Chapter 63 The Unbreakable Vow

Wang Zishu was full of anger, but he still forced himself to calm down and began to think about how to kill Ji Tai. As the emperor, he still had a lot of guards.

At this time, Yi Jiang saw that the prince had made up his mind, so he hesitated and said: "My lord, if you can bring the king to the mansion, you should be able to kill the king."

The prince sighed: "If Ji Tai came here, he would certainly die, but how did he come here?"

Yi Jiang's face was miserable, and his voice was full of tears: "Husband, I have Ji Tai's evil seed in my belly, I need to report it to Zong Zhengliao, maybe I can use this matter to call Ji Tai."


Wang Zishu felt dizzy again, his scalp was numb, he gritted his teeth heavily, and stared viciously at Yi Jiang's lower abdomen, his eyes were full of blood red.

You are really a man-eating beast in the wilderness!
Even if you fall into the underworld for life after life, I will definitely kill you!

The supreme Haotian, I hope you will take pity on your people.

The most holy and noble King Su, bless your descendants! "

Yi Jiang cried and said: "Husband, please agree to let me kill the king, what kind of crime is it to kill the king's father?
The water in the rivers and rivers can't wash it away!

The concubine is just a weed on the side of the road. It is green today and will die tomorrow. My husband, you are a flawless gold and jade, which will remain unchanged for thousands of years.

It is wrong for the misfortune caused by the concubine to implicate the husband. Can you still see such infamy on your back?
The end of my life is not far away. May your life become more noble every day. I will go down to the underworld alone. May you plant pines and cypresses on my tomb. If you hear the sound of pines and cypresses, that is My concubine is praying for you in the underworld. "

Wang Zishu heard the words and hugged Yijiang into his arms heavily, crying bitterly: "How can my beloved say such a thing?
You are a virtuous woman, but because you married into the royal family and met Ji Tai and Feng Ji, you suffered such a calamity, how can you blame yourself?

Is this the truth promulgated by God?

If a man can't take revenge with his own hands, can he live in this world with dignity?
Haotian witnesses, Su Wang is above, if the matter is successful, we will enjoy the wealth and honor together, if the matter is not successful, we will meet each other in the underworld, this is my oath to you. "

The two hugged each other and wept, their hatred for Ji Tai was like a torrent of river water.

What Yi Jiang said was right, the prince's heirs could inherit Bang Zhou, so they had to be recorded in detail.

After Zongzhengliao confirmed that Yijiang was pregnant, he would definitely meet Jitai and report it. Wang Zishu concluded that a beast like Jitai would definitely come to see him when he heard the news.

After a few days, as expected Ji Tai came to Wang Zishu's mansion, the guards were all guarding outside the mansion, only a few people followed Ji Tai.

Ji Tai saw Yi Jiang, her eyes were full of complacency, she looked at Prince Shu and said with a smile: "Shu'er, Yi Jiang is your wife, she is a virtuous woman.

The first prince and grandson of Bangzhou should pay more attention to it, and you can ask Doctor Fengji what you need. "

With a smile on his face, Wang Zishu came to Ji Tai and said: "Father, my son is your heir, the prince of Bangzhou, how honorable, what else is lacking?
All I want now is your head! "

"Say it!"

Ji Tai just had a bad feeling in his heart, but when Wang Zishu said "want", he had already drawn the knife from his sleeve.

He stabbed directly, and Ji Tai let out a cry of pain without saying a word. This sudden change stunned the people protecting Ji Tai.

Wang Zishu didn't talk nonsense, twisted the handle of the knife, and messed around in Ji Tai's body, killing Ji Tai directly.

It wasn't until Ji Tai died that he could no longer die that the guards came to their senses. Just as they were about to pounce on Wang Zishu, they were directly shot dead by the ambushed crossbowmen.

A coup d'état was completed between swords and flints. Of course, Wang Zishu didn't want to accompany Ji Tai to die, so he quickly took Yi Jiang and left the mansion with an excuse.

