Chapter 734 is all about Super God!
Yuan Shao could not have imagined Yan's sudden betrayal of the alliance!
Not only Yuan Shao, but also the ministers of Zhao State did not understand why Yan State suddenly did this.

Lieutenant Yuan Shao was stunned and handed the letter to Luo Yan. Luo Yan only read it hastily and said in shock: "Is Emperor Yan crazy?
How can Jizhou be captured so easily?

Didn't Yan and Zhao sign a non-aggression treaty because they were helpless and unable to invade each other's homeland?

How did he..."


All Zhao Guo's counselors had the same idea.

If it weren't for this reason, how could they all go out in full force, leaving only a few troops to guard Youji!

Do you really think they will believe what the Yan people say?
Only the interests of both sides losing in war can convince them.

But I never expected it!
The benefits actually expire one day.

Yuan Shao's heavy voice sounded slowly, "There is only one reason, and that is that the reason why Yan State signed the alliance is different from what we thought.

What the hell are they thinking? "

If Yan Lin were here, he would definitely say, you are thinking too much. I signed the alliance just to keep my throne. I didn't think much about it at all.

What's the point of thinking about this now?

Everyone turned their attention to Yuan Shao and said in unison: "Your Majesty!"

What should we do now?
Yuan Shao strode out of the camp and looked at the blue sky. A burst of anger radiated from the inside out of his heart suddenly burst out, "Is this God trying to destroy me, Yuan Shao?"

All the ministers of Zhao State followed Yuan Shao, and after hearing this, they all remained silent. Only Luo Yan stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, you have experienced hardships and hardships. This is just another difficulty that you will overcome.

Just like you have done countless times. "

Yuan Shao slowly opened his arms and closed his eyes slightly and said: "I, Yuan Shao, have encountered countless difficulties, which are more dangerous than now. I don't know how many times, which one can defeat me?
Same thing this time!
That thief Yanlin, does he think I will succumb to him?
Did Cao Cao and Liu Bei think I would surrender and admit defeat?
Even if I, Yuan Shao, die, I will die standing! "

Yuan Shao's tone was sonorous and powerful, once again filled with the sound of gold and stone. As soon as they heard Yuan Shao's voice, everyone felt much more at ease.

Yuan Shao turned around and faced the Zhao officials and said: "The Yan thieves raided Youji, Youzhou fell, and Jizhou's defenders are insufficient. We need to bring back some of the troops. Those who can take on this important task..."

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Yan. As the only minister in the Yan Kingdom who left town, he was naturally the only one to do the task of leading troops back to Jizhou.

"Ziyan, you lead [-] cavalry and [-] infantry back to Yecheng and arrange the defense of Jizhou. You must protect the country of Zhao, Sheji.

In the future, we will continue to send troops to support you. "


Luo Yan cupped her fists and said in a deep voice: "I obey the decree and will definitely live up to the King's decree."

Forty thousand infantry and cavalry were taken away in one fell swoop, and the frontal battlefield was suddenly empty.

The pressure he had to bear was great, Luo Yan asked worriedly.

Yuan Shao waved his hand and said: "With Lu Fengxian here, our army and the Han army are still in a [-]-[-] split, so don't worry.

Our army's previous advantages are sufficient. "

But everyone knows where there is any advantage. Taishan's Qingzhou Army has been destroyed. Once attacked from both front and back, they will clearly be at a disadvantage.

Yuan Shao continued: "I personally stayed in Guandu to block the coalition forces of Cao and Liu. At this life-and-death opportunity, all the ministers should take heart."


Naturally, Cao Cao and Liu Bei were not aware of what happened in Jizhou for the time being. Luo Yan left quietly. What he took away were basically soldiers. Among hundreds of thousands of people, these soldiers were not obvious at all.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei were in extreme tension, constantly patrolling the camp, worried that Yuan Shao would attack the camp.

Yuan Shao followed the plans of his counselors and planned an empty city strategy, constantly attacking the camp and provoking. Naturally, Cao and Liu tried their best not to fight, but they did not know that they fell into Yuan Shao's plan.

Facing Yuan Shao's provocation, Cao Cao felt that he was going to be in trouble. The only thing that could comfort him was that the princes really responded to him.

More than [-] soldiers will enter the battlefield in the Central Plains.

Such a large number of troops will completely change the situation on this battlefield, and all that needs to be done now is to stabilize. He can even comfort Liu Bei: "Xuande, don't be anxious. The day when our Han princes arrive, it will be the day of Yuan Shao's death." .”

