Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 721 The heavy snow covered the bow and sword, and Gongsun fled at night!

Chapter 721 The heavy snow covered the bow and sword, and Gongsun fled at night!

How many things in this world are more important than a son's revenge for his father?

In today's world, even if the loyal monarch kills his father, the son will still assassinate the monarch for revenge.

This is called filial piety!
When Yuan Shao said in front of everyone that he was willing to uphold justice for Liu Shen and avenge Gongsun Zan, Liu Shen had no other choice.

He can only agree.

He must agree!
Otherwise, there would be no place for him in this world, and he would be stigmatized as unfilial in history.


Liu Shen looked up at the majestic Yuan Benchu, why did he refuse?
Yuan Benchu ​​looked at Liu Shen's eyes. He walked down from the top, holding a dagger in his hand, cut the rope that bound Liu Shen, and patted Liu Shen's shoulder hard.

Liu Shen half knelt on the ground, his head bowed deeply, and he said with infinite regret and pain in his tone: "Mr. Yuan is so righteous, Shen has nothing to repay, nothing to repay.

I also asked Duke Yuan to send troops to avenge my father's murder, and I expressed my willingness to offer Youzhou to Duke Yuan. "

Yuan Shao placed the dagger in Liu Shen's hand, and then wrapped his fingers one by one around the handle of the dagger.

The cold touch instantly spread from the palm of my hand to my heart.

With a sharp weapon in his body, he will kill himself!
Yuan Shao said softly: "I don't know how Duke Bo'an died for the Han Dynasty, but you, Shaojun, will cut off Gongsun Zan's head with this dagger to pay homage to Duke Bo'an's spirit in heaven."

After that, he turned to the people in Hebei and said: "Everyone, why did we come to Youzhou from Yecheng thousands of miles away?
It was because Gongsun Zan attacked Hebei.

Now that Gongsun Zan has attacked and killed Duke Bo'an, the people of the world are furious. Who can tolerate such a person living in the world?

I, Yuan Shao, have received your help because of the achievements of my ancestors.

What great achievements should a person like me achieve to be worthy of the disdain of my ancestors?

After decades, I have not been able to find the answer, but at this moment, I only have one idea, and that is to make people like Gongsun Zan pay the price.

I, Yuan Shao, do not want to stand under the blue sky with Gongsun Zan.

He was unwilling to be among the princes with Gongsun Zan.

People in the world should see that an unkind and unjust person like Gongsun Zan should have a tragic end. Do you think so? "

Everyone in Hebei nodded as they should and said in unison: "Of course!"

Accompanied by the chorus of voices, Yuan Shao said loudly: "Raise the flag, reorganize the army, and then enter Youzhou to kill Gongsun Zan, avenge Duke Bo'an, appease the people of Youzhou, and make Youzhou peaceful and stable."



Thistle City.

Gongsun Zan was riding on a tall horse, looking at the core of the thousand-year-old Northern Territory with smiles in his eyes. After being occupied by Liu Yu for a long time, he finally ushered in his occupation again.

He is about to become the undisputed master of the entire Youzhou and become the supreme military and political leader of Mu Shou Youzhou, Youzhou Mu.

This was a position he would never forget.

The complacent Gongsun Zan did not see that almost all the scholars in Youzhou had hidden anger towards him. The attack on Liu Yu almost caused Gongsun Zan to lose the hearts of the people in Youzhou.

One thing Gongsun Zan failed to understand was that the position of Youzhou Mu was not a monarch position and could only be chosen among a limited number of heirs.

For example, after Liu Bian died, Liu Xie could only be chosen to take over.

Youzhou Mu is an official position that any reputable person can hold.

The scholars and people of Youzhou did not have to choose someone between Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan to serve as the shepherd of Youzhou.

Outside of the vast Youzhou, there are countless people with outstanding reputations who can serve as Youzhou shepherds.

For example, the former enemy Yuan Shao!
The short-sighted Gongsun Zan could not see this at all, and was still complacent about his plot to attack Liu Yu.

Gongsun Zan was about to go to the innermost city when he saw his captain rushing towards him. He said with panic on his face: "My lord, Yuan Shao is returning with the Hebei army.

