Chapter 712 Who killed Yuan Shu?People!
Yuzhou is the center of the world. It has been a major grain-producing land since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

July of the eighth year of Jian'an.

However, everything in Yuzhou is desolate. Under the scorching sun, some streams are cut off, and some fields are barren, and the fields are condensed and cracked.

The once fertile soil has declined to this extent. The seedlings have dried up and turned yellow, and even the weeds that cannot be burned by wildfires cannot survive.

This is a natural disaster as well as a man-made disaster.

The power of nature is so vast that even slight changes can cause huge disasters.

The inaction of the government will infinitely amplify this disaster.

There are jagged bones in different postures on both sides of the road. After being blown by the wind and rain, the shabby clothes have long been turned into rags.

In the bushes and overgrown weeds, you can see broken carriages and rusted weapons, with vaguely beautiful patterns and traces of sword chops.

Poor people and nobles died together. From the scattered weapons, it can be seen that there must have been a fierce battle, and no one knew the final winner.

Perhaps, in such a world, there is no winner, and what we get in the end is the ultimate fairness, and everyone dies.

No matter how glorious you were during your lifetime, you will die with infinite regret at this moment.

On this road overgrown with weeds, where no one had been for an unknown amount of time, the sound of horse hooves could be heard at this moment. At the end of the road, three hundred knights, one man and three horses, appeared at the end of the road, leading more than 1000 infantry and auxiliary troops. .

These knights are all wearing the uniforms of the imperial imperial army. They are the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry under Cao Cao. The leader of this group of cavalry is Cao Ren, the most outstanding person among the generals of the Cao family under Cao Cao.

Cao Ren rode his horse forward, looked over the situation in the road, and then said to the commander next to him: "Remember the letter and convey it to the lord: this road is deserted, Yuan Shu has not used it as a food road for a long time, and more than a thousand cavalry entered this way, Yuan Shu can't Yu Ye."

The confrontation between Cao Jun and Yuan Shu has been long. There have been several battles between the two sides, and Yuan Shu has suffered several losses. However, facing Yuan Shu who was like an iron barrel array, he had little effect.

Among Cao Ying.

The atmosphere is solemn, Xun Yu is no longer here, the confrontation is a competition for food, grass and troops.

Xun Yu, who is the Minister of the Secretariat and the general manager of logistics, has returned to Yingchuan and Yanzhou to raise more grain, grass, young men, and even strong women to participate in the war for Cao Cao.

Zhong Yao was taken away by Xun Yu to handle government affairs under Cao Cao.

At this moment, I received a letter from Cao Ren. After reading it, Cao Cao immediately handed it to Xun You and others.

He had long wanted to start a war, but he had been held back by several advisers, saying that now was not the best time.

After a few counselors took a quick look, Xun You began to calculate all the intelligence from the past few months. Guo Jia, Dong Zhao, Xi Zhicai and others also calculated the information revealed in the intelligence.

Cao Cao asked a little anxiously: "Gongda, is now the right time?

Our army is about to run out of food and fodder. Damn Yuan Qiao, 20 soldiers are eating horses. How did he survive? "

Yuan Shu's background was not revealed until this moment.

With an army more than twice as large as Cao Cao's food and fodder, Yuan Shu could still hold it.

Xun You finished his mental arithmetic, slowly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "My lord, Yuan Shu's food supply will be cut off."

Cao Cao suddenly shined brightly and said: "Gongda!"

Xun You raised his voice and said: "Lord, according to intelligence these days, several of Yuan Shu's army's food routes have been deserted, including newly discovered food routes by our army.

The desolation of these food roads proves that Yuan Shu no longer uses these food roads, but the food and grass consumed by the army will not be reduced.

Now Yuan Shu can only transport grain through the three largest grain roads.

But according to You's calculations, the food that passes through the three food channels every day is not enough to sustain the consumption of Yuan Shu's army.

In other words, although Yuan Shu has always had new food and grass entering his military camp, the food and grass in his military camp has continued to decrease.

