Chapter 49

It has been almost 400 years since King Su.

The barbarian's IQ is no worse than Zhu Xia's, but his culture is backward. After so many years, he is completely different when he was first established.

Compared with the original civilization, their civilization has improved a lot, and they have even begun to build cities.

Especially the barbarians who lived together with the princes of the Central Plains have gradually become farming peoples.

But this is not good news for Rockwell. Barbarians are easy to conquer, but it is not easy to conquer another civilization.

The civilization of Zhuxia has been clearly distinguished from the barbarians since King Su, and a large number of classics have separated the background of Zhuxia from these barbarians.

Especially the Luo family, who has the first-hand information of Su Wang, they know how great Su Wang is and how far-reaching his wisdom is.

As the carrier of his wisdom, Zhu Xia must always maintain prosperity.

So these barbarians representing another civilization must perish!

Ji Zhao cared very much about Zhu Xia's development.

Leaving aside his own simple feelings, he couldn't give up just the real benefits, and Zhu Xia's crusade against the barbarians could give him luck.

The more prosperous Zhuxia was, the faster his luck points would grow.

If Rockwell played a major role in this, then the increased Luck point is very considerable.

Lu Xiaobai and Guan Zhong, a pair of monarchs and ministers, were deeply influenced by the Luo family.

Therefore, the historical event of them honoring the king and expelling barbarians can give Ji Zhao a lot of luck.

Qi State and Laiyi State have been entangled for a full 300 years. In the early stage, Laiyi State suppressed Qi State to fight, and later the two sides won each other.

But because Qi State occupied a favorable terrain, the victory and defeat gradually fell to Qi State's side. Even if the Laiyi State had some victories during Lu Wujiu's time, it did not affect the overall situation.

Now under the governance of Guan Zhong, the Qi State has never been stronger, and the Laiyi State does not know that they have fallen into the crisis of extinction.

Facing Qi's menacing attack, they were all old opponents, and Laiyi's reaction was also very fast, quickly gathering a large army, and facing the battle as usual.

Then, in the crisp autumn season of October, Laiyi ushered in a big defeat!
Zhang Qi led the Qi army to defeat the Laiyi army who underestimated the enemy in the field battle. Due to the special terrain, the Laiyi people had no way to escape, and the number of casualties reached nearly [-].

This was a big victory that hadn't happened in many years, and when the news spread back to Qi, it was naturally boiling.

Guan Zhong followed Zhang Qi to witness the victory, and said with a smile: "Zhang Qing, the defeat of Laiyi Kingdom must have despised our army, and we should continue to attack. Adjustment opportunities."

Guan Zhong is an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, and his military strategy level is actually quite good, but it is incomparable with political strategy.

At least Zhang Qi and Guan Zhong, as professional generals, had exactly the same prediction on the situation of Laiyi Kingdom.
Before the first battle was over, Zhang Qi discovered that Laiyi Kingdom didn't know about the changes in Qi State at all, and was still looking at the Qi army from the perspective of the past, which is why they underestimated the enemy.

Hearing Guan Zhong's words, Zhang Qi immediately laughed and said, "What Xiangguo said is very true, and he thinks so too.

This time a [-] army marched, if the battle could not be resolved quickly, the farming might be delayed.

Now we need to choose a suitable place, drive the soldiers of Laiyi Kingdom there, and let them fight a tough battle with our army.

The military strength of our country is not comparable to that of these Laiyi people.

As long as there is another war of annihilation, the available soldiers in Laiyi Kingdom will definitely be greatly damaged.

At that time, they will be able to directly attack their capital, and they will not be afraid of siege battles. "

After Guan Zhong and Zhang Qi decided on a strategy, they attacked decisively and began to gather the troops of the Laiyi Kingdom in small-scale battles.

It was another half month's trek and continued to advance eastward. This was another weakness of the Laiyi Kingdom.