Liu Yu's son Liu Shen is in Yuan Shao's army and he wants to avenge Liu Shen. What should we do? "

Gongsun Zan's expression changed several times. The affair between him and Yuan Shao was tacit, and no one would believe it if he told it.

Everyone around looked at him with different expressions in their eyes. Gongsun Zan's heart sank, and then he said proudly: "It's just Yuan Shao, I have Youzhou cavalry, what should I be afraid of?

Follow me to meet the enemy! "

Everyone in Youzhou thought that Gongsun Zan could say something, but they never expected that Gongsun Zan would say such nonsense.

Doesn't he know whether the Youzhou cavalry can beat Yuan Shao?

When the two armies met, the flags covered the sky, and the soldiers were connected horizontally. As the men and horses roared, the strong wind and the biting cold came from the front of the soldiers.

Gongsun Zan immediately rode forward, his cloak behind him fluttering with the strong wind above Youzhou. He was tall and majestic, and shouted angrily to Yuan Shao: "Yuan Benchu, I will cede the three counties of Youzhou to you. You retreat and leave." Youzhou, why are you betraying your trust and returning now?"

Yuan Shao also rode forward. When he heard what Gongsun Zan said, he immediately said loudly: "Gongsun Bogui, what you said is really ridiculous.

Can the land of the three counties of Youzhou compare with benevolence, righteousness and morality?

I, Yuan Shaosheng, am born between heaven and earth, and am a man who upholds heaven and earth. Would I abandon my principles for the sake of power and wealth?
You innocently attacked and killed Duke Bo'an, which is simply shocking. If we meet someone like you, wouldn't it be a disgrace to me, Yuan Shao?

I, Yuan Shao, would rather not live in Youzhou, but today I want to seek justice for Duke Boan, and ask the people of the world what wrong thing Duke Boan did that made you kill him so brazenly.

I said this, do you know? "

Gongsun Zan was so angry that he laughed and said: "Yuan Benchu, how can there be a hypocritical person like you in this world?
Isn't it you, Yuan Benchu, who led the army to attack Youzhou?

Isn't it you, Yuan Benchu, who led the army to cripple Liu Yu's army?
Isn't it you, Yuan Benchu, who suggested that I attack and kill Liu Yu?

How can you stand in front of me now and talk about wanting to avenge Liu Yu?

How could that Liu Shen recognize a thief as a benefactor, and even bring that enemy to me?

Isn't this the most ridiculous thing in the world? "

Liu Shen's expression changed when he heard this, but Yuan Shao said calmly: "Gongsun Bogui, can you only use these false words to cover up now?
I attacked Youzhou because of you, Gongsun Zan. What does it have to do with Gong Boan?

Duke Bo'an misunderstood me, Yuan Shao, but I did not blame him.

On the contrary, I, Yuan Shao, have always wanted to support Duke Bo'an as the emperor. Doesn't this prove my sincerity?

When two armies are in contact, each will suffer damage. The strong one will suffer less, and the weak one will suffer more. Isn't this a natural principle?
How could he deliberately attack Duke Bo'an's army?

As for me, Yuan Shao, hinting at you, how did I hint at you? Now that I am hinting at your suicide, are you going to commit suicide?
Word by word, sentence by sentence, it’s really unbearable.

For a person like you to be able to rank with me, Yuan Shao, as one of the countless princes in the world, this is simply the greatest shame of my life, Yuan Shao.

Lord of the Nine Heavens, I, Yuan Shao, solemnly pray to you today. Please grant me divine power to defeat Gongsun Zan and revive the benevolence and righteousness in the world. "

After listening to Yuan Shao's words, Liu Shen calmed down slightly from the excitement in his heart, and turned to shout at Gongsun Zan: "Gongsun Zan, you thief!

I will definitely kill you today. I will definitely chop off your head and sacrifice it in front of your father’s grave. Gongsun Zan, you must die for me! "

As he spoke, he was about to rush forward, but was directly pulled back by Yan Liang and Wen Chou. No matter how unbearable Gongsun Zan was, his fighting skills were indisputable. He was one of the few cavalry commanders in the world. He only had a psychological shadow on Yuan Shao. Just defeated repeatedly.

If a little shrimp like Liu Shen faced Gongsun Zan, he would be killed.

