Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 719 Fighting for the big man and dying

Chapter 719 Fighting for the big man and dying
The deafening violent noise could not help but resound in Liu Yu's mind. He really thought he had heard wrongly.

Liu Yu asked his son Liu Shen in disbelief: "Has Yuan Shao returned to attack again?"

"It's Gongsun Zan!"

"Father, it's Gongsun Zan!"

Liu Shen's face was full of deep hatred. Liu Yu couldn't believe it, let alone Liu Shen who saw all this with his own eyes.
When the Youzhou cavalry under Gongsun Zan suddenly rushed to attack him, Liu Shen was completely stunned. He couldn't even figure out why.

Why would Gongsun Zan do such a thing when the enemy was clearly at a critical moment?

Liu Yu took two steps forward. He suddenly felt a wave of boredom in his chest, and then suddenly he was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, but even vomiting blood could not make him feel smooth at all.

The faint taste of blood in his mouth and the bloodshot eyes that filled his eyes almost instantly made Liu Yu want to catch Gongsun Zan and kill him in an instant.

But he knew he couldn't do it, so he could only say harshly: "Gongsun Zan really deserves to die, lead the army to resist!"

Liu Shen said with despair on his face: "Father, our army's previous losses were too great, and it is impossible to stop Gongsun Zan.

The casualties of the Youzhou cavalry under his command were not large at all. Our army would be defeated within an hour at most. "

Even if you escape into the city, you can't defend it.

Liu Shen didn't say the last part of this sentence, but Liu Yu naturally understood it. He suddenly thought of something, and his eyes were full of shock.

Gongsun Zan's offensive came quickly and urgently, and the once invincible white-horse general seemed to be back.

He was riding on a white horse, watching the cavalry under his command bravely attacking Liu Yujun's crumbling front line over and over again, and couldn't help but reveal a slightly pleased smile on his face.

I couldn't defeat Yuan Shao, can I still defeat you Liu Yu?
After annexing Liu Yu's army and looking for allies, Yuan Shao, just wait for me. Sooner or later, I will make you pay back all the grievances you had.

The loud shouting of killing reached Liu Yu's ears, and Gongsun Zan's footsteps were too fast.

After the bloody battle with Yuan Shao, Liu Yu's soldiers suffered heavy casualties and were tired. On the other hand, although Gongsun Zan's soldiers were also a little tired, overall they still maintained their combat effectiveness.

This is completely a one-sided battle.

Liu Yujun was no match for Gongsun Zan's army.

Liu Yu and Liu Shen and his son knew this very well. Liu Shen said eagerly: "Father, please leave quickly. If Gongsun Zan dares to do such a crazy thing, he will want to kill you later."

When Liu Yu heard this, his face gradually became expressionless, and then he said bitterly: "In this situation, where can I escape?

My body escaped, then what?

My soul will stay here forever.

In today's world, where is the place for people like me?

There are wolves, tigers and leopards everywhere, and rebellious people everywhere. "

Liu Shen knew what his father was worried about. He was worried about losing Youzhou and the capital that would eventually turn the Han Dynasty around, so he was unwilling to leave.

But how could Liu Shen watch his father die here?

He said sadly: "Father, Liu Xuande is a clan member of the Han Dynasty. He has a reputation for benevolence and his integrity is known all over the world. If you go to him ten thousand times, he will definitely take you in."

However, Liu Yu no longer scolded Liu Shen as usual, but said seriously: "Son, Liu Bei is indeed a capable person. Among the clan members now, and among the clan members in the future, Liu Bei will probably be respected. .

You should leave here now and take some people to join Liu Bei. Don't stay here and die with me, an old man. "

! !
Liu Shen was completely shocked. It was very inconvenient for him to move with the armor on his body, but he still knelt on the ground and said: "Father, how can my son leave you alone?
And why wouldn’t you want to leave?
Gongsun Zan just wants Youzhou. If he can get Youzhou without killing you, he will definitely not kill you, and Yuan Shao will not kill you.

Why do you have to be here..."

Liu Shen was speechless for the last sentence.

Liu Yu said forcefully: "Son, your father and I were a minister during the late emperor's time. There are some things in this world that people need to persist in.

Couldn’t Luokong, the Wushuang Zhongwu Marquis, have survived in the first place?

Did Dong Zhuo insist that Wushuang Zhongwuhou stay in Luoyang?

In the end, Marquis Zhongwu died outside Luoyang. Why?
What did Marquis Zhongwu die for?

It's for the beliefs in your heart, for those things that are more precious than life.