In fact, they have been blocked on the peninsula by Qi, Ju and other Xia countries, and there is no way to escape. Only by defeating Qi can they escape from this cage.

Zhang Qi began to let the core soldiers eat meat, and all the horses were fed with good fodder, and he was about to fight the second battle with the regrouped Laiyi defeated army.

On the bank of the glue, Zhang Qi finally met those Laiyi people who had regrouped and the army that came from Laiyi Kingdom.

Most of the cities in this era were built by the water.

Therefore, the previous battles were not far from the water source. After Zhang Qi defeated the Laiyi army, he broke through five cities and came here.

The season has gradually entered the late autumn, the wind blows up the grass leaves that have fallen on the ground, and the air is filled with a murderous atmosphere.

Zhang Qi led the most elite [-] troops to sit in the central army, and the two deputy commanders each led [-] soldiers and horses to protect the left and right wings.

Guan Zhong looked at the neat appearance of his own army and asked calmly: "Zhang Qing, are you sure about this battle?"

Zhang Qi cupped his hands and said: "Xiangguo, you have studied heaven and man and trained such a strong army for Qi.

If this kind of military appearance can still fail, I will directly commit suicide here, and I will have no face to see the king and you. "

This is what Zhang Qi said in his heart. He has been in Yan State for 30 years. When did he think that he could command such a powerful army?
If Yan State had such an army, what fear would the mere Shan Rong and Dong Hu have?

Zhang Qi expressed his will to win.

Guan Zhong patted his arm and said: "Zhang Qing, as long as the monarch wins, Madam also hopes that you can go back with the news of victory."

The armored rate of Qi's army is much higher than it was five years ago.

This is not only made by Qi State itself, but also bought a lot of armor from Luo State.

On the other hand, the Laiyi people, their technical level is completely incomparable with that of Qi.

Bloody and barbaric, full of primitive taste, if these barbarians were not brave and numerous, they would have been wiped out by Qi State long ago.

Standing on the chariot, Zhang Qi began to mobilize the soldiers to fight the barbarians, which was completely different from the previous battle against Quguo.

These barbarians will not abide by Zhou etiquette, and they will not chase after fleeing for more than fifty or one hundred steps. This is a real life-and-death fight.

"Elder Lang of the Qi State is facing the Laiyi people.

The bereaved dogs who were just defeated by you a few days ago, now they want to continue to fight against our country of Qi.

I will ask you, are you afraid? "

"Qi country is victorious!"

All the Qi soldiers shouted, victory is the most morale-boosting thing.

"Beat the drum! March!"

Following Zhang Qi's order, the drummer began to beat the drum, and all the Qi soldiers began to move forward according to the sound of the drum.

Especially the shield soldiers in the front row, they bear the heavy burden of blocking bows and arrows for the soldiers behind.

The clear blue sky, the gurgling stream, the rapid sound of drums, the sound of rumbling chariots, and the crisp moment when metal clashes.

As well as the fallen corpses, the bright red blood was flowing on the ground, forming a cruel picture.

Zhang Qi led the most elite soldiers of Qi State and charged forward.

The combat effectiveness of these soldiers was not at the same level as that of peasants and soldiers, and they directly pushed away the formation of the Laiyi people.

Such an army rushed left and right, and the entire Laiyi people divided into several troops to fight soon could not get accurate military orders, and fell into a situation of focusing on one thing and losing another.

When this fierce battle lasted for an hour, the Laiyi people had retreated steadily, and Qi's offensive became stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, the Laiyi people did not join the slave soldiers this time, but used the troops from the headquarters to fight. Otherwise, under such circumstances, the camp would have been bombed long ago.

But now it's just a matter of time, Zhang Qi has keenly realized that the Huaiyi people are about to lose their hold, and now as long as there is any gap that can be opened, the entire Laiyi army will shatter.

He climbed up to take a look, swept across the battlefield, and locked the east direction of the right wing.

The Laiyi people in that place have their own river protection, so their numbers are relatively small, and they are a breakthrough point that can be stormed.