Liu Bei was very anxious in his heart. Every minute and every second of the confrontation was eroding the prestige of the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao was probably eager to lose some prestige, because it seemed that the Han Dynasty was almost useless to him, but Liu Bei could not allow it. ah.

But Cao Cao was already stronger in the field, and the princes who came to help came only after receiving orders from Cao Cao in the name of the imperial court. This made Liu Bei anxious in vain.

When Liu Bei recounted these depressing things, Luo Qi said calmly: "This is what comes naturally from high and low positions. Unless, my lord, you become the king. Only by becoming the king can you build a country on your own and have your own official office." You can fully communicate your will to the princes."


Liu Bei was directly frightened by Luo Qi's words, "Yuan Shao became king and was attacked by a group of people. How could I..."

Halfway through the words, he suddenly stopped. Yuan Shao's surname was Yuan, and my surname was Liu. The Later Han Dynasty did not have the classic feudal system of the Early Han Dynasty. It was stipulated that only close relatives could become princes and kings.

His eyes lit up and he looked at Luo Qi, but he didn't expect Luo Qi to rub his eyebrows and say: "My lord, it's not possible yet. It's not the right time yet. We have to wait for another big change in the court. By that time, This is our chance.”

Hearing what Luo Qi said, Liu Bei could only put down this sudden thought and asked instead: "Ziqi, when do you think our army can attack Yuan Shao's army?"

Luo Qi said with some doubts on his face: "Taishan County is completely under our control. The food and grass from Qingzhou to Guandu is much less. According to Yuan Shaojun, there should be a shortage of food and grass, but they are so unhurried. , seems to want to consume food and grass with us, which is really strange."

When Luo Qi said this, Liu Ye suddenly felt something getting into his mind. He was an extremely quick-witted person, and countless pictures flashed through his mind.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and said: "Lord.

there is only one truth!
When there is not much food and grass, there are only two reasons. One is that he has other food channels, and the other is that he does not have so many people to eat food. "

Luo Qi said categorically: "Another grain road is absolutely impossible!

This is Henan, and there are only a few roads that deliver food from Hebei to Henan. I, Luo, have been on the bank of the river for a long time, and I am very familiar with the terrain here. There is absolutely no way that I don't know about the trails! "

Everyone completely trusted Luo Qi's words. Since Luo Qi said so, the reason can only be the second one.

There aren’t that many people eating food!

Liu Bei said with some confusion: "But we have seen Yuan's army with our own eyes, and you have all seen it with your own eyes these days. How can this be faked?"

Luo Qi suddenly realized something!
He suddenly exclaimed: "My lord, since Lu Bu came that day, have our army fought against Yuan's entire army?"

Liu Bei said matter-of-factly: "Of course there is no such thing. Yuan Shao's army is strong. If our army fights with him, wouldn't we be asking for trouble?" As he spoke, he realized that since there has never been a whole-army battle, at most it is just one battle. How do you know the number of Yuan Shao's troops in a battle between different divisions?

Luo Qi stood up suddenly, excitement flashed across his face, and he muttered something that even shocked everyone.

After thinking for a while, Luo Qi said excitedly: "My lord, Yuan Shao must have a plan, and it is a very crucial plan.

If this plan can be foiled, it may be the key to defeating Yuan Shao. "

Naturally, everyone did not expect that Yan State suddenly changed its strategic thinking and attacked Yuan Shao's rear, forcing Yuan Shao to withdraw part of his army.


"I can't hide it anymore."

Yuan Shao and his ministers slowly said, "There is no airtight wall in this world. Among the people intercepted and killed in these days, there were even envoys from the Yan State. This shows that after the Yan State's attack on Jizhou was blocked, it was preparing to pass the news to the Han army. Make our army vulnerable to enemies from both sides."

Ju Shou and others gave Yuan Shao advice, but in a desperate situation, only victory can actually relieve this situation.

Xu You's status in Yuan Shao's army is not low, and he has a good relationship with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others.

However, because Luo Yan didn't like him very much, he gradually became marginalized.

At this moment, he finally felt that his opportunity had come, and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you make peace with Cao Cao first, drag Cao Cao and Liu Bei here, and wait until the affairs of the Yan Kingdom are dealt with before we argue."

Yuan Shao was curious.

Xu You then twisted his beard and smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the reason why our army is confronting Cao Cao and Liu Bei is because the Emperor of Yan forced him to become king, which violated the white horse oath that he would not be king unless he was Liu.

If you are willing to give up your royal title and recognize your status as Emperor of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao and Liu Bei will lose their righteousness in attacking you. "

Tian Feng couldn't listen anymore and shouted angrily: "Xu Ziyuan, what are you talking about?
How could the king bow to Liu Xie?