The guards guarding outside had no idea what happened inside, Wang Zishu wanted to bring the army loyal to him immediately, and kill these nobles who were loyal to Jitai.

Wang Zishu's power was still too weak, and he was quickly defeated by the old nobles, but many nobles and people sympathized with his experience, so he escaped from Luoyi with his officials and Yi Jiang.


Jin State.

Before the news of the royal turmoil came out, the news that the Rongju clan of Yiluo invaded Wang Ji first reached the ears of the king and ministers of Jin.

It would be too naive for Yiluo Zhirong to think that the Jin Dynasty would loosen its control over the Di people because it dealt with them. In the eyes of Jin, Yiluo Zhirong is the key to Jin's hegemony.

How could it be possible to relax the surveillance on them just because they are mere Di people?
After waiting for a long time, the kings and ministers of the Jin Kingdom laughed loudly: "My lord, the time has come for the Jin Kingdom to dominate!
The overlord must not only have the strength to shock the world, but also have the virtue to make the princes submit.

Just like Qi Huangong pacified the Laiyi Kingdom, if you can pacify Yiluo Zhirong and save the Zhou royal family from the fire and water, the emperor will be grateful to you.

When the Son of Heaven grants you the position of Fang Bo, why worry about this hegemony? "

The position of Fang Bo can replace the emperor to conquer non-officials, and the ritual and music conquest comes from the emperor. If he gets the position of Fang Bo, even the state of Luo will submit to the state of Jin.

This is the hidden idea of ​​the king and ministers of Jin. Jin and Qi are different. Although they are allies, they are not echoers!
Even without Luo's help, Jin can still dominate the world!

Chong'er, Marquis of Jin, sighed with emotion: "My lords, since Chong'er ascended to the throne, it is thanks to the assistance of your virtuous ministers that the state of Jin has the prosperous scene it is today.

200 million Jin people want to establish a hegemony like Duke Huan of Qi, and hundreds of ancient states hope to have a lord who can flog the barbarians.

Rong Di, who obeyed the will of heaven and expelled cholera, can such a heavy burden be given to others?
Send a call to the warriors of Jin, and send a call to the kingdoms of Xia.

Fight against the soldiers, protect the emperor with wings! "

The Yiluo army is composed of many tribes, so it is impossible to send troops at the same time, but they are so numerous that they are like tides and locusts.

As soon as the Jin army arrived at the edge of Luoshui, they encountered a large group of Rong people. The Jin army formed an elite formation and drove them away. Then they heard scouts reporting that an army carrying the banner of the royal army was in a hurry. Hurry up.

This army was Prince Shu who fled from Luoyi.

After Ji Tai was killed by Wang Zishu, those nobles who had always been close to Ji Tai would naturally not let Wang Zishu live, so they planned to kill him on the charge of regicide.

After Wang Zishu fled with the help of the nobles and the people of the country, he did not expect to encounter the Jin army who was about to suppress Yiluo Zhirong just after hundreds of miles away.

Both parties were very surprised when they came into contact, with a feeling of "Why are you here?"

"Prince Shu left? Did something happen to the royal family? Infighting?"

Chong'er was also a little dumbfounded, he just came to suppress a wave of Rong people, how could he still encounter such a big event of the royal family?
Chonger himself was chased and killed by Gongzi Wu and Gongzi Lin, and then returned to Jin with the troops of Qi and Luo to inherit the throne.

He knew very well that there might be a big change in the royal family, which made him feel a little hazy. Now is the critical moment for him to dominate, and if the royal family made any troubles, he would definitely regret it.

But Dr. Jin Guoqing didn't think so, their eyes lit up, and it was only when they saw something cherished that they lit up.

Zhao Qing said excitedly: "My lord, this is a gift from the heavens.

You should meet Prince Shu immediately. In the past 500 years, every time there is a major change in the royal family, the overlord will be created.

King Su is a man who receives orders from the sky, King Wu bestows the throne but does not accept it, so he is not among ordinary people.