I, Liu Yu, have been alive to this day. Is there anything else I can pursue?
The only thing left in my heart is to prosper the great man and cheer up the country. "

Liu Yu wanted to say something more to educate his son, but he heard that Gongsun Zan had already attacked and killed him.

He shouted at the soldiers around Liu Shen: "Take your young master and go quickly to find Liu Bei. Gongsun Zan has completely betrayed the big man. Ask Liu Bei whether he wants the big man or his brotherly loyalty!"

Although the soldiers around Liu Shen usually obeyed his orders, now it was Liu Yu's order, so they naturally pulled Liu Shen away immediately. Liu Shen shouted loudly: "Father, father!"

But it was no use. He was just a scribe. Facing those powerful soldiers, he had no power to fight back, so he could only be led away from this chaotic battlefield quickly.

In just a moment, the soldiers around Liu Yu were swept away by the Youzhou cavalry. They either died or surrendered. Gongsun Zan naturally would not massacre these surrendered Youzhou soldiers. After all, he would be the lord of Youzhou and the master of these soldiers. .

Gongsun Zan appeared next to Liu Yu on horseback with a happy and contented look on his face. Then he laughed loudly and asked: "Liu Bo'an, how is this Youzhou cavalry under my command?"

Liu Yu didn't expect that Gongsun Zan would come over so lowly to be scolded, and immediately sneered and said: "The Youzhou cavalry are indeed the best in the world, and they are no better than the Baima Yicong who was destroyed by Yuan Shao in the past. I just didn't know that such an elite Why did the Youzhou Iron Cavalry suffer repeated defeats against Yuan Shao?
Although I am not familiar with military affairs, I have heard the saying that in the army, there is a raging army, and a den of raging generals. It must be because of your presence in Youzhou, Gongsun Zan, that it faced repeated defeats against the Hebei Army.

Now you, Gongsun Zan, still dare to talk in front of me. It is really ridiculous. "

The smile on Gongsun Zan's face froze. He never expected that Liu Yu would be so sharp-tongued, and would stab his wounds with knives.

Especially the fact that Baima Yicong was destroyed by Yuan Shao's entire army was an eternal pain in his heart, but now it was directly brought out by Liu Yu again.

Gongsun Zan was angered by Liu Yu almost instantly. With a clatter, he drew out his sword and pointed it at Liu Yu and said sternly: "Liu Bo'an, do you think I don't dare to kill you?"

Liu Yu burst out laughing when he heard this, and then said in an equally sharp tone: "Since you, Gongsun Zan, dare to attack my army, why don't you dare to kill me?

I dare to say this, am I afraid that you will kill me? "

Enemies who are not afraid of death are always the most troublesome thing in the world. Gongsun Zan feels like he has a headache now.He thought that the best result would be for Liu Yu to surrender to him, so that he could openly become the king of the entire Youzhou, but now it seems that Liu Yu is not willing to do this.

Gongsun Zan said in a cold voice: "Liu Bo'an, your relatives and others are all in Youzhou. If you are willing to serve me as the master today, I will cancel everything that happened today. You and I will guard Youzhou together from now on." .”

Liu Yu sneered and said, "I will serve you as my master?
I, Liu Yu, will always have only one master, and that is the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. You, Gongsun Zan, are nothing but worthy of me serving you as my master?
Even Yuan Shao wants to serve me as emperor, but he dare not say that he wants me to serve as his master. You are so brazen and say these things that you are really going to make the world laugh. "

Every word, every sentence, Liu Yu was always so rude, which made Gongsun Zan tremble with anger.

I really couldn't help but call him by his name: "Liu Yu, do you have to force me to kill you?"

Liu Yu said fearlessly: "Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Zan, you have to know that there is a kind of person in this world who is not afraid of death.

There is a kind of person in this world for whom life and death are nothing but trivial matters, while honor and integrity are the big things.

I, Liu Yu, have read countless books, and my favorite is history books. Do you know why? "

Gongsun Zan didn't expect that Liu Yu's tone suddenly softened, and there was a hint of eloquence. He couldn't help but follow Liu Yu's rhythm and asked: "Why?"

As soon as he said the words, he felt a little regretful. No matter what Liu Yu was doing, what did it have to do with Gongsun Zan?

Liu Yu Youyou said: "Because I love to read those stories about the fall of states and states, and Tai Shigong described those histories to the extreme.

Do you know how those monarchs and nobles faced the collapse of those countries?

