Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 541 Who is the successor? (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 541 Who is the successor? (Ask for a monthly pass!)

As the spring breeze blew, the suburbs of Chang'an gradually began to turn green, and then it rained heavily.

Luo Yi stood in front of the window, looking at the pattering spring rain, only felt the slightest chill penetrate into the bone marrow and then go to the limbs and veins.

"Patriarch, the hall is almost full of princes and princes."

There was no expression on Luo Yi's face, and he couldn't help recalling in his mind that just yesterday, the emperor Liu Yang died.

The emperor, who was heartbroken by the witchcraft, did not want to see any so-called relatives and close officials.

The officials obeyed orders outside the palace, Liu Yang only said that the edict had been handed over to Duke Zhao, and it was about the succession of the throne, so he sent them back directly.

The ministers wanted to ask if the emperor was in a coma again, but Luo Yi's face was sullen, with an expression of not being close to strangers, which made everyone hesitate, neither to leave nor not to leave.

After a while, the emperor collapsed and did not wake up again.

Luo Yi sullenly directed the servants in the palace to restrain Liu Yang's body, and stop for a few days before burying it in the emperor's mausoleum.

Fortunately, at Liu Yang's insistence, Long Qing's body had already been buried in the Emperor's Mausoleum first.

Otherwise, even Luo Yi would not find a reason to bury Long Qing and Liu Yang together.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi, who had been looking out the window with his hands behind his back, seemed to wake up suddenly, as if a stone statue that had been sleeping for thousands of years, vitality appeared from his body, and he turned and walked towards the hall.

Entering the hall, it was densely packed with people, not as if they were coming to visit, but as if they were going to court. When they saw Luo Yi appearing, the group immediately sat upright and greeted each other with no emotion.

"Great Prime Minister, after the death of Emperor Daxing, no one else is qualified to preside over the affairs behind him except you.

You still have a will in your hand. All the ministers present here are the ministers of the country. Please show it to me. "

Luo Yi's voice didn't fluctuate, he reached out and took out a volume of edict, and said lightly: "The edict is here.

The court ministers are all here, so let's discuss His Majesty's posthumous title first. "

There is definitely no temple name, but posthumous titles are also not easy to give.

Because Liu Yang is too complicated, the first few years of his succession were quite absurd. There are criticisms in this category, but not very strong posthumous posthumous titles can be given to him.

But from Zhaogong Luoyi's entry into Chang'an, Liu Yang cheered up and made a lot of achievements, especially with Luoyi here. The posthumous posthumous posthumous title is equal to denying Liu Yang's life, so what is the reform?

"Prime Minister, my subordinates think that 'mourning' may be in line with the Daxing emperor, and the middle-aged dies prematurely and is called mourning."

Posthumous names are divided into three grades, beautiful posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous posthumous title. Expressed regret and sympathy.

Generally, this posthumous title is given to express the meaning of "if the king can live longer, the country will definitely become stronger".

Now that the reform has just begun to show some results, this is not the darkness before dawn, but the dawn that has already seen the dawn on the horizon, but the result is a direct collapse. How can this not be a pity?
Everyone nodded slightly, "Mourning the emperor, it's probably okay."


Suddenly a voice sounded, interrupting everyone's words. Luo Yi and others saw that it was Zongzheng. When they saw everyone looked over, Zongzheng said expressionlessly: "The posthumous title is just, I don't care about the merits and demerits of Emperor Daxing." A lot of words, but the word filial piety cannot be used.

He only doted on Longqing, and didn't care about the harem, so that he collapsed without heirs, and he didn't adopt the eldest son from the clan, so that the reserve position was unknown. Could this be worthy of his ancestors?
I am the Zongzheng of the Liu family, the Emperor Daxing is not allowed to honor the Emperor Daxing, if all the ministers honor the Emperor Daxing today, I will not say much, the only option is to get rid of the crown and leave. "

Zongzheng's words caused quite a stir. The last big man who didn't have the character of filial piety was Liu Dan, Emperor Li. Immediately someone said, "Emperor Xiao Ding also has no children, why can he use the character of filial piety?"

Zongzheng said calmly: "As I said, the Emperor Daxing favors Longqing exclusively, and does not reach the harem, so that he has no heirs. It must be impossible, and it is impossible!"

The tone is calm but the meaning expressed is not calm, even swearing, it is Liu Yang's fault that he can have a son but not, and he can do it but not do it!

Everyone was silent now, even Luo Yi didn't speak.

In the Han Dynasty, after the death of princes and princes, there would be various posthumous affairs, such as posthumous titles and burials. The emperor had a temple name, and all had eulogies, but only the posthumous title was the most valued.

