cross the Yellow River from Qingzhou, attack the Bohai Sea, and attack southern Hebei.

In Chu Wangfu.

Liu Bei looked at the map of the Thirteen Prefectures of the Han Dynasty standing solemnly, Luo Qi coughed and said: "Your Majesty.

Our army should now attack the Bohai Sea, and then turn westward, unite with Zhao State, and attack Wei County established by Cao Cao in Hebei Province.

Then he went all the way west to attack Hanoi and other places, causing Cao Cao to fully retreat to Henan.

The next day, our army marched north again, surrendered the State of Zhao, fought with the State of Yan, and completely occupied Youji Qingxu. Such a great undertaking can be accomplished.

The only thing we need now is to wait for the grain and grass to be harvested. Qingzhou has been hit by a locust plague this year, and the harvest is not as good as in previous years. We have to wait first, but the world situation changes three times a day, and things can easily happen if we wait. "

Liu Bei frowned and then relaxed his brows, his expression was very tangled, he pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "Food is the foundation of a soldier and a people.

We can't use up all the food stored in people's homes. If there is another natural disaster, it will be over. Let's wait until next year's harvest. "

Luo Qi was not surprised at all by Liu Bei's choice. Queen Chu walked in from outside, holding Liu Bei's eldest son in her hand, Liu Bei smiled and waved.

After Luo Qi saluted, he walked out of the palace, got on the carriage, turned around, glanced at the Prince of Chu's palace, and said secretly: "Next year, I hope the trip can be made next year."



Zhao State, which only has three counties left, is naturally extremely weak compared to Yan State and Wei State, but if it is said to be in decline, it is not the case. Even the caravans coming and going from there are quite prosperous.

Handan has been a prosperous place since ancient times, one of the important places in southern Hebei, and it is no exception now.

A group of courtiers hurriedly walked out of the palace of King Zhao. The moment they walked out of the palace, Jushou and Xunchen both leaned towards Luo Yan. Jushou frowned and said softly: "Mr. Ziyan, there seems to be something wrong in the palace today. There is a conflict between the Queen Mother and the Great King." There is a rift."

Xun Chen looked around, and then whispered: "The Queen Mother has always wanted the third son of the late king to succeed her, and that is her most beloved son."

There was no expression on Luo Yan's face. There would never be a shortage of battles for the throne. Choosing a successor was always the most difficult issue.

This choice doesn't even have to do with whether one is an outstanding person or not.

Yuan Shao did not abolish the elders and establish younger ones, and Lu Bu played a big role in this.

Luo Yan said calmly: "Whoever is a king pays attention to fairness.

Fairness in people's hearts.

Since ancient times, it has been the principle to establish direct descendants and elders, because this is the fairest, will not cause riots, and will not cause other people to have other thoughts.

Since ancient times, there have been many things to establish virtuous people. The direct eldest son is incompetent, but the other son is capable.

But what are the achievements of the third son?
Is there an inch of land in Zhao State that was conquered by the three sons?
Is there anything in the State of Zhao that was accomplished by the three sons?
Can the three sons handle the current crisis in Zhao State?
The Queen Mother has no talent for governing the country and cannot be involved in major national affairs.

Do you two know? "

Ju Shou and Xun Chen looked at each other and knew that Luo Yan was telling them not to pay attention to the Queen Mother's solicitation, so they raised their hands at the same time and said, "I understand."

Seeing this, Luo Yan said again: "I will find time for my wife to go into the palace to persuade the Queen Mother. In the autumn of life and death, there must be no chaos."

The three of them were about to leave when suddenly an official from the Prime Minister's Mansion rushed towards where the three of them were. After seeing Luo Yan and others, they rushed over and said loudly: "Prime Minister, there is a battle report from the front line."

Battle report!

This word almost instantly ignited everyone in front of the palace gate, and immediately a crowd of high-ranking and powerful figures from the Zhao Kingdom crowded around.

The fiery eyes frightened the officials of the prime minister's office. They quickly took out the letter and handed it to Luo Yan. Luo Yan unfolded it and took a quick look, gritted her teeth and said, "Wei is attacking Ye!"

There was silence everywhere, and a deep chill arose in everyone's hearts.

The most powerful prince in the world today—King Cao Cao of Wei!
Luo Yan, who had just walked out of the Zhao Palace, said loudly: "Enter the palace to discuss important matters!"