Do you know what the history books say about those people? "

Of course Gongsun Zan, an illiterate person who didn't ask for deep understanding when he was studying, didn't know it. Moreover, at that time, Confucian classics were emphasized, and history was an extracurricular hobby. Many people were not familiar with it.

Liu Yu showed a trace of contempt on his lips, which was his disdain for the illiterates, and then said slowly: "When Qi State was destroyed, those nobles of Qi State chose to surrender one after another, and they surrendered without a fight. Those ugly Their faces, how groveling those people were when facing Wang Jian. It’s really unbearable. With nobles like that, how could Qi survive?”

Gongsun Zan's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "Liu Boyan, don't try to deceive me here. If you talk about other people, I may not know about them, but who in Qi doesn't know?
Qi died standing!

Everyone knows about this big man. Is it the Duke of Qi and the Marquis of Lu who are deceiving the people of the world? "

After saying that, he looked at Liu Yu complacently, thinking that he had grasped what Liu Yu had said, but unexpectedly Liu Yu smiled softly and said: "Gongsun Zan, have you really worshiped Lu Zhi and Lu Shangshu as your disciple?

The reason why Qi died standing was because the last king of Qi would rather die for his country than surrender to Qin. But when the king of Qi died for his country, who told you that all the other nobles died for their country?

It is this incident that I want to tell you. The death of King Qi left the unyielding reputation of Qi in history.

Today I, Liu Yu, fell into the hands of your Gongsun Zan. It must have been absolutely unlucky.

Today I will die here in a dignified way, leaving my name in history for everyone in the world to know.

In the Jian'an year, there was a Han clan member named Liu Yu who was willing to die for his country when the Han Dynasty was about to perish.

He once worked hard for the revival of Dahan.

The Han Dynasty was born under the righteousness of slaying the violent Qin Dynasty, and King Zhaosheng crowned Emperor Gao as the emperor on behalf of King Su.

Today's great men are brave enough to die. We, the descendants of the Liu family, must show the world what it means to be a descendant of Emperor Gao.

What does it mean to regard death as home. "

After hearing Liu Yu's words, Gongsun Zan felt only endless regret in his heart, regretting that he had allowed Liu Yu to say so many words.

In the future history, I still don’t know how to record today’s events. Gongsun Zan has completely become a clown-like character.

Unless he is magnanimous and lets Liu Yu go now, this is impossible. As Liu Yu said, when Liu Yu is unwilling to surrender, he will never be unreasonable.

"Liu Yu!"

The more Gongsun Zan thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "You are so scheming, you must have been preparing for today for a long time.

It's really hateful! "

Liu Yu looked at Gongsun Zan with an idiot's eyes, and slowly mocked: "Am I going to prepare for today?

I only prepared how to kill you and then revitalize the Han Dynasty.

It's a pity that you, an idiot, would do such a stupid thing in this situation.

I'll be waiting for you under the underworld. Yuan Shao will send you down to stay with me. That day won't be far away. "

Just when Gongsun Zan was about to attack, he heard a "puff" sound. Liu Yu actually reversed the dagger and stabbed into his chest. Blood instantly stained his clothes.

"The big man has Liu Yu!"

"Big guy!"


Liu Yu fell heavily to the ground and lost his breath.


The princes of Liu and Yu were born fat and plump, but they were able to be respectful and thrifty to others and guard themselves upright. Among the eldest sons of the late Han Dynasty, Yu was second to Liu Bei.

The Han Dynasty was in decline, and its outlines were often unruly. Yu did not lose his loyalty and chastity, supported beauty and encouraged virtue, inspired Youji, and defended the country with benevolence.

Since Emperor Ling, people had different intentions, but Yu convinced Beizhou with kindness and righteousness. He worked hard day and night and was determined to revive the royal family.

Yuan Shao believed that the proclaimed emperor was not upright and he served Yu as the main one, which overshadowed Cao Cao's desire to serve the proclaimed emperor. Yu was a good man, but Yuan Shaofu was able to confuse him, but he respected the title but refused to accept it. It's so brilliant that there is loyalty in the north.

When Yuan Shao attacked the north, Gongsun Zan looked at both sides, but was secretly told by others. Yu was stabbed in the back because of his foolishness. He followed an upright plan, but his heart was broken, and he died by the sword. He shouted: "The Han is dead, the Han is dead."

All the mournful people in Youji expressed their condolences, and many shed tears.


Yu has the ability of a minister, but lacks the ability to make changes. He can defend against wolves but cannot control them. A capable minister in governing a country is a stepping stone in troubled times! ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Liu Yan, Liu Biao, Liu Yu, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan"

(End of this chapter)

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