Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 589 Buddhism and Taoism compete for the front, Wushuang wants to go east

Chapter 589 Buddhism and Taoism compete for the front, Wushuang wants to go east

The court's decree naturally went all the way from Luoyang to the Western Regions, and King Qin's decree must be spread throughout the states and counties.

Luoyang is thousands of miles away from the nearest countries in the Western Regions, and the road is full of dangers. The only good thing is that there are no Taiping Taoists in Liangzhou and Sili.

From Yumen Pass and Yang Pass in Dunhuang County to the east, there are the countries of the Western Regions.

To the people of the world today, the Western Regions are to the Great Han, just like the State of Chu is to Bang Zhou. From the bottom of their hearts, they admit that the Western Regions are counted as a member of Zhuxia, but they are all kinds of contempt, and they even call it the Western Regions. Yi.

Even the princes and kings who came to Luoyang to participate in the tribute were ridiculed by the powerful in Luoyang, which is evident.

Marquis Wushuang was born in the Luo family, and because of the help of his brothers from the Central Plains, he has not experienced these things, but his influence in the Central Plains is still low.

However, in the Hexi four counties, which are close to the Western Regions, the influence is relatively high.

The biggest difference between the countries in the Western Regions and the Central Plains is that Taoism and Buddhism in the Western Regions are extremely prosperous.

Su Wang Shanghuang is the highest belief, but it is not considered a religion.

Taoism and Buddhism are true religions, which are very suitable for spreading. These two sects copied classics from each other.

Buddhism is best at absorbing local culture and then localizing it, and Taoism is the most suitable for the Central Plains people.

The world view that Taoism lacks is directly borrowed from Buddhism to modify. After all, in terms of religion, Buddhism is rolled out of Ah San’s Gu pile, and there are countless worlds at every turn. Just look at the numbers and you will know. Just talk about bragging It's really not an opponent.

After the introduction of Buddhism, Ji Zhao has been continuously promoted. Every time the two religions improve their worldview, Ji Zhao will be promoted once. Among the two religions, it is already a level that is created out of nothing. The ancestors of the two religions are all incarnations. It's the real incarnation, and the dog's brain is about to pop out.

To be honest, this bragging style shocked Rockwell.

For more than 1000 years, the Luo family has never thought about this aspect. The promotion of Su Wang's divinity is all random. It took a lot of effort to explain the human body and the god body.

But Ah San has a whole set of theories to explain this aspect.

It can only be said that Ah San's brain circuit is really different, and he has really played tricks on religion, and Zhu Xia's practicality is still incomparable.

In fact, when Buddhism and Taoism first preached, they also wanted to make complaints about it. If they hadn't discovered that Su Wang's beliefs were deeply rooted in the Western Regions and many places, no one would want to find a father for themselves.

Fortunately, both religions are polytheistic, and they can always get back together.

At the beginning, the Luo family tried to stop them, but later found that there seemed to be an inexplicable air hanging over the land of the Western Regions. Living in this land, it is natural to be closer to religion, just like living in Zhaocheng, you will gradually be influenced by it. same impact.

Only Luo's sons could not be affected, so they let it develop.

After 100 years of development, Taoist temples and temples have been erected on this vast land, and thousands of miles of land have been transformed into thousands of miles of Buddhist and Taoist land.

The current Taoism in the Central Plains is not the kind that many people imagine, whoever you love, don't delay my state of cultivating immortals.

It can be seen from Zhang Jiao that the goal of Taoism in the Central Plains is to establish an earthly Taoist state, overthrow the existing regime, and realize the unity of politics and religion, whether it is the Tao of Taiping or the Tao of Five Dou of Rice.

Buddhism is a small trick in front of Taoism.

Taoism in the Western Regions naturally did the same at the beginning, but it was too radical.

The goal of Buddhism is to let the lords of the kingdoms believe in it, so Taoism was beaten half-legged in the early stage, but later changed its strategy and gave up the establishment of a Taoist country, and only then did it gain a firm foothold.

Luo's attitude towards the existence of religion is laissez-faire. After all, Luo has experienced the cruel human sacrifice religion of the ancient Yin Shang.

Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, in Luo's view, they are all docile little sheep, especially Buddhism, which is very sensible at first glance, and first created the way to praise Su Wang.


This is very good.

Taoism is indeed a bit more dangerous than Buddhism. After all, I have always wanted to establish a Taoist country, which is a bit inconsistent with Luo's idea. After all, if we want to establish a theocratic country, Luo's established it as early as Bangzhou.

But there is only Su Wang, the true god in the world, and Su Wang sleeps all day long, so it is impossible to stare at the world all the time to solve the difficulties. The existence of the Dao Kingdom is quite unnecessary, and it is enough as a spiritual comfort.

In Wushuang Kingdom, monks and Taoist priests can be seen everywhere, and there are many believers. There are obvious faces of Han people, faces of Western Regions, and a large number of mixed-race faces. Some people wear Taoist robes, but they carry rosary beads. It's confusing, but this is the mainstream of the Western Regions today, that is fusion.

In the vast land, there are temples and Taoist temples, and the Taoist priests and monks in the temples and Taoist temples are busy. After all, in addition to daily chanting, they also have to farm or herd.

Although they are Taoist priests and monks, they still have to pay a cent of the tax. If they don’t farm or graze well, if they can’t pay the tax at that time, it will be a big problem.

Not only in the Wushuang country, but in most countries, this is actually the case. Only those famous monks and priests can be exempted from these things. Those people are actually equivalent to the powerful and the ruling class. In this era, privileges are also normal.

The Rockies have ruled here for 200 years.

From the time of Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty to now, the whole country is still thriving. This is an advantage of a small country, and it is not as easy to decline as a huge dynasty.

The Liu family has two princes and kings here, both of whom were supposed to be feudal, but the Western Regions are too special and have relatively high bloodline requirements.

In the Later Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu was no longer qualified to replace these two princes and kings.

However, these two Liu vassal states are not considered stable now, and the internal struggles are very serious.

The royal family killed each other and constantly competed for the throne. Marquis Wushuang didn't know which one to help, because there was no innocent person, and according to Luo's moral standards, they all deserved to die.

Peerless Marquis Mansion.

It is crowded with people almost every day, distinguished guests from various countries come to communicate, businessmen who pass through the Wushuang Kingdom come to visit, and the political center of the Wushuang Kingdom, the owner here can influence the entire Western Region.

Although there are basically people rebelling every year, this is the way this world is, there are always people who lose their minds and feel that they are okay again. If everyone is smart, wise, and rational, there will be less unpredictability in this world.

In the study room, the contemporary Wushuang Hou Luokong was constantly flicking an imperial edict from the Central Plains in his hand, which was the imperial edict of King Qin.

His expression was very tangled, and after a long time, he sighed slightly and said, "Go see your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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