A group of ministers returned to the palace again. Yuan Tan was a little stunned. He didn't know why these ministers were back?

Then he learned the news that Cao Cao was coming to attack, and fear suddenly struck his heart.

Yuan Tan asked anxiously: "Prime Minister, why did Cao Cao suddenly attack? Didn't he sign an alliance with our country?"

Isn't he worried about the loss of strength to make a wedding dress for Yan State?

Does he have the confidence to defeat our country, Zhao? "

Luo Yan and others were also thinking about this issue, and the more they thought about it, the more horrified they felt. Zhao's counselors all looked at each other, knowing that they were thinking of something.



Time went back to a month ago, and news of a locust plague in Qingzhou spread to Wei State. Cao Cao's top advisers seized the opportunity almost instantly.

A narrow window!
“The State of Yan occupies the land in northern Hebei, but it has not been truly integrated into the tax collection system and cannot play a role for the time being.

It has been extremely cold in Youzhou and Liaodong this year. Heavy snowstorms have killed livestock and crops have failed. Now the Yan Kingdom is struggling to survive, and it will not be able to go south in a year or two.

Nowadays, Qingzhou is suffering from a locust plague and the grain harvest is poor. Liu Bei is unable to defend his territory and cannot make progress.

The chaos in the grassland is getting worse. Lu Bu has been going to Jiuyuan since last year, and it is impossible to return to Xiang to help Zhao.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our country, Wei.

Take Handan directly and capture the State of Zhao. "

Xun You and others eloquently analyzed Wei's probability of victory.

Cao Cao was dressed in the attire of a prince and king, with a smile on his face. If he could capture Jizhou, the world would not necessarily be surnamed Cao!


Yuan Tan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar listening to the analysis of Luo Yan and others.

The State of Zhao unexpectedly fell into such a life-and-death moment. After several times in the world, there was no one who could form an alliance to fight against Cao Cao.


Listening to Yuan Tan once again asking what to do, Luo Yan was a little helpless. The son was unworthy of his father. At this moment, he still asked what to do.

He stood up directly and said proudly: "Of course we have to fight, and only by fighting for peace can peace be achieved.

Shen Zhengnan and Qu Zheng are guarding Yecheng. As long as they provide food and grass, it is not that easy for Cao Jun to break the city!
Stay for one year, two years, or even three years.

Wait until the King of Chu and others recover, and someone will naturally come to rescue our Zhao country from this critical situation!

There has never been a war that must be won or lost in this world. If our Zhao State can take this opportunity to regain Wei County and Hanoi County, how can we know that our Zhao State will never rise again in this world? "

Surrender without a fight is not in Luo's dictionary. How can you respect me without a fight to show you my fists and my backbone?
Luo Yan's words were full of power.

Especially in today's Zhao Kingdom, which is always under tremendous pressure and seems to be about to perish.

His words were so resounding and full of heroic ambition that refused to admit defeat.


In the Wei State's plan, Wei County and Hanoi County were the bridgeheads for attacking Zhao State. As early as when Cao Cao established the Duke of Wei, he began to build a war base.

A large number of field soldiers and war soldiers have always been stationed here, occupying almost half of the entire Wei State, and is the largest war zone in the Wei State.

This is why after learning about the locust plague in Qingzhou, Cao Cao was able to launch [-] infantry and cavalry to attack Yecheng in just one month!
If we really prepare from scratch to launch a war that can support [-] infantry and cavalry, the preparation time alone will take at least a year!
The menacing Wei army had a Chinese-character flag hoisted high and a Wei-character flag hoisted high. The two flags were about the same height, which fully demonstrated Cao Cao's current status.

The large army gathered from Wei County and Hanoi County came to the important place in Hebei, under Yecheng!

On top of the city, Shenpei and Qu Yi looked at the endless army, their hearts filled with a heavy feeling.

Qu Yi said bitterly: "If Xian Deng is still there, what should I fear?"

It’s not that Xian Deng cannot be trained. If there is Qu Yi, Xian Deng will be there.

But training soldiers like this requires a lot of resources, and those are all off-duty soldiers.

At the peak of Zhao State, even though a lot of resources were spent on building cavalry, there were still a total of [-] cavalrymen.

But now Zhao State has only two thousand Xiandeng left, which is already the share Luo Yan tried his best to squeeze out for Qu Yi.

