Chapter 369: The Sky Is Collapsing!
This is an ordinary small court meeting, there are very few people attending the meeting, and there are not many things to discuss. Today's world can be said to be peaceful, and there is no major event worthy of the court's attention. It is just a step-by-step routine every day.

While Liu Heng was talking, he suddenly felt a buzzing in his head, and then felt some flowers in front of his eyes. The last memory before falling into darkness was Luo Jing's frightened expression.

Luo Jing reached out to support Liu Heng's body, and the other ministers showed panic at the same time, Liu Che rushed up to support Liu Heng's body as well, Luo Jing said anxiously: "Everyone, quickly call the imperial physician order to come, His Royal Highness please Don't leave here, His Majesty will be fine."

All the ministers tried their best to put Liu Hengping on the bed. The imperial doctor came in a hurry, and after seeing it, he said: "Your Majesty is overworked, you should rest. I will prescribe some medicines for your majesty to cultivate health and rest."

The Imperial Physician Order took out that set of classic rhetoric.

But Luo Jing didn't believe it. Looking at Liu Heng's pale face, he felt more and more chilling.

Because there are too many symptoms like Liu Heng in the history books, even the relatively recent Emperor Xiaohui is the same.

An accidental coma, and then continuous coma, developed into a state of collapse within a short period of time, leaving behind the young Liu Heng and the regent King Luowen, who passed away.

Is his cousin, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, going to leave like this?


Liu Heng's weak voice suddenly came from above the bed, Luo Jing heard it clearly, and said with ecstasy on his face: "Your Majesty, the minister is here, the minister is here."

When the officials saw the emperor waking up, they were equally overjoyed. As the emperor, although Liu Heng was not as benevolent as Emperor Xiaohui, as long as he worked hard and was loyal, he would always be rewarded continuously.

Liu Heng felt his head swell a bit, as if he felt a big lump after being hit with a sledgehammer.

He forcibly opened his eyes, and then he saw Luo Jing with a worried expression in his heart, and he smiled and comforted him: "Ah Jing, don't worry, you take all the loves out first, brother, I have something to say to the prince. Say it."

The officials were shocked when they heard the words, the emperor did not call himself Zhen, and Luo Jing's thoughts went straight back to the two of them when they were young. That's how they were at that time. Liu Heng called himself brother. After the two gradually became sensible, Luo Xin let The two changed their names until now.

Luo Jing led everyone out of the hall, leaving only the historian's cat quietly in the corner, with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of him, Liu Che helped Liu Heng up, and said in a trembling voice: "Father, you..."

Liu Heng waved his hands casually, and said with an indifferent attitude: "It's just birth, old age, sickness and death, Su Wang's human body will die, let alone me, can I still surpass Su Wang?
The theory of ghosts and gods has always been illusory. Respect ghosts and gods and keep a distance. This is the teaching of the sages, and I think it is correct.

I don't believe the fairy alchemist's words at all. If there is really immortality in this world, Ah Jing will definitely send it to me. If there is no, then there is no!
So I have known for a long time that on this day, before the death of Emperor Gao, he would laugh out loud. This is the pride of the big Han Liu family and must be passed on. "

Liu Che could only nod his head when he heard the words. Liu Heng didn't bother with this matter, and asked softly, "I'm about to die, and you will become the new emperor of the Han Dynasty. How will you arrange for the courtiers of the Manchu Dynasty?"

Liu Che was shocked when he heard the words, knowing that it was Liu Heng who wanted to be the last, and then immediately said: "Father, the time for the child to succeed to the crown prince is too short, and the days of acquaintance with all the important officials are too short, but listen to what the father said. .”

Liu Heng glanced at Liu Che, and said softly: "Prime Minister Jia Yi, with the talent of Wang Zuo, is a rare and capable minister of the country. He also has an upright character. He is the assistant of the king who conducts the majestic way. Treat him well, but you have a strong character. If one day He angered you, leaving his life, it can be regarded as complete the friendship between the monarch and the prime minister."

Liu Heng has figured out the character of his son, and the life of the minister will not be easy in the future. Liu Che is a little shocked, he did not expect that he is such an image in the heart of his father.

That's the prime minister!
Could it be that the lonely will yell at the prime minister?
Liu Heng said again: "General Zhou Yafu is a good general, but he is old, and he will guard you for another ten years at most. The generals of the new generation are not very outstanding. It will be up to you to choose your own talents in the future. Remember, if you don't have a strong general, don't Start a war without authorization, I know you love martial arts, but the more you do this, the more you must restrain yourself, you must win a war, don't be arrogant."

Liu Che is very confident in his ability of strategic planning, but what Liu Heng said is a mature and prudent statement, and there is always no big mistake in being careful.

Liu Heng also talked about many people, such as Jiuqing, such as Chehou in the army, such as the empress and queen mother, but did not mention Liu Qi, both of them avoided this topic, and finally Liu Heng talked about Luojing.