During these days, Yuan Shu still took the initiative to go out of the camp to engage in some small-scale battles with our army, which was enough to prove that Yuan Shu was getting impatient.

This shows that the food and grass in Yuan Shu's camp is likely to be less than a month old, otherwise he would not be so anxious. "

This is a fairly simple arithmetic problem.

Yuan Shu had an army of 20, but the food and grass delivered every day was only enough for 19 people, so the remaining 1 people could only eat stored food.

No matter how much food is stored, it will not be able to withstand such people eating and chewing horses, so it is inevitable that Yuan Shu's army will be short of food and grass.

Cao Cao wondered: "But why did Yuan Shu suddenly start to lack food?

That is Runan County, the richest county in the world.

The grain and grass produced in one county can even be better than the grain and grass produced in one state in a bitter cold place like Youzhou and Bingzhou. "

Cao Cao was born in Yuzhou, and he knew very well how perverted Runan County was.

Xi Zhicai answered excitedly: "My lord, Yuan Shu is not short of food just now. Yuzhou suffered from floods first and then drought.

The land was barren, and Yuan Shu transferred a large number of young people from Runan County away. There was also a lack of green and strong land, and the land was further barren.

Yuan Shu also extorted money from large households in Runan County and asked them to donate large amounts of military supplies.

But nowhere in the world can it really be possible to levy excessive amounts on wealthy households, and in the end it will naturally fall on the common people.

Have you forgotten that you received a report a few days ago that some people in Runan County even rebelled and attacked Yuan Shu's retreat?

It was just suppressed by Yuan Shu who held the army.

But that rebellion must have caused huge damage to Yuan Shu, because only half a month after that time, a grain road was abandoned by Yuan Shu on his own initiative.

The people's momentum is like fire, heroic and fierce.

No one in this world is willing to be oppressed and die.

As long as Yuan Shu continues like this, there will be endless resistance, and will Yuan Shu change?

Will not change!
He will never realize his mistakes, but will attribute all mistakes to the common people and those powerful people who cannot bear the humiliation.

Lord, this is our opportunity. Yuan Shu has internal and external troubles, how can he remain undefeated? "

Cao Cao was excited at first when he heard the words, and then felt a little tingling all over his body, just like the feeling after Guo Jia finished speaking last time.

He always felt that when these counselors belittled Yuan Shu, they were also criticizing him.

Because when he was confronting Yuan Shu, there was also a small rebellion behind him, but it was quickly eliminated by Chen Gong.

Dong Zhao suddenly said: "My lord, Yuan Shu is tyrannizing Runan County, it's time for Liu Biao and Prince Chu to send troops together.

They are all close to Runan County and know more about the affairs in the county than we do.

If they are unwilling to attack at this time, their reputation will be greatly damaged.

If you are willing to attack, it is in line with our strategy.

We can gain more results with less losses.

Finally execute our previous plan. "

From the bottom of his heart, Cao Cao was unwilling to involve Liu Biao and Luo Chu.

Asking God is easy to send God.

If you invite these two people into Yuzhou and then drive them away, it will not be easy.

But at this time, there was no other way. Cao Cao felt his head began to hurt again, so he had to sit down and said to Xun You: "Gongda, you should write the letters to Liu Biao and Luo Chu.

It's July now, Gongda, when do you think it's more appropriate for us to attack? "

Xun You had already calculated when he was calculating. When he heard Cao Cao's question, he immediately said: "Now the food and grass in our army can still last for half a month. The ministers are still sending food and grass continuously, but now the rear is gradually drying up." .

Based on You's calculations, you can confront Yuan Shu's army for another month, observe the situation of Yuan Shu's army, and then disperse the army and ambush the strange soldiers separately.

Although our army is not as numerous as Yuan Shu's, it is more elite. As long as we wait until Yuan Shu is short of food and attack suddenly, he will definitely be defeated. "

Cao Cao was noncommittal about Xun You's outlook for the future. He only heard that he and Yuan Shu's army would have to confront Yuan Shujun for another month, and his anger rose again.

a month?
Cao Cao took a deep breath. In his life, from an ordinary nobleman to a prince, he has experienced quite a few wars, but not many real decisive battles.