Shen Pei rubbed the scratches on the city wall bricks. How many wars has this ancient city experienced?
What are the endings and choices of those who guard this city?
Shen Pei is not very familiar with history books, he doesn't know, but he knows his choice!

Along with the sound of footsteps, a messenger hurriedly arrived, "General Qu, Prefect Shen, this is a letter sent from Handan by the Prime Minister."

The two opened the letter and read it. Luo Yan's handwriting was a bit heavy. It can be imagined that he must have been in a heavy mood when he wrote it, "Zhengnan, Zhengze, and all the men of Hebei, you two are the most talented generals and have the most loyal hearts." .

I am relieved that Yecheng is in the hands of you two, and your Majesty is equally relieved.

The survival of Ye City is related to the State of Zhao, so be careful.

I will recruit soldiers in Handan, collect grain, grass and military supplies, and there will be no shortage of follow-up support.

When the army is collected, I will personally lead the army to support Yecheng. We must hold on. "

Shen Pei and Qu Yi felt reassured. With Luo Yan here, at least they would not be trapped in a situation where they were fighting alone.

How many fortified cities have fallen since ancient times not because they could not hold on, but because of political problems?
However, the judge automatically ignored one problem, that is, Yecheng was not really a fortified city.

To put it bluntly, there are almost no unassailable fortified cities in Jizhou.

Since ancient times, fortified cities have been built on mountains and rivers. Without natural mountains and rivers, even a well-defended city like Luoyang would be impossible to defend.

Shen Pei looked back at Cao Jun and laughed loudly: "Let Cao Cao see how powerful I, Zhao Guoerlang, am."

Cao Yingzhong.

Cao Cao sat at the top, flanked by Wei generals and think tanks.

Xun You spoke first: "Your Majesty.

Now that our army's food and grass are in place, the food and grass stored in Wei County is enough for the army to attack continuously for at least one year. "

This is the advantage of having Wei County and Hanoi County.

Wei's attack on Yecheng was not even an expedition, because Yecheng was right on the border of Wei. From the time the army set out, it only took a few days for the troops to reach the city, so close.

The usual tactic used by the city defenders to wait quietly and then retreat automatically when the enemy's food and grass are exhausted is of no use in front of the current Wei army.

Can't finish it, can't finish it at all.

Cao Cao said with a relaxed smile: "Our army is strong, so we will attack the city first to frighten Zhao's army, and then persuade him to surrender.

Those who understand the current affairs in the world are considered to be heroes. Presumably the celebrities in Hebei and others should know what the general trend is and they will definitely switch sides and surrender.

If Yecheng can be obtained without any effort, the fall of Zhao will not be far away. "

What Cao Cao is thinking about now is to capture Zhao without causing too many casualties.He felt he could do it.

Today's Zhao State, Yuan Shao is dead, is like a piece of loose sand in Cao Cao's eyes.

The State of Zhao had only been established for a few years, and its subjects did not have a strong sense of belonging to the State of Zhao, and the ministers could not be so loyal to Yuan Shao's son.

After all, Cao Cao asked himself, if he died now, could Wei maintain its current situation?

After all, it won't work.

Even if his son has outstanding abilities, let alone continuing to develop, even if he can control these ministers in the country, it is quite remarkable.

Now that the situation of Zhao State is over, with no strong allies outside and no mountains and rivers to block it inside, it is impossible to stop Wei State's attack.

At Cao Cao's order, the Wei army carried a large number of siege equipment and began to attack. The large number of Mohist children captured from Yuan Shu played a huge role in the initial attack on Yuan Shu.

They improved trebuchets and crossbows, as well as battering rams and defensive weapons for defending the city, which caused a lot of trouble for Shenpei and Qu Yi.

However, as the siege party, Cao Cao's losses were still far greater than those of Zhao Jun. Especially the cannon fodder troops who were responsible for consuming arrows and arrows in the city during the feint attack suffered even more heavy casualties.

The war continued day by day, and the news of the war between Wei and Zhao spread to all countries as if it had wings.


Cao Cao's brazen attack on Zhao shocked almost everyone. He was not even willing to find a reason, but went to war directly!
Just tell everyone openly that I want to annex Zhao State. This kind of behavior is really too arrogant!
Wu State was busy sorting out internal disputes, integrating internal divisions, and quelling the rebellions of Shanyue and southwestern Yi from time to time, and was unable to take care of him.

