Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 582 The Power of the Taiping Army

Chapter 582 The Power of the Taiping Army

"Clap, clap."

Every time I lift my foot up and down again, stepping on the pool of blood, there is a slight stickiness.

The drizzle was as thin as a needle, and it fell on Luo Xiao's face with his mask lifted, bringing a trace of coolness.

The thick bloody smell couldn't stop attacking him, and when he looked up, all he could see were corpses lying horizontally, with streaks of red blood flowing out along the rain.

Among these corpses, there were many from the Han army, and their faces basically showed despair and horror, but there were more corpses from the Taiping army, with an angry look on their faces.

This is not the last year of the dynasty, the elite of the Han army is the well-deserved number one in the world.

If it wasn't for the right time, place and people, all three were on Luo Xiao's side, and if it wasn't for Huangfusong not expecting a substitution, it would have been impossible for the Taiping Army to win this big victory.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a few Qu Shuai appeared in front of Luo Xiao with a slight tilt, their faces were full of excitement and said: "General, the general results of the battle have come out, the Han Army's Habayashi Guard is almost destroyed, All the Knights of the Three Rivers were buried.

Hanting has not had such a big defeat for many years.

General, shall we go straight to Luoyang? "

Luo Xiao was not surprised by the number of Hanting's casualties. The casualties of the Taiping Army were even greater, estimated at around [-].

But not in the future!

The grassroots organization of the Taiping Army is actually very good. After all, it was a super-large religious group that could organize an uprising of tens of thousands of people, and there are not only young and middle-aged people in the Taiping Road, but most of them are believers from a single household.

The structure of the Taiping Dao was originally established for the establishment of the Dao Kingdom on the ground.

It would be the most ridiculous to say that such a group has no grassroots organization.

Luo Xiao was going to spend a little time to completely transform the Taiping Army into a more efficient army purely for war.

When the Taiping Army was first established, this kind of adaptation was the most effective, and it could have a profound impact on the future.

As for the difficulties that may be encountered when adapting, it is not a problem.

Zhang Jiao's prestige is so high that he is supreme in the Taipingdao, and he has just won a big battle, and he has released bold words and lofty ambitions. Now he is a real great virtuous teacher in the eyes of everyone in Taipingdao!

It is the light that can lead everyone to break through the darkness!

Luo Xiao was quiet. Ever since he was injured that day and suddenly recovered, the great virtuous teacher has become more and more immortal, with an inexplicable coercion and aura, which is extremely convincing. I was anxious in my heart, but still quietly waiting for Luo Xiao to speak.

Entering Luoyang?
Luo Xiao turned around and looked at the crowd, all of them had fiery eyes.

That's Luoyang, where the king's spirit is, if we can enter Luoyang, who can say that our Taipingdao is a thief?
From the bottom of his heart, Luo Xiao also wanted to enter Luoyang.

His heart is the heart of all peoples. In the sky, they work together to destroy the man's destiny, and the sky will no longer favor the man.

But this is not enough, mortals do not know.

So on the ground, Luo Xiao's goal became to destroy the sanctity of Hanting, and implement the concept of Hanting's loss of destiny into everyone's heart.

But in fact, entering Luoyang is not a particularly good choice, because it is difficult to succeed. There are not only eight passes around Luoyang, but Luoyang city itself is also high and thick.

When the ancestors designed the city, they wanted to build an unfallen city for Bangzhou.

The best way now is to use Luo Xiao's strong overall planning ability to make the Taiping Army in various states develop locally, grow rapidly, and finally bring the general trend to destroy the Han court.

At the same time, the powerful nobles of the Han court were removed one by one.

But the biggest problem now is that Luo Xiao doesn't know how long he can live, and there is definitely no hope for him to be able to level the world.

But one year is different from two years, five years from ten years!

After pondering for a while, Luo Xiao slowly opened his mouth and said, "Shuai Qu, who is in contact with the states and counties..."

Luo Xiao talked about it here, while the literate Taoist priests in Taiping Dao memorized it excitedly and quickly. It contained Luo Xiao's strategic plan and strategic requirements for Qu Shuai in other states and counties.

Because they are far apart, they have great autonomy, but they cannot deviate from Luo Xiao's overall goal.



Huangfusong fled into the pass, heaving a sigh of relief, the people around him looked at him nervously, both feeling flustered by this big defeat and infinitely confused about the future.