After all, there are too few people in the world who can be evenly matched enemies.

Although Yuan Shu was not a heroic figure, he relied on his tyrannical family background and had a formidable background.

It is indeed the strongest opponent that Cao Cao has encountered so far. Apart from Liu Bei, the other minor princes are not as good as Yuan Shu.

This battle against Yuan Shu is crucial to Cao Cao. Whether he can become the overlord of the Central Plains depends on this battle.

The waiting time always feels like moving forward slowly but unswervingly.

It felt uncomfortable to see the food and grass running out little by little. Cao Cao wanted to launch an attack countless times, but was stopped by Xun You and the others.

The same was true for Yuan Shu. He attacked more and more frequently, and the number of his troops increased, and his inner anxiety was perfectly brought out.

This made Cao Cao feel a little relieved, knowing that Xun You and others' guess was not wrong.

Yuan Shu indeed ran out of food and fodder, so he was eager to seek a decisive battle.

In fact, the situation in Yuan Shu's army was worse than imagined. Some of the civilians who transported grain and grass and the soldiers who served as auxiliary soldiers had begun to reduce the supply of grain and grass.

But in this situation, the quartermaster did not dare to talk to Yuan Shu because he was already Yuan Shu's third quartermaster.

Yuan Shu simply did not believe that he had no food, because it was always others who were short of food, and Yuan Shu had never been short of food.

To Yuan Shu, this situation was almost like a fantasy.

Cao Cao and his group of advisers completely guessed wrong and were using normal people's thinking to speculate on abnormal people.

The reason why Yuan Shu frequently attacked was that he simply felt unhappy and wanted to fight Cao Cao quickly. He couldn't wait to defeat Cao Cao, and then tortured Cao Cao severely to avenge his son.

As for losing to Cao Cao, Yuan Shu never thought about this possibility.

The previous failure was just because he did not completely withdraw his hand, but now he has mobilized the entire army.

Who else in the world is his opponent?
What's the point of relying on Cao Cao?

But reality never changes from people's fantasies.

Yuan Shu only wandered around his commander's tent all day long, and all he saw were the most elite soldiers. Naturally, these soldiers did not dare to skimp on their food.

But an army of 20!
The camp alone stretches for more than ten miles, occupying almost all suitable places for camping. Running from one end to the other would take a long time, even on horseback.

Yuan Shu had never seen the civilians and auxiliary soldiers at all, and had no idea what it looked like there.

I didn't even know that there had been several small-scale mutinies, but they were just some starving people making trouble.

Under repeated suppressions, those civilians and soldiers who had long been intolerable to Yuan Shu could no longer tolerate it.

Yuan Shu exacted exorbitant amounts of money for this war, and he completely regarded himself as the master of this land.

He enslaves the people like cattle and horses, just like all tyrants in the past.

He is not even a monarch!
The civilians who transported grain and fodder to the army were forcibly recruited to participate in military service and corvee labor. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu would not give him a way to survive at all.

Seeing that they would starve to death sooner or later if things continued like this, these soldiers and civilians rebelled again!

And it was not a random mutiny, but a mutiny according to the story of King Su.

First kill those who are unwilling to mutiny.

Everyone must either mutiny or die.

It is impossible to reap benefits from troublemakers like them.

Luo Shi said that before anyone rebels and does big things, he should first kill the weaklings and smart people among his own people.

If you kill the weaklings, no one will keep thinking about surrendering.

Kill the smart people who let others die first, and others will become brave.

According to Rock's propaganda, this is the only way to win. Anyone who doesn't do this will definitely fail in the end.

Although these civilians have little education and do not understand many of the principles in books, they have heard all these stories thanks to Luo's tireless propaganda.

Once you start an uprising now, you can immediately follow these propaganda.

With such a huge army, once information is blocked, any chaos will quickly expand, and most people don't know how the chaos started.