The most anxious one is Liu Bei. He is also planning to attack Bohai next year, and then attack Cao Cao's Hebei. Unexpectedly, Cao Cao actually strikes first.

In this way, I am afraid that Cao Cao will invade Bohai County in turn, and then attack Chu from Jizhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou at the same time!

After some urgent discussions, Liu Bei decided to negotiate an alliance with Zhao.

Handan City.

Luo Yan repeated Liu Bei's opinions to Yuan Tan, "Your Majesty, the conditions given by the King of Chu are that Chu will send troops and Zhao will provide food. Chu can attack Wei, causing Wei to fall into a two-front war situation and then retreat. .”

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

As soon as Luo Yan finished speaking, this idiom suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

There are such similar things in this world, which makes everyone in the palace feel quite strange.

Luo Yan saw that Yuan Tan was distracted, so she asked again. Yuan Tan came back to his senses and said quickly: "I agree, as long as the King of Chu is willing to send troops, it's just food and grass, I am willing."

Luo Yan said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, you must think carefully. Cao Cao is not a good person, and neither is Liu Bei. In his heart, he wishes for the death of our country, Zhao."

Yuan Tan sighed when he heard this, and someone in the hall opened his mouth to say something.

If Liu Bei is provided with food and grass again, Zhao will really be completely empty this time. This time he defeated the Wei army, but what about next time?

Whether it is the Yan army, the Wei army, or the Chu army, I am afraid that Zhao will not be able to resist it.

But finally shut up.

This is really not a multiple-choice question. Anyone who comes has one and only one choice, and that is to agree.

Especially when the battle reports coming from Yecheng were not very good.


"The State of Chu and the State of Zhao have reached an agreement? Are they going to attack our State of Wei together?"

When Cao Cao received this battle report, he was a little unbelievable. The reason why he attacked Zhao was because Chu did not have the ability to attack.

Cao Cao said with some disdain: "The State of Zhao wants to provide food and grass to the State of Chu?
How much food and grass can be provided in the three counties of Zhao State?
I'm afraid that before Chu State enters the battlefield, Zhao State will be dry and can no longer fight. It is simply seeking the skin of a tiger. "

Xun You muttered: "Your Majesty, I think that the State of Zhao may have stored granaries before. Otherwise, although the three counties of the State of Zhao are mostly fertile lands, it will still be insufficient to supply the armies of the two countries.

However, even if there is food in reserve, I think that the Chu State may have sent a partial army as a harassment, and it is impossible for the entire army to really come out. "

After hearing this, Guo Jia frowned and said: "Your Majesty, I feel that you must be careful in everything and do not overestimate anything.

Now that Chu may enter the war, it must be viewed as the greatest threat.

I think more troops should be dispatched to the battlefield in Hebei.

Zhao must die!
No one can save him! "

Cao Cao paced for a few weeks, then made up his mind and said: "I will immediately mobilize the troops from other theaters to come, but what should I do with the princes who are defending in those areas?"

Dong Zhao went out and said: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go as an envoy to other countries to make the kings form an alliance with your Majesty."


Cao Cao looked at Dong Zhao, who rarely spoke. He was noncommittal about Dong Zhao's character, but he had no doubt about Dong Zhao's talent. "Does Dong Qing need something?"

Dong Zhao smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, I have a sharp tongue. All I need now is an imperial edict from Your Majesty."

The Han emperor who was trapped in the Xuchang Palace, after experiencing the bloody Xuchang, has now completely become a decoration.

But he is also one of the two emperors today, and he is the only emperor recognized by most princes.

Not the emperor of Yan who entertained himself.

Dong Zhao now wants an imperial edict from him, which is reasonable.

Dong Zhao left Wei after receiving Cao Cao's approval.

Looking at Dong Zhao's leaving figure, everyone present suddenly realized that in this chaotic and troubled world, it was once again an era of arrogant politicians.

That era when the princes were afraid when they were angry, and the world was quiet when they lived in peace.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Bangzhou's Spring and Autumn and Warring States era, before a force strong enough to fight the world emerges, winning allies is the key to continuous victory.


While Liu Bei was preparing for war, Cao Cao launched a fierce attack on Yecheng. It was different from the previous slow and slow attack, but an attack that did not care about the cost.

Today, Cao Cao has Yanzhou and Yuzhou, two fertile lands second only to Jizhou. After the surrender of the Hedong governor, he has the complete Three Rivers. His strength and population are unparalleled in the world.