Not to be missed.

Zhang Qi immediately called people over, "I'll give you a thousand elite chariot soldiers, and from that place, three chariots will drive straight ahead side by side.

No need to kill, don't stop, just use the power of chariots and horses to fight over! "

This strange trick really worked, and the Laiyi people never thought that the Qi State would abandon the combat effectiveness of the chariot soldiers and directly let the horses lead the chariots to charge.

The casualties to the horses in this way were very large. In a short period of time, dozens of chariots were damaged, and the wreckage fell into the water.

As for the horses, they were even more bloody and bloody, and some horses even rushed directly to the point of the spear and died immediately.

But the effect is astonishing. The number of people in this corner of the Laiyi formation is relatively small. Now facing Qi Guo's deadly charge, it is impossible to resist. Just one round of charge will directly crush these people. It became a meat paste.

The changes in the battlefield were so fast that the commander of the Laiyi people didn't even have time to react.

Zhang Qi followed closely and dispatched a real elite army, rushing into their formation.

Like a sharp knife, without even encountering any decent obstacles, the leading general stood on top of the chariot and knocked down the big banner with one blow.

The commander of the Laiyi people was about to run away when he was shot down by an arrow.

The arrow was powerful and heavy, and at such a short distance, even if he didn't die, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that it doesn't matter whether he dies or not. On the battlefield, the banners and the flags of the battalions are far more important than the general.

As soon as Zhang Qi saw that he had succeeded, he immediately shouted: "The whole army is covering up!"

The influence of the banner and the commander in chief on the morale of the army is immeasurable.

Only a few armies with a will of their own, such as the Luo Kingdom Warriors, can continue to fight without both.

Laiyi people, a mob with a low level of civilization, are naturally not included in this list.

As if the scene had reappeared, the formation of the entire Laiyi people burst open, and the situation that happened last month appeared in front of Zhang Qi again.

All the armies fled, and those without armor ran the fastest, so when they fled, the first thing to do was to drop their armor, and then these people would become meals for the archers.

Waves of arrows rained on them, and chariots rolled over these corpses, and many people were directly crushed into flesh.

It is too difficult to leave a whole corpse on the battlefield, those human organs and flying limbs scattered all over the ground do not know who it is.

The final outcome is to prevent the plague, directly burn all these corpses with a fire.

"General, after this victory, the Laiyi Kingdom may really be desperate."

Guan Zhong looked at the Qi soldiers who were chasing and killing the Laiyi people, and couldn't help but said to Zhang Qi.

Of course Zhang Qi knew that once this battle of annihilation was over, almost half of Laiyi's elite soldiers would be empty.

This is already a sign of the country's subjugation. Even if the Xia countries are subjugated, other princes will help restore the country. If the Laiyi country is destroyed, the other Yi tribes will be able to laugh out loud.

Therefore, it is impossible for King Laiyi to sit still and wait for death. He will definitely recruit the population of various tribes to guard the capital.

But Zhang Qi was not afraid, "Don't worry, Zhongxiang.

The king gave me the order to destroy the Laiyi country, so he must perish.

Even if King Laiyi recruited all the men over fifteen years old in the country, they were nothing but dead souls on the battlefield.

Cautious, steady and steady, but one victory after another. "

Seeing that Zhang Qi was not complacent because of the two big victories, Guan Zhong felt relieved.

In this battle, Qi's army also suffered a lot of casualties. After all, this kind of annihilation battle is completely different from a defeat battle.

However, the battle damage was completely within Zhang Qi's acceptance range, and he should have rested in place at this time.

But Zhang Qi thought that it was not easy to take precautions in this place where the Fourth World War was fought, so the Qi army took the wounded to an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain to camp. Guan Zhong was very satisfied with Zhang Qi's actions.

"The general is really cautious, and the king's entrustment is right." For a big country, playing tricks and taking risks is the way to bring disaster.

