Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 379 Adding Changes for the Leader's Uncle Yaoyao (asking for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 379 Adding Changes for the Leader's Uncle Yaoyao (asking for a monthly ticket)
The princes and princes of the Han Dynasty went to Luo with swords, no, when they came to Chang'an with tribute, Dong Zhongshu was being severely whipped by Luo Jing in Dong'ahou's mansion.

This great Confucian who talked and laughed happily in front of Liu Che seemed a little humble in front of Luo Jing. It was really a double oppression, which forced Dong Zhongshu to do so.

Looking at the Luojing in front of him, Dong Zhongshu couldn't help thinking of 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the middle-aged and poor.

Luo Jing's faint voice sounded: "Dong Zhongshu?

You are really talented. You have not entered the Confucian genealogy, but you can come up with so many theories after listening to the lectures and reading the Spring and Autumn Classics. You even created your own Spring and Autumn branch of the Dong family and counted the Confucian children today. People like you Talent is also rare. "

In this era, calling people by their first names is not very respectful, but facing people who directly borrowed their ancestors' names, Luo Jing had a good temper if he didn't kill him directly. Absurd."

"Tell me about your understanding of the Spring and Autumn Classics, I want to hear it."

Dong Zhongshu didn't expect that Luo Jing would let him preach to him, he was stunned for a moment, and then he started to talk. Luo Jing frowned more and more as he listened. yes.

Luo Jing asked directly: "Are you from the Legalists and the Yin-Yang School? Where did you learn the Spring and Autumn Classics?"

The various schools of thought are not completely distinct. For example, Jia Yi was born in both Mengru and Qifa, and he also learned the skills of Huang Lao.

Dong Zhongshu felt that he had been insulted, and immediately said: "Why did you say such a thing?
How can the Legalists and the Yin-Yang School compare with the Dao of the two sages of Luokong? They don’t learn the Dao, but learn the Xiaodao. Although the subordinates are stupid, they also know the ups and downs. "

Luo Jingqi said: "Then where did the strong theory of gods and ghosts come from in your theory? Even the Mohists, who talked about heaven and ghosts in the past, didn't have as many words of prophecy in their theory. .

Although the different schools of Confucianism have different theories, the consensus is to respect ghosts and gods and keep a distance. You are full of gods, gods, ghosts, and the way of heaven and man. Isn’t that the Yin-Yang school? "

Dong Zhongshu was stupefied, you, a son of the Luo family, are telling me to respect ghosts and gods and stay away?
Isn't the Supreme God the ancestor of your family?

Maharaja Zhaogong, the living god, is still sitting in Zhaocheng!
As a result, you are now telling me to respect ghosts and gods and stay away, which is too outrageous, Dong Zhongshu asked with doubts in his mind: "What are you talking about, Junhou?

Su Wang's god is in the sky, and disasters will come when the monarch loses his virtue. Isn't this the law of nature? "

Seeing Dong Zhongshu's expression, Luo Jing finally understood that Dong Zhongshu was a wild Confucian student, and he had never received an authentic Confucian education.

In Confucian education, there are debates about the relationship between heaven and man and the theory of gods and ghosts, and there are complete explanations about Su Wang and heaven. Dong Zhongshu has never learned it, but he has a good talent for theory, so he came up with the current set of crooked ways!

Crooked ways, this is Luo Jing's evaluation of Dong Zhongshu's theory of heaven and man.

"How could Su Wang bring disasters to the world because of his dissatisfaction with the monarch?
What does the disaster caused by the monarch have to do with the people? King Su is supreme and holy, so how could he punish the people?

If you wake up from a deep sleep, you will definitely destroy the Hunjun directly. Your set of celestial and human induction is simply nonsense. If you are obsessed with obsession, you don't have to wait for King Su to wake up and destroy you. "

Speaking of which, Luo Jing half-drawn out his sharp sword, the blade of the sword gleamed coldly, reflecting on Dong Zhongshu's face.

This is actually to scare him, Dong Zhongshu is still a talent, but a wild way can come up with these things, even in the era of the explosion of schools of thought, he can still get the honorary title of son.

Dong Zhongshu is a bit courageous, if he doesn't PUA hard, he dares to engage in telepathy between heaven and man now, and he dares to do anything in the future, he dare not even think about it.

But Dong Zhongshu didn't know, he now felt that as long as he said something wrong, Luo Jing would kill him with a sword, and no one could say anything.

Because in Luo Jing's view, Dong Zhongshu was arranging his ancestors. Even if he was killed, the court would probably reward Luo Jing for his filial piety.

Dong Zhongshu's heart was full of ghosts, and he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. Please don't move your sword. You can change it in any way you say, and the minister can explain it."


Hearing this, Luo Jing slowly put away the sharp sword, and said in a drawn out voice.

Dong Zhongshu saw that Luo Jing's killing intent had dropped a bit, and he said quickly: "Looking at the actions of Marquis Shouguang and King Luowen in the past, I seem to want to expand the power of the prime minister, and I don't want the monarch to be the only one, but the emperor is the ultimate in the world. In particular, there are those shameless legalists who flatter the imperial power shamelessly. How can it be possible to restrain the imperial power by virtue of the system?
So the minister is worried about this. "

Luo Jing was a little speechless when he heard the words, Dong Zhongshu himself licked the emperor so much that he even had the face to say that the emperor licked the emperor.

