Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 384 Adding Changes for the Leader and Dao Hezhen (ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 384 Adding Changes for the Leader and Dao Hezhen (ask for a monthly ticket)
"Tap tap."

Luo Jing walked step by step in the palace, beside him was Jia Yi, the two came together, Jia Yi suddenly coughed twice, Luo Jing asked: "Prime Minister is not in good health recently?"

Jia Yi said in a unclear voice: "When people get old, they are easy to get sick, and Yi's body may not be able to serve as the prime minister anymore.

But now that His Majesty is about to fight the Huns, Yi can't retreat yet, he must persevere, and when the battle is over, it's time to beg for bones from His Majesty. "

Luo Jing frowned slightly worried when he heard this, and looked at the blue sky. Luo Ling is the person who is the best at military strategy among the living people in the world, especially in the battle of the large army. Handan, the main force of the Qin Dynasty, was destroyed The battle of battle is his and Xiang Yu's masterpiece.

When Luo Jing returned to Zhaocheng to worship his ancestors, he asked Luo Ling about the war between the Han and the Huns. Luo Ling thought it was not the right time, because Liu Che didn't have his own team yet, and the team he used now was Xiaowen left by the emperor.

This group of people is indeed more capable, but they are all too old. For example, Jia Yi, who was recommended by the Luoxin era, has been working hard, and he is almost exhausted.

A large-scale battle can be as short as a few months, or as long as several years, and these old people may not be able to endure it.

War is never just a battle between strength and weakness, but also a physical competition. In Go, there is a tactic called boil the old man, boil the old lady. There was once a second-dan chess player who used this skillfully to defeat the aged nine-dan Chess player, once the No.1 woman in the world.

The same is true for wars. If the commander-in-chief on one side is boiled to death halfway through the fight, then the problem will be serious.

If it is simply that the prime minister is old, the problem is not too big. After all, the prime minister belongs to the rear, but the fault in the army is more serious.

From the beginning of the founding of the country, Han Xin, Han Wumu, who was invincible in the world, was the invincible general in the beginning. In the hearts of the Han people, he was an invincible commander who surpassed Lu Sun Wu Bai. At that time, the princes and kings were the strongest, but even one dared to make a mistake. nothing.

After Han Xin, there were a large number of meritorious princes, as well as Luo Xin, a regent who was caught by the military and government. Shortly after Emperor Xiaowen came to power, Zhou Yafu served as a general. Until now, it has been more than 20 years.

Then there is no one.

Once Zhou Yafu retreats, the huge Han court will not even know who should be appointed as the general, because it has not fought a big battle for too many years, and this is the current Han court.

Liu Che is going to use the war with the Xiongnu to let Zhou Yafu bring out a group of people to forge a sword that can protect the country for the great man.

This is another strategic goal besides defeating the Huns, and even a more important strategic goal.

As Luo Jing and Jia Yi came to Changle Palace, the door of the palace was slowly closed, leaving only the light shining through the windows of the main hall to illuminate everything in the house.

Zhou Yafu is a general. He is currently No.1 in the Han army. He is absolutely high and powerful, but he is still not qualified to wear armor in front of the emperor, so he wears a large court uniform, and has white hair on his temples and on his head, but He combed neatly and meticulously, his whole style has always been like this, he is very strict with himself, which is almost the same as the style of running the army.

"I see you, Your Majesty."

Luo Jing and Jia Yi sat in their seats after saluting.

Liu Che directly gave each of the four people a copy of the copied battle report. After such a long time, he had naturally restrained his anger, but the coldness in his words still did not dissipate, "Shame! This is not only Is it the shame of me, or the shame of the whole big man!

Not to mention a one-to-one casualty ratio, even a two-to-one casualty ratio, I can accept it, but five to one, I don't even have the face to meet the ancestor gods. "

Liu Che gritted his teeth when he said this, and several people in the hall expressed their understanding. After all, the casualty ratio of five to one was really outrageous.

The Xiongnu are indeed strong, but not so strong. If it were so, the big Han would have been wiped out long ago.

In Ji Zhao's world, there is a saying called "One Han should be five Hus". Because of the widespread spread of this saying, and the fact that Wei and Huo are too fierce, it seems that there has always been an illusion that It is that the Huns are very weak, and the Han army can beat the Huns.

But in fact, this is completely a misunderstanding. If you can easily hang and beat the Huns, since Liu Bang has been several generations of monarchs for decades, will you be too panicked to send money and women to the Huns?

If it was really possible to beat the Xiongnu with ease, could it be that Luo Ling disliked the family background too deep, so he deliberately went to the grassland to spend a wave?

In fact, the casualties of the Han army have always been relatively large. The reason why Weihuo had such a high prestige in the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was that these two men could defeat the Huns and at the same time control the battle loss ratio to one to one. less.