Because the title of posthumous title is justice!

This is something that was presented to King Su to the emperor's heaven, and it is the only thing that dare not hide it.

What Zongzheng is talking about now is justice. For this justice, he is even willing to remove the official position of Zongzheng, the head of the Jiuqing.

Luo Yi looked around and saw everyone's expressions, so he said: "Just as Zong Zheng said, just write the word 'mourning' for Emperor Daxing."

The Prime Minister made a final decision, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Everyone looked at each other, and then all their eyes were on the will.

Under everyone's gaze, Luo Yi slowly unfolded the will, "Shangyu: I am about to die, who will be the emperor?

The ministers will probably follow the old example of Emperor Xiaoding and welcome a vassal king from among my brothers as emperor.

I disagree!

My father and emperor have many heirs, and I have inherited the throne as a legitimate son, so I treat you brothers very close.

Although not all can be crowned kings, the rewards that should be given have never been less, but what do I get?

It is a shameless betrayal!

I was thinking, how many of my brothers are still looking forward to my death?

I don't know.

But there must be something else in it, my throne is likely to fall to a person who is looking forward to my death.


That being the case, the emperor would not choose from them.

Adopt an outstanding young man from the clan as my son, and hand over the throne to him.

The prime minister will determine the final candidate, choose a filial and courteous one, this is a gift from me. "

A very colloquial imperial decree shocked everyone in the room, because they were worried about cursing his brother who would die badly, so they directly cut off all opportunities for brothers to be in charge.

How cruel!

Smart people see another meaning in it, Liu Yang sees it too clearly.

The subsequent emperor didn't know who he would be. What if Long Qing was dug out of the mausoleum?
What if you discredit him?
What he wants is a heir of the clan who is alone and lonely, and the kind of orphan who has no parents.

In this way, the new emperor can only rely on Liu Yang's legacy, relying on Liu Yang as his father. Only in this way can he preserve the things behind him to the greatest extent.

This is what Liu Yang asked Luo Yi to do. He knew that Luo Yi didn't care who the emperor was, and it didn't matter whether he chose based on blood relationship.

Looking at the shocked expressions of the crowd, Luo Yi said calmly: "Emperor Daxing's will is like this, presumably all the ministers have been thinking about the right candidate in their hearts just now.

The selection can now be started again. "

Following Luo Yi's voice, everyone came back to their senses, and immediately someone shouted loudly: "Mr. Zhao, how can the throne be chosen from among the distant clans?
How could the emperor not choose from among the heirs of Emperor Xiaocheng?
This is not in line with the tradition of the big man! "

Luo Yi asked indifferently: "The tradition of the big man?

Is it a tradition for brothers to end up with brothers?
Isn't it the tradition of the Han Dynasty that the Emperor Daxing chooses one of the eldest sons from the clan to adopt and inherit the throne as the son of the Daxing Emperor?

Don't you understand such a simple truth that succession from father to son is better than brother to death? "

The truth is indeed very simple, but I don't want to, so I argue.

Until now, the officials did not understand why Liu Yang gave the edict to Luo Yi, because such an obviously deviant edict, only in the hands of people like Luo Yi, can guarantee that it will be implemented.

When Luo Yi approved the edict, everyone in the room understood that the edict was approved, and all the sons of Emperor Xiaocheng, the most prominent princes and princes of the Han Dynasty, lost their chance to inherit the throne. qualifications.

"Prime Minister, since Emperor Daxing has a will and has chosen you as the final choice, do we have anything else to say besides carrying it out?

But the Han Dynasty has been nearly 200 years old, and there are so many clan branches, where should one choose the clan branch to succeed? "

It was Zongzheng who spoke. He is in charge of managing the entire Liu clan, and he knows the situation within the clan best. Thanks to the enfeoffment of the Han Dynasty, the Liu clan is very prosperous in the whole world.

Luo Yi had read the edict a long time ago, and also thought about this issue long ago, and said directly: "Let's choose from the Zongzhi of Emperor Xiaoxuan."

Hearing Luo Yi's words, everyone in the room couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At least they didn't follow the branch from Emperor Gao. If they really started to choose from such a long time ago, the world would be in turmoil!

After the mourning emperor collapsed, the prime minister was entrusted with an edict, saying: "The great man ruled the world with loyalty and filial piety, and the clan was close to the branch. He vainly tried to kill the king, and witchcraft harmed the country. Do not allow traitors to take the throne. It is better to choose the son of the clan branch to be the prince. Inheriting the country again, this is where the great Han prospers."

Xiao Shao is capable, outstanding among the clan branches, and thus has the crown. ——"Hanshu Xiaoshao Benji"

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  There will be more updates in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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