Besides, how could Cao Cao and Liu Bei give up the conquest just because the king bowed his head? This is simply ridiculous! "

Jushou and others did not speak, but it could be seen from the expressions on their faces that they had the same idea as Tian Feng.

But Xu You didn't think so, and he even said plausibly: "Cao Cao and Liu Bei are similar in appearance but different in spirit!
This is the best opportunity the king can take advantage of.

Liu Bei is a clan member of the Han Dynasty and takes the prosperity of the Han Dynasty as his own responsibility. What he wants is to put an end to the dangers of princes claiming the title of king as soon as possible, if the king is willing to take the title of king.

He definitely wants it!
Haven't you ever read the story of Luo Wengong and Chu Wugong?

When Duke Wu of Chu overstated his claim to be king, Duke Luo Wen finally allowed him to deprive himself of the title of king, thus ending the war with Chu.

Let history serve as a guide, now is the time! "

Xun Chen was about to think about how the king could agree if Liu Xie hated him so much. Then he suddenly realized that Yuan Shao had not interrupted Xu You. He quickly looked at Yuan Shao and saw Yuan Shao thinking.

Yuan Shao saw everyone looking at him, so he smiled and said: "I used to hate Liu Xie very much, but a man is born between heaven and earth, and he must be able to bend and stretch. It doesn't matter if I suffer some grievances. As long as I can achieve great things in the end, then everything will be fine." All worth it.

But the crux of the question is, can this provoke confrontation with Cao Cao and Liu Bei?
Both of them are rare heroes in the world. "

Yuan Shao believed that he would never fall into this strategy, so he felt that although Cao Cao and Liu Bei were inferior to him, they should also not fall into this strategy.

Everyone thought about it and couldn't come to a conclusion, so they could only shake their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

When Yuan Shao saw this, he said slowly: "Dang Duan has been constantly subjected to chaos. Now that we are in such chaos, we must give it a try.

A moment can be delayed.

When Cao Cao and Liu Bei react, they may attack our army fiercely. After resistance, they will send the letter to the two armies. "

When Xu You saw Yuan Shao adopting his opinion, he felt proud and said with a loud laugh: "Your Majesty, as long as you follow my plan, it will be easy to defeat Cao Cao and Liu Bei."

Yuan Shao's expression didn't change much, but something was wrong with the eyes of everyone in the camp. They looked at Xu You, and a few people had a cold light flashing in their eyes.


"I see!"

"So it is!"

Cao Cao and Liu Bei laughed loudly, then turned out the news, read it again, and then burst into laughter again.

"Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, I never thought you would end up in this situation!"

"I've been fooling you a lot these days. It's time you pay the price!"

After the two of them laughed, Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Prime Minister, although Yuan Shaojun is not perfect, he still cannot be underestimated. You and I must be careful and make sure no accidents happen!"

A solemn look flashed across Cao Cao's face at the same time, and he said seriously: "Don't worry, Mr. Xuande, this is an opportunity given to you and me by God. We must not miss it. I will not leave any way for myself to fall back. I can only move forward." , no retreat!”

Liu Bei cupped his hands and said with emotion: "Prime Minister Gao Yi, Lu Bu, leave it to Bei."

Hearing Liu Bei take over the troublesome Lu Bu, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, then bowed his hands and said, "Mr. Xuande!"

The two were meeting secretly, when Xun You and Liu Ye walked in from the outside. They looked at each other and started talking.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei's expressions changed. Cao Cao frowned and said, "Gongda, take it out."

Xun You frowned, and then took out the letter sent by Yuan Shao.

Liu Bei also asked Liu Ye to take it out.

Looking at the letter in front of him, Liu Bei suddenly laughed and said softly: "I am really curious about what rhetoric Yuan Shao said in this letter and what kind of promises he made, but these are not important anymore."

After that, without opening it, he walked directly to the brazier and threw the letter into it. The red-hot coals instantly burned the letter.

Upon seeing this, Cao Cao also walked to the brazier and threw the letter in his hand into it.

The two looked at the letter and couldn't help laughing. Cao Cao stretched out his hand, Liu Bei stretched out his hand, the two high-fived, and then loudly said: "Together we will defeat Yuan Shao!"


Wei Wu and Xuan Lie all received Shaoxin, saying that he had deceitful words that could deceive people's minds, so they burned the trust in a basin. Although the trust was destroyed, the trust was established. This is the so-called "burning the trust to gain trust". ——"Shishuoxinyu"

(End of this chapter)

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