Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 561 The East China Sea raises righteousness!

Chapter 561 The East China Sea raises righteousness!

Since the New Deal, there has been a thriving scene around Chang'an.

Because Chang'an is the capital of the empire, and Guanzhong is the heart of the imperial court, a lot of resources have been invested here. Other counties and counties cannot afford the reform costs. Guanzhong has input from all over the world, and the finances can afford it.

There are many officials and strict supervision, and the imperial court has relatively deep control over this place. It can be said that it goes deep into the counties and towns, and most problems can be quickly fed back.

Coupled with Luo Qi's personal attention, he is the Zhi Jinwu, who can hunt down thieves, investigate lawlessness, and directly judge in the entire pass, and can immediately take down those who intend to fish in troubled waters.

Even if there are officials who want to deceive their superiors and subordinates, they basically cannot escape the end of being discovered under the direct supervision of embroidered clothes all over Guanzhong.

Even if the New Deal cannot be fully implemented as expected, as long as a part of the vitality is released, it is enough to make the situation in Guanzhong better.

It can be said that the situation is very good!
In Wang Mang's mansion, the main leaders of the reform faction gathered together, their faces were full of hearty smiles, Wang Mang laughed loudly and said: "The implementation of the Guanzhong New Deal is very smooth, continue at this speed, don't talk about Emperor Xiaowen's rule of the world, can it be far behind to return to the prosperous age of Su Wang and Shang Huang?"

Everyone laughed straight away, but Luo Qi kept her worried heart and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know how the new policies are being implemented in the counties and counties in Kanto. It should be a little slower than in Guanzhong."

Just as he was speaking, an envoy rushed up to the hall. He was a rather capable man with dark skin.

There are two copies of Guandong's memorial.

Although the current supreme ruler of the Han Dynasty is the queen mother and the emperor.

But one is the childish emperor, and the other is the empress dowager who is full of thoughts and does not care about state affairs.

Wang Mang was in charge, so the memorials were handed over to him directly, and when seals were needed, the empress dowager was contacted, and Luo Qi usually went to the palace to find the empress dowager.

Zhao Hede likes to go into the palace to talk with the empress dowager, the empress dowager often holds banquets in the palace, Luo Qi, as her husband, naturally has to accompany her, and sometimes stays in the guest hall of the palace, so she is very familiar with the palace.

Wang Mang opened it with a smile, but his eyes burst into wild laughter, and he couldn't stop patting the seat next to him.

Seeing that Wang Mang, who has always been polite and rigid, lost his composure to this point, everyone looked over curiously, not knowing what the letter was about.

Wang Mang waved the memorial in his hands, then handed it to others, and said with a big laugh, "Just now, Young Master Qi was still asking about the situation in Guandong, but Cui Yi, the governor of Donghai County, sent him the results of his reform.

Look at what Cui Yi did in Donghai County, it is not worse than Guanzhong at all, and even worse. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and hurriedly took them to watch, Wang Mang saw everyone was surprised, and said: "What does this mean?

It shows that the New Deal can also be implemented smoothly in Kanto, which is in line with the general trend of the people of the world.

Those who did not do well must have not done it with all their heart.

This Cui Yi should be rewarded for making such achievements so quickly. He is a talent. He should be a model for the county magistrates in the world. Those who do not do things well should take a good look at them. "

Cui Yi's memorial was passed on in everyone's hands, and it listed his achievements in detail, which made everyone amazed. No one thought that anyone would dare to deceive them.

Moreover, it is not easy to fake this kind of thing. Wang Mang and even Luo Qi probably couldn't believe it. There would be a county guard with two thousand stones who would risk the lives of the people to fake it.

But Luo Qi still found something abnormal in it, that is, this result is too good!

The foundation of Guanzhong is better than that of Kanto, but it can't achieve this level. An ordinary county in Kanto can achieve this result.

This official named Cui Yi was nearly forty years old, and he was not particularly prominent in previous years. He was transferred to the post of county guard two or three times without any merit. If he had great talent, he should have become famous long ago.

But this time, in the face of the complicated new coup law, it is normal to be able to make such an achievement?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Luo Qi was silent and did not speak, but she had already secretly remembered Cui Yi and Donghai County in her heart, and she was going to secretly check the situation of the county guard and Donghai County.


There is a rather powerful family in Donghai County.

Lanling Xiao!

Marquis Feng of the great man!

As the Jin Ling Liehou of Donghai County, Fenghou has always been a big figure that cannot be ignored in the political arena of Donghai, but in fact, the entire Donghai county government, including the governor of the Xuzhou Governor's Department, saw Fenghou very rarely.

These top marquises have outstanding prestige, their titles have reached the top, and the royal family is full of rewards every year, and they hardly appear in front of the world except for sacrifices.

Cui Yi is full of jealousy towards Binghou's mansion, he has never set foot in Lanling County where Binghou's country is located, and the implementation of the new policy has also directly ignored Binghou's country.