"You don't know Dong'ahou very well, so I'm afraid Dong'ahou won't be as close to the royal family as he is now, but I still hope you can trust him. I and Dong'ahou are as close as one person, and there is my relationship. Dong'a Hou will still try his best to take care of you, your background is too shallow, he can give you the most lacking background, let you quickly grasp the state affairs, and Dong Ahou is a minister of Wenhua, as long as you don't ask, he will not express opinions on state affairs , and he has many heirs, once he dies, no matter whether it is Hou Guo or the current huge relationship strength, it will be torn apart in an instant, and will not threaten your throne, so he is your most capable assistant."

Liu Che keenly felt the change in Liu Heng's tone of voice. When talking about Dong Ahou, Liu Heng's tone seemed to be talking about his family, which rarely appeared to him.

"Father, don't worry, my ministers have always listened to advice, treated ministers well, and will definitely continue to use Dong Ahou."

Hearing what Liu Che said, Liu Heng felt a little worried, but at this time it was impossible to change the crown prince, so he could only finally say: "There is one more person, you must remember not to provoke him."

Zhaogong Mausoleum!
As soon as Liu Heng opened his mouth, Liu Che knew who he was going to talk about. The only one who could make the emperor feel like an enemy was Zhao Gongling, who had too many myths and legends.

Liu Heng stared at Liu Che closely, grabbed him with his hands, and said in a deep voice, "You haven't had much contact with Luo's son in your life, but I'm different. I was raised by King Luo Wen. Dong Ahou is by his side, and his understanding of the Luo family far exceeds that of you. King Luo Wen has reminded me countless times that although Zhaogong Tomb is a human body, it really has the ability to surpass the world. The only one who can surpass Zhaogong Tomb is time.

After you ascend the throne, you must not provoke Zhao Gongling without authorization. He is very old, and he may not be far away from his death. Wait for him to pass away naturally, and the mountain that is pressing on your head will disappear naturally. I am really worried about you Too arrogant, causing Zhao Gongling to be angry, and the country of the big man will be in danger. "

Liu Che has never seen his father so serious. The message revealed in his eyes is that if you dare to have the slightest hesitation, you will immediately abolish your crown prince!
Liu Che never thought of provoking Zhao Gongling in the past. He sat peacefully in Zhaocheng and didn't come out for decades, paying tribute on time. Who would provoke him? Liu Che is just more assertive, not without brains.

Seeing Liu Che's expression, Liu Heng finally felt relieved, as long as Zhao Gongling was not provoked, with the prestige of the Han family in the world, nothing serious would happen.

Liu Che exited the hall, Luo Jing walked in, and went straight to the bed. Liu Heng smiled and said, "I just talked to the prince."

Luo Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Has Your Majesty talked to the prince about the subject? I know you will."

Liu Heng said with a little recollection: "It was my father and mother who gave me my flesh and blood, but my uncle gave me my spirit. Looking through the history books of the past, from those scattered records, I feel more and more how precious my uncle is. , this is my luck.

Now that he has achieved such a great achievement, he should have lived up to his uncle's expectations. In the future, you will need to help Ah Jing to keep an eye on him, and others will not be at ease. "

Liu Che has already become an adult, and there is no need to arrange for a minister to assist the government. This is Liu Heng's private entrustment to Luo Jing, and then he talked about something about the two of them when they were young. People always do this when they are about to die. Things that don't come up keep flashing like a horse watching flowers.

As he was talking, Liu Heng's voice gradually dropped. Luo Jing talked to himself, was silent for a moment, then got up and walked out of the hall. Everyone was looking at him, waiting for the next person to be called in.

Then I heard Luo Jing shouting in a sad tone: "The sky is falling!"

Like a thunderclap, everyone stood up and filed in, and then saw the emperor lying there peacefully, not half alive.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud cry that resounded in the hall. The news of the collapse of the sky continued to spread from the hall to the farther. The whole imperial city was mourning for Liu Heng's death. Everyone couldn't believe it until Chang'an City. The merciful king thus left everyone.

Amidst countless weeping voices, the grand hymn rang out spontaneously, one after another. This is a hymn inherited from the ancient Bang Zhou. In the past, it was only sung when the king of the Luo Kingdom passed away. .


"The prosperity of the Daxing emperor has never been seen in ancient times. His virtue is comparable to that of the previous kings. Tai, Gao, Shi, and Zhong should be named Tai as the temple name. The Daxing Emperor practiced Zuo for [-] years. Therefore, the Emperor Daxing should also posthumously posthumously 'wen' with 'Jingtianweidi'."

Emperor Taizong Wen!

Xiaowen is small but wise, long but heroic, inherits the virtues of the ancestors, and inherits the great position from the young.As well as the way of justice, according to the world for forty years.Rewards must be used to record meritorious deeds; punishments must be based on punishment books.The practice of law, the prosperity of ritual and music, the system of fields and domains, the teaching of detailed order, the beauty of governance, the prosperity of the common people, the prosperity of the family, and the return of three generations, there is no such prosperity in China.Only I, Emperor Taizong Wen of the Han Dynasty, have the virtue of ruling the world and the merits of eternal peace. ——"Hanshu·Xiaowen Ji"

(End of this chapter)

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