Dong Zhongshu didn't care and continued: "After thinking about it, only Su Wang, who is the most supreme and holy, can have enough deterrent power to make the emperor be more cautious. Your lords and ministers are all loyal to Su Wang."

Dong Zhongshu's words were not lying, he was the best judge of the situation, and in his heart, the Luo family was more powerful than the emperor.

The emperor is just a tool for him to spread orthodoxy and realize his ambitions, and his true allegiance must be to Luo Shi.

Luo Jing said indifferently: "Su Wang is supreme, and he doesn't care about the moral character of the human monarch. If there is a single husband in the world, then the people will rise up. Gods belong to gods, and people belong to people.

King Su was in a deep sleep most of the time. If a person cannot strengthen himself, he cannot live in this world.

After you go back, hand in your classics, and store them in Zhaocheng. The words are not allowed to flow out, and all those that are passed on to the outside must be revised. After the revisions, hand them over to the Fuchu for review. "

Dong Zhongshu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, as long as he was not directly destroyed, it would be fine. As for revising the words that he had painstakingly written, it was not a problem for Dong Zhongshu at all. He was the most pragmatic kind of Confucian scholars.

Looking at Dong Zhongshu who left Dong'ahou's mansion, Luo Jing frowned slightly. Dong Zhongshu's matter was settled, but this time, the problem about King Su was exposed.

It is not enough for the heavens to take the blame, we must continue to go deep into the grassroots, and the heaven and the people must continue to be separated. Su Wang can only be used as the last deterrent. Su Wang must not be allowed to fully participate in all aspects of the world, and the people of the world cannot be cultivated. , To get used to.


After entering Chang'an City, princes, kings and princes from all over the world settled down, and then began to wait for the emperor's summons. Most of them just went through the motions and became familiar in front of the emperor.

The Luo family's missions did not lack places to live. In addition to Dong'ahou Mansion, there are also Shouguanghou Mansion and Yinghou Mansion. Although the owners of these mansions are not in Chang'an, the mansions have not been taken back.

These princes waited not too long in the city of Chang'an before they received a notice from the palace, confirming the date to go to Su Wang's cemetery.

Changle Palace.

Numerous guards of honor have naturally been prepared long ago, and offering sacrifices to heaven is the most grand political event, demonstrating the sanctity of being ordered by heaven, especially this time, it is even more important to go to Su Wang's cemetery to sacrifice.

Liu Che attached great importance to this sacrifice to heaven, far more than before, because this was the first time he went to Su Wang's cemetery besides his ascension to the throne.

As an emperor who has no achievements, he can only guarantee his authority by constantly promoting the sanctity of being ordered by heaven and the orthodoxy of the great Han Liu.

King Su's Mausoleum is not in Chang'an City, and it's not even too close to Chang'an City. After all, Bangzhou's capital Haojing City and Chang'an were not together in the past.

Looking from high above, starting from Chang'an City, countless horses and carriages were walking on the straight road, endlessly, with banners waving.

Many common people pointed at this majestic cavalry, highlighting the harmony between the monarch and the common people of a great Han Dynasty. This is the atmosphere left over from Liu Heng's era.

Liu Che didn't care too much about the opinions of these common people. He was stricter with the powerful and stricter with the law enforcement, because the powerful could threaten his status. As for the common people, Liu Che liked to give them money, and bestowed them with fine wine and food. No exception.

Liu Che waved his big hand arrogantly, and said: "Prime Minister, I am going to Luo County to pay homage to King Su, this is a great event celebrated by the whole world, and the people should be rewarded.

Give the people in Guanzhong a rank of nobility, and send people to give wine, food, and clothes to the elderly over [-] in the counties along the way.

Those who do well will be rewarded, and those who do poorly will be judged. If there are officials who cheat and fill their pockets, those who commit serious crimes will be put to death, and those who commit minor crimes will be exiled. This is my attitude towards the people of the world!

In addition, the counties that my car passed by this year should reduce their taxes this year, and their corvee should also be reduced, so that the people can feel the kindness of the court. "

The corners of Jia Yi's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, and he secretly slandered in his heart that he was a prodigal, and the rewards were not so rewarding. After passing through so many places along the way, how many coins would be thrown at once.

If it keeps doing this, the treasury really won't be able to carry it. Jia Yi thinks he doesn't have Luoxin's ability to change money.

However, the effect was obvious. Under Liu Che's crazy behavior of throwing coins, these people deeply felt the kindness of His Majesty the current Emperor, and shouted Long Live His Majesty.

In the hearts of the people, Liu Che has temporarily become an emperor no worse than Emperor Xiaohui and Emperor Xiaowen.

Liu Che liked the feeling of being supported by others, and the slight unhappiness brought by Luo Shi disappeared without a trace.

The Luo family's convoy led the way, with warriors on both sides. The emperor's convoy followed the Luo family's convoy all the way to King Su's Mausoleum. Thousands of forbidden troops protected Liu Che, and the nobles' convoy was at the end.

Not long after, King Su's Mausoleum appeared in front of everyone.

 Why do you need to write so much?

  The next chapter is possible, but it may be a little later, I am worried that I will not be able to finish writing at nine o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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