Of course, Yuan Shao could not let Liu Shen, a man with quite a political banner, die at the hands of Gongsun Zan.

The sun is shining in the sky, and the sky is warm.

Gongsun Zan only felt cold all over his body. He looked at the Hebei army as calm as a mountain from a distance.

Under the banner of the Chinese army, Yuan Shao stood with his head held high. The Youzhou cavalry could not rush forward and could not defeat the Hebei army.

The delusion that made Gongsun Zan feel terrible appeared again.

Yuan Shao was the threshold that he could never cross, and he even began to believe that there really was such a thing as restraint in this world.

Gongsun Zan may really be no match for Yuan Shao. He loses every battle and even has no hope of victory.

At this moment, a knight suddenly came to Gongsun Zan from the side army. The man was wearing armor, but his cheeks were slightly white. He looked like a scribe at first glance.

After seeing Gongsun Zan, he said loudly: "General Gongsun, I have something to say, are you willing to listen?"

Gongsun Zan's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Murong, please tell me."

The scribe said directly: "The general has many cavalry, but he cannot break the Hebei Army's formation, because he is using his own shortcomings to attack the Hebei Army's strengths.

The greatest advantage of cavalry is flexibility. Although the white horse is gone, has the general forgotten how to use cavalry?
With the number of the general's cavalry, it is completely possible not to confront Yuan Shao head-on, but to constantly cut off Yuan Shao's food routes.

He came all the way to Youzhou, and the battle front was so long.

The general led [-] cavalry to cut off the grain road. No matter how strong Yuan Shao's army was, what was the use if it ran out of grain and grass? "

When Gongsun Zan heard this, he felt as if he had been bewitched. As a top cavalry commander, he did not even think of this.

There is no need for him to fight Yuan Shao here. Where is the use of cavalry to break through the infantry square?

Continuously use cavalry to harass, and then continue to cut off his food routes. This is what you should do.

How could Yuan Shao not know about Gongsun Zan's sudden change of formation.

But he just frowned slightly. They had been prepared for Gongsun Zan's style of play for a long time.

After Gongsun Zan led the cavalry roaring past, dispersed back to their positions, and then slowly retreated to redistribute combat tasks, Yuan Shao was also thinking about where Luo Yan and Qu Yi were. It was time to contain most of Gongsun Zan's troops. .

Seeing that Gongsun Zan listened to his advice, the scribe named Murong was slightly relieved. He was naturally from the Yan Kingdom, but now the leader of the Yan Kingdom had just gathered the troops from all the counties and families in the country and was just preparing to go south.

If Gongsun Zan cannot hold on, Yan may lose the opportunity to enter Youzhou.

Murong was almost desperate for Gongsun Zan. Apart from being good at fighting, Gongsun Zan really couldn't do anything.

If it weren't for the fact that the leader of the Yan Kingdom liked Gongsun Zan's majesty as a white horse general, Murong would have been prepared to let Gongsun Zan simply die in Youzhou.


Gongsun Zan chose to harass Yuan Shao's grain roads, while Yuan Shao defended himself against Gongsun Zan's harassment and began to contact the people of Youzhou.

Yuan Shao has been contacting the people of Youzhou for several years, but Youzhou is special. Liu Bei came from Youzhou, and there are quite a few Liu family members here.

Because of Liu Yu's existence, even the reputation of the Fourth and Third Duke of Yuan Shao was not easy to apply in Youzhou.

But Gongsun Zan killed Liu Yu.

This completely eliminated Yuan Shao's obstacles in contacting the people of Youzhou, except for Gongsun Zan and the diehard loyalists of the Gongsun family.

Whether they were nobles with family traditions of classics, powerful men who needed military success to maintain their wealth, or ordinary people, they were all extremely dissatisfied with Gongsun Zan. Faced with Yuan Shao's recruitment, they took refuge in Yuan Shao.

These talents are the true foundation of Youzhou and the cornerstone that maintains Gongsun Zan's rule in Youzhou. But now the cornerstone has been taken away by Yuan Shao.

"I am confronting Yuan Shao in Youzhou. Yuan Shao has come all the way, and I have robbed the food and grass. How is it possible that our army has no food, but Yuan Shao is not short of food?" in the military camp.

Gongsun Zan angrily vented his anger to his quartermaster, who could only hand over the grain and grass list to Gongsun Zan cautiously.