Zhang Qi sighed: "The monarch entrusted the elite of the whole country to me, and I can't be too cautious.

The decisive battle after that will be very tragic. Xiangguo, you will still be in the army, and I will leave soldiers to protect you.

If something happens to you, even King Laiyi will be crushed and ashes, and I will die as well. "

What he said was not half false, as long as Guan Zhong is there, even if he fails this time, after five or ten years, Qi will still be able to make a comeback.

But if something goes wrong with Guan Zhong, even if the war against Laiyi is won, the loss outweighs the gain.

Although Guan Zhong insisted on being brave, he also knew that he was not a general and had no need to go into battle, so he accepted Zhang Qi's arrangement.

After the Qi army had rested, Zhang Qi led the army directly to the capital of Laiyi Kingdom.

The Laiyi Kingdom no longer had the ability to disperse its forces to stop the Qi army, and all the tribes fled back with the defeated army, and fled to the capital with their tribes.

Finally, outside Laiyang City, the Qi army ran into the Laiyi army waiting in full battle.

Zhang Qi was probably a little dumbfounded because he was waiting for the battle.

"Zhang Qing, the number of the Laiyi army is quite large, probably more than 20?"

There are so many people, it is simply impossible to count, Guan Zhong also made a rough judgment based on the number of camps of the Laiyi army.

When Zhang Qi saw such a large number of troops in the Laiyi Kingdom, he didn't have a trace of fear, but was excited.

"Xiangguo, I really didn't expect King Laiyi to be so stupid, he dared to pull 20 people out to fight our army.

Xiangguo, you have ruled Qi for five years. Qi is a big country with a population of one million, and it is already the limit to pull out an army of [-].

Leaving aside the consumption of all kinds of grain and grass, the battle must be finished before the spring plowing, otherwise the domestic farming season will be delayed.

Big countries like Qi have such concerns, so wouldn't a backward barbarian like Laiyi not?

This is unreasonable.

After the previous two battles, less than 20 of the so-called [-]-odd troops can really fight against our army.

Twenty thousand tigers mixed with 20 pigs are like a drop of water melting into the sea.

Tigers will also be led astray by pigs.

As long as our army storms and defeats the weak points of the enemy army with unstoppable force, they will immediately blow up the camp! "

Hearing what Zhang Qi said, Guan Zhong looked at the camp of the Laiyi army again.

Sure enough, they found that although there were many of them, not to mention their neat military appearance, even their flags were different.

This is a group of just assembled, just a large number of rabble.

Faced with such an opponent, Zhang Qi couldn't wait any longer. He ordered the Qi army to rest and let the soldiers eat all the last oily food.

This will be an extremely intense and bitter battle. The Qi army may die many people in an instant, but it will not be a tug-of-war, and victory will come soon.

"Boom boom boom!"

The drums of the Qi State were beating, and the troops of the Laiyi people also began to gather, but the speed was obviously much slower and slightly chaotic.

In the previous two wars, the loss of commanding generals could not be made up in a short time.

For the war against the barbarians, Zhang Qi would not talk about etiquette with him.

Directly, the three-way drum ordered the soldiers to press up, without any fancy tactics, which would only be used in the stalemate stage.

This time, in addition to the shield soldiers and archers in the front row, Zhang Qi directly put the [-] most elite soldiers of Qi State at the forefront, and these people gathered together, Zhang Qi made up his mind to Break up the formation of the entire Laiyi army.

With such an arrangement, in the early stage of contact, if there are no elites in other directions, the casualties of the Qi army will definitely be slightly larger, but once the main attack direction is successful, the results of the war will be unimaginable.

A war broke out to determine the ownership of the entire peninsula. Qi soldiers and Laiyi people fought on this land.

After all, there are more Laiyi people, so their morale is still very good. The Qi soldiers who lacked a strong army did suffer a lot of losses in the early stage.

However, Zhang Qi had expected that the alternate use of law enforcement officers and reserves in the military would keep Qi's front line from collapsing.