Although tens of thousands of casualties were incurred in each expedition, most of the Han Dynasty could bear it, but few of the Huns could not. In the end, the Han Dynasty was still able to send troops, but the Huns had already withered to the extreme.

A tragic victory!

If it hadn't been for Wei Huo's passing away in the later period, and Li Guangli, a stinky chess player, who failed to chase after him and fight hard, and finally slowed down the Huns, the war would have completely ended in the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty!

Liu Che scolded fiercely, as if he was still not relieved, and seemed to want to express his importance and emotions to everyone, "In the past, Qin general Meng Tian was able to defeat the Huns for more than [-] miles. My great general and prime minister Han Wu Mu led the Han Imperial Army to defeat the Huns, and it seems that the Huns are not invincible.

Now my big Han soldiers have many generals,

The food in Taicang could not be eaten up, the coins in the treasury were even piled up into mountains, and the arsenals of every county were filled with armor and crossbows.

Let's look at those Huns who led beasts and cannibals, wearing rusty iron armor that seemed to be broken at a poke. The arrows and crossbows are so powerful that they can't even pierce paper.

Could it be that the big man would lose to such an enemy? "


Liu Che's words directly silenced Zhou Yafu. He is a general, and he will be responsible for leading the troops in the future. Now that the emperor has belittled the fighting power of the Huns so much, after that, no matter whether it is military achievements or military achievements, he will be the one to do it. It's going to be discounted.

The Xiongnu may have been like what Liu Che said before, but it is really not the case now. Otherwise, the casualty ratio between the Han army and the Huns would be so large. The only thing that the Han army has an advantage now is probably the bow and crossbow. In this regard, the Central Plains has always been invincible.

Zhou Yafu was silent, but Liu Che didn't let him be silent, and asked directly: "Han Wu Muhou is a great general, and Zhou Qing is also a great general. The late emperor appointed you and praised you for running the army with the demeanor of an ancient famous general. It must be possible to defeat the Xiongnu." of."

In the face of the emperor, any general can only say yes, because the purpose of setting up a general is to win!

Especially today's Hanting has made so many preparations for the war, especially in terms of national strength, it has reached an almost insurmountable peak.

If you can't win in this situation, what should the general do? Who can't lose?

Zhou Yafu kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, the late emperor knew that I have always been cautious and respectful, so he bestowed the position of general on this minister. I will do my best to serve Your Majesty and repay the kindness of the late Emperor and Your Majesty. The Huns are rampant. Disgrace to the king, this is the shame of the minister, only to defend the glory of the great man with blood and victory, as long as your majesty hand over the army to the minister, the minister will definitely bring victory back."

"it is good!"

Facing Zhou Yafu who responded decisively, Liu Che applauded with a high-five, and then asked Jia Yi: "Prime Minister, are all the materials needed for the war ready?"

Jia Yi immediately said: "Your Majesty, from Chang'an to Yanshan, Yanmen and other counties, the military granaries in various places have been built, and the [-] troops can draw along the way. They can guarantee that there will be no shortage of food for three years, and more than three years. Collecting and purchasing food from the people, the generals can fight as much as they want, and the money and cloth in the treasury are enough for the army to reward and pay. In a short period of time, the war will never affect the country. If it can be done within a year A quick battle, or victory over the Xiongnu within two years at the latest, cutting off their tentacles, and sweeping across the parts close to the Central Plains, I can guarantee that the Han people will not be greatly affected."

Jia Yi's words can be said to be Versailles, from which we can see how strong the current Han background is, and the impact of the war on the domestic people's livelihood is unimaginable, but now Jia Yi clearly said that even if it lasts for two years The Han court can still sustain the war, which means that the big man still has infinite potential to tap.

Liu Che was in a good mood when he heard the words, and he was relieved of the emotions that had been irritated by the battle report before. What he wanted was courtiers like Jia Yi and Zhou Yafu. He was not afraid that the generals would ask him for money, food, and soldiers, even if he didn't even have the guts to ask for it. In this way, being the prime minister is to solve the problem, instead of talking about this difficulty and that difficulty every day.

"Since the two lovers are ready, there is no need to delay. I am going to take the general as the commander, and at the same time command the Chinese army, and then divide the troops into five groups to wipe out the Huns on the Monan grassland. If we can capture Monan, That big man not only got a fertile horse farm, but he was also able to reverse his strategic disadvantage against the Huns."

Liu Che pointed to the Kanyu map with some enthusiasm for everyone, mainly Zhou Yafu explained his strategic plan and strategic goals. Although he is not the commander in chief, he has a very clear goal for each war, and it is by no means a whim. Start a war.

Zhou Yafu directly returned to the General's Mansion with the imperial decree, and issued a call-up order for the entire Guanzhong. Luo Jing did not stay in Chang'an, but went directly to Zhaocheng. Luo Jing still wanted to ask Luo Ling about the sudden action of the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Only then can you rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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