He and Zhao Guo were playing tricks, and Zhao Guo couldn't handle it at all.

Shen Pei and Qu Yi were both numb. Even if they beat the casualties five to one, what would be the use?

The Wei army is too numerous!

More than five times?
The reinforcements from Handan were blocked outside the city and could not enter at all. They could only temporarily find terrain suitable for defense to build a camp.

The gap in hard power between the three states and the three counties is really huge!
At present, Yecheng's only hope is the Chu army!
Where are the Chu troops?


The Chu army is waiting.

In fact, after receiving the first batch of grain and grass, the Chu army set off under the leadership of Guan Yu, and then Guan Yu waited temporarily according to Liu Bei's instructions.

Waiting for the Wei army's casualties to become greater, the food and grass to be reduced, and the strength to be weaker.

Waiting for the Wei army's momentum to gradually decline from the peak of the sky, that is the best time to go to war.

Liu Bei's choice was correct. He was an excellent commander. Although he could only command no more than 1 people, he was very good at seizing the opportunity.

But every moment the Chu army waited meant that the city of Ye was in turmoil, increasing the risk of breaking the city.


In the city of Handan.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei have been greeted countless times, especially Liu Bei, who took food and grass without doing anything, which made people hate him.

What should we do now?
Yuan Tan was already a little helpless, Luo Yan stood up and looked at everyone and said: "Liu Bei will send troops, but it must be when he sees that Cao Cao has been injured by our army.

He came here to help us, not to fight against Cao Cao for our Zhao country.

He will only add the icing on the cake, not help when the time is right.

If everyone relies on Liu Bei, our country, Zhao, will surely be destroyed.

In the current situation, I will lead the last army of Zhao State to Yecheng to support, and cooperate with General Qu internally and externally. We may be able to repel the Wei army or even defeat the Wei army. "

As for Chu Jun.

They will definitely take action, but no one knows when they will take action.


Luo Yan led the last army of Zhao State to leave Handan and headed straight for Yecheng, but just halfway out, he met Qu Yi!

If Luo Yan was struck by lightning, Tian Feng, Jushou and others who came with Luo Yan were immediately stunned.

Luo Yan rushed forward. Without waiting to ask, Qu Yi cried directly: "Prime Minister, the gates of Yecheng were opened by traitors. Beizi and Shen Zhengnan lost contact. The Wei army entered the city. Beiji could only lead the troops to climb first. The battalion breaks out and rushes to Handan to make plans."

Yecheng is lost!

Luo Yan came to her senses and immediately said urgently: "General Qu, are you willing to follow the truth and kill him back?"

Qu Yi immediately said: "Of course I am willing. Qu Yi is definitely not a greedy person who is afraid of life. Xianden is still here, and Qu Yi is willing to be a pioneer!"

Luo Yan said loudly: "Okay, now that Yecheng has just fallen, we still have a chance to take it back, so let's go now!"


Outside Yecheng, Shen Pei said the words in front of Cao Cao that would make him famous throughout the ages.

This sentence is full of pride and loyalty.

This sentence is one of the highest moral values ​​that people have diligently pursued for thousands of years.

This sentence made people like Cao Cao unable to help but respect Shen Pei. He thought of Xun Yu and was unwilling to live in Wei. He thought of Guan Yu and was unwilling to join his army.

Do I have such people under my command?


Shen Pei, whose courtesy name is Zhengnan, is a famous scholar in Hebei Province. He is the leader of Shao Province in Hebei Province. He is called Yuan Chen. His character is upright and upright, and everyone at the time is in awe of him. He serves as the second deputy of Yan, and Yan respects him very much. Ye, the emperor defeated Ye, captured his wife, and wanted to subdue him.

Equipped with iron bones, he said: "I don't care about the two masters. I am loyal to you. I will be born as a minister of the Yuan family and die as a ghost of the Yuan family. Please die."

The emperor respected him and thought he was a strong man. He asked him his wish, and he said, "My lord is in the north. You cannot let me die facing south."

His words were like thunder, worthy of death. The emperor said with emotion: "Of the many famous people in Hebei, who can judge Zhengnan? If I am able to judge Zhengnan, I will definitely entrust him to the public minister." - "Book of Wei, Biography of Luo Ju and Xun Shen Tian"

(End of this chapter)

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