Duke Wen of Luo became regent because of the rebellion of King Li, Duke Luoxuan became regent because of the rebellion of Haojing, and even Marquis Zheng took advantage of the rebellion of Prince An to serve as Otsuka's governor.

If you can support the emperor, you don't need to slowly accumulate reputation like Duke Huan of Qi! "

Chong Er's heart was surging when he heard that Duke Huan of Qi's hegemony was so enviable, but it was too slow, and it took nearly 20 years to accumulate his reputation.

In the end, he defeated the state of Chu in the battle of Yanling and saved the royal family. Only then did he get the position of Fangbo and Jiuxi bestowed by the emperor, and even the state of Jin surrendered to him.

If he hadn't been in power long enough, he would have passed away before he enjoyed the power of the supreme being in the world.

Wang Zishu soon saw Chong'er, and at a glance he saw Chong'er's pair of double pupils that were different from ordinary people, which was the symbol of ancient holy kings.

Seeing the heroic Wang Zishu, Chong Er smiled and asked: "The prince no longer enjoys wealth and honor in Luoyi, why should he go out with his armor? Now the Yiluo army is rampant and cannot be controlled. It would be bad if the prince was injured .”

Wang Zishu escaped from Luoyi, the road ahead was uncertain, and he didn't know how to go.

Seeing Marquis Jin, a family member surnamed Ji, knows that he is powerful, if he deceives him, it will not do him any good.

So he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Marquis Jin, you are a family member with the surname Ji, I shouldn't have deceived you, but the truth is too horrifying, please sit still.

I killed Dufutai and was hunted down by the nobles in Jinai. Fortunately, I was merciful by the people of the country, so I left Luoyi. "

To kill the only husband?

Among the independent husbands recognized by the kingdoms of Xia, the most famous ones belong to Jie, Zhou, Li, Huang, and You, and the next one is King Xi, the brother-killer.

But no matter which one it is, the only husband has always been exclusive to the king. Does the prince mean that he killed the emperor of Zhou?
Zhou Tianzi Ji Terrace, the Dufu Terrace mentioned by the prince!
The king and ministers of the state of Jin looked at each other in blank dismay. How broad are their knowledge?

The last time something like this happened was more than 200 years ago, when Marquis Shen killed King You, right?Is there such a warrior now?

Chong Er was still smiling, but he froze all of a sudden, he thought he had heard it wrong, but it couldn't be wrong, he shouted loudly: "Killer, why don't you take it down?"

So the warriors in the tent immediately pushed Wang Zishu to the ground, Wang Zishu didn't struggle, he just said loudly: "Marquis Jin, there are records from the historian in the tent, please speak carefully.

Gu is not killing the emperor's father, but killing the only husband for Zhuxia. Although you are the nobleman of Zhuji, you should not slander a prince so wantonly. "

Chong Er almost laughed angrily, he suppressed the irritability in his heart forcibly, and asked in a cold voice: "Wang Zishu, I worship God alone, and I have the virtue of cherishing life and not killing randomly. kill you."

So Wang Zishu told what Ji Tai had done one by one, and Chong'er became angrier the more he heard it.

His father was disobedient to human relations and caused Gong Ziwu's incident, and finally made him bear the reputation of killing his brother, and even separated from the public.

The more Wang Zishu said, the more sad he was, and he said sadly: "Marquis of Jin, since Xia Qishi, the Xia people were called Queen, Yin and Shang were called emperors, and Bang Zhou was called king.

But is the honorable title the king?

Jingchu Nanman usurped the title of king, Yin and Shang Xu Guo usurped the title of king, among the barbarians, who knows how many people are called kings?

The dignity of the king comes from being ordered by the sky!
The three kings of Yao, Shun and Yu, the two kings of Tang and Wu, and even the holy Su king, the destiny will only fall on these great sages.

Ji Tai is such an evil king as Jie Zhou You Li, if he is allowed to usurp the throne, wouldn't heaven despise Bang Zhou?
Marquis of Jin, you are a prince with the surname Ji, can you escape by then? "

Chong'er was not so angry anymore, at this time Zhao Qing, who was always known for his politeness, whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty.