Gongsun Zan took it and took a look, and immediately discovered that the grain and grass donated and handed over to him by the famous wealthy families in Youzhou had decreased a lot.

Especially compared with the period of Liu Yu, it is simply different. He immediately said angrily: "Do these powerful men think that my Gongsun Zan's sword is disadvantageous?
In the face of a powerful enemy, he still dares to deprive our army of food and grass. How dare he have second thoughts? "

He took out a pen and drew a few circles on the list, then threw the list directly back to the quartermaster and said sternly: "Lead the army to exterminate the families in the circles and confiscate all their family assets.

They are just some businessmen who dare to go against me at this time. Do they want to seek refuge with Yuan Shao and get a fortune?

It's just a dream! "

The quartermaster was ordered to leave the camp, and then a large group of soldiers followed him. These soldiers were all Youzhou cavalry, and they broke into the homes of Youzhou's wealthy families. What followed was killing and looting.


The conflict in Youzhou is almost reaching its peak.

The dissatisfaction of the powerful and prominent families with Gongsun Zan reached its peak. They never expected that Gongsun Zan could still play such a trick.

Almost the entire Youzhou gentry became powerful and everyone was in danger.

If you don't have the means to resist in normal times, then you have no choice but to endure it, but what is the situation now?
Yuan Shao and Yuan Benchu ​​are in Youzhou!

The Hebei Army is in Youzhou!

Gongsun Zan killed Liu Yu, and the powerful people in Youzhou were dissatisfied.

Liu Shen returned with the Hebei army, and those who had already sided with Liu Yu turned their hearts to Yuan Shao.

Now Gongsun Zan has done this again.

The savior is right in front of us, who is willing to tolerate Gongsun Zan?
After several months of confrontation, in the increasingly cold winter, the northwest wind blew from the distant grasslands, causing a strong chill.

The nobles in Youzhou are powerful, which is expected and reasonable.

What is it like for a powerful gentry to rebel?
That is, Gongsun Zan was suddenly cut off from [-]% of his food and grass, and even more than half of his army could not be controlled.

As for the order he issued, it turned into a piece of paper.

In this era when powerful nobles almost monopolized everything, this was the fate of being completely abandoned by powerful nobles. Almost all scribes came from powerful nobles. Even if they were from a humble family, they would follow that set of rules.

Gongsun Zan was on the battlefield, watching helplessly as many of the Youzhou cavalry turned to attack him. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar and murmured: "What happened? Why did everyone become rebellious?"

He was puzzled.

Yuan Shao saw it clearly and smiled at everyone: "This is what the sage said when you gain the right, you will get many help, but when you lose the right, you will get little help.

The soldiers and people of Youzhou turned to our Hebei army, eating pots of pulp and welcoming our army into Youzhou.

And what about Gongsun Zan?
He could only run away in a hurry, like a mouse, unable to see the light of day.

I want to take Gongsun Zan's outcome today as a warning, and I will never end up like him.

all of you.

Gongsun Zan's defeat has been determined, so he quickly mobilized his army and followed my general into Youzhou! "

As Yuan Shao said, the only thing Gongsun Zan could do was to flee. Under attack from both inside and outside, he could only lead the army that was finally loyal to him to escape.

But Gongsun Zan never expected that he would flee all the way to the northeast, only to encounter the Hebei army that suddenly came out halfway.

It was the first-death warriors and a thousand Hebei cavalry led by Luo Yan and Qu Yi!
Qu Yi felt like his whole body was getting moldy while he was in the mountains. He waited and waited, but the orders he received were always waiting.

Especially Luo Yan kept saying: "General Qu, don't be anxious. I believe that the Hebei army led by the lord can defeat Gongsun Zan. As long as we intercept Gongsun Zan, this will be the greatest achievement."

This is the only place Gongsun Zan must pass to escape north. If we wait patiently here, we will have the opportunity to show off. "

Now that Gongsun Zan had finally arrived, Qu Yi couldn't bear it any longer and rushed out from the flanks with his soldiers, while Luo Yan led a thousand Hebei cavalry to hold down the formation, waiting for an opportunity to defeat Gongsun Zan's line.

But he was really worrying too much.