Huangfusong's mentality is probably the best of them all, he is a real hero.

Seeing that everyone was full of remorse, he immediately scolded: "Everyone raise their heads, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs.

How many people in this world have not experienced failure?
If you fail, you will be annoyed, so how can you fight back?
What you should think about now is not the last failure, but how to survive the accountability of the emperor and the ministers.

How to let the emperor and the ministers know that although I was defeated, it was not that I, Huangfusong, was incompetent, but that Zhang Jiao, a bandit of the Taiping Army, was too strong. "

Huangfusong was actually not too worried about his own safety.

In the Han Dynasty, there were not many people who were framed by eunuchs and could still become prefects.

Most people, even ministers at the Sangong level, such as Chen Fan, who were famous all over the world, died.

Huangfusong is not only well-known all over the world, but his ability to fight is recognized by the entire court. This kind of technical talent will always have some privileges.

Especially in the current situation, the emperor is not stupid enough to kill the general.


The situation in the court was exactly as Huangfusong had expected. After learning that he was defeated, the court was shocked. With the most elite army of the Han Dynasty, it turned out to be defeated by the peasant army. This is simply outrageous.

Some of Huangfusong's political opponents even took advantage of this and said that he had ulterior motives and that he was an internal agent of the Taiping Army.

But everyone knew that it was impossible for Huangfusong to use his undefeated reputation to do these things.

How does this benefit him?
Before going to Hebei, he fought from Luoyang to Nanyang, and first put down the Taiping army in the land of three rivers.

Moreover, he has a large army in his hand. If he directly attacks Luoyang, he will directly kill the emperor and the minister.

How could it be the internal response of the Taiping Army.

Turbulent attacks came towards Huangfusong, everyone was criticizing him verbally and demanding that Huangfusong be severely punished, but among these attacks, only severe punishment was mentioned, but almost no one said that Huangfusong should pay for his life.

It is typical of loud thunder and little rain.

Not only the courtiers outside the palace, but also the eunuchs in the palace.

These eunuchs really wanted to kill Huangfu Song, but the Taiping Army was too close to Luoyang.

Apart from Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi, one is in Nanyang and the other is in Yangzhou.

The rest of the most capable generals are still in Bianjun, and Huangfusong is the strongest general around Luoyang several times.

How dare they kill Huangfusong?

Faced with this situation, Huangfusong even wrote a letter in a hurry: "Nowadays, the world is in turmoil, and the states and counties are not balanced. The Taiping Army in Zhouzhou, Qingzhou and other places gathered millions of people to jointly attack the eight passes. With the current strength of the imperial court, can they hold it?
The minister thought it was impossible.

Most of the families of heroes and dignitaries among the states and counties were destroyed by the Taiping Army. They recruited local bravery but were not recognized by the court, so they felt resentful and denounced the court, saying, "The court can't control thieves, but also restrain us. Isn't this killing someone with a knife? '

The waves during this period can be seen from this, and the minister is worried that if the party shackles are not lifted as soon as possible and the recruitment of village braves is released, they will be alienated from the court, and even directly join the Taiping Army.

For the present plan, the only way is to let go of the shackles of the scholars and let the heroes of the states and counties lead their own heroes to wipe out the Taiping Army in various places, so that the various departments of the Taiping Army cannot be connected, states are states, counties are counties, and even Among the counties. "

Time has changed and the world has changed. If it was before, Huangfusong could directly choose a county to be the prefect once he said these words.

But this time after he wrote the letter, the emperor and the minister were silent at first, and then quickly responded.

"There is no such thing as raising a bandit's self-respect."

Faced with this situation, Huangfusong mocked himself somewhat helplessly.


In the "Battle of the Ferry", the entire army of the imperial guard Habayashi was annihilated, causing the Hanting center to suffer a heavy blow. It changed from a strategic attack to a defense in an instant. , but the disaster is endless.

Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Taiping Army, carried out an internal restructuring after the victory. This restructuring completely transformed the Taiping Army, and the rapid expansion of military strength was a necessary condition for the development of subsequent events.

Between the Taiping Army and the Han court, the offensive and defensive trend reversed so suddenly, the decline of the Han court was not a smooth parabola, but straight down.

This is extremely typical, a manifestation of the acceleration effect of heroes on the historical process! ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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