It is worthy of sympathy that Wang Zi said that he killed Ji Tai. What he said was very reasonable and enough to be recorded in the history books.

He doesn't have great strength, if you can send him back to Luoyi to inherit the throne, wouldn't he repay you heavily?
I think, Wang Zishu is the key given to you by the gods to become the overlord. "

Zhao Qing convinced Chong'er with a few words that the state of Jin was powerful, and all he needed to interfere with Wang Ji was an excuse. Now that Wang Zishu sent him an excuse, he really couldn't miss it.

So he personally lifted Prince Shu up from the ground, and bowed down to Prince Shu: "Prince, as you said, Ji Tai is a single husband who tramples on the patriarchal clan, it's not your fault.

You are not the sinful person who killed the king's father, but Gu is rude to you. This is Gu's deficiency. I pray to you three times for your forgiveness.

Gu is also willing to send you back to Luoyi, only a noble prince like you can get the blessing of heaven. "

Wang Zishu didn't expect that he would go to such a point. He originally wanted to save his life in front of the Marquis of Jin, but he didn't expect that the Marquis of Jin would send him back to Luoyi to inherit the throne.

The Marquis of Jin is the most powerful country among the concubines, and the Marquis of Jin's words are the future.

What is a surprise?

The surprise is that the prince who was in exile one moment, someone handed the crown to him the next moment.

This made Wang Zishu unable to maintain his composure, he immediately held Chong'er's hand, and said emotionally: "Jin Hou, I really don't know what to say to express my respect to you.

Witnessed by Haotian and King Su, I would like to swear by Luoshui that if I can become the king of Bangzhou, I will never forget your kindness today.

Except for a large number of thrones, as long as it is what you want, as long as it is what I have, I am willing to share it with you. Only in this way can I repay your kindness to me a little bit. "

Wang Zishu really doesn't care about these things, his character is easy-going, if Ji Tai didn't touch his bottom line, he would definitely spend his life with Yi Jiangping in a normal way.

Chong'er felt Wang Zishu's sincerity, and was also a little moved. He directly bit his finger, stretched out his hand to wipe on his lips, and said with his finger: "Prince, there is no cow's blood here, but Gu's heart can be clearly learned from this." , please rest assured."

This is an alliance made of blood. All the previous alliances of princes would wipe their lips with ox blood to express the unbreakable alliance. Wang Zishu also bit his finger and stretched out his hand to wipe it. Full of trust and smiles.

The officials of the Jin Kingdom looked at each other with joy in their eyes. Things went so smoothly. There is such a prince in the royal family. It is really like a king.

Jin's army came to wipe out Yiluo Zhirong. Although they encountered the incident mentioned by the prince, on the way to Luoyi, it was no problem to clean up Yiluo Zhirong.

When the Jin army appeared under the city of Luoyi, the whole army looked murderous, which directly frightened the nobles in Luoyi.

Fortunately, it was the army of the Jin State. If the army of the Chu State had such a military capacity, they would immediately hand over the nine tripods and beg for mercy.

The presence of Wang Zishu in the Jin army greatly shocked those nobles. They did not expect that Wang Zishu could find Jin as a support just after he fled.

Surrounded by the Jin army, Wang Zishu came to the palace where he was born, and Yi Jiang was by his side.

He dragged Fengji, who was dying, in his hand, and then cut off Fengji's head outside the ancestral temple.

Prince Shu knelt in front of the ancestral temple and killed all of Jitai's favorites in a ceremony of presenting captives. This was to announce to the entire Zhuxia world that Jitai was not worthy to be king.

"The grandchildren of the twentieth generation made sacrifices to the ancestors King Wu, King Su, and the previous kings of all dynasties.

Ji Tai harmed the country, violated the patriarchal law and trampled on human relations, but he didn't know that the destiny was manifest, and the heavens had long since rejected him.

He lost his destiny, and God punished him with the help of his body, and finally died in heaven.