The sudden appearance of the Xiandenshishi scared Gongsun Zan half to death. He never expected to encounter a large-scale Hebei army here, especially the elite among the elite like the Xiandenshishi.

Or just attack from the flank!
He directly blocked the Youzhou cavalry and cut them off. They could not look at each other from the front or the rear, especially when fleeing for their lives. Even the armored soldiers did not wear armor. The heavy cavalry in the Youzhou cavalry also did not wear armor.

When encountering heavy crossbowmen, the first attack on the dead soldiers can be described as a tiger rushing into the flock. It is simply a one-sided massacre, and it is impossible to have the slightest ability to fight back.

As soon as Gongsun Zan saw that the army was almost in chaos, he knew that it was impossible to command anymore. If he didn't act more decisively, he might end up here, so he immediately ordered his soldiers to beat the drums.

The drumming sound is not an attack, but an escape.

The infantry definitely couldn't escape, but the Youzhou cavalry still had a chance to escape. None of them wore armor, and they were more than one point faster than the Hebei army.

But Luo Yan and Qu Yi's target was Gongsun Zan, so naturally they couldn't let him run away like this.

As soon as he saw Gongsun Zan trying to run away, he immediately shouted loudly: "I won't kill anyone who surrenders! Only kill the chief villain, Gongsun Zan! Anyone who sacrifices Gongsun Zan will be rewarded with ten thousand gold!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison, and the echoes were everywhere on the battlefield.

Gongsun Zan didn't expect Luo Yan and Qu Yi's methods to be so insidious, so he cursed angrily and then rode away.

But Luo Yan and Qu Yi were slightly relieved, because many Youzhou soldiers surrendered and knelt on the ground.

"Gongsun Zan, you can't escape even if you have wings!"

Luo Yan reached out and took out the whistle from her arms. Qu Yi's eyes lit up and he heard Luo Yan blow the whistle loudly.

Gongsun Zan only heard an extremely sharp voice ringing in his ears. A numbing chill enveloped his vest, and an extremely unpleasant feeling arose in his heart.


Everyone was not disappointed, accompanied by a bird song that resounded across the sky, the sound was so high-pitched that it made people's ears tremble, but it also shocked people's hearts, and they could feel a sense of being high above, looking down on all living beings.

Because it looks down on all living beings!
The most handsome person in Liaodong is none other than Haidongqing!
The wings spread out, and the feathers were like a forest of spears and swords, seeming to cut through the sky.

Luo Yan heard another voice from the whistle, and Hai Dongqing slowly fell down, but was still hovering in the sky, but he had already set his sights on Gongsun Zan!

Now Gongsun Zan understands what it means to be unable to escape even if you have wings!

Apart from the legendary divine bird Phoenix, in this world is there any other bird that can escape Hai Dongqing's pursuit in real life?


Even a bird that can fly for nine days cannot escape Haidongqing, let alone people living on the earth?
If there weren't many troops and sharpshooters around Gongsun Zan, Hai Dongqing would have rushed down and thrown Gongsun Zan directly from his horse to the ground.

Gongsun Zan led the Youzhou cavalry and fled with their lives, but it was not that easy to escape. He could not return to the original route because Yuan Shao's army was behind him, so he could only rush forward.

But Xiandenshishi was waiting for him there.

Only by paying the price of blood can he break through the blockade of the dead soldiers. What he is most fortunate about now is that although Youzhou has mountains, it is not too narrow. Otherwise, he would really have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. .

Qu Yi came to Luo Yan covered in blood. The blood on his body was naturally from the Youzhou Army. Just as he was about to compliment Luo Yan, he saw Luo Yan with a very ugly face and said: "General Qu, something is wrong! "

Qu Yi had never seen Luo Yan look so ugly.

Just when he was about to ask what happened, he felt a slight tremor under his feet. His expression changed drastically, and he immediately leaned over and put his ears to the ground. How could Qu Yi, who was born in Liangzhou, not know what that sound was?

That's the sound of horseshoes hitting the ground!

A large number of cavalry are coming here, and judging from the sound, they can only travel two miles at most. For the cavalry, a mere two miles can only be said to be a matter of seconds.

