Chapter 530 The Qilin Pavilion (End)
It snows heavily in Heluo, and thousands of people are gone.

On Yiluo, between thousands of mountains and rivers, wild beasts disappeared, and all birds were extinct. From east to west, only the cold wind whizzed past, rolling up layers of ice crystals between the sky and the earth, just like the roar of the wind god, the snow god Advent.


The desolate and sad horn sounded suddenly, instantly breaking the silence between Heluo.

When Huo Guang left Chang'an, he had a premonition that he would not come back, but the Guandong matter was resolved so quickly and smoothly, which made him relieved, but he didn't expect that his fate would be like this in the end.


Standing here, Luo Qing felt the comfort brought to him by this holy city of Zhuxia. This city is like the mother of the Luo family, which has continuously strengthened the heritage of the Luo family for thousands of years.

After the heavy snow fell, Huo Guang looked at the majestic city not far away, surrounded by mountains, the sparkling water of Yiluo, and the slight waves, which reminded people of the legend of Hetu Luoshu and the legend of Hetu Luoshu. The legendary Jiuding lost in Luoshui.

A sigh.

"Just here."

Huo Guang said with a slight sigh.

Then he looked at Luo Qing and said, "Cousin, brother is going to die."

Relatives have an innate blood connection and are naturally close, but walking between each other is equally important. This is the case between Huo Guang and Luo Qing. The two have known each other for decades. One is in the light and the other is in the dark. Big things, good feelings.

Huo Guang was going to die now, Luo Qing was a little sad and asked, "Do you have any last words?"

Huo Guang shook his head and said, "What last words can I say?
Look at this great mountain and river, Yiluo God Land, it is enough to make this majestic Han Dynasty mountain and river stabilize in my hands.

If you want to say something, please ask His Majesty the emperor to govern the country well, don't forget the hardships of Emperor Xiaoxuan's revival, and let the descendants of the ministers not forget the loyalty of their ancestors, this is enough. "

It was enough for Huo Guang to do a few in a row, which made Luo Qing quite emotional. From the beginning of the establishment of the Great Han, he was full of a heroic spirit, and the Luo family deeply restrained the moral concepts of the emperor and the people of the world.

Among the scholar-bureaucrats and princely nobles in the Han Dynasty, a social ethos was formed in which a man should be a man of meritorious deeds, which eventually led to Jing Nan, and finally there were courtiers like Huo Guang who yearned for King Luowen.

Every drink and peck seems to be destined, but is Huo Guang's appearance accidental?

It's because the hearts of the world are not cool!

It is because the emperors of the Han Dynasty are still trusted!

Huo Guang died in Luoyang, and the accompanying Habayashi guards were crying bitterly.

When Huo Guang dragged his sick body to Kanto, not only Liu She, but many people also had a premonition that Huo Guang would probably never return to Chang'an alive.

But when the news that "General Sima died of illness in Heluo" spread to Chang'an, it still made people feel shocked and inexplicable.

That's Huo Guang who has been in charge of the world for 12 years!

He died in obscurity.

Liu She listened to the news in a daze, and suddenly felt the pressure of the sky on her shoulders.

So this is what it feels like to carry an empire?
Huo Guang's body was put into a high-quality coffin in Luoyang, and then transported to Chang'an. The guards of the Habayashi were all dressed in white.

The coffin containing Huo Guang's body entered Guanzhong, and people continued to see him off along the way.

Then, ten miles away from Chang'an, I met the emperor who came to greet him and the princes of the court.

This is not a triumph, the emperor should not have greeted him, but he came anyway.

Luo Qing stepped forward to bow and salute, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the Kanto is generally stable, and the refugees return to their homes, and there is no disaster of overthrowing the country."

"It's all due to the merits of your beloved ministers. I was able to sit in Chang'an, and the world was peaceful."

"Your Majesty, the great general died of a serious illness. Before he died, I asked you not to forget that Emperor Xiaoxuan's revival was difficult."

The emperor walked up to the coffin, was silent for a few moments, and finally said softly: "I know, let's take the general back to Chang'an, and he will be buried in the ground as soon as possible, and don't let the little things in the world disturb the heroic soul of the general."

Huo Guang's coffin was carried all the way into Chang'an. Countless people were watching on both sides of the street, plain white banners waving, and banners fluttering everywhere.

The body was buried in the Bowanghou Mansion, and the emperor gave Huo Guang five pieces of nine-tin suits directly as his funeral. No one has any objections. Tin buried with him.

King Luowen is even more complete, except for the throne, he is no different from the emperor!
The imperial court began to go through the process after the death of important ministers and princes. Countless double-character posthumous titles were handed over by the courtiers, each with its own explanation.

If a person's merits are too great and he has no obvious character flaws, then there are many suitable posthumous titles. Huo Guang's character is a bit stubborn, and posthumous titles such as Yi and Ren are obviously not suitable for him, but posthumous titles such as fortitude are more inclined All fit his merits.

At the court meeting, there was a lot of turmoil, and the officials argued with each other about Huo Guang's posthumous title. This is a document to be submitted to King Su, and the emperor must strive for perfection.

Liu She watched all this and listened carefully to the opinions. After a long time, he hammered heavily on the bronze bell beside him, and all the officials stopped.

Liu She's voice is unprecedentedly high. In the past 21 years, he finally uttered a thunderous voice that an emperor should have.