When Yuan Shu heard the noisy sound, he thought it was Cao Cao coming. Until now, he didn't know that another mutiny was happening in his heart.

Cao Cao keenly noticed the noise and chaos in Yuan Shu's camp.

Super-divine wisdom took over his brain in an instant, and the super-monarch's intuition made his whole body tremble.

"There is great chaos in Yuan Shu's army camp, I'm afraid there is a mutiny!"

Without waiting for the counselor to analyze, Cao Cao analyzed it based on his intuition about war.

"All the cavalry on horseback, gentlemen, this is our perfect opportunity to defeat Yuan Shu in one battle, right now!"

Cao Cao waved the sharp sword in his hand high and said loudly: "Whoever kills Yuan Shu, I will save him a position as a prince in front of your majesty!" At this moment, even Guan Yu's eyes lit up, and his squinting Danfeng eyes were The divine light shines in the center.

In today's world, only the marquis titles of the Han Dynasty are hard currency.

Although Guan Yu didn't care about many things, he still cared about the title of marquis.

Cao Cao personally charged forward, with Dian Wei protecting him. He was not good at commanding an army, so he had always been Cao Cao's guard captain, responsible for protecting Cao Cao's safety.

Yuan Shu was overjoyed to see that Cao Cao dared to lead his army to directly attack his camp. He immediately opened the gate of the camp and led his army to fight fiercely with Cao Cao.

But he didn't worry about the fire behind him at all.

And it's not just that there are enemies attacking from behind, but that one of his own has rebelled against him. This is equivalent to someone stabbing a knife into his stomach, and he has no ability to fight back.

Yuan Shu shouted excitedly and asked the soldiers to move forward, but he heard bursts of howling from behind.

Cao Cao pressed the entire army forward and brought the war to its most intense stage almost instantly.

Cao Cao's army has been integrated, but Yuan Shu's army is a ragtag group. A simple battalion-by-battalion battle can still be fought, but it is almost impossible to cooperate.

Facing Cao Cao's elite, the soldiers at the front died. Hearing this sound, the soldiers at the back even felt that the mountains and plains were full of enemies.

The soldiers coming from the rear were dispersed by the rebellious soldiers, and they immediately began to attack from the back to the front. Yuan Shu's army was attacked from both sides.

Moreover, the rear was equivalent to a complete bombing of the camp, and the front could not withstand Cao Cao's army.

Cao Cao's generals led the army forward, feeling that they had never fought such an easy battle in their lives.

Now anyone with a little strategic vision can see that Yuan Shujun is going to be defeated.

Defeated easily!

Completely collapsed at the first touch!
It's all over!
Looking at the soldiers who were scattered and running away, Yuan Shu was about to collapse.

He never expected that in the end he would not be defeated at the hands of Cao Cao, but would be betrayed by these untouchables like pigs and dogs.

This then led to a crushing defeat, which was really funny.


"You dare to betray!"

Yuan Shu roared and cursed angrily. He held a sharp sword in his hand and chopped a civilian husband to death on the ground. The blood spurted out and splashed on his face.

His ferocious face looked even more terrifying, almost like a ghost coming out of the underworld, which made people feel chilled just by looking at it.

Looking at the battlefield where the army was defeated, Yuan Shu quickly escaped under the protection of his guards. He believed that as long as he escaped, he would be able to make a comeback.

He was born in the fourth generation and the third prince, and his disciples and former officials are all over the world. The family background is extremely deep, and it will not be a problem to stand up again.

"Master, where are you?

Don't abandon me. "

Yuan Shu, who was in a state of madness, suddenly heard a familiar soft voice. He turned around and saw that it was the woman who regarded him as her master. She was running towards him with her skirt in hand.

Among the blood on the ground, among the countless weapons, and among the corpses lying on the ground, a beauty stumbled towards him.

Her belly was slightly bulging and inside was Yuan Shu's child. She gained Yuan Shu's trust with this.

how come?
Yuan Shu was a little stunned.

The guards protecting Yuan Shu were about to stop her, but Yuan Shu scolded her and let the woman go.