This is not something that can be done by one person alone, it must be done with the care of the ancestors. "

Ji Shu wanted to strip the matter of killing Ji Tai from himself, how could a mortal kill the Son of Heaven?

Ji Tai's death was because God deprived him of his destiny, and Bang Zhou's former king was dissatisfied with Ji Tai, so he finally did it himself.

After finishing the play, Ji Shu started his real revenge. First of all, it was Ji Tai's posthumous title, which was undoubtedly the evil posthumous title. His favorite was the posthumous title of Jie Zhou, the two kings of subjugation.

"Excessive licentiousness is called Jie, cruelty and inhumanity are called Jie, thieves who kill many people are called Jie, low benevolent people are called Jie, and those who are humble and benevolent are called Jie, and those who are cruel and righteous and detrimental to good are called Zhou, are there any things that are not suitable for Ji Tai?"

Ji Shu's words will be recorded in the history books, but he still wants to say it, which shows his hatred for Ji Tai, which finally gave him the posthumous title of Jie.

Ji Shu said again: "Such a thief and a single husband, can he enter Bang Zhou's ancestral temple and stand side by side with King Wu?
Bury him in the wilderness, and trample his grave with five horses, so that no one will give him an offering of blood. "

This is really hate, everyone thinks so.

But neither Chong Er nor other ministers felt that Ji Shu was a sinister and scary person, because Ji Shu was just a person of pure temperament.

After finishing all this, the hostility between Ji Shu's brows obviously dissipated, he held Chong'er's hand, and said with a smile: "Duke Jin, without your help, would the widow be able to sit facing south?
I have received such a great favor, can I not repay it?
You are the ruler of the state of Jin. The state of Jin has a vast land like a bright moon, and the land of Wang Ji is as small as a grain of rice.

But the widow is still willing to give you Hanoi and Yangfan. If you can make the bright moon of the Jin Kingdom shine even more, this is what the widow can do for Zhu Xia. "

Now Chong'er stood up and bowed down, moved and said: "My lord, your benevolence is not inferior to the ancient sage kings, there is a monarch like you but you don't assist, this is not what a loyal minister should do.

The kingdoms of the Xia and other countries should be punished for offering tribute to you carelessly. I am willing to act as your emperor and drive the chariot for you. "

Chong'er was moved by Ji Shu's generosity and promise, so he reciprocated, promising to urge the kingdoms of Xia to pay tribute to the royal family on time.

"Duke Jin, Duke Huan of Qi expelled the barbarians in the past and made Zhu Xia stable. The king bestowed Fang Bo and Jiuxi on him. This is the highest courtesy for a courtier.

Your character and achievements are not inferior to Duke Huan of Qi. If you are not given the position of Fangbo and Jiuxi, do you still have the face to sit here? "

Anyway, Ji Shu didn't care about the position of Fangbo and Jiuxi after all the land was given, and he generously handed it all over to Chong'er.

So far, after King Yi, Chong'er became the second prince to win the two overlord suits of Fangbo and Jiuxi.

The rapid rise of Jin's hegemony shocked the princes of the world.


King Yuan came to the throne, grateful for the kindness of Duke Wen of Jin, bestowed the position of Fangbo, added the honor of Jiuxi, and bestowed Hanoi and Yangfan on Jin.

Qing Shi remonstrated: "Duke Jin has great achievements, so he can bestow Fangbo and Jiuxi. Hanoi and Yangfan are the lands of kings, and if they are lost, the week will decline."

The king of Yuan said to him: The rise and fall of the Zhou family has its own destiny, and life and death are in the hands of human beings.

The one who gave birth to a widow was King Jie, and the one who lived a widow was Duke Jin.The widow and the Duke of Jin swear an oath, the widow is the king, and the Duke of Jin is the overlord. This is the order of the king, so don't say it again! ——"Historical Records Zhou Benji"

 This chapter has a great foreshadowing, you can guess, and suddenly found that you can tell a good story without writing about Rockwell~
  The two-in-one big chapter is gone today~over~
(End of this chapter)

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