Qu Yi and Luo Yan looked at each other with exactly the same look in their eyes. Qu Yi and Luo Yan shouted at the same time: "Assemble!
Assemble! "

Luo Yan looked ugly and said: "It's the army of Yan State!
I'm afraid Gongsun Zan has already contacted the people of Yan. It's really abominable. When did he make contact? With Gongsun Zan's ability, how could he contact the people of Yan? "

Not only Luo Yan, but all the counselors in Hebei would not think of Gongsun Zan contacting Yan.

Because with Gongsun Zan’s wisdom and character, how could he possibly bow down to the Yan Kingdom?
But this is a typical blind eye. Gongsun Zan did not contact the Yan State, but the Yan State would contact Gongsun Zan. With Gongsun Zan's mind, the people of the Yan State could easily deceive him into leaving nothing behind.

The State of Yan was not a group of brainless warriors, but a hundred people with everything. Even schools of thought that played with "techniques" such as strategists became more popular, and they did not value benevolence, righteousness, and morality so much.

Boom boom boom!
Generals Luo Yan and Qu Yi formed their troops in a tight formation. Soon, the Yan army appeared.

Countless cavalry!
The elites at the front are all wearing black armor. Each of these Yan soldiers is very strong. Many of them have some characteristics of the barbarians, but not too many.

The most obvious difference is the face. The cheeks of these soldiers are extremely rough at first glance, which is a characteristic caused by living in the ice and snow all year round.


The conditions there are really too difficult, but those who can survive in difficult areas have terrifyingly strong combat capabilities.

In today's Central Plains, the strongest troops are from Liangzhou, Bingzhou, Youzhou, as well as those soldiers and people living in the mountains in the south.

Gongsun Zan never expected that the turning point would come so quickly. One moment he felt that he was destined to die, but the next moment he did not expect that the Yan army would descend from the sky.

He almost burst into tears, God is so unstoppable to me, Gongsun Zan!
General Yan, who led the vanguard of the Yan Kingdom, looked at Gongsun Zan who was running for his life. He couldn't see that the man in front of him was the white horse general who fought against the Yan Kingdom.

Among the famous generals of Yan State at that time, there were not many who could defeat Gongsun Zan. How could he be in this situation now?

"Gongsun Bogui!"

The armor-clad general said loudly: "I am Yan Mu of the Yan Kingdom and your Majesty's younger brother. Let me ask you, are you willing to submit to me, the Emperor of Yan?"

Emperor of Dayan?

Gongsun Zan was stunned, why was he the Emperor of Yan?

When did the leader of the Yan Kingdom proclaim himself emperor?

This is what he thought and asked.

The general said solemnly: "The Han Dynasty has lost its destiny, and I, Dayan, will uphold the will of God. One day, Your Majesty will tell the world.

Now let you know first, what a great existence you will be loyal to in the future! "

Gongsun Zan was stunned for a moment, then he thought about it. Whether the leader of the Yan Kingdom declared himself emperor or not had nothing to do with him. The most important thing now was to save his life.

Now Yuan Shao is bound to kill him. The only way to survive is to surrender to the Yan Kingdom.

Moreover, he has tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, all of whom are elites in Youzhou. Behind him is the Gongsun family. Now that the Yan Kingdom can successfully enter Youzhou, it is natural that the Gongsun family's assistance is indispensable.

With the national conditions of the Yan State, as long as the Gongsun family is here, he may not be unable to be prominent in the Yan State!

Thinking of this, Gongsun Zan dismounted and knelt down on one knee, saying solemnly: "Gongsun Zan, I am willing to surrender to your majesty. May your majesty be safe and blessed."


A mere highway, he wanted to occupy the prestige of the counties; Suo Suo Bo Gui was the business of protecting Yijing. Zan relied on his talents and sat in the north, thinking that he would be able to wait for the changes in the world. However, he did not care about the people, forgot his mistakes and forgot his good deeds. Yuan Shu was similar. When he attacked Liu Yu, all hope was lost. He thought Yuan Shao had defeated him, so he turned his back on the Han and defected to the Yan State. He was just a slave. He had no virtue, no faith, no loyalty and no justice. Especially Yuan Shu. At the end of this biography, he surrendered to the Yan State. Don't remember this book for the future. ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Liu Yan, Liu Biao, Liu Yu, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan"

(End of this chapter)

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