Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 602 Cao Mengde Laughed at Luo Ziling Again

Chapter 602 Cao Mengde Laughed at Luo Ziling Again
When tens of thousands of young and strong people were traveling westward on Taiping Road.

When Huangfusong was nervous and started to fortify the wall and clear the country.

When the army of the Western Regions in Hebei, under the leadership of Luo Chuan, began to cross the river in full gear.

When Luo Chuan led the families of the Marquises and the heroes of the counties to join Luo Kong.

When Yuan Shao learned that Luo Xiao would not fight against him, but would stick to the city and laugh wildly.

When Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan looked at each other, they turned to prepare weapons and attack the city.

When Zhao Gong was thinking hard in Zhao City, thinking about how to deal with Luo Xiao's identity.

Luo Xiao, who had been constantly calculating and deducing in Xingyang, moved.

From the elite of the Taiping Army, he carefully selected a group of soldiers who were able to fight hard, have abundant physical strength, high skills and tactics, and most importantly, stable will and did not panic.

There are millions of Taiping Daoists, and the soldiers who meet his requirements are only a few thousand, and he selected some who are slightly worse, a total of ten thousand.

Go out of Xingyang and go east!


Luo Xiao's march was quite methodical. Mountains, rivers and rivers were all in his mind. It was easy for the army to set up camp, clean up the army, and maintain military discipline. His biggest requirement was to be quiet during the march.

There were twelve Qu Shuai who traveled with him. Although there were no long-sighted leaders among these Qu Shuai, many of them were qualified as fierce generals. Among them, Luo Xiao also felt that their aptitude was not bad.

For example, Qu Shuai Guan Hai is the number one fierce general in the Taiping Dao, born with supernatural power, and the only fierce general in the Taiping Dao who can withstand Luo Xiao's full strength for more than ten moves. Luo Xiao concluded that he can also do it in this turbulent world Can be regarded as a warrior.

Another example is Chu Feiyan, who was born in Qingzhou, and later changed his name to Zhang Yan. This is a rare general in the Taiping Army who is very talented in commanding troops, and now he is one of Luo Xiao's generals.

There are also a few Qu Shuai with good qualifications who are fighting in Jingzhou.

Luo Xiao only brought [-] troops with him this time, which is considered extremely small.

Whether the number of soldiers is important or the level of elites has always been the focus of debate. Luo Xiao thinks it is unnecessary, so naturally the number of elites is important.

This is a matter with no fixed answer. The confrontation between the two armies in the Central Plains is a meat grinder-level war. Naturally, the number of troops must be sufficient, otherwise they will be empty.

If Luo Xiao is preparing to attack by surprise like Luo Xiao is now, then naturally the size of the army must be reduced, otherwise the risk of being discovered will be greatly increased, which is not conducive to combat.

Luo Xiao looked up at the surrounding hills and highlands, and kept matching with the memories in his mind. When he reached a key point, he stopped.

"right here."

Luo Xiao turned around and looked at all the handsome men, his eyes swept over one by one. He wanted to choose the most patient person to complete this task. Based on his understanding of everyone in his mind, Luo Xiao chose a handsome man who had a very high force value. Guan Hai.

Being selected by Luo Xiao, Guan Hai was very excited, and they all patted their chests and promised: "Master, Hai promises to execute your plan perfectly."

Guan Hai led two thousand soldiers, which was the limit of Luo Xiao's calculations, and set up an ambush here.

According to Luo Xiao's request, the soil and green leaves were sprinkled directly on them to cover up the human aura. This is one of the yin and yang of soldiers, and it is called the Qimen escape method by the people.

From a distance, even if you look at it deliberately, it is not easy to find.

Luo Xiao checked it several times and confirmed that it was perfect, so he led the remaining 2000 troops, slowly removed the traces of the time, turned around the valley, and left two ambushes, each with 5000 people. The remaining [-] people rested and waited quietly for the appearance of their prey.

Qu commanders were both excited and puzzled and asked Luo Xiao who was standing looking up at the sky: "Master, can the Han army be so stupid?
Pass without inspection at this kind of venue? "

Luo Xiao withdrew his staring gaze at the sky, turned around and said with a soft smile: "Sometimes don't think too cleverly of the enemy.

The most useful tactics are usually the simplest and crudest.

Before arriving here, the sky will gradually gather clouds. They are worried about rain. The best place to camp is five miles out of the valley, so they must pass through as soon as possible. There is no time and no one will check. "

So, is this the legendary Bing Yin Yang?

Truly worthy of being an omnipotent Taoist.


Time flies by, bit by bit.

With the obvious sound of people and horseshoes coming, this not so high valley, or the bottom of the hilly valley suddenly became noisy.

