Chapter 570 Luo Chuan's Letter!

The emperor smashed dozens of ceramics in the palace, and cut off countless curtains with a sharp sword. His angry roar resounded in every corner of the palace.

"Rampant! Rampant!

Does Luo Shi really think that I dare not do anything?
Does Luo Shi really think that I am afraid of them? "

All the attendants in the palace knelt on the ground, bowed their heads deeply, and no one dared to go forward to persuade the angry emperor.

The emperor even wrote down the edict himself, and he was sure to kill the whole family of Yinghou in a short time.

Because the heroic princes of the past dynasties did not marry concubines, there were always not many children, and there was no such a huge lineage as other families, so it was very convenient to kill.

But think back to the Luo family behind Yinghou, the power that spreads among the countries.

The emperor was worried that he had issued an imperial decree one moment, and the next moment there would be knocks from other countries.

The emperor smashed another treasure in anger.

In the end nothing happened.

It is impossible for the emperor to be angry, and he doesn't care about those who fled to the British Marquis.

However, he strictly investigated around the British Marquis, and anyone who fled would be executed directly on the spot.

All of a sudden, the counties and counties became places of battle royale, and the party members avoided the pursuit of the court everywhere, and they basically died if they were caught.

Even though they knew that taking in these partisans would bring disaster to their families, there are still countless people taking them in. This shows the furious hearts of the people all over the world.

As the only Marquis of Ying who stubbornly returned to the emperor, his reputation among the world has risen again, and he is already the crown of the noble family of the princes.

Although the rest of the five surnames are prominent and have many disciples and old officials, if you say that you are against the emperor, you really dare not. The emperor can really do things for the Yi tribe.

No matter how many disciples and old officials there are, no matter how prestigious the family's reputation, once the main line of the main branch dies, there will be infinite internal fighting in an instant.

If the emperor provokes him even a little bit, the family's ruin will be imminent.


When the emperor's anger subsided, many dignitaries who sympathized with the party members, including foreign relatives, wrote to ask for the pardon of those party members who had been imprisoned.

But at the same time, it was ordered that these people are not allowed to be officials, including the three clans of these people, are not allowed to be officials in the court, all the lists are recorded in the inner court, and they are still called party members.

What these actions mean is that the emperor is not wrong, the scholars are just forming a party, and the release now is due to the extrajudicial favor of the emperor.

This kind of action instantly detonated the world. Since the establishment of the Kingdom, there has never been any incident of implicating the three clans and not being allowed to be an official.

Neither Luo Chuan nor Luo Qian expected that the emperor could do such a thing to imprison the promotion of scholars.

These scholars are all capable. If they are not allowed to serve as officials in the court and put them in places, isn't this courting death?
He wrote directly to the emperor: "Your Majesty.

It is absolutely impossible to imprison scholars.

The prosperity of the world lies in the gains and losses of people.

Abandoning scholars and reusing eunuchs, is this what a sage should do?
The minister has a question.

Do the regular attendants know how to plan money and food, how to control the people, how to punish the law, and command the army? Which of the regular attendants is proficient in these ways of governing the country?
Scholars are capable but don't use them, but use incompetent eunuchs. What your majesty thinks in your heart, the ministers don't understand. "

After reading the above letter, everyone only had a thought, that it turns out that cursing can be so advanced.

The sentence "I don't understand", just three words, pointed the emperor's nose and scolded the emperor bloody.

Yinghou Luochuan's intentions were obvious, to use incompetent eunuchs instead of talented scholars.

What can these eunuchs do?
It's not simply discriminating against the status of these eunuchs, but how can these people who have no special education and only know how to coax the emperor be used to govern the country?

I don't know anything about governing the country.

There are indeed scum among scholars, and there are quite a few of them, fighting for their own interests.

But compared with the eunuchs, they are really insignificant. At least they can still do things and maintain the operation of this huge empire.

Especially the outstanding ones among the scholar groups, who ruled the country with one hand and the army with the other, the Han Dynasty was able to maintain stability, and the emperor was able to sit on the emperor's throne and issue orders to the party. These scholars made great contributions.

To put it bluntly, eunuchs are the ones who hold back the scholars.

Luo Chuan ignored most of the invited scholars, but he looked down on eunuchs even more.

Because the Luo family has always thought clearly that the imperial power, ministerial power, etc. are different from the world.

What is the use of eunuchs?

Make money for the emperor, fight against scholars and relatives, and maintain the stability of the imperial power.

One by one, Luo Chuan can only see the emperor benefiting from it, but not the world. It is good to spend half of it on wars. The palace is extravagant. Could it be that the money fell from the sky? down?

make money.

Where did the money come from?

Everyone is very clear about extortionate extortion and extortion.

In this world, it is not natural and correct to make money for the emperor.

Fight against scholars and relatives, maintain the stability of the imperial power, and then?
What is the purpose of maintaining the stability of the imperial power?
It is for the emperor to use imperial power to attack those who erode the foundation of the country.

But what is the reality?
There is one truth in this world, that a fool cannot take power from a wise man, among other things.

Why did the emperor gradually fall into a disadvantage in the confrontation with the scholars? To put it bluntly, the emperor is stupid.

So the emperor chose a more stupid eunuch, and then through the supreme imperial power, bound the hands and feet of the scholars, and then strengthened the eunuchs to form a balance.

What a horror!

The imperial power is stable.

What about the world?
Who will govern?

The emperor doesn't care, anyway, the world is so big, even if it is corrupted, it can be corrupted for many years.

There is a fundamental contradiction between the Luo family and the emperor.

That is the choice between the country and the king.

There is a sentence that can vividly express Luo's attitude, that is, the world is more important than the country, the ancestral temple, and the king.

That is to first ensure that the world belongs to Zhu Xia, then ensure that the world is peaceful and stable, then ensure that the world belongs to the Liu family, and finally ensure that a certain king of the Liu family is in power.

But the emperor didn't think so.

The first goal of most emperors is to maintain their own rule.

Even many emperors don't care about their ancestors' foundation in order to maintain their rule. There is a feeling that after I die, I don't care about the flood.

Only when he is guaranteed to be in power will the emperor go to cheer up the world.

Luo's consistent approach, when the emperor was wise and powerful, he helped the emperor strengthen the imperial power, implement reforms, and ease social conflicts.

The emperor began to play tricks, only wanted to balance and maintain his position, and when he let his cronies make trouble, he attacked the emperor.

A dynasty can be turned without anyone, but it can't be turned without so many people. In the huge court, there is no one who speaks against it, and there is no upright minister.

Can such a dynasty get better?
Could it be that the emperor was born as a Su Wang, born a sage, born to know it?

(End of this chapter)

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