But Laiyi's side is not like this at all. The elite of the 1 elite is an irresistible force in this world. The resources spent on these [-] people exceed the other [-] troops.

Now is the time to show their value.

Without encountering the elite of the Laiyi Kingdom, there is no single enemy at all.

Whether it was the chariot soldiers or those other units that matched the chariot, they almost didn't stop. They rushed over and left behind a lot of corpses.

The difference in strength is so great that one side is a samurai who kills for a living, while the other side is just a farmer who cultivates the land.

The two unexpectedly met in a battlefield. The samurai held a sword in his hand and wore armor, and the peasant held a rusty weapon in his hand and was wrapped in sackcloth.

Despair is a terrible emotion. When the Laiyi people found that these people could not be moved at all, and they killed hundreds of themselves without any casualties, they collapsed immediately.

The first person dropped the sword in his hand, and immediately there was a clatter, and everyone ran back.

The soldiers behind didn't know what happened, they saw the soldiers on their side rushing towards them suddenly.

Elite does not use it, it will become invalid after the expiration date!
What's the use of keeping the elite once they are coerced by the rout?This is the current situation in Laiyi Kingdom.

Then I saw Qi's chariot run over those people, and all Qi's soldiers looked like war gods.

They tried to shoot arrows at these people, but these people had bronze armor on their faces.

Except for the Hercules with strong bows, no one else can break through the defense at all. How many strong bows do these barbarians have?

They finally knew why those soldiers were running.

The nobles of the Laiyi people wanted to rectify the order, but they were called out one by one by the archers on the chariot. These elite soldiers were imitated by the Luo Kingdom dare warriors, and they could all draw strong bows.

Zhang Qi's tactics were very successful. The collapse of the army could only be prevented at the very beginning, and the speed of this collapse was beyond everyone's control.

How terrifying is the crash roll camp of 20 troops?

Zhang Qi didn't even dare to let Qi's army fight with the Laiyi people again. He ordered all the troops to pursue only at the edge, and absolutely not allowed to entangle with the Laiyi people.

Because this kind of chaos is likely to involve Qi's army, I am afraid that at that time, I will cry without tears.

The Qi army threatened the Laiyi people to mess with each other, and countless people were trampled to death in the process.

There were menacing Qi people in three directions, and all of them rushed to the location of the Chinese army.

The elite of the Chinese army wanted to stop it, but just after Chang Ge stabbed one person to death, ten people rushed over.

As the big banner fell to the ground, the casualties of the Laiyi people were already hard to estimate, and the soldiers of Qi State no longer wanted to kill these people with swords, because the nobles alone could not capture them.

Especially the royal city of Laiyi Kingdom is right in front of you. There are countless kings, queens, and nobles in it. Which one is not more important than these little soldiers?

"Qi country is victorious!"

Qi Jun shouted one after another and rushed into Laiyang City.

[Laiyi Kingdom is destroyed, Luoxiu, the son of destiny, assists Qihou Lu Xiaobai, the power of Zhuxia has made great progress, and you have gained luck points. 】

Feeling the surge of countless luck points, Ji Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly.


Qin resides in the western frontier, where he can also serve as a dog army; Chu resides in Hanyang, and merges with the southern barbarians;

From this, Zhuxia prospered, and the king's industry was formed from this. ——"Eastern Zhou Dynasty Chronicles Preface"

 The war of destroying the country, is it a bit hasty to finish writing a chapter?
  You can leave a message. I am gradually writing some war scenes. If you want to be more detailed, I can start writing later. However, if this is the case, the progress of the plot will definitely be slower. Anyway, there are advantages and disadvantages.

  The reason for the rapid advancement of the plot is that the time for the protagonists in these chapters is too short, and I don’t like reading this kind of books myself.

  But these are Guan Zhong and Xiao Bai. The whole book is about Zhu Xia and barbarians. If I skip these two great characters, I will become a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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