If you stand on the top of the mountain and look far away, you can see countless banners fluttering under the breeze. On the banners are the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers, and the auspicious beast holy spirit. The character "Cao" and the character "Han" on the other flag.

It was Cao Cao's vanguard.

Gongsun Zan, who was also a vanguard, was worried that Yuan Shao would use his status as the leader to deceive him, and he was unwilling to march with Yuan Shao's army, so he led the cavalry to march from a more right and flatter place, breaking away from the army.

Cao Cao, on the other hand, carried out the duties of the vanguard to the letter, building bridges across waters, opening roads across mountains, and removing obstacles for the march of the army.

But Cao Cao felt a little helpless in his heart, and he said to his clan brothers while riding on horseback: "Our army is suppressing the border, and the Taiping army, whose main force is going west, will definitely not be able to hold out. I don't know how many casualties will be caused by attacking the city. It's really annoying. "

When the army was marching, they saw lush greenery and rocks on the hilltop on the only way. Cao Cao stepped forward to wait and see. His military ability is very good. Seeing this place, he felt that it was a good place to ambush.

If he leads the army, even if the troops are insufficient, he must ambush an army here, after all, the benefits must be great.

Suddenly a bird soared up from the tree, and then several birds flew up from it, circled a few times, and landed on a branch or a boulder.

There are birds in the forest!

Based on experience, Cao Cao felt relieved, thinking that the main force of the Taiping Army was heading west. Facing the pressure of our army, it is still difficult to defend the city.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao immediately prepared to pretend. As a leader, he must show his wisdom and strategize from time to time, so that his subordinates will never dare to try.

Seeing Cao Cao suddenly burst into laughter, looking disdainfully at the small valley, everyone was a little strange, so they asked directly, "Why are you laughing, brother?"

Cao Cao smiled and pointed to the valley and said, "I laugh at Tai Ping without strategy, Zhang Jiao is less wise, this is one of the must-passes to Xingyang.

If I were Zhang Jiao, I would order the Taiping army to ambush an army here. When our army enters, a sudden attack will surely cause confusion and heavy casualties.

It's a pity that those who have no plan and little wisdom, how can they understand the mystery? "

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao looked up at the sky, knowing that he could not delay any longer, and said to one of the generals beside him: "Lieutenant, you go back and report the situation here, and I will enter it first to open the road for Benchu, and the army will follow up later." That's it."

After finishing speaking, he ordered the army to pass through. Although there were quite a lot of stone forests along the way, it was as expected by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao couldn't help laughing again. It wasn't just that there was no ambush, but he confirmed that the generals of the Taiping Army who stayed behind were indeed very average in terms of military capabilities.

In the Taiping army, only the bandit Shou Zhangjiao has a bit of magical ability, the rest are useless.

In Yuan Shao's army, he couldn't help laughing out loud when he received the news from Cao Cao.

He said to the other princes: "I met Meng De when we were young. At that time, he was fond of military affairs. He liked to comment on the famous generals of the past. He would say that if he was a general, he would be so and so.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for many years, it is still like this.

It's getting late, withdraw the scouts from the rear, put them in the front, and pass by here as soon as possible, only a few miles ahead is a suitable place to camp. "

Everyone should go down and lead the army through.

It is said to be as soon as possible, but the difficulty of the army's action is not comparable to that of Cao Cao. With the number of Yuan Shao's coalition forces, it will take a long time to just pass the order from Yuan Shao to the bottom, but fortunately, the formation is still there. Even if it is neat, you can rest after hearing the few miles ahead, and the speed of the army has obviously accelerated.

Cao Cao laughed wildly in the valley, who could not hear it?
Especially Guan Hai, who was in ambush in the first paragraph, thought he was going to be discovered at the time. It wasn't until Cao Cao went straight into the ambush circle that he realized that Cao Cao was simply being fooled.

Thinking of the Taoist's order, Guan Hai didn't do anything, and let Cao Cao leave directly.

The news of Cao Cao's passage quickly spread to Yuan Shao's allied forces who had already started to pass. Hearing that the vanguard army had begun to rush to the camp, Yuan Shao ordered to speed up again.

There are more than [-] people, connecting the sky and the earth.

There are more than [-] people, and the world is the same.

Yuan Shao's coalition forces far exceeded [-], and the princes from all walks of life brought their own elites to command the army to march, and the fatal flaw appeared in this.

When Yuan Shao's Chinese army's big banner entered the valley, Guan Hai knew that the big fish he had been waiting for had finally arrived!
He raised his bow resolutely, and fully drew the huge bow that matched his innate divine power. The thick arrow pierced it, and then, like a meteorite, he slammed towards the banner of the coalition army.

"Kill the enemy!"

The moment the arrow shot out, a roar like the howling of a tiger resounded through the entire valley in an instant.