Marquis Feng had heard about the affairs of Donghai County, but he was a Marquis of the Jin Order, even if he broke the Jin Order and took over the county, it was still under the military power, and the administration was beyond his control. Moreover, Cui Yi did it carefully, and if he didn't investigate deeply, he wouldn't be able to find out anything.

The most important thing is that the emperor is a child who can't speak well, and the empress dowager is a woman who doesn't care about things. Even if he reports it, who will he report it to?

Wang Mang?
That's impossible!
Do you think you are King Lowen?
This is what the top princes like Lanling Xiao thought from the bottom of their hearts. At the beginning, Wang Mang wrote letters to the princes and reached an agreement on the surface, but in fact Wang Mang felt that these princes were trash, and the princes also thought that Wang Mang was nothing.

It can be said that the two different identities look at each other and hate each other.

In Fenghou's mansion, the steward reported with a gloomy face: "Your Majesty, the speed of the people in the county becoming refugees has become much faster, and there are many more people attacking the government, and even thousands of people rebelled, but they were all suppressed by Cui Yi. Compared with the elite soldiers in the county, these ordinary people are still far behind."

Marquis Feng frowned tightly, the rebels in the county surged up, this is a big deal.

But since the county guard has suppressed it, it is not easy for him to directly take over the military affairs of the county. Breaking the golden order is the supreme power, but abusing this power will lead to attacks by the court officials on the Jinling and Liehou.

Feng Hou asked slowly after a long time: "Could it be because of the New Deal? Isn't Cui Yi promoting Wang Mang's New Deal? Go check and see what happened, why so many refugees suddenly appeared."

The steward took the order and turned to leave, Fenghou clenched his hand holding the short sword tightly, Donghai County is the foundation of the Xiao family, if this place is captured by refugees, the Xiao family may be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Kanto has always been like this, and its position in the Han Empire has always been suppressed by Guanzhong. In layman's terms, the Han Empire did not invest enough power in Kanto.

"If the world is exhausted to this point, the destiny of the big man will not fall, so what can we do to maintain the existence of the family?

Chang'an is the center of the Han Dynasty. If the imperial court was in Luoyang, with a strong imperial army, the pressure on the family would not be so great. "

This is not just a problem of Fenghou alone, but a problem of all the Liehou families with a long history.


Refugees are contagious, and the number of refugees is increasing exponentially. Often when the court only thinks that there are dozens or hundreds of troublemakers making trouble, there are actually countless potential people who are ready to die.

Cui Yi's sudden coercive reform, the common people didn't react at first, and they foolishly listened to the government's words, but the common people's eyes were sharp when they were critical, they were not fools, and soon discovered the government's conspiracy.

Immediately, a large number of people rebelled against the subordinate officials who were expropriated.

"The princes of the court already have countless wealth, but they still don't let go of this point in our hands!
They say all the good things, but they do all the bad things.

The imperial court is unwilling to give us a way out. Why does such an imperial court still want to be its subjects?

I heard that natural and man-made disasters not only occur in Donghai County, but also in the states and counties of Dahan. Isn't this God guiding us?
We are here to make trouble, is it just us?

In other states and counties of the Han Dynasty, there must also be rebel uprisings!

Han Zuo will end, and the world will turn against him! "

This is not a simple peasant uprising. There are many tyrants connected in series, some tyrants who failed in the struggle, and some scholars who were completely disappointed with the Han Dynasty and tried to overthrow the Han Dynasty.

Although the tyrants took this opportunity to plunder the land, many of them were not of the same mind as the imperial court, because the tyrants still remembered that the New Deal was hanging over their heads.

Their goal is to completely stir up a civil uprising, and then point the spearhead at the court, blame the New Deal, and cause confrontation between the rebel refugees and the court.

Moreover, this kind of provocation is easy to succeed, because no matter what the reason for the rebels, they are rebels in the eyes of the court, and the rebel refugees are also very clear about this. Once they rebel, they will not care who oppressed them. There is only one ultimate goal, and that is the court!
These tyrants can advance to suppress bandits for the court and get more benefits, and retreat to seek refuge with the new king and overthrow the decadent old dynasty.


In the history of the Han Dynasty, starting from the era of Emperor Li of the Han Dynasty, civil uprisings broke out first in Kanto, and in the history of the Han Dynasty, the number of civil uprisings in Kanto far exceeded that in Guanzhong.

This is not because Kanto people prefer to challenge the order, but because Guanzhong has obtained more resources, and social conflicts are much smaller than those in Kanto.

The author has extracted the approximate fiscal expenditures of the Han Dynasty from historical materials. After a rough calculation of parity purchasing power, the per capita resource consumption of the Han Dynasty is about three times that of Guanzhong as that of Kanto.

This kind of injustice, which is almost visible to the naked eye, has led to widespread dissatisfaction and distrust in Kanto from the powerful to the common people.

The Chang'an court implemented the New Deal on the basis of lack of trust, which was easily exploited by careerists. This was one of the fuses of the chaos in the last years of the Western Han Dynasty. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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