The woman ran to his side, her face full of worry, and asked warmly: "Master, are you okay?"

As he spoke, he burst into tears and said, "Master, why is there blood on your armor? Are you injured?"

Yuan Shu stared blankly at this woman who in his eyes had no shame for the sake of glory and wealth.

He never imagined that at this time, it would be the woman in front of him who would comfort him.

He stared blankly as the woman took off the armor on his side. He wanted to tell her that he was protected by the armor and was not injured.

But at this moment of betrayal, he didn't want to talk like that.

He needs some people to tell him that he, Yuan Shu, is not wrong.

There are still people who are willing to follow him, even the shameless woman in front of him.

The woman stretched out her hand to untie the armor. She had learned how to untie the armor for a long time, so Yuan Shu didn't feel the slightest discomfort. She reached out and touched Yuan Shu's side, which had no trace of blood, and felt relieved.

"Master, you're not injured, that's great!"

Yuan Shu is now intact, and there is undisguised joy in her eyes.

Even people like Yuan Shu couldn't help but feel a little happy when they saw this unadulterated joy.

He decided to improve the status of this woman and upgrade her from a humble maid to his concubine.


This is the sound of a dagger piercing flesh.

A stinging pain came from his ribs, and Yuan Shu's expression froze for an instant. The severe pain spread throughout his body almost instantly.


The woman's voice no longer had any tenderness in the past, but was cold and cold. Even the coldest glacier on the Tianshan Mountains, and even the cold spring under Jiuyou couldn't compare with her.

Because this chill is full of strong hatred. This is the last voice of a woman whose family has been ruined. Who can understand the pain and suffering she goes through day and night by committing herself as a thief?
"Yuan Shu, it's great that you weren't injured.

I once swore that I would kill you with my own hands to avenge you.

I'm really afraid that someone else will kill you first, I'm afraid! "

She said and stabbed him twice more. She stabbed him through the ribs, directly hurting his heart. Yuan Shu was bound to die, so she dared to talk nonsense here.

Yuan Shu completely lost the strength to push the woman away, and could only ask intermittently: "Why?
Wouldn't it be better to follow me and enjoy the glory and wealth?

There are many women in this world who remarry others. Why don’t you want to?

I killed your children, but you got new ones. "

The woman said coldly: "The spirit of King Su is in the sky. My husband and I once made an oath in front of Luo Shen. Why do you think it is?"
How can you powerful people understand this?
King Su and Luo Shen give us free souls, never to be enslaved.

This child in my belly?

A wicked person like you who deserves to be punished in hell for eternity is not worthy of a child. He is a scoundrel and has no right to appear in this world.

You should have no descendants, you should turn into a lonely ghost, and never receive offerings of blood, food, or incense. "

Yuan Shu opened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Do you purely believe in King Su?"

The woman said proudly: "Of course!
go to hell! "

Yuan Shu never expected that the woman in front of him would be a person with pure faith in King Su who is rare in this world today.

This kind of people basically only appear in places like Zhaocheng, with families as the main body, and do not spread to the outside world, but only reproduce within the family.

If Yuan Shu had known earlier, he would never have taken this woman to his side, because such people are extremely unstable elements.

Almost all the princes avoided it.

"I actually died in the hands of a woman!"

Until the end, Yuan Shu was still crying. He did not expect that he did not die in the hands of Cao Cao, but in the hands of a woman.

He was extremely frustrated.

Yuan Shu's blood flowed enough and the poison penetrated deep enough.

His head drooped like a dead dog.

"A noble family?"

"But so!"

The woman let go of Yuan Shu and looked at the panicked guards who rushed towards him. She calmly committed suicide in front of everyone, and a blood bloomed in her heart.

She was still so beautiful, and although her face was stained with blood, it was clean.

The guards who rushed over looked at Yuan Shu and the woman's body, not knowing what to do. Then the first one ran away, and the others dispersed in a rush.

The dignified Yuan family's legitimate son didn't even have anyone willing to collect his body.

Or maybe those who were willing to collect his body had already died on the battlefield.