The huge sharp arrow was heavily nailed to the side of the big banner, nailing a soldier to the ground heavily, and the tail of the arrow kept trembling and made a loud buzzing sound.

Yuan Shao was momentarily stunned by the sudden enemy attack, his brain was still in a downwind situation, and he didn't switch over.

Cao Cao just passed by here just now, and watched him pass with his own eyes, how could there be an ambush?
This is the first thought in everyone's mind!

The target of the bandit army is Yuan Shao!

This was the second thought in everyone's mind, and this was the only explanation. The target of the Taiping Army was Yuan Shao, who was the leader of the alliance, and that's why they let Cao Cao pass.

Yuan Shao also thought of this, and cursed secretly, "Cao Mengde, you crow's mouth."

Then when he looked up, the army had already begun to be in chaos amid the sudden attack.

Especially the supply soldiers and auxiliary soldiers composed of farmers are completely headless chickens, avoiding non-existent enemies, always feeling like they will be killed in the next moment.

From the moment Yuan Shao's central army entered the valley, Luo Xiao knew it was time.

He wears extremely fine armor, which protects his whole body, even the face armor is neatly worn, and his strength is as high as 97, which brings him extremely abundant physical strength. He can fight with armor for a long time, and he can wear thicker and more There are many armors, and the horses under the crotch are also carefully selected horse kings.

There are not many armors of this level in the entire Taiping Army, especially face armors with strong protection, which are rare.

Followed behind him were five thousand of the most elite Taiping army, all cavalry, all wearing armor. Of course, there is no such thing in the background of Taiping Dao, but Xingyang has it. Once the Han court is breached, the rebels will quickly This is the reason for growing stronger.

"Cut off at the waist, bomb the camp on the left and right, trample on the front and back!"

These fifteen words are Luo Xiao's goal.

Yuan Shao has 20 people, Luo Xiao has 1 people, but is it difficult?
It's like picking something out of a bag!

The five thousand armored cavalry were like a torrent of steel, rounding the corner, the horseshoes wrapped in cloth, the horses in their mouths, galloping all the way, and suddenly appeared on the side of the army. The army on the march felt some vibrations before, but there were too many troops. They all thought it was the movement caused by their marching.

Among the 20 people, who would pay attention to the sound caused by thousands of people?
There is no formation!

No armor piercing!

Facing the armored cavalry approaching suddenly, which were almost cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, Luo Xiao shouted loudly: "Thousands of people charge into the battle, behead and capture the flag!"

All the commanders roared, and then the five thousand armored cavalry separated instantly. In this situation, the impact caused by the one thousand armored cavalry and the five thousand armored cavalry is the same.

20 pigs cannot be caught or killed, but 20 people can, because humans are smarter than pigs!

Almost in an instant, a group of princes who came up in a hurry was Liang Guoxiang, and they were rushed past. Whether it was Liang Guoxiang or the elite under his command, they fell off the horse one after another like dumplings, with blood flowing. Turned into meat paste, died on the spot.

This time it really exploded. These princes did not belong to each other and only obeyed the orders of the leader Yuan Shao. Now that Liang Guoxiang is dead, no one under his command can command them. They are just a group of farmers. How dare they fight with armor-piercing like a murderer The armored cavalry confronted each other, and immediately scattered and fled.

There was chaos in the arena, and the clouds in the sky were slightly thicker. Although they were not dark clouds, they did not have any problem blocking the dazzling light of the sun.

Zhang Yan took two armored cavalry to drive away the chaotic soldiers outside the valley to expand the results of the battle. The Taiping army rushed out from the valley entrance, and the cut-off Chinese army was now in the stage of bombing the camp.

Luo Xiao turned his attention to the valley, and Yuan Shao was inside!

He was going to meet this handsome man under Luo Zichuan, to see if he was qualified to use this title.

The two teams of Thousand Armored Cavalry rushed all the way to meet Luo Xiao, each of them had blood dripping from their bodies. There had never been such a hearty killing before, and their morale was high.

Three thousand armored cavalry marched side by side, and under the leadership of Luo Xiao, they charged straight all the way towards Yuan Shao.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Shao never imagined that this would be the peasant army, which was even more elite than the Han army!

In the battle of Xingyang, you can see the heroes in the corner, Shao, Cao, Zan, Bei, etc. are all among them. Seeing Cao, they say about the left and right: "Cao has military skills, but also Taoism."

Everyone was amazed and said: "What's the trick?"

Jiao then smiled and said, "Every time Cao loses his smile, his words will hit the mark, and what he says can't be said. Isn't it Taoism?"

After years of meditation, all of them are successful. There is no skill in this exercise, but there is skill in horns. ——"Shishuoxinyu·Later Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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