"If you have meritorious service and comfort to the people, you will be strong, if you have made great achievements, you will be strong, if you have benefited the people, you will be strong, and you will be named Marquis Wu Lie, a great general. This is the will of me and the queen mother, and it will not be changed!"

The ministers answered Liu She got up and paced, then stopped and said in a loud voice: "I have been thinking, if loyal ministers do not give praise for their meritorious service, who would still be willing to fulfill their duties?
The majestic high mountains are eternal, the surging rivers never stop, the sun, moon and stars are eternal in the starry sky, but human life is so short.

Let's engrave a person's name on a stone tablet. A stone tablet is probably something that lasts longer than a person.

Record the person's name in the annals of history, and the clear history will be passed down forever.

Marquis Wu Lie deserves to enjoy the temple of Emperor Xiaoxuan, and the emperor sacrifices every year. I think of those ministers who have made great contributions without being worthy of the temple?
I want to build an attic named after the auspicious beast unicorn, and in it hang the portraits of the late emperor and all the loyal and upright ministers of my time, called the Qilin Pavilion Zhongxing Twelve Heroes!
Sacrificial sacrifices are recorded in the annals of history and passed on to future generations.

Qilin Pavilion, headed by Huo Guang, the Great General of the Great Sima, Bowang Wuliehou! "

Liu She recalled that before Huo Guang left, she had told him that she would build the Qilin Pavilion with him when he came back, but she didn't expect that there was a gap between Yin and Yang now, and Huo Guang couldn't see the moment when she entered the Qilin Pavilion.

The emperor's loud words resounded in the hall, and the officials were a little dazed by the sudden news. Qilin ZTE Twelve Heroes, this title is really incredible.

There are countless talented people in Bangzhou for thousands of years, but how many people will show up in later generations?

The emperor built the Qilin Pavilion to let the merits of the emperor and his ministers be passed on to future generations forever. Huo Guang, in particular, must be famous in history.

Especially Prime Minister Liu Xiang, he has experienced a lot in his life, starting from establishing his own family of Legalists, finally giving the legalists of the Three Jin Dynasty the final blow, integrating Confucianism and Taoism, creating his own criminal law, and finally walking to his current position step by step, it can be said that he is a human being. At the peak of the minister, the only thing he can pursue is fame after his death.

The list of the emperor's Qilin Pavilion was soon spread out from the forbidden. This is the most concerned thing of the entire Chang'an family. Except for some undisputed people, all families hope to compete for a posthumous name for their elders or teachers.

Liu She began to think about this list when Huo Guang went to Kanto, and discussed it with the Empress Dowager for a long time. Basically, she can guarantee to convince the public. This is the most important thing. Liu She must not make people question the fairness and authority of this list. .

Qilin Pavilion is number one, Great General Bo Wang Hou Huo!

"Guang served Emperor Xiaoxuan for 20 years. He assassinated the crown prince and caused rebellion. The Huo family was brave enough to quell the turmoil. He restored our country and assisted the government for twelve years. He succeeded in returning the government and town of Guandong, but he never returned. To this day, I am here On the Qilin Pavilion, the name is not displayed, to show dignity and respect."

The second in Qilin Pavilion, the unparalleled guardian of the Western Regions, Hou Luoshi!

"A well-known family in the world, inherited the ambition of the father, stabilized the Western Regions, made great achievements, served the heavens and calmed the difficulties, stabilized the Han family, and led the cavalry, the fate of the emperor, the martial arts of the first emperor, outstandingly seen on the unparalleled sword, the martial arts are fierce, I admire him very much, but I regret that the noble Marquis Tian is jealous, so I can't see him, so he is ranked second."

Qilin Pavilion is the third, Prime Minister Wancheng Hou Liu Xiang!

The fifth place in Qilin Pavilion, Da Si Nong Taixue offering wine to Luo Qing!
"You are a famous scholar, you have a clear name, and I have taken on a big responsibility, and I have made a lot of contributions. I am ranked fifth, fifth in the world."


Qilin Pavilion No.12, Zongzheng Liu Chang!
The so-called Qilin Pavilion is based on merit.

Liu She first commended the courtiers who had made great achievements in both the late emperor and his dynasty, and Luo Shi was a very special one among them.

He is not considered a courtier during the period of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty Liu Xun, but he led the army to the north to destroy the Xiongnu, and he was the person with the highest military exploits during the Yuanfeng period.

The great cause of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty and his literary and martial arts cannot bypass him. In addition, he is Huo Guang's uncle and Luo Qing's uncle, so he must go to the Qilin Pavilion.

As soon as the list of 12 people came out, scholars all over the world rushed to praise it, and Liu She's thoughts and dreams have all been realized.

The state of the Han family is in decline, filial piety proclaims Zhongxing, meritorious ancestors, and the sage king is alive, there must be virtuous ministers.

Where are the ministers of ZTE?

It is on the Kirin Pavilion!


Liu Xun, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, and Liu She, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, jointly established a stable situation for decades. Looking at the world, this is actually rare.

The excellence of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty has been described many times in the previous chapters. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty did not have the ability of his father, especially after Huo Guang's death, his shortcomings were revealed, but he is still a qualified master of success.

The author's consistent point of view is that a king who lacks ability will make a far greater contribution if he does not reform than if he reforms indiscriminately.

The Han Dynasty still maintains a prosperous situation, although there are already many problems inside!

This rejuvenated dynasty began to decline, but fortunately no one stepped on the gas pedal, and it landed slowly in the hands of Emperor Han Cheng in a way that perfectly conformed to the periodic law. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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