The white clouds are lingering, and a few birds chirping, bringing with it a sense of loneliness.

Life and death are just that simple.

Let you have thousands of troops and horses, let you dominate the world, once you close your eyes and never open them again, your name will no longer exist in the world.

After a long time, Cao Chuncai led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to catch up here.

His face was full of remorse and he did not hold out any hope. He never expected that he would pursue the wrong person, causing Yuan Shu to run away.

Such a good opportunity to avenge Zilian was missed.

"General! Is that Yuan Shu in front of you?"

Suddenly the soldier pointed forward, Cao Chun quickly rode past, and when he took a closer look, he saw that it was Yuan Shu's corpse. It was hideous and terrifying, and he died with no eyes open.

Looking at the poison-quenched dagger in the heart of the woman next to him, Cao Chun knew what had happened.

I felt regretful and lucky at the same time.

Although he did not kill Yuan Shu with his own hands, he was not allowed to escape at least, which was a blessing in misfortune.

He sighed here, and the sound of horse hooves was heard. Several generals went to kill or surrender Yuan Shu's soldiers, and the rest came here.

Killing Yuan Shu is by far the most critical thing for Cao Cao's camp.

It can be said that if Yuan Shu is not dead, it will take at least more than a year to pacify Runan County.

But if Yuan Shu dies, it depends on whether Runan County can even send a message. This is the importance of a political figure's life and death.

Especially since Yuan Shu now has no heir, even if he still has some loyal ministers, no one can hold up the banner.

Cao Cao was wearing armor and a bright red cloak, his face full of high spirits, and he came on horseback.

Looking at Yuan Shu's hideous corpse, he couldn't help but throw his head back and laugh. This time he could finally laugh unscrupulously.

"Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu, is this the legitimate son of the Fourth and Third Duke?

But that's all!
But that's all! "

What Cao Cao saw from Yuan Shu was not that one person died, but that the whole of Runan would fall into his hands, and he, Cao Cao, would become the overlord of the Central Plains dominating the two states.

Such a force is no weaker than any other princes. Only Yuan Shao can capture the complete Youzhou to defeat him.

The most important thing is that because Yuan Shu was defeated too quickly and simply, Cao Cao's loss was completely within the acceptable range, and Luo Chu and Liu Biao probably did not react.

He had enough time to confront Luo Chu and Liu Biao to prevent them from entering Runan County.

"By killing Yuan Shu, this woman is doing something good for the people. To bury her alive, just write on the tombstone, 'The one who killed Yuan Shu is buried here.'"

Cao Cao didn't know the girl's last name. Being able to do this was considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing to do.

Cao Cao turned the horse's head and said: "Take Yuan Shu's body and go back to pay homage to Zi Lian's heroic soul so that his spirit in heaven can rest in peace. His brothers did not break their promise and avenged him.

Cut off his head and pickle it, and reward Zilian's child when he grows up. "

The army came like the wind and left like the wind, leaving only a lonely grave on the roadside and blood all over the ground.

The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood condensed in the wind slowly dissipated.

A new chapter has been opened.


Yuan Shu's fate was arrogant by nature, arrogant and jealous of his reputation. He thought he was worried about his country and forgot his home, which was a false self-esteem.

The skill has no merit, no kindness, but it is respectful and frugal, but extravagant and licentious, especially the most beautiful. The concubines control hundreds of people, all of them are noble, but the people are hungry and needy, and they don’t know how to provide for them, and they abuse them at the same time, which ruins the people. Destroy homes.

The people are desperate, Cao Cao takes advantage of the situation and whips up his whip, who is the one who is going to die?
Cao Cao?
Not also!

It’s all the people of Runan!

And a woman who raises a sword with hatred, upholds the moral code of human beings, knows the sacred words, and her skills are still saying that she is sad, how absurd is it, the dry bones in the grave are the laughter of Qing Dynasty! ——"Book of the Later Han·Biography of Liu Yan, Liu Biao, Liu Yu, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